Twilights Dawn that is being deleted 18 members · 0 stories
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1079632 Walking out of the alley with a mare profusely thanking him Blue smiles and looks around again, his guard senses tingling. "Sorry ma'm I must go, Ponies needed me." He says as a jumps up onto a wall using the free running techniques he learnt in his youth to scale the building an emerge onto the roof tops where he saw a group of ninja Pegasus engaged in what looked to be a drug deal. "Stop, you have violated the law!" He shouts as he charges the bewildered ninja.

(Yes Blue can free run, also he is having a great time.)

Seconds after Blue charged in on them, Heaven appeared behind him. "We have to go." She said, sighing. "Brother will be here soon, and we must greet him."

1079682 Blue looks up from where he has two ninja pinned and countless more groaning on the ground. "Very well." He says with a grin. "Let's go meet big brother."

Heaven shook her head, softly smiling. She then turned, and began heading back to the Star Mansion.

1079864 As Blue follows his team mate he can't help wonder about what she said about her brother. Strong sense of justice and the magistrate yet a street not ten minutes from there house has more crime in it than all of Canterlot...something doesn't add up

((Oh, there is a reason of course... And I'll be going now...))
"I think you'll find brother a bit strange at first... He can be a bit like Discord when he wants to." Heaven mumbled, looking back at Blue.

Group Admin

( Idk what to think about that>>1079632)

((She was amused by him, what else is there to say.))

1082090 ( hehe )
"How so?" Blue asks.

"Well..." Heaven started, seeming to struggle finding words to explain. "Let's say he's worse then me..."

1085215 Blue stops momentarily before continuing. "Oh....suppose I should make a good first impression."

"That would work yes..." Heaven chuckled shaking her head.

1088281 (Have work will be back in 6ish hours.) As they walk Blue decides to strike up some friendly conversation. "So what's it like growing up in a ninja clan?" He asks.

((Sorry, was occupied all day.))
"Eventful." was the only thing to leave Heaven's mouth. Again, a strange tone was in her voice.

1095024 (It's cool.)
Blue raises an eye brow. "Really? I would imagine your version of hide and seek would be more interesting than my childhood's at least."

"We never played this 'hide and seek' that you mentioned." Heaven mumbled, shaking her head. It seemed she only had the strange tone, when speaking of her past.

1095350 Blue looks at her for a moment before shrugging and continuing walking.

It wasn't long till they reached the mansion again. As last time a maid greeted both of them, the same one as last time. "I see you haven't killed him yet." The maid whispered to Heaven, but purposefully loud enough for Blue to hear. "Is there something going on between you two?" This comment got a blank stare from Heaven, as her eye twitched. "There isn't anything Maira." Heaven said, her tone flat. "And for you to think otherwise is foolish." A soft, yet booming, chuckle could be heard as a rather large Stallion approached them. "Oh? And how foolish would it be sister?" Sebastian asked, chuckling again.

1104396 (sorry got caught up playing DW2:twilightblush:)
Blue salutes the large stallion. "Lieutenant Blue Shift, pleasure to met you. "

(( 's okay.))
"Sebastian Micheals Star." Sebastian responded in kind. "Pleasure to meet you as well. Though it is surprising that Heaven hasn't tried killing you yet... She usually does so by now when people find out she isn't a stallion..." He trailed off, which got angry glares from Heaven. "I'm not a brute brother..." She said, looking away.

1107233 "Really?" Blue raises an eyebrow. "I never would have guessed." He says with a completely straight face.

"You find that funny?" Heaven asked, a note of annoyance in her voice. "I didn't peg you as an ass Blue." Sebastian chuckled as Heaven turned to leave. "Leave her be." He said, once Heaven was gone. "She gets that way... a lot actually."

1113889 "I don't mean to pry, but what is with Heaven know." Blue asks once he is, reasonably, sure that the mare is out of ear shot. "I don't mean to offend her, I mean I act like that all the time on missions but this is the first time she's ever acted like that."

((Just to clarify,DW2 stands for what exactly? I want to say Dynasty Warriors 2, but am unsure.))

"It's fine." Sebastian said, still chuckling slightly. "It's best if she tells you herself. When she gets around to it." He chuckled, as a Unicorn pony walked into the room. "Ah, Hunter!" Sebastian smiled, bowing. "Glad to see you arrived safely, I suppose the train car was to your liking?" The unicorn, who had a slight blue-green coat, looked at Blue with eyes that seemed to pierce into his soul. "Yes, it was." The Unicorn said, as both of them went into a side room, that appeared to be a study. "That was Green Hunter." A butler said, walking up from behind Blue. "He is a noble pony from Canterlot, though I am unsure as to what he does." The butler shrugged, chuckling. "Though he comes by once every month, they will be in there for quite some time."

1115685 (Dawn of War 2) Blue nods to the butler. "Thanks for the info." Deciding to leave the host and his guest to whatever they were doing Blue walks away to go find his missing team mate. It was about time he got some answers. Walking up to her room he knocks on the door. " Heaven? Are you in there?"

The butler nodded back, smiling, before he turned to leave.

No sound came from Heaven's room.

1117101 Deciding that she wasn't in there Blue asked a nearby maid were the gym was and headed there to try find his team mate.

Upon arriving at the Gym, you find it filled with many objects that on first glance would help someone work on their agility. Yet no Heaven.

1120558 Blue grumbles before deciding to try his hoof at the obstacle course's. Obviously Heaven didn't want to be found and he was smart enough to know when that he wasn't going to find her anytime soon.

Heaven sighed, yawning. She looked around the roof of her room, chuckling softly. She heard a soft knocking close by, but ignored it.

1121630 As Blue stumbled for the third time he swore, while he didn't consider himself to be as good as his ninja teammates he had always taken a bit of pride in the fact he was more agile than the common knight, a little gem that had saved his life more than once. But running this course was so much more difficult than the roof tops he was used to, he could see why Heaven was so good if this was what she used for training. Blue chuckled as he took his spot at the starting line again for the fourth time. It was always humbling to know there was somepony better than you.

Heaven yawned again, before she mumbled to herself. Stretching, she headed back into the Mansion. It was seconds before a maid came in to her room. "Do you not think you over reacted?" The maid asked, smiling. "No." Was Heaven's response. "Well, I could sense that he meant no harm. Even if he did, should you really ignore him?" The maid asked, her blind eyes watching Heaven. "I don't know..."

1122298 After completing the first course Blue was well and thoroughly wiped and, after asking for directions, decided to relax in the sauna. (Hope you don't mind me adding things like that into the house, just seems like the kind of thing a ninja family would have.) Letting the heat work it's magic Blue let his guard down for the first time since stepping off the train and finally did the thing he came here to do, relax. As he lay back on the warm wood thoughts drifted through his head.

I don't see why Heaven is so uptight about her gender or why she would be so...bitchy about it being discovered. I mean It's not like it's changed anything he, she is a still as morally grey and kill-y as she always was and it's not like I've turned into a sex crazed maniac or anything.......though come to think of it she does have a shaply flank....

His eyes snapped open.


(( 's okay... And that last line...))

Heaven sighed, as the maid left her room. Sighing again, she walked over to a desk in her room. She pulled out a picture from one of the drawers, smiling. Shaking her head, she replaced the picture before heading out of her room. "I suppose she's right..." Heaven mumbled, looking around. "I wonder where he is?"

1123784 (To much?). Shaking his head Blue leaves the sauna and puts on his shirt (should mention he always wears a shirt, rare to see him without it), trying clear his thoughts he heads back to his room to grab a couple of things before he heads out.

((Perfect. It made me laugh.))
Heaven blinked, as she left her room. She was greeted by Blue being outside, probably going to his room. "Look, about earlier." She said, looking away. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..."

1124016 Blue wave a hoof dismissively, pushing his thoughts to the back of his mind. "No I should have been more considerate...let me make it up to you, I was just about to head out for a dinner and a drink, would you like to join me?"

(Awesome, also we have the weirdest on times)

((Do we?))

Heaven blinked, surprised at suggestion. "Are you asking me out?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. "It sounds like you are..."

1125745 (seems like it.)
Blue coughed. 'No no just offering to make it up to you...that's all."

((How odd...))
Heaven chuckled, nodding her head. "Well, then I guess I can go." She said, smiling softly. "But as friends, right?"

1125906 "Of course." Blue says he he smiles back. Wow...she has a beautiful smile "You should do that more often." He says before mentally slapping himself. Get a hold of yourself solider!

Heaven blinked, confused at his statement. "Do what?" She asked, looking around.

1125965 Blue coughed. "Nothing, lets go!" He half shouts as he purposefully walks away, before turning around. "Wrong way." He hurries to the exit, eager to get some fresh air.

Heaven giggled at his actions, still smiling. "You're actually cute when your flustered." Heaven said, watching him. "And that's still the wrong way."

1126039 Blue blushes. "Errr well yes, I knew that. Lets get going shall we." Princess knows I could use a drink...or two

"So, where exactly are you going to take me?" Heaven asked, as they left the mansion. "I'm curious to see."

1126104 Blue grins. "Well I was planning of going to a nice restaurant, preferably somewhere with a view of the city." He looks around. "Know anywhere like that?"

Heaven raised an eyebrow, sighing. "Yes, there are a couple of places like that." She said, looking away. "One of them is close by, but are you sure that you can afford a place like that?"

1126192 "I live on a military base, I have no family and no hobbies. My only expenses are my custom bolts and I have been saving an officer's pay check for years. Trust me money is no object." Blue says with a returned look. "So lead on."

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