Twilights Dawn that is being deleted 18 members · 0 stories
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2645863 (Ahhhhh crap) Blue walks over to the troops tents, opening the flap he looks inside.

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2645867 The swordsman look like they just fought an enemy the tripled them in numbers and skill while the rest look decent

2645870 (Off for the night, pick this up again later)

((Sadly, and if you remember my explanation Pleaseworkforonce, Heaven has had the darker half of blood magic used on her. And, I couldn't sleep so I'm back. Though my internet is acting up.))

Heaven glared at Dim as Blue dragged him out. Sighing, she looked around for Blue. Once she found him, she tapped him, slight anger in her voice. "We need to talk." She said, almost dragging him. "About Dim."

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2645878 (Blues out for the night)

((Yeah, I just saw that.. As I said my internet is acting up...))

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2645878 (That may be one of those things that are better left secret for now and cause one hell of a shitstorm later anyways. Plus I have not quite got greenwalls past with Dim down yet all I know is that they are both highranking members of the dawn brigade)

((What about Dim using blood magic? Or that Heaven had blood magic used on her before?))

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2645891 (Dim using blood magic anyways the only way you would have even had a hint I used blood magic was that I paled, the rune I used and the red aura are perfectly legal I actually was using blood magic when me aura was normal. I'll explain this universes blood magic tomorrow)

Star finishes up his training in time to see the arriving letter for the shouting nut that was leading them he supposes.

2646559 (Bit late mate)

2645892 Entering the tent Blue looked around and sat down. "First combat?" He asks aloud.

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2651036 (I'll be on in an hour)

2651650 (forgot have RPG night tonight, won't be on for 5ish hours)

(Hm... its just a little after midnight for me. I'll probably only be around for the next two hours myself.)

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"alright men, today is the day we have been training for. Retrieve your live weapons and armor and line up in formation we are moving to man the crystal cities walls in 10 minutes, MOVE!" The pegasus smirked seeming pleased that he managed the scream something.

Star seeks out a weapon for himself and some ammunition. He is hesitant to take on any armor as he has always found it cumbersome though so he tries to forgo that if he can.

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2654612 (Sorry I was distracted by well yeah my mind is still full of buck [youtube=] )

(Heh, I haven't seen that since it first came out. As always flashbacks are mildly disturbing.)

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"Alright men lets move out we are to march to crystalville and evacuate the population to the crystal city. Keep your arrows unnotched but at the ready Understood? NOW MOVE OUT!" The stallion the proceeded to the head of the column and marched ahead

Falling in with the rest, Star looks around to see if anything unexpected is about to happen. Back in his day this is about the point that a spell mine would be tripped as the soldiers line up and march back toward their city. Hopefully cunning has been as on the decline as war in this time period.

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2654702 Twenty minutes later the CO (Did I give this guy a name?) stopped the march. Squinting down the road he calls one of the pegasus forward. "Fly ahead and find out what that smoke is"
Confused, but trusting in the sergeants eye sight he flies off to find the smoke. (He is the archery instructor after all)

(Nope, no name that I can recall. I've been calling him Shouty McLoudmouth personally. (Yes, Pinkie is acting as a temp for the part of my brain that handles naming random npcs.))
"I do believe we are late."

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2654756 (I'm going through all the oldies now


Ignoring the most annoying unicorn he has ever met [and that was saying alot] he continued to wait for the scout to return.
2 Minutes later the pegasus came speeding back panickly saying "Gryphons, town, massacre, fighting, lots" Silencing the pegasus the sergeant began to order the troops into a running march. "Move it notch your arrows but keep them pointed at the ground. If you fall behind you will be left behind. It's time to see how you maggots do against moving targets."

"Oh goody, blood." Star mutters this in a tone that one can't tell if he is a psychopath genuinely exited or being sarcastic about the upcoming mayhem. His magic notches one of the arrows in the bow as they move.

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2654806 As the group approaches the city the defenders can be seen making a valiant stand (And by that I mean theyre killing soldiers yelling ALA before destroying them with pitch forks) but it is obvious that they are fighting a losing battle

50 fighters 0 injured 0 dead
700 NC's 90 militia 50 injured 100 dead
300 Fighters 24 injured 60 dead

A group of twenty gryphons see the archers approaching. Hoping to kill the reiforcments quickly they charge at the archers. The CO fires an arrow into the lead gryphons head yelling "Fire!"

((So is this in time with me and Balancer?))

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2654839 (No I'm writing an intermission atm)

Star uses his magic to draw the bow and fire toward the griffons that have noticed them. Even as that arrow is in the air his magic already is notching another to fire. "Magic, don't fail me now." He is tempted to see about using any sort of spell to speed himself up but holds off not knowing if he could be accurate while in that state.

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2654843 The as the order the leaves the stallions mouth over fifty arrows rise up to meet the gryphons. Not realizing these archers were soldiers and not militia the gryphons are peppered with arrows before falling to the ground

50 fighting 0 injured 0 dead
680 NCs 80 militia 60injured 110 dead
276 fighting 28 injured 80 dead

taking advantage of this opportunity the instructor orders a forward march firing arrows. Gryphons are falling left and right, but the bulk of their force are now charging the newfound threat

"Methinks this will get messy if we let them get close. Hey, boss shouty, any of the local terrain we can use to keep them from charging right into us? I know they can fly but if we are lucky it might take them a moment to get to the air during which we can pepper them." Star fires several more arrows into the opposition even as he begins to ready the use of some of his other gear.

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2654936 "The only place with coverage is the town ,but we'll have to get past them first. Alright here's the plan me and the other pegasus will fly into the air and shoot them from there. I want you to make a shooting retreat to the town and help the militia. Hopefully us challenging their air superiority will buy you the time needed."

"Alright." Star starts to work on following the orders firing into the griffons all the while. "I hope I'm keeping track of my arrows properly, it would be so embarrassing if I ran out."

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2654989 (:rainbowderp::rainbowhuh::applejackconfused:


Flying into the air with the other pegasai he shouts out "HAY BIRD BRAINS HOW ABOUT YOU SHOW US WHAT YOUR MADE OF... YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!. Before notching four arrows at once and proceeds to hit four gryphons. His veins still popping out from the thunderous yell

"So that is why he shouts so much." With a smirk Star shifts within the retreating line so he is hanging back while the others make for the city just long enough to spill several rolls worth of coins all about the grounds in front of the oncoming griffons. "Let's see if your nervous system is any better than a buffalo's." He fires into more of the griffons before hightailing it to catch up with the rest.

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2655040 several charging gryphons run across the coins promptly electrocuting 15 of them. seeing their allies death the other gryphons decide to fly over the coins after the archers

"Aim for the ones taking flight. Ground them if at all possible." Star keeps firing as he retreats even as some of his magic fishes around inside his robes for something else of use.

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220 gryphons left

"Did I put that illusion casting mirror in here?" Keeps firing and retreating. (About how close to the walls are we at this point?)

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2655123 (your approaching the village now. The city is pretty far away)

Taking note of the town, Star tries to take cover and see if there isn't anything he can take advantage of here. While slipping inside what he hopes is an abandoned house, he places a fire rune on the door.

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2655149 (sorry went afk) Several griffons saw a unicorn run into a house so they all swoop down to make the kill first. Witch also means they ended up blowing up

"Hehehehe." Having managed to use that time to enchant a few of his arrows that remain with similar effects to the fire rune he planted on the door. Star jumps out a window, as only an idiot charges through the smoke toward incoming opponents, he starts to run toward another hiding spot. As he goes he fires one of the exploding arrows toward any grouping of griffons he can see. "I feel like having chicken tonight."

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2655190 (Want to wrap up this fight archers kinda kick a griffons ass any day of the week) The sergent continues rain death onto the griffons laughing like a maniac and every now and then letting out an "OHH YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"

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40 fighting 10 injured 0 dead


500 NCs 60 militia 80injured 210 dead


174fighting 30 injured 180 dead

(Sure, everything is starting to look fuzzy for me anyway which means its time for me to hit the hay.) Star Craving chuckles as he takes out another little grouping. "Come on then, any of you got what it takes, eh?" It would seem the battle is provoking a demonstration of why his title is 'Star Craving the Mad'. He seems to have run out of arrows at this point and is out in the open with an insane smile on his face.

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