Twilights Dawn that is being deleted 18 members · 0 stories
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Heaven nodded, smiling again. "Well, that's good to hear... I think." She said, as the crowded street caused Heaven to bump awkwardly into Blue. "S-Sorry..." She said once again looking away, a slight blush on her face.

1126328 As she pushed up against him Blue's mind went into overdrive. DonthinkaboutitDonthinkaboutitDonthinkaboutitDonthinkaboutitDonthinkaboutittDonthinkaboutittDonthinkaboutit....OMG SHE BLUSHES SO CUTE!!!
After forcing himself to think completely not sexy thoughts Blue smiled. "It's okay, i don't mind." As they entered the restaurant and approached the counter the waiter greeted them with a foreign accent. "Welcome Sir, will you be wanting a table for your lovely lady friend?"

((Ironically, that's what I was thinking about half the time when I was with my Girlfriend...))

Heaven smiled again, nodding. "That's good to hear." She mumbled as they walked into the restaurant.

1126428 The waiter ushered them into the restaurant and Blue chose a table on the second floor over looking the city, the setting of the sun cast a faint glow over the horizon. As the waiter poured a bottle of wine Blue smiled and raised a toast."To good health and a pleasant vacation." Baring any more surprises I think i might just enjoy this.

(Oh Blue you have no idea...)

((Not earlier he was worried about her killing him in his sleep, now he's thinking about how 'cute' she is? I'd have to agree with you...))

"Yeah, for good health." Heaven said, giggling slightly. "So... what all have I missed? I mean, sense we last saw each other before you came to Las Pegasus."

1126507 (Eh pretty mares are his kryptonite sorta)
"Not much since our last mission, other than the debriefing, which you don't go to nothing much has been going on. Just training and the like." Blue takes a sip of his drink. "I would like to apologize for earlier though, I guess I'm still getting over the fact that your well...a mare." Blue smiles a bit. "Heh, still a bit weird when I think about it, not that i'm complaining or saying you look like a actually look quite pretty."
Gods damn't man! Get a hold of yourself, your acting like a bloody teenager out there!
The part of his brain that usually kept his hoof out of his mouth was repeatedly banging itself against the inside of his skull.

"I'm not really sure how I should take that..." Heaven said, looking away as she blushed again. "Are you implying that you think I'm attractive?"

1126632 Well buddy I did all I could, hope you like the taste of dirt cause your hooves are firmly in your stomach. The sensibly part of his brain said.
"Well..yes you are a very attractive mare." Okay, you can do this, you're an adult, it's okay to like a mare's body just don't do anything stupid and we can come out of this with all our organs on the inside.
Blue grins. "You have a beautiful smile."
Do you have death wish!? Well I suppose this was a good run while it lasted.

((Why do I get the feeling he was talking to his 'treacherous penis' in that internal monolog?))

Her blush slightly deeper, Heaven shifted in her seat. "You... You really think that?" She asked, still looking away.

1126712 Holy Princesses we're not dead...alright then let's see if how far we can push this. I mean what's the worst that can happen, she can only kill us once.
Blue blushed as well. "Well yes, you should smile more often, it really is beautiful."
Wait...don't tell me we're falling for her...REMEMBER WHAT SHE DID TO THE BUFFALO DAMN IT SHE'S BUCKING PSYCHOTIC!

"Th-thank you." She said, smiling. "Well, so much for 'just friends' huh?" She said, giggling. "It seems like we both are here with someone they like... Well, I am at least."

1126779 "Well we're both adults, nothing wrong with that." Blue gives Heaven a smile. "Heh, could you imagine how awkward this would be if any of the others were here." Blue chuckles as he imagines Raging's reaction.

(Is it just me but why am i expecting ninjas to burst through the windows?)

"Yes, that would be most awkward." Heaven agreed, still smiling. "So, this would be a date then?" She asked, looking at him. Her face red from blushing. "Is that what this is?" She shifted in her seat again, smiling nervously.

1126926 "Hmm I suppose it would be." Blue glances over her, noting her nervousness. "What's the matter? Your acting like teenager on her first date."

"Well, I've never really dated anyone before." She responded, sighing. "I've never really had time to think about romance until now. It's mostly been training and missions." She smiled shyly, looking down. "I guess I'm lacking in that area..."

1126963 Blue sits back in his seat shocked. "Really? But how? I went to military school and even I found time to date."

Heaven shakes her head sighing. "I'm not in the military remember?" She said, smiling. "I'm a Ninpo, I don't usually have time for romance."

1127012 "That's kinda sad actually. Well I'll do my best to make sure you enjoy tonight then." Blue leans forward in his seat, resting his elbows on the table. "So you mean to tell me after spending three years around a squad of nearly all males you didn't peak once?" He says a grin in his face.

