Twilights Dawn that is being deleted 18 members · 0 stories
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(Keep that up and Star will wind up proposing to your pyro Arackn. He loves them when they are crazy. Blue, you might want one of your squad boys to consider trying to wake her up before she starts doing stuff to them.)
Applejack: "No worries. This whole root system isn't going to be part of the next crop anyway. In fact once I'm done with it I'm going to dissolve it into more wolves and set them up to patrol the land while I grow a proper orchard."

1100566>>1100576 Seeing the two unconscious soliders Blue's squad decide to drag them to the, relative, safety of the town hall as per the LT's final orders. I'm going to distract her attention for as long as I can, if there is anything left of the real Applejack in there I should be able reason with her, maybe get her alone and stall her while the big guns get here. I want you to take anypony left alive there and head to the town hall, no reason you rookies have to die here.

1100582 Blue raises an eyebrow as he accepts a mug of whisky. Taking a sip he sighs. "Ahhh now that, that is good stuff. If i wasn't a follower of the Princess's I might just start worship you ma'm. Though what would you be wanting with more timberwolves? You're getting your land back, isn't that what you wanted?"

Applejack: "Yes but you never can tell what will happen. I kept having problems with thieving pegasi in the past so some hands, so to speak, patrolling the grounds should be handy."

Star is dragged off by the npc guards occasionally making a grunt when his busted ribs meet some stones.

And on the dawning of the third day as the sun crested over the hills to the east rode Gandalf atop Shadowfax.. err Celest... err wait. Ahem... chariots bearing Celestia, Twilight, and a visiting Shining Armor begin to set out to Ponyville as a few messengers set in to locate the other element bearers.

1100599 Blue leans back in his chair, as he takes another sip before letting out a whistle. "A fully automated guard force that can't be bribed or intimidated." He stops to whistle again. "That's...impressive." Inwardly though he was horrified, he was sure her 'hands' would do more than just apprehend thieves. He takes another sip. "So what are you going to do about the town?" He asks

Seeing the chariots crest the horizon one of Blue's pegasus guards wings his way towards them to report the situation with all haste.

AJ: "Precisely. Uproot it of course and then use the land to plant more apple trees." (Curse you Equestian geis of bad puns.)

1100611 Blue seems shocked, though inwardly this was the answer he was expecting. "And what of the ponies who already live there? Your friends for a start."

AJ: "My friends," here her voice seems to warble and distort for a moment, "are welcome to settle in the farm house. The rest of them can take a hike. Perhaps the displacement will finally lead to somepony doing something about the Everfree and finally taming it."

1100624 Blue shrugs. "I suppose you could do that with your new found power." He takes a big sip of his whiskey to bolster his courage. "Just a thought, and by all means stop m if i'm wrong, but don't your friends have friends in Ponyville and last time we checked Pinkie Pie was, and i quote 'friends with everypony'? Surly they would have objections?"

(Surely you mean? Heh. Surly Pinkie is difficult to get along with.)
AJ: "I suppose I'll have to think out that part more. Perhaps set up some sort of quar... wait no. I'll do what I want. This land will be put to better use hosting my trees." She seems to be recovering from her earlier confusion. A few shots of her whiskey that she has had might have something to do with it. Blue might want to consider exit strategies soon.

1100631 Blue takes another nip. "Ehhh." He shrugs. "Logistics were never my thing, that's why they pay the Generals the big bits I suppose." He sits in his chair for a moment. How bloody long does it take to get mobilize an Alicorn He wonders. "Ma'm." He asks as he finishes his mug. "Just when did you want to take back your family's stolen land?"

Star would point out that it takes roughly 3.5 times longer than it did back in the day to summon the relevant draconequus to your region. The advantage titan class entities have over mere deities he would suppose. The chariots follow Blue's squad member toward the town and get the girls kitted out.

"As soon as possible."
(Also I'll finish this up when I see that Arackn is back on. Sorry Balancer.)

