Twilights Dawn that is being deleted 18 members · 0 stories
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1140413 1138324(Why not? Maybe the stealer will try to get help from them, also sorry for the space between the reply, I'm reading a fanfiction :twilightblush: Also can we use background pony or just OC?)

1140526 (Up to you, also the way you can identify a NT member is because the have a tattoo of a black tear drop in between there shoulder blades with black wings stretching out and across the shoulder blades.)

1140535 (Okay, but Raging won't fight them for the moment, and one point for you if you find who she is searching.)
Raging was in front of an old building, classy yet unsettling. Her cloak was covering her entirely, the only things visible were her eyes. Two bulky earth pony were in the front of the double door. She walk toward them with a smile before asking them :
"Hello, I search a pony, more precisely a unicorn with blue coat and a golden mane, did you see him?"
"Well, it's clear at least, unfortunately, I know he is here, so you have two choice, the easiest is to let me pass" she said before smirking.
"And if we stop you?" ask one of them before walking toward here, almost growling. Raging looked at him for a few moment before shaking her head.
"Well, obviously you die." she said before her horn lights up and a knife stab the other guard in the eyes before she stab the one in front of her and send a magic ball, exploding his head. "Well that was messy" she said as she enter inside the building.

1140592 Thinking to himself Blue wanders along the street. As he walks he notices a cloaked pony talking with some guards, arguing about something. Just as he is about to continue on his way the cloaked pony kills the two ponies, messily, and steps inside. And here a thought I'd come here to relax He mentally grumbles to himself as he runs into the building.

1140627 The interior of the building looked liked an hotel, they were a dozen of pony, but Raging didn't lose any time and went to the counter and pull her dagger on the neck of the unicorn who was working here.
"Unicorn, blue coat and golden mane. Where is he? And don't tell me that you don't know"she asked him as some blood began to drop.
"Thir... Third floor, chamber 305, please don't kill me" said the frightened pony as those around them began to take a fighting stance.
"Thank you, you are too kind." said Raging before walking toward the stairs. A pegasus flew in front of her and take an intimidating position.
"And where do you think you are going? If you think we will let you do what you want in our territory, you are going for a wild ride, boy."
"How rude of you, unfortunately I don't have the time to correct you so say hello to my little friend." said Raging as her horn flared and a pouch appeared in front of her. She opened it and ashes fall on the ground before forming a Cinder wolf. "Say hello to my little puppy." said Raging before walking to the stairs as the Cinder Wolf tackled the pegasus and bite his neck.
(Too OP?)

1140709 (Nah. By the way who do these guys belong to, please say the NT:rainbowkiss:.)
Blue rushes into the reception as the cinderwolf leaps at the terrified pegasus. Using his firing his magic at the Cinderwolf Blue traps it in a sphere of his shield spell and crushes it, rushing over to the downed guard he rips the fabric of his shirt sleeve to make a bandage. "It's okay your going to make it through this!" He shouts.

1140731 (The leader is a NT, but I doubt that they are all NT, they are more like their henchman. But if I understand correctly they are only pegasus right?)
While Blue was helping the guard, the magic that animated the Cinder wolf began to reform it again, the magic was a bright red. Meanwhile Raging was on the third floor, she only meet three other guard and she didn't lose too much time on them, but she was clearly annoyed. When she was in the front of the door of the room 305 she burst it open with her magic and looked around. There was three ponies in the room, two of them were pegasus while the last one was the unicorn she searched. They turn toward her, the two pegasus wearing wings blades.
"So your finally here, I wondered when one of you will find me." said the unicorn in a refined voice.
"Well, I'm in vacation, so I took the time to see you, and you know? Maybe kill you." she said as her horn began to glow with a bright red and the heat of the room began to up.

1140789 Seeing the wolf reform and having stabilized the guard Blue decides to run up stairs using quick bursts of teleportation to hasten the trip. He appears in a burst of blue magic, taking note of the sudden heat he grimaces. "Freeze!" He shouts, staring at the cloaked unicorn.