"I....I...I couldn't do something like that." She said looking away, slightly blushing. "I'm not a stallion."

1127091 Hmm views of sexuality based on gender defined stereotypes...Gods damn it her blushing is interfering with my thinking...must...resist...the cute.
"Hahaha." Blue laughs as he finishes his wine and looks over the city. "I've always loved looking out over cities."

"Is that so?" She said, looking out the window as well.
Should I... I mean, we're on a date for Luna's sake. Isn't kissing normal?
"I guess it is nice to look at in a certain light..." She said, shifting again in her seat.
It is normal right? Couples kiss all the time... right? Wait... this is our first date, does that make us a couple?
"Um... can I ask you something?"

1127175 Blue looked over his shoulder. "Hmm?"

Heaven then looked around nervously, blushing. "Well, I know this is only our first date but would that make us a couple?" She asked, looking at him, blushing even more then before.

1127219 "Well I guess so yes it would. Why?" Blue leans over.

"Because I wanted to know." Heaven said, before lightly kissing Blue. "And so that wouldn't be awkward." She giggled, sighing softly.

1127307 Blue froze. Did...did she just do that? "Oh..." He snapped out of his stupor with a grin. "You are sneaky."

((Yes Blue, she did just do that.))
"Oh?" She said, slyly. "And what is Blue going to do about my sneakiness?"

1127424 (Seriously things have been going good...too good, just waiting for something to happen)

"Well Guard doctrine does give instructions for how to deal with ambushes." Blue says with a grin as he leans over and kisses her albeit with more passion. "Respond with maximum force."

((Two things: One, go read my story A New Equestria. And Two, this happens after that.))

Heaven blushed, before kissing him back. "Well then," She smiled, nuzzling him. "Perhaps I should do the same?"

1127528 (So this doesn't take place during FoE?) "Perhaps." Blue says as he sits back down and beckons over a waiter. "But first we should eat."

((No, I'm saying at the time of FoE, A New Equestria has already happened. If you look at the side story, one of the character's mention the Lunar Republic.))
"Yeah, I guess eating is good..." Heaven smiled, sitting back down as well. "So, what are you getting?"

1127629 (Reading it now.) Blue scanned the menu and picked a nice steak, it had been a while since he had a proper steak. "You?"

Heaven shrugged, looking over the menu as well. "I guess I can get the same..." She said looking away. "I've never actually eaten here."

1127662 "Thought your family would have taken you here at least once, didn't you grow up here?"

Heaven shook her head "I did grow up here." She said. "But if you remember, the only person that spent time with me was my brother. I guess you could say the family shunned me..." She sighed, a soft, sad smile on her face.

1127706 "At least you have one." Blue says as he stares out the window.
Yeah way to kill the mood big guy, well done

Heaven blinked, looking at Blue. "What... you don't have a family?" She asked, blinking again. "Why would you say that?"

1127787 Blue shakes his head. "It's not worth talking about." He looks around the room. "Let's just leave it at I didn't have the best upbringing."

Heaven nodded, sighing. "I know what that feels like..." Heaven chuckled, before looking around. "So... how about we go to some happier topics?"

1127867 "Hmm lets." Blue says as he smiles. "No need to dwell on things you can't change."

Heaven nodded, before switching seats so that she was next to Blue. "That's better." She smiled, leaning against him. "So, anything you want to talk about?"

1127901 Blue smiled back and gently brushed her mane. "I think i'm done asking about your past, it wouldn't be fair for me to pry when you don't know about mine."

"I suppose." She said, giggling at his touch. "Um... just out of curiosity was there somepony before me? I mean, you said it yourself that you dated before... But was there somepony that caught your eye?" She asked, looking away.

1127928 "Well yes I have dated before, but if your asking me if i have ever been in love then no I have never been in love." Blue says with a shrug.

((Well, Imma go.))
Heaven blinked, smiling softly. "So would that make me your first?" She asked, nuzzling his cheek. "Crush I mean..." She looked away, blushing.
((So much for the emotionless Ninja...))

1127953>>1127941 (I kinda want Raging to pop up in the conversation, just for the fun.)

1128134 (Do ett...we could turn this into a sitcom...with ninjas)

((Go right ahead, it'll add more fun.))

1129059>>1128208 Raging was walking in the street, wearing a red cloak and clearly bored. Where should I go? I'm persona non grata in the casinos, and I don't know anything here except that. It's so boring. Hey! This restaurant have a good view of the city! Yay! Raging entered in the restaurant and approached the counter and asked the waiter.
"Hello, can I have a table, please?"

((Oh this is going to be fun...
I'll leave the control of the Restaurant staff to Balancer, who isn't here atm))

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