1100640 (All good, besides i'm having fun seeing how long Blue can keep AJ stalled. Yay guile heroes!)

1100640>>1100644 (I'm finally back.)
While Raging was dragged off by the guard she mumbled something like "Na, Santa Claus is fillynapping me."

(Alright, here we go.)
The medical aid that came with the incoming troops and princesses sets about helping the various downed members of the unit including seeing to the one Lightning had on his cloud. While this is going on Celestia, Twilight, and the rest of the Elements fully equipped arrange in front of the root cellar as that was where they were directed by the grunts.

While Raging is being looked over by some medics to determine if she has a concussion Star is being seen to by an all black coated and maned Saddle Arabian descended mare. She mutters something while working him over. (Ooh.. back story hints.)

Shining Armor is overseeing the troops inside Ponyville and getting more detailed info from those who were already present.

(Just lead her outside and sit back, watch fireworks, and then final wrap up.)

1100640 Blue rises from his seat. "Very well ma'm, no sense in wasting time, lets go" Blue says.

(This is going to be good.)

Applejack: "Well alright then. I'll need ya to leave that one behind that ate my hat. I'm going to have some sharp words with her." Applejack leads the way to the door and then opens it only to be shocked at what she sees before her. Already a spell is at the tip of Celestia's horn for when the door opens as the other girls get ready in case they are needed. The next thing the corrupted Element knows is that she is held in place by Celestia's aura as Twilight slips her necklace on her.

The touch of the element causes Applejack to buck and smash about with a great intensity almost as if she is being burnt by its touch. With a great cry some shadowy thing begins to flow out of her and back into the cellar away from the light. Blue might want to get the heck out of the way lest he be its new host.

Several of the medics have sorted out Dim and Burning's health issues at this point. Its really up to them to wake up on their own now. The rest of the squad is being looked over even as Star seems to be ignored for a moment by the others before his attendant walks away and disappears around a corner. His breathing has evened out though as if his ribs have been fixed.

1102807 Seeing the mare thrashing about Blue wisely decides to run over to the Princesses. "Ma'ms." He salutes.

Twilight and Celestia nod before they stalk into the cellar. Applejack is let loose of the glow after a few moments and a call that she was alright from both herself and Pinkie. The Elements stalk into the cellar as well before the light shows start. While the current nightmare is being friendshipped it might be time for Blue to head back to town.

Almost immediately one can see the giant stump beginning to shrink as its roots and fruit fade away. As this happens more and more of the actual farmstead begins to be apparent and there are some signs of activity as the front door is pretty much blasted off its hinges as Big Mac comes storming out.

1102867 Blue runs over to the angry red stallion. "Sir please stay inside!" He shouts.

Big Mac: "Where is my sister? Is she alright?" The stallion is obviously using a great deal of restraint not to trample the soldier in front of him. One can practically see his muscles straining to move even as he holds himself in place.

1102881 Blue focuses for a moment before he successfully manages to lift the stallion with his magic. "Sir this area is currently a danger zone you are to stay inside until the all clear is given. Don't worry about your sister the Princesses are taking care of her." Blue throws the stallion back into the house before fixing the door with magic. Feeling a bit woozy Blue begins to slowly walk away.

(Wow, impressive.)
The sounds from the cellar begin to taper off after a few moments and the door opens. Some dust floats out before Pinkie steps out leading the way for the others. Its not exactly a stately procession though when Rarity barges her way out to get away from the dust and coughing.

(You can wake up anytime by the way. I didn't think to mention that but its up to you when you can wake up. I just now realized you might be waiting for that.)

1102926 Even in his tired state Blue rans over to the EoH and the Princesses. "Your Majesties, Ma'ms is there anything you require of me?"