1140821 "Ho! It seems that we got company, what a shame, I'm not one for the public show .My two friends here will help you get rid of this anger, while me I'm going to take a drink, see you later! " said the blue unicorn before teleporting away while the one of the pegasus jumped on Raging will the other one looked at Blue "I think you should leave if you want to be safe.". Raging cursed before throwing a fireball to the pegasus who dodged it, the fireball hit a furniture who catch fire. Before the pegasus was back on his hooves, Raging dashed toward him taking a second daggers in her telekinesis and tried to kill him, seeking an opening in his guard.
(The two of them are NT, so I don't really know how strong they are, and what experience they have.)

1140860 (Eh there just mooks) Blue stares down the Guard while Raging attacks the other one, she gets in a lucky strike but the Guard doges, his shirt ripping along the back reveling a tattoo Blue was all too familiar with. Blue's eyes widen in shock and he lights his horn causing shield to spring up in between Raging and the guard she was attacking. "Stop this now!" He shouts.

1140879 Raging stopped and looked at Blue, before sighing.

1140889 Blue nods at Raging before dropping the shields and turning to the guards. "All right lads, start explaining."

1140898 (You are doing it or I'm doing it?)

1140914 (Well...I don't really know what there motivation could be to help a stealer like the "Master". Except maybe an object of power ?:trixieshiftright:)

1140936 (I'll do it then.)
The guards give Blue a hard look. "Look why should we tell you lot anything? This mad bitch bursts into the office-"
He's cut off as Blue interrupts him. "You want a reason? Here's one." And this was such a nice shirt. Blue grasps his shirt and rips it off, revealing the tattoo on his back, a tattoo that matched the ones supported by the guards.
(Oh yeah that's right the valorous knights has gang ties. I'll leave you to take over here.)

1140950 (Between the girl ninja and that... Soon we will discover that Dim like to play with dolls and Raging is from a rich noble family and her parents are Hoity Toity and Photo Finish :rainbowlaugh:. Also it feels always strange to use characters that I don't know anything about.)
"What? But... You... Why are you here? It was supposed to be just us here. Why are you helping her?" said the first guard confused while the other one looked suspicious.

1140969 Blue reaches over and grabs the guard by his shirt and yanks him close. "Now listen because I am only going to say this once. Why is one of my squad mates here and what have you done?"

1140991 "We're just here to help a VIP. He was here to give us something really important, but your... squad mate burst in before he give it to us." said the guard, bitting his lips. Raging looked around the room before cursing again. "Great, so he escaped with it."

1141006 "Well boys guess what." The guards look at each other before shrugging. "You've fucked up." Blue says as he brings his face close. "Big time and now you and the local branch owe me a favor."

1141025 "Why would we owe you a favor?" said the guard uncertain as Raging began to be annoyed.

1141055 Blue grins. "Three words. I'm Blue Shift." The guards look like they're about to crap themselves. "Yeah you heard right." Blue throws the gaping guard backwards. "Now scat and tell the local boss that i'm calling in some favors."

1141068 The two pegasus fly away while Raging looked at Blue. "It seems that you have some secret too. I won't ask you how you know them, but if you try to stop me from finding Him, you will die."

1141113 Blue closes his eyes breathing deeply. "What did they do." He asks in a calm voice.

1141133 "He stole something from my family, I know that he had the help from a gang, but he had so much help. I might need to change my plan." said Raging before cursing (again) under her breath.

1141170 "Damn it, damn it DAMN IT!" Blue swears as he picks up a throws a chair through a window. Breathing deeply he turns to face Raging. "Why of all the fucking gangs in the world did it have to be them?"

1141191 "I don't know what this gang his, so I can't tell you, but the "Master" as he like to be called, always use the best."

1141202 "I can tell you who this gang is, I can tell you exactly who they are." Blue says having calmed down slightly. (Jumping off for now, see ya later)

((And once again... I'm left in the dust.))

