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1075361>>1075360 watching the scene unfold Dim sighs and takes off his first aid kit

(Wow, we quadruple timed it eh? I can roll with that.)
Both attacks land and lead to the inevitable. Burning apple wood.
"That is making me hungry." Star catches up with Burning and probably everyone else even if he left first he is still likely the last to arrive. "Burning, I think you are here, yes? Fire can only mean you after all."

Lightning spots the commotion and moves into attack formation

1075361 The bolt collides with it's head, ripping it off exposing the chest cavity.

1075365 "Yup, boss. I got lost and can't find the Apple farm. I believe that the stallion found you?" said Raging as she looked to the burning timberwolf. "If there is timberwolves, it means that there is a

1075369 "Ma'm why are you covered in jewelry?" Blue asks with an eyebrow raised.

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1075365 Dim ignores the conversation being carried on and approaches the tree line before magically grasping a branch to see the result. He prepares to bolt just in case

"Yeah. You were on the right track though. I think its just another quarter mile from here in that direction. Lightning, do I have that right?" He points just a little to the left of where Burning was facing when her encounter started. "Just look for the largest mass of these tree roots." Sadly a compass rose isn't his cutie mark so he isn't the most certain of his own directions.

Comment posted by Pleaseworkforonce deleted Jun 6th, 2013

1075371 "Huh... Their possessor was infected and thus killed, I took them because they can be use as a weapon once they are molten. And they are beautiful too."

1075375 1075373>>1075366 "Ookayy, you're a fire mage I take it. Good we'll be needing your service plenty soon." Blue says as he begins to walk off in the direction Star pointed. "This way lads, bought time we caught up to the assassin."

"Or enchanted for that matter." He looks over at Dim poking in the bushes. "We are surrounded aren't we?"

1075373Lightning looks from his vantage point and spots a mass of twisted vegetation" you are right about the distance and your direction is correct keep going ill do recon"

Group Admin

1075378 well I think we are these plants are moving

"That tears it. Burning, light it up for us, would you? Fellas, defend yourselves. Lightning, go on and see if our assassin needs some help or anything. He'll be in the center of this mess by now." Some of Star's magic pulls out some small glass orb from his robe.

Group Admin

grown bored Dim pulls out a machete and sneaks off into the forest cutting the occasional vine reaching out for him heading towards the center

1075386>>1075384 Blue and his squad prep their weapons and take up a defensive formation as the move through the dense under growth.

The CCP slowly moves towards the mass of trees. ( where is the assassin again? )

Starts to move out with the rest while waiting for any plant to attack. "You know I'm reminded of my youth in this moment. Oh sure you only really had to worry about the animals eating you but eh... and witches. What i wouldn't give for a dragon right now." Some of the plants move out to lash at the group occasionally but nothing too serious is happening. No more timberwolves are seen by the group. Slow going but the troop manage to arrive on the farm grounds unimpeded until on the perimeter. It is a writhing mass of roots covered in thorns that seem to have an odd sheen to them. They likely are coated in that poison that could be found in the fruits. (Since they have found the scent of blood and are congregating near where Heaven is fighting.)

(On what appears to be a giant trunk with a throne on it. Its near the center of the former farm. Currently fighting someone else in close quarters which means not likely a moment for artillery fire. However you can still spot the rest of the crew too if you look back.)

Group Admin

1075402 Dim approaches the mass preparing to teleport back if needed. He scans the the creature trying to determine its origin and if need be kill it

1075386 'Interesting, even if I believe that in the end we will find a witch behind this mess." said Raging as she was burning the trees and all the roots that were withing her reach. "That remind me, one of member of apple family is also one of the Element of Harmony, right? Do you think that she is still alive?"

1075402>>1075398>>1075391>>1075375 Blue orders his squad to advance, with the two pegasi providing air cover. "Slow and steady boys...and girl...last thing we want is to send someone home in body bag."

"I sincerely hope so. However I'm also afraid of what that would mean if she is given what is going on. Dim, think we can just hack through it or would that expose us to too much of the poison? Is it safe to just burn it?" Star looks over the pile of thorns and poison before the group along with Dim while answering the question.

