Twilights Dawn that is being deleted 18 members · 0 stories
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1075473 "All right, I didn't use a lot of my magic after all."

"Alright, I'm only going to borrow a little bit." He siphons off a bit of magic from Burning while directing some of his own into infusing with the glass orb he had out earlier before smashing it into the ground next to Dim. A shimmering veil seems to spread along Dim shortly afterwards. "Lightning, take him up. In that state he is pretty much much as safe as its possible to be and it can be placed on a cloud." He then turns to the giant trunk. "Ready to put that burning fanatacism of yours to use there, my dear pyro? Its time to find out what is causing all of this."

1075483 Lightning places Dim on the CCP and move back into over watch position

1075483 "All the enemy of the Crowns will be burned, and their soul shall suffer a billions death in the burning Tartarus." said Raging, grinning madly, before she began to walk toward the giant trunk.

(Alright now then to give Zeir some time to post so we can react and then big baddy time or alternatively titled 'How does one make a stetson queenly?')

1075493 (answer, with a whole lota swag)

(Isn't that the answer to most any question? 'Rainbow, why does everyone love to pair you with everyone else?' Rainbow: 'A whole lotta swag.' 'Twilight, why is everyone lesbian for you?' Twilight: 'My swag factor is around a whole lotta so I suppose that is the reason.')

1075502 (This is true,, also has anyone checked to see if zeir is online?)

Group Admin

1075502>>1075498>>1075491>>1075489 ( the assassins have been offline for about an hour unless my last logged in thing is broke)(also the start of the mission is ready if yall are and the assassins dont really have a big part here so yeah I can improvise them if they never show)

(Ah, we might move on ahead then in a bit. Might as well step aside for now on this one and let the canon story take center stage for now I suppose.)

1075507 (Let's burn the heretics! And the cacti! They are evil. :twilightangry2:)

1075513 (since the assassins aren't online we're waiting for the main story line to be posted so we can start on that.)

1075522 (jump to appleloosa thread)

Group Admin

1075522 (well its in the desert so umm yeah not many clouds and Dim hates sandstorms like alot so I guess you'll be a scout)

(Heh, I like this whole crew. You are all psychopaths. Feel free to blow up some of the limbs to give the group an easier time hiking up to the top of that trunk if you need to blow stuff up so bad though.)


Heaven growled at Sebastian again. "Sensei didn't send me on this mission." She said, the hate in her voice clear. "Oh?" He chuckled, as the once again began circling each other. "So you chose this mission? How noble of you sister." He chuckled again, as she lunged at him, they exchanged a few blows before he pinned her to the ground. "As I've said. Still better."

"Anyone else hearing a mare up there? I thought only Heaven had already got through."

Using the moment to counter Sebastian, she pushed him off her into a tree that was in view of the group. "Yes brother," She said, slamming a dagger into his shoulder. "And I've told you that I've..." She then blinked, now noticing the rest of the group. "So much for keeping you identity a secret eh sister?" Sebastian chuckled, as he sat there pinned to the tree.

1078447 Blue sprints up wit his squad, seeing the assassins he stops and readies is crossbow, the rest of his squad do the same. "Identify yourselves!" he barks.

Star blinks for a moment and tries to get his jaw to work. "I think the female is on our side if what I'm seeing is right." He considers whacking himself in the head to make sure his eyes are working but isn't sure that would be wise at the moment.

1078447 Blue keeps his crossbow trained on the two ninja. "How much was star paying you." He asks.

Sebastian chuckled,as he watched each pony there. "Hello idiots." He laughed, pulling Heave's dagger out of his shoulder. "I am Sebastian Star, and this is my little sister." He chuckled again, as Heaven glared at him. "I am here because I can be... that and someone hired me to keep all of you out of Ponyville. Did you like the timberwolves?"

1078497 Blue doesn't blink as he orders his squad. "Shoot him." The squad complies and five cross bows fire as one.

Star growls a bit at this as his own eyes narrow. "They were delectable. I'm going to enjoy using their essence to empower a new set of autonomous enchantments later I'm sure." He is of course referring to the only one he managed to bind up but no reason to reveal he only caught one.

1078497>>1078527 With the brother now thoroughly ventilated Blue turns to the other assassin.
"So, ma'm, report."

