OC Stories/RP 28 members · 46 stories
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Aetaes Wolf
Group Admin

The door shuts and locks behind Galaxy as she walks into the large room inside the blue box. Most ponies would be surprised by the room in the box, despite it's small appearance. Galaxy was used to it, she walked down the hall and into her room. She curled up on her bed and slowly fell asleep.

(Time skip to morning!)

Music curled up in her bed and fell asleep. I never noticed the time... she thought to herself. The next day, she woke up early.

Aetaes Wolf
Group Admin

Galaxy wakes up to the usual hums in the blue box. She gets up and neatly brushes her mane. One more day. One more chance to relax. She thought. Once her mane was was brushed into place, she walked outside the blue box. The door shut and locked behind her.

Music did her usual routine of brushing her teeth, taking a shower, and flying down from Cloudsdale to Sugarcube Corner.

Aetaes Wolf
Group Admin

Galaxy walked to the town square. She had promised to meet a friend there, and she didn't want to be late.

Music ordered her food.

Aetaes Wolf
Group Admin

Galaxy was a few minutes early, so she decided to wait.

Music started to eat her delicious cupcake, and drink her chocolate milkshake.

Aetaes Wolf
Group Admin

Galaxy doesn't wait long, a light blue earth pony mare with a blond mane comes walking up to her. "Am I late?" Galaxy smiles. "Not at all. Come on, let's grabs something to eat." The two mares walk to Sugar clubs Corner, chatting along the way.

Music Fly really liked her milkshake.

Aetaes Wolf
Group Admin

The two mares sat outside once they got their cupcakes, chatting with each other and eating their treats.

Music looked out the window. Galaxy was chatting with another mare, probably about... something.

Aetaes Wolf
Group Admin

Galaxy looks at the mare. "You live near in the Everfree Forest, right?" The mare nods. "Yeah, not far from where Zecora is. Everyone says it's dangerous there, but it's actually quite peaceful." "Galaxy giggles a bit. "Well, it can't be any worse then a Daleks armor!" The two mares laugh, then resume chatting.

Music heard Galaxy mention the Everfree forest. And... the mare living in the forest. Who lived in a forