Twilights Dawn that is being deleted 18 members · 0 stories
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"I have a name." Heaven said, half growling at Dim. "And you should take this." She said, as she gripped a piece of cloth from her cloak with her mouth, ripping it off. "Should probably learn how to use those." She chuckled, before vanishing again. And two minutes later again, rejoined with Blue's group by kicking one of the Gryphon's in the head, one near Blue. "Need any help?" She asked, a soft smile on her face.

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eta 4 minutes

2645732 Blue shuts the others out of his mind as he focuses on killiing the leader. As the griffion charges he thrusts forward, aiming to impale the griffion with his own momentum.

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2645733 "Wait I wasn't talking to oh never mind medics get over here and keep using that healing spell I taught You I have to help the soldiers"
Releasing the magic into Greenwall and hoped it would be enough to save his old friend. Marking out a rune he ordered the top six magi into the rune before he teleported with them right in the middle of the battle

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eta 2 minutes
20 dead 5 fighting 15 injured
now 12 fighting

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2645740 caughing out blood the gryphon stares him point blank in the eye and says "you cannot win"

2645749 "Fuck you." Blue spits back as he knocks the griffon flat before he impales it to the ground.

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2645733 "Holy shit" Dim mutters before he launches himself into the fray pulling out his sword glowing with an etheral purple he began to kill any gryphon within 10 yards of him before he got to work on the injured.
teleporting anyone injured near him he begins to close life threating wounds first before trying to heal the others into condition to fight

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Eta 1 minute
15 fighting 12 injured 20 dead
40 fighting 30 dead 20 injured

2645753 Spin around Blue begins loading and unloading his cross bow at the surprised griffons, a steady *crack**thump*crack**thump**crack**thump* sound fills the air, his blade lazily slicing through the air.

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eta now
55 fighting 10 injured 22 dead
Gryphons 25 fighting 40 dead 25 injured

Chuckling as she began an assault on a couple of the Gryphons near her, she turned to look at Blue. "Say, bet I can get more then you by the end of this war Blue." She chuckled, as she turned to focus on the Gryphons in front of her.

2645760 Panting under his helm from the sheer amount of magic he'd been using in such a short time Blue pushes the stress from his mind, continuing his steady massacre, his sword siting by his side as the griffons took to the air. The crack of his bow signaling the death of a griffon each time it fired.

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2645733 After he finishes the last life threatening injury Dim rejoins the battle. Each cut of his sword seemed to act as if there was a phantom blade following wherever he cut. As more reinforcements arrived it became obvious they were going to win

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10 gryphons remaining

2645772 (What's the count now?)

2645762 Wordlessly Blue continues his spree.

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Ponies are the same
6 gryphons fighting 25injured rest are dead

Grabbing one of the swords of the fallen, Heaven vanished, only to appear on one of the gryphons in the sky. She then used the said sword to stab the gryphon at the bas of it's neck. She then smiled, watching it fall to the ground. "Right, who's next?" She said, her wings flapping to keep her in the air as she looked around at any other Gryphons.

2645779 Watching the griffions flee with the pegasus hot on the trail Blue puts his bow down. Removing his helm he takes amoment to breath before facing Dim. "What's the count."

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2645762 Seeing a gryphon fleeing the fight Dim teleports in front of him. Dim's sword impale the gryphon as it flew into him

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2645785 twisting his blade Dim says" That was the last healthy one Dim looked at all the injured gryphons before turning towards the city. "Execute them we can risk them telling their allies anything" Dim teleports back to the city having said that to hopefully save Greenwall

Heaven appeared on top of two or three more Gryphons and stabbed the base of their necks in turn, before she landed next to Dim and Blue. "I don't think many of them are left." She sighed, out of breath. "Anything we can do? And I really need to work on my endurance..."

2645784 Nodding as Dim disappears Blue turns. "Alright ponies, kill the wounded and take our injured back to the city. Move!" He shouts bringing his sword down onto a wounded griffon for emphasis.