Celestia: "Fill me in on the details while the girls sort out Applejack. We will be in town for awhile, Twilight, so come back to us once things are done here." She begins to lead the way back to town. "I hope you don't mind but its best Applejack not hear all the details of what has really happened. So now, what did happen in your own words? I understand the one in charge is still incapacitated at the moment."

1102966 (Actually no, it's just that I don't know what to do :twilightoops: Well might as well wake up the sleeping princess)
Raging began to growl as she began to get up. "My head, it's the last time that I try to teleport, it didn't worth the hangover I will have." she said before moving toward the nearest guard. "Hey you! Do you know what happened?"

Random NPC Guard: "Only SNAFUBAR (situation normal all fu**ed up beyond all recognition) sums up the situation ma'am which is expected with your unit. It would seem most of your unit was down or out. Captain Shining.. err Prince Shining Armor will know more. By the way, I've been told that you will likely need to eat as soon as you recover due to your energy being low."

1103007 "Yeah, do you have any meats? I really need to recharge my magic. Used way too much."

1102966 Blue salutes Twilight before going with Celesta. " Your Majestiy, from what I can figure it appears that Applejack was possessed by some sort of daemonic nature spirit that played on her resentment of the Rich family's land grab from her ancestors back in the day. Using that as a spring board it launched an invasion into Ponyville using the trees and timberwolves made from her own appletree's while tell Applejack herself what she wanted to hear and when it's logic couldn't compensate for some of the gaps in it's story it would override her. I saw this a couple of times when I was talking to it about the state of the farm. As for the poison in the trees there was a rouge ninja with her that had supplied her with the poison which she put into the apples. Your Majesty I recommend we get a haz-mat team down here yesterday, there is a high chance this stuff could seep into the water ways and spread all over Equestria, which is what I think our late ninja friend was aiming at. When I arrived the situation was rim, the Sargent in charge had restored to glowing up the hospital and all the poison inflicted patients on advice from his squad medic and his own hired ninja, myself and my squad set up a perimeter and defended the town from a timberwolf raid with significant help from the first unit sent in. After that we made our way here and while myself , my squad and the sargents ninja drew away the rouge ninja and took care of him the Sargent and one of his privates distracted Applejack, after I returned here I managed to engage Applejack in conversation and lead her into the cellars while my team dragged the bodies unconscious bodies of he Sargent and his private back to the town hall." He stops to catch his breath. "And the rest is history, your majesty."

NPC Guard: "Yeah, we already have a table set up for your unit's unicorns. Its been tented off to keep from upsetting the local population which is primarily earth pony. Follow me." He begins to lead her to a tent marked with what looks like a cross between the mess and hospital symbols.

Celestia; "I see. This won't be an easy matter to sweep under the rug then. I guess this is what I pay that pr consultant for. I'll see to the containment of the poison myself. Did you happen to catch the name of the poison? If I know which it was it will make it so much easier to handle."

1103060 Blue shakes his head. " No your majesty, they never discussed it's name, you would have to ask their squads medic." Blue stops momentarily, feeling nausea hit him before he shook it off. "So what now your majesty, what was that thing that possessed Applejack really."

Celestia: "I would have to say it was a fragment of Nightmare in truth. It was using the natural earth pony abilities that the Apples have an abundance of but supercharging them with its own abilities. It was a good thing you left the cellar when you did or you might have been its next host. There is a nature spirit like the one you describe but it lives in the Everfree still so far as I know."

1103103 Blue raises his eyebrows in shock. "Next host...guess I got lucky then. Though I couldn't imagine any argument it could use to make me betray you or any of the Princesses so you may have just lost out a super guard...your majesty." Blue jokes before putting his serious face back on. "Your majesty how many nightmare fragments are there that are alive enough to cause trouble...and why do I get the feeling I'm not going to like the answer."

Celestia: She laughs for a moment at Blue's joke before sobering. "You won't like it because no one does I would imagine. Currently, we have no idea how many fragments might be out there. There is some rumblings in the underworld according to Luna's agents that there are actually more coming into being as if something is driving more of the Nightmare into our realm."

(Hence why I probably won't make this canon since I don't know all of the exact world building reallylongnameguy has set.)

1103147 (Could always make this separate cannon, like an alternate universe, which would be awesome cause then we could do crossovers and other really cool shenanigans.)

Blue sighs before steadying himself as another bought of neausea rocks him. "So what are we going to do about it, your majesty."

Celestia: Rather than answer the question she asks one of her own. "Are you alright? You seem to be having troubles."

1103189 Blue shakes his head. " I'll be fine, I can keep going as long as you need me to. Now, in all due respect your majesty, what are we going to do about the shards of demonic symbiotic energy that are manifesting in the physical plane and hijacking your subjects."

Celestia: "My sister will be handling that. She is a bit more familiar with the subject matter. I think Twilight will be helping her for that matter. Luna was always better at handling the darker aspects and Twilight as an all round magician is working toward at least finding a way to inform us of when more arrives on this plane. Now, lets get you seen to." She says this as they step into town and directs Blue toward the medical tent that has Burning probably eating as much as possible right about now.

The Elements are of course busy consoling Applejack and helping her and her family deal with everything. It would seem that the entire family had been caught inside the farmhouse unable to get out as the stump had covered over the thing.

Star continues to sleep which is probably best due to his burns which are now being tended to by some regular unicorn healers. No one has yet noticed that he had broken ribs before or that one of their number, an exotic one at that, has disappeared.

1103235 (sorry had to go do a couple of things)
Blue walks into the medical tent. "Thank you your majesty, but i'm sure i ca-" Before Blue can finish his sentence the world fades to black and a loud rush noise fills his ears and he drops to the ground, trying to stand, as his vision clears he sees medical staff around him and a very concerned Princess. "Maybe a little rest would be good." He mumbles.

Celestia: "Indeed. Just a little. Let the medics look you over while you rest a bit. Perhaps eat something to recover your lost energy."

1103711 "Yes ma'm." Blue salutes before letting the med team take him away.

Celestia watches as the two unicorns are seen to and eat to recover their energy. She sets out to check up on the rest of the squad and see how they are doing.

Where ever Heaven got off to (s)he will find the agreed upon amount of bits sitting next to her in a pouch enchanted for only her to open it. A small bit of black tail sneaking away might be caught before she begins to regain consciousness. Lightning is being checked over to make sure he wasn't poisoned or anything in any way.

Star's side is starting to be healed up rather well though he'll have to make a new set of robes no doubt as that had to be cut away. He will likely be screaming at the medics about disposing of it once he is awake.

1103763 (so where to from here, seems like every one is wrapped up nicely. Maybe an intermission thread of some sort?)

(Heh, pretty much just a pay out moment so to speak but like I said this is pretty much a story rp more than stats and the like so I don't think I can really do much with that. No artifacts where found during this adventure for anyone to pilfer or the like though I'll try to rectify that in mine if its allowed. There are behind the scenes things going on at the moment but those will become obvious later as I expand this with another rp later on. For now everyone feasts, makes merry, tries to overcome their personal demons from the blood on their hooves if they are bothered by it, and I set in on working up the next event. At this point its curtain call and characters just jabbering with each other if they want. Oh, a hint for the future, almost every guest in this story save for the Elements and princesses will pop up in most of my rps in some way or other.)

1103821 (So we can expect more of the mysterious nurse i take it. Also will we ever get the chance to get possessed:pinkiecrazy: That would be rather fun.)

(Sure. I actually have a long back log of rps involving nightmares, though with a different meaning and context, but I can make some edits to them to make them applicable here and have them return. If any of you gets possessed though I'll probably check with you first to make sure you are willing to play along. Yes as well as Derpy, the Doctor, and we will probably see me work Lyra into this somehow because I love that crazy pony.)

1103894(...did you just say The Doctor...getting possessed...)

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