Twilights Dawn that is being deleted 18 members · 0 stories
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1075294 (I don't know if I should join or not, mainly because there is a high probability that Raging die in the mission. And more I don't have any idea of why she would go to Las pegasus :trixieshiftleft: Except maybe if someone tell her that there is heretics in this town.)

((Well, Technically they were ordered to vacation in Las Pegasus... [In this RP.] But it's up to you if you want to join or not. And don't worry, Heaven usually keeps her team members alive.))
Heaven sighed, as she watched Blue leave. "Well that was... unpleasant." She mumbled, shaking her head. "Wish I accepted that mission for Celestia, in stead of passing it off to brother..."

1075298 Blue quickly trotted to the train station where his luggage was being held, after showing the staff his ticket he collected hi bags and set about return to the Star mansion, with it's confusing and slightly scary host,.

((That has to be the best description I've seen ever of Heaven...))
Heaven sighed, sitting in her room. She mumbled some incoherent words about being found out, and how she still doesn't trust Blue. "I may have to wipe his memory." She sighed, chuckling. ((Yes, Ninpo know how to wipe memories.))

1075336 Blue walks back into the Star house hold, his gear on his back. Heading for the room he was shown, he takes the time to think about what he has learned. Well this was...unusual..and to think i came here to relax and have fun, not worry bought some crazy stall..mare stick iron in me while i sleep, hehe sounds like any other day with the squad

A couple of hours later a nock came at your door. "Hurry up, I'll be going on the rounds soon." Heaven said from the other side. "If you still wish to come then be quick."

1077856 Blue opened the door. "Let's go then."

Heaven nodded, as Blue left his room. He would see that she was in an all black outfit, similar to her Ninpo uniform, though she wasn't covering her face. "What made you think it would be wise?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. "It would have been easier to go with a tourist group."

1078150 "After all that we've been through you should know I can handle myself in a fight." Blue says with a grin ."Will i be needing my gear for this?"

((I posted in Nightmares and Appletrees as well...))
Heaven nodded, a soft smile on her face. "Yes, I do know this..." She chuckled, as they headed out of the mansion. "You're one of the few that actually could stand their ground against me when sparing." She smiled slyly, before chuckling again. "Though, not at first."

1078197 Blue raises an eye brow. "I assume that would be your brother then."

Her smile turned to a soft one rather quickly as she nodded her head. "Yeah," She said, a tone unrecognizable coming from her. "He's really the only one that spends time with me... Beyond you guys of course..."

1078222 Blue chuckles. "So even the crazy ninja has a heart, good to know."

"Yea.... What's that supposed to mean?" She asked, glaring at him. "Of course I have emotions, I've just been trained to hide them."

1078266 Blue shrugs. "I know that, it's just good see that you actually possess them."

"Wha..." She started to say, before shaking her head and sighing. "Whatever it's not important. it was nothing anyway..."

1078316 As they walk Blue looks around. "So who are the powers that be around here." he asks.

"Well, there is my brother. He's the magistrate. There's a couple of smaller Ninpo clans here and there." She said, looking around. "There is also the Governor, he's a relative of Sensei I think..." She then nodded, a soft smile still on her face.

1078343 Blue nods appreciatively. "Seems like your clan has done well for themselves here, so what are we doing?"

"We're patrolling, what do you think?" She said flatly, a hint of annoyance in her voice. "I do believe I mentioned that's what I was going to do."

1078369 "Yes but patrolling against what." Blue asks as he scans the streets.

"Anything." She said still flatly. "It doesn't matter what. The magistrate is the head of the guard here, and with so many ninja clans, things... happen."

1078455 "Why do i get the feeling i should have brought my gear." Blue grumbles as he shifts into military mode, scanning the crowd around them.

Heaven giggled at his actions. "You're in Star territory right now, we don't really have to worry about watching for ponies until we get around Mizo Street."

1078506 "Since when do ninja care about territory lines?" Blue asks with small smile.

"Sense it deals with other Ninja clans." Heaven said flatly. "We've always cared."

1078650 "Hmmm, so what can we expect when we get to mizo street." Blue asked as they rounded a corner.

"Well... A lot." Heaven admitted. "Once we get to Mizo street, and because you are with me... Expect to either have somepony try and assassinate you all the way to mugging you..."

1078700 Blue sighs. "Those poor bastards."

Heaven raised an eyebrow while looking at Blue. "What's that supposed to mean?" She asked him. "Are you implying that I'd kill anyone? I'm only like that on missions."

1078900 Blue chuckles. "I was referring to myself, you know how i get with criminals. If they try anything, they'll probably be eating food through a straw."

"Brother is like that." She chuckled, shaking her head. "Both of you seem to have a high sense of justice. Maybe all stallions are like that..."

1078942 "Just the ones with a high sense of justice." Blue quips.

Heaven nods, sighing softly. "I guess so." She chuckled, as she started to hum to herself.

1078992 (Ha listing to Underdog right now)
Blue bobs his head in time with the rhythm. "There's no where we can hide." He mumbles.

"You know the song?" Heaven blinked, looking at Blue. "I surprised we have anything in common..."

1079046 (Own the album.)
Blue simply shrugs. "I'm not so stuck up that I don't have an interest in good music. So how much farther till we reach mizo street."

Sounds of explosions and ponies fighting could be be heard reaching their ears. "How far do you think?" She asked, chuckling.

1079105 Blue takes a deep breath and exhales. "Alright then lets do this."

"Yup." She chuckled, as they rounded a corner into Mizo street. The area before them was a mess. From ponies running across buildings to pulling unsuspecting tourists into the shadows, all of it was being done.

1079200 Blue cracks his neck. "Where do we start."

"Remember the insignia you saw on my Ninpo uniform?" She asked him, chuckling. "Feel free to go wild on any Ninpo that doesn't have that."

1079269 "Just point me a target." Blue says as he begins scanning the area around them, identifying at least six 'hostiles'.

"Any direction is good." Heaven chuckled, shaking her head. "Just as long as you don't cause to much damage."

1079304 Blue spots a tourist couple being beset by a gang of four ninja. Running forward he jumps a chest high wall separating him from the incident and barrels into the lead Ninja, slamming his head violently into the wall. Turning the other three he grins. "Lets get dangerous shall we."

((Feel free to go wild with them.))
Heaven chuckled as she watched him. It was seconds later that someone attempted to mug her, they left with several broken limbs.

1079417 The three remaining ninja attack, Blue turns slightly allowing the one closest to miss while he plants a hoof in his mid section, cracking ribs. The other two vault over there friend to gain the high ground. One hits a blue shield in mid air flinging him back while the other one is grabbed by the hind leg and slammed into a light post, breaking several vertebra.

Heaven chuckled, siting on the wall watching Blue. "Well, I guess you fit right in..." She mused, as she continued watching him.

1079565 Watching as the final ninja decides to turn tail and run Blue gives a small nod to the tourist couple and looks around for more trouble. Unfortunately he doesn't have to look far as he spots a mare being abducted into a shadowy alley. Surging forward he vaults the obstacles in his path reaching the alley just as the mare is dragged around a corner. "Stop right their criminal scum!" He shouts as he gives chase.

Heaven chuckled as she watched him fighting of crime. "He does seem funny at times..." She then looked out at the horizon. "Brother should be getting home soon..."

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