FIMFiction UserScripts 383 members · 0 stories
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Group Admin

I thought it might be a good idea to have someplace to share userscripts and stylish scripts that don’t currently have a dedicated thread that you’ve spotted. Obviously, they may get their own threads later on, but this way we have somewhere to reference to find the ones that the author hasn’t posted here about yet.

Ones I’ve seen today:
Stylish: Green the Navbar

Stylish: Fix Rounded Fimfic Avatars

Fimfic Stop Shouting pls - Changes the navbar to lowercase.

If you see more, feel free to tack them on. (And if you are the author, feel free to go ahead and start a thread for the script in question.)


The “Green the Navbar” removes the allcaps as well now.

I made a thread for it.

see also (not mine)

Updated 2017.06.10 to work with nav bar pinning. Let me know if it looks bad on any particular page.

Might as well post here about my freshly updated banner style:

Front page

User page

User page, hovering over the header

Chapter page

If someone wants to make the popular stories scrollable again (I pulled this from the CSS before the change, thanks to TheMajorTechie):
div.front_page .popular-stories-container {
position: relative
div.front_page .popular-stories-container:after {
content: " ";
display: block;
background: rgba(238, 233, 226, 0);
background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%, rgba(238, 233, 226, 0)), color-stop(100%, #eee9e2));
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(238, 233, 226, 0) 0%, #eee9e2 100%);
background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(238, 233, 226, 0) 0%, #eee9e2 100%);
position: absolute;
bottom: 0px;
left: 0px;
right: 0px;
height: 200px;
z-index: 1;
pointer-events: none
div.front_page .popular-stories-container .story-card-list {
overflow: hidden;
height: 800px;
max-height: none
div.front_page .popular-stories-container .story-card-list::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
background-color: #eee9e2;
box-shadow: none
div.front_page .popular-stories-container .story-card-list::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
border-radius: 5px
div.front_page .popular-stories-container .story-card-list:hover {
overflow: auto;

If you are really particular and want the read more button on blogs to look more like they used to (psh, definitely not me, who said that?)
div.bbcode .styled_button{
background-color: #6BAD25 !important;
color: white !important;

Is there any way to fix the coding so that it is compatible with the script for restoring the toolbar to green? I had to comment out the section that applies it to the whole website, and then I messed something up, because now it’s not working properly on my user page, either. It’s overlaying instead of being underneath, and I’m not sure what happened, because it was working before I messed with it. I even reinstalled the script, and I’m having the same issue. :applecry: It works for a split second before I load the page, but then it messes up:

My other issue is that it pins the toolbar to the top of the page and the banner scrolls with it, so now I have all this extra stuff blocking the way.

TL,DR: somehow this broke already? Maybe?

Site Owner

Anything banner related while pinned will probably be broken because I changed how pinning works

Updated. Banner is now anchored to the main content element—I think this works okay with pinning (I never use it, so I hadn't thought about that before). I think I've caught all pages where it needed a spacing kludge, but let me know if anything's off.

Little hack to substitute the old logo in the new logoplace.

Group Contributor


For the record, I also maintain an old logo userstyle and have been doing so since December 16th, 2013.

This isn't exactly a user script but if anyone wants the .html download of the whole fic to read like it used to just use an html editor ad remove these lines from it.

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" /> <style> body { max-width: 50em; padding:0 1em; margin: 2.0em auto; text-align: justify; line-height:1.6em; font-family:sans-serif; } img { max-width: 100%; } h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { text-align: left; } .authors-note { border-top:3px double currentColor; border-bottom:3px double currentColor; padding-left:0; padding-right:0; margin-left:0; margin-right:0; } nav, article { border-top: 3px double currentColor; margin-top:2.0em; } </style>

Hi! I know it's been awhile, but I had to uninstall Stylish and installed Stylus instead, and I realized I forgot to record how I managed to exclude groups pages (e.g.*) from the banners, since I have no use for them there. I've been trying to do some research, but I haven't managed to figure it out, since nothing I try works (most of the exclusions I find are for global scripts, and it doesn't help that I know only some HTML and CSS, not whatever this scripting language is that I'm trying to work with). I don't even know how I figured it out in the first place. I figured I'd ask you first, since you wrote the script. I apologize if this is bothersome in anyway.

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