((This same thing happened in both the Appleloosa and Nightmares & Appletrees threads. I go to sleep, and everyones moved on leaving Heaven alone, doing nothing. You forget that I have a different sleep schedule then you guys. Last couple of days, I've slept 3 hours a night, just so that I wouldn't miss anything. It finally got to me last night.))

1141623 (That's why time zones are evil. It's the same for me actually, the rp are always around 4am for me :ajsleepy: or in the afternoon where I can't be here :twilightangry2:)

((Either way, I'm sleeping when everyone seems to be on. And awake when they are leaving. So, I'm leaving Twilight's Dawn. I'm not going to concern myself with an RP group that doesn't have rules put in place so that EVERYONE is included.))

1141680 (I can't blame you, but the group is relatively recent, so maybe it will be better after some time? And it would be unfortunate(or at least I think it's this word) to leave this rp. Just to know what is your time zone?)

1141680>>1141694 (Any one on? And yeah time zones suck, got off last night at like 4am.)

1145535 (I'm on only now.)

1145535 (Should we continue this RP or not? Because I liked it, it had ninja... But without ZeirMakavar...)

((I'm back, so if you want to continue you can.))

1743955 (I'm okay with that, I just need to read the last part to remember the story)

((I've done the same, Oh, and I'm also working on A New Equestria as we speak... write...))

1744092 (It's a really good fanfic, it really need more view. And your view on magic is something that I like, almost all the fanfic I've read didn't used magic to it's full potential, or even half)

((It's a different take on Magic then FiM yes, but it's basically the take I was raised on. The older magics are more powerful then the newer ones, and cost more in return.))

1744120 (It's not my headcanon, but I think it make sense, and is interesting. It also explain why Discord is so powerful that he need the incarnation of pure harmony to be only contained for "short" amount of time. (for me, the Element of Harmony are the incarnation of pure harmony, and as such weren't made by the princess, and are older than even Discord himself. But I don't think there is a story with this headcanon :unsuresweetie:)Short, because he is immortal, an a few thousands year aren't much for him. )

((Long awaited reply...))
"Be quick about it..." Heaven sighed, blinking. "Hey! Don't order me around." She mumbled, half ignoring the kiss.
"Damn him..." She mumbled as she walked back to the mansion. "Did I miss something?" Sebastian asked, watching Heaven. "Or is your friend not staying with us." Heaven shook her head sighing. "No, he had business to take care of."

((What would be your headcannon? I've been intrigued.))

1744172 (I'm going to eat, for short, each magic have a 'price', the oldest magic are primal, and require a huge price, and as such have important consequence on the world or the 'Ether'. The newest magic have been changed to be more easy to use, but are weaker, they can have the same effect than the Old magic, but it's more difficult. It depends also on the nature of the caster. If you want I can explain it more to you, but the food call me :derpytongue2:)

1744172 (I'm back. When I read what I wrote, it look almost like your headcanon, so to clarify things, Arcanic magic is the 'new' magic, it use the stamina (or energy, I never remember the difference between those words) of the caster, it's really easy to use it, and isn't dangerous to the caster except some particular case such as using it to cast a spell of the 'old' magic. While the Arcanic magic only use the stamina of the caster, the old magic consist of using particular 'tribute', for the Blood magic, the caster must use his own blood and he can add the blood of someone or something else to enhance it or give it special effects. Dark magic use the 'sanity' or the soul of the caster, same thing for the Light magic. Elemental magic need the caster to devote himself to the element, and can either die if he is too weak, or become a part of the Nature. The difficult part of my headcanon is that it's really hard to make the Old magic believable. And the nature of the caster is important too. As such, Celestia can be considered as the Avatar of Light, she won't have any problems to cast a Light spell, and it would require her less energy than casting a Dark spell. Damnit, I wrote too much :unsuresweetie:)

((Well, that certainly is interesting... And I must take my leave for today, maybe I'll be able to get on tomorrow, or next week... don't really know.))

1744441 (Well, see you later.)

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