"Um... didn't I tell you I don't follow your orders?" Heaven mumbled, shaking her head. "Either way, Sebastian is the only pony I found here. There was a throne, but no pony with it... It seems to calm." She had been looking away from blue at the time, but turned to look at him before continuing. "Oh, and brother isn't dead. I highly doubt that any of your team hit him. Maybe one of them did if we are lucky."

"Squiggly little bugger isn't he?" Star looks to see if there is any trace of blood to indicate where the rival ninja is before turning to inspect the throne. "Lets see if I can find anything out from this. Heaven, did you see any sign of the Apples?"

1078556 Blue turns to investigate the body other other assassin only to find that he had in fact disappeared. "Buck." Blue cusses. "Alright we we'll deal with him later, for now our priority should be that throne and getting to the bottom of this."

Heaven shook her head sighing. "No, no sign of the Apples." She said flatly. "And it appears that the trone is made directly on the tree."

"No Apples eh?" He begins to inspect the throne for any enchantments.
(Alright, you all ready for our main bad guy... err girl to pop in now? I'll admit I've not read the comics so I can only do my interpretation of a nightmare corrupted main character. Here is hoping it works for everyone.)

1078671 (It's just us but DOO ETTT, with some luck we can through NPC's at her till she dies.)

((Well, I'm ready...))

????: "If Ah were you, darlin', I'd step back a bit." A female voice rises up from the shadows of the tree roots. "Ah wouldn't want to have to splatter your brains all over my nice new chair." A female figure steps out from the source of the voice. She seems to be a dark orange color with dark blonde mane and tail. Her eyes are green and slitted much like a reptiles.

Star: "Oh joy, our host has arrived."

1078831 Blue looks stunned. "Applejack..."

Group Admin

1078837>>1078831 Dim is still suffering from magical exhaustion and doesnt even realize that someone else has arrived

1078831 Blue is still reeling from the shock. "Why Applejack! Why would you do this!"


"So I was right in thinking how I was." Heaven mumbled, shaking her head. "Why?"

Applejack chuckles in a manner not entirely like her usual self. There is a strange touch of cruelty to it as well as her facial expression as she walks out and toward the throne. "Oh, that is simple to clear out enough land for my goals. That town used to be our land and I aim to get it back."

1078903 Blue expression goes from shock to 'you've got to be kidding me'. "Really. Daemonic nature spirit possession, that's what this is."

Heaven was about to speak when Blue spoke up. "Um... what?" She blinked, looking at him. "Daemonic possession?"

1079096 1078903 Blue nods. "She's speaking in third person and talking about taking back the land that used to be their's, which coinciding with invasion of the trees points to some sort of natures spirit possessing her. Am I right?"

Applejack: "Not quite. I'm referring to the fact that this land Ponyville is on is my family's. It was given to us by the Princess first after all. I intend to drive everyone off and reclaim that land."
Star Craving: "That doesn't mean he is wrong though.. I think." He moves away from Applejack and back toward the others. "Any of you seen those kinds of eyes on a pony before?"
(Yeah, this is based on my opinion that there is something of a cold war between some of the older families in Ponyville over ownership of land. Namely that on some level the Apples feel like they got ripped off somewhere along the way. Also, it is terribly hard to write a Southern dialect. I can speak it but typing it is difficult.)

1079132 Blue raises an eyebrow. "Was the land stolen?"

Heaven nodded, sighing softly. "I see..." She mumbled, just as Sebastian walked out from behind a couple of trees. "It seems that they locked everyone inside the main hall ma'am. Is there anything you wish for me to do?" He chuckled, glancing at Blue's troops and winking, he was completely unharmed.

1079185 1079132 Blue and his troops open fire.

Applejack: "Oh? In a way. More like we were tricked out of it not unlike what those brothers tried to do. Yes, take some of my pets and let them get some exercise. I'm sure they'll be hungry afterwards." She smiles at Sebastian as she gives the order."

Star Craving starts to slink out of sight so as to prepare a message for Canterlot while everyone else keeps one another busy.
(You firing on Applejack or Sebastian?)

1079212 (Sebastian, smug bastard.)

Blue and his troops find that their arrows reflected off of Sebastian, and were heading back to them. One was heading strait for Blue's head but Heaven pushed him out of the way, which caused the arrow to lodge in her shoulder. "You see," Sebastian chucked, teleporting behind them as a couple of Timberwolves walked out of the woods. "Unlike my dear sister, I am a Unicorn."

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