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2645796 (Shit remind me to change your morale compass)

2645797 (Just following orders sir)

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2645798 (Yeah I need to change it from justice to law they're similar but law does it because they're told to justice is more of a personal morals)

((And Heaven's... I almost had her one of those Mercenaries that are like, "Not my job." But then that wouldn't fit with the personality she's going to have in ANE book 2...))

2645800 (Yeah, though he wont follow a stupid order or one that'll cause harm to pony kind....just kinda fuck every other race attitude.)

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2645802 (lol so hes racist gtk)

2645803 (sorta, he just sees that, hey our race has literal gods and were are the most powerfull...yeah we're best)

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2645793 DIM!" one of the medics runs up to Dim the moment he arrives "thank God you're here were losing her!" Ignoring the medic Dim rushed over to Greenwall and grabbed her hoof
"No, she's losing her pulse. You!" Dim pointed at the medics. " All of you gather all of the magical energy you can and concentrate on her heart" on the verge of panic Dim runs to the medical closet and grabs water, salt and sugar. He mixes it into a watery cream before he places it in a syringe. Praying that this will be enough he injects it into one of her veins.

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2645793 do anything else you want at that scene then time skip to the city

2645815 (initiate timeskip Vwroop) As he finally tudges back into the city Blue makes a point to go see how Greenwood in coping, heading straight for the medic tents.

2645820 (Just missed a fight.)

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2645801 Greenwall is in the center of a complex rune. Dim's horn is glowing a violent green at the moment and every medic in the tent had a similar green coming from their horns and going into Dims own horn. The amount of power in the tent was intoxicating to a unicorn

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2645820 go to the cyrstal kingdom mission and choose a class other than swordsmanship( And archery if you want that to be one of your base skills being an assassin and all)

((Last post before i head to sleep. don't do too much awesome shit while I'm gone.))

Heaven was already in the tent next to Greenwoods bed. "About time." she mumbled as she looked over at Blue. "I've been watching them this whole time." she chuckled. "I hope she'll be alright."

2645823 Staying silent Blue watches the ritual take place. Didn't think it looked that bad.... He thinks to himself with a shake of the head as he finds a spot to sit down.

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*twenty minutes later*
By now the magic in the room is becoming toxic and Dims eyes are glowing that same green colour as his horn. Most of the medics have started to suffer from magical exhaustion and had to leave the room lest it kills them. Opening his eyes as the last Medic was dragged out he decided it was now or never.

All the magical energy that could be felt before was gone, Dim glowing as if he was a ghost now cast the spell pouring all the magic he could reach into Greenwall. at first the green disappeared from Dim before his natural aura took over channeling magic into her. Then when his own magic ran out the rune glowed red and so did his horn. If you looked closely enough you would have noticed his skin paling until he fell to the ground, his horn so hot it had turned white.
The last thing Dim saw was Green wall coughing

2645842 Rushing over Blue props Dim up as he speaks to Greenwood. "How you feeling?"

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2645843 Staring at Blue she shrugs her shoulders before she falls back down passed out

2645847 Carrying Dim from the room Blue looks around for a nurse, finding one rushing over towards him he hands Dim over to her. "Passed out, magical exhaustion, Sargent Greenwood's stable but need care." Leaving the officers in more capable hooves Blue goes off to inspect what's left of the original troops.

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2645850 (Yeah Dim's out for a few missions and may be going to prison. So I will be using Greenwall as my second character for now)

2645853 (Prison? Wait wat)

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2645857 (He may have used some blood magic there... okay a lot of blood magic there, but most ponies have never seen it so he should be fine.)

2645859 (Shit balls how much damage did that arrow do!!)

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2645861 (pierced her heart lungs and cut a few vital arteries. Oh and she had been dead for about 58 minutes at that point so if you look at the Hand of God spell you'll understand)

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