1075402>>1075412Lightning spots the group entering the farm boundary ahead he sees the biggest tree he has ever seen in his life"that's a lot of firewood". upon the top of the trunk is a throne that looks to have some conflict going on around it. Lightning Shot moves into combat position and awaits orders from Blue Shift after reporting his discovery.

Group Admin

1075411>>1075412Umm I predict if we burn it we will all die without someone to find us so it will send us through all 5 stages and possibly sending the more powerful unicorns berserk destroying ponyviles area
on the cut part I would advice using magic and not crossing for quite a while

"Great. Any of you unicorns able to teleport? It sounds like we are better off just bypassing this."

1075423>>1075421>>1075417>>1075411 "Damn, we need to get through there and fast. Anypony got ideas?"

Group Admin

1075424so teleporting past would be best but I would need my books and it would incapacitate me for the rest of the mission

1075424 "I can't teleport, but I can invoke a fire crab. Granted, it doesn't help us, but it's fun." said Ragin, grinning.

Group Admin

1075424 suspecting the answer Dim begins to activate the enchantment he had put on his spell book

1075424>>1075423>>1075421>>1075411 "Do it Private Dim. Alright everyone, prepare for teleportation." Blue calls out.

(Should give you time to prep for the cannon mission.)

1075426 "How hard is a cloud walking spell? I could fairy everypony across?

1075431>>1075430 "Actually this one sound better, a cloud walking spell need less magic than a teleportation. Or at least I think so."

1075431 "Negative, Private Dim will teleport us across, I need you to be on the look out for hostiles and prep that cloud."

1075435 (Using Teleport so that Pleaseworkforonce can go and prep for the cannon mission.)

He gives a blank faced stare at Raging. "Were you born at Burning Stallion or something?" (Burning Man reference.) "Wait, before you do that can you still send messages? We'll need to be able to inform Canterlot of what we find over there."

Group Admin

1075431>>1075430>>1075428>>1075425>>1075424 "Will do"(lightning your not even here...) Dim begins to make runes in the ground scrunching his face in concentration
several minutes later" okay everyone I need you to stand in the middle of the circle

1075443 Blue steps into the circle, the ground bound members of his squad following.

(Works for me though I agree that is a possibility for future situations. We also have those other pegasi with us.)
He walks over onto the rune. I suspect we will need to be ready to go in swinging. Pegasi, fly on over so he doesn't have to expend more energy than necessary."

1075443>>1075440 Raging walk into the circle, interested in the runes.

Group Admin

1075431>>1075430>>1075428>>1075425>>1075424 Okay I've never transported this many people at once but I will be able to get us just past the vines, this will be very disorientating for those who have never teleported before
With that said Dim channels his magic into the rune causing it to grow brighter and brighter. If you paid close attention you would notice his knees starting to buckle and sweat forming across his brow. Then everything blurred past them traveling through the roots. using a special kind of teleport Dim was able to control how far they go after it was cast but the thorns kept going and going screaming in pain Dim pushes just past the last of the thorns ending the spell.
leaving the teleport Dim fell to the ground his pulse weak just beside the last of the thorns

1075459 Raging looked around her before rushing toward Dim. "Hey, are you okay? Do you need something ?"

Star begins to check over Dim. "Dim, you alright? They didn't nick you did they? Blue, Raging, check out that great big hunk of tree in the center. I think that is where Lightning said the fighting was at. I'll see if I can't help Dim recover some."

Group Admin

1075465>>1075461( yeah I'm out cold and I'm off to write the intro briefing and what not)

Lightning shot watches the situation as it unfolds beneath him. unsure on what to do he moves in to help assist his downed teammate

"I think I can at least protect him before we address what is going on. Raging, can I borrow some of your magic for this? I'm not at 100% myself."

1075473>>1075461>>1075472 Seeing his teammates cover the downed medic Blue gathers his squad and they head over to the large tree to investigate it and find out what happened to the assassin.

1075473 "you could put him on the CCP its usually safe up there."

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