The Shameless Self-Promotion Bureau 5,484 members · 49,619 stories
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Thank you all for you have given me strength and develop me as better reader and writer on a whole. I like you guys, you guys make me happy. And I think, I could say if I were to ever pass away writing stories for this fandom I wouldn't feel the slightest regret, together you guys make my world and in turn my inspirations become stronger and my works become better from time to time.

I enjoyed reading all the stories I have read. I really did. And this year I hope to become a better and stronger writer and hope to in turn give you guys something to enjoy, something you guys would walking either smiling or in wonder.

I also hope to meet new writers and readers in the new year. In this year, I hope I and we all become better writers and readers and help more people that come into the fandom. I hope that this year I and the people I have met I could would move up stronger and better in the fandom on a whole. This year I hope to talk with more top writers If I may say. And those that follow me, I will try my best to make this year filled with greatest adventures I can bring with all my writing power and imagination.

I hope meet more amazing people across the site and fandom. And together we become stronger and ultimately reach my dreams forever entertaining you guys with my words and eventually with my pictures.

Again, I say to you all happy new year. Together we are FANTASIA MEISTERS!!! Say it with me! :yay:


I count you as a friend, even if we have only just met and spoken to each other a few times. You are a part of the blog I made, even if your name isn't there

My new years revelation is to get an artist to do a cover art for one of my stories. Even if I have to write them a story to do so.

2501553 I hope that goes well for you friend. :pinkiehappy:

I do too, I'm sure someone out there would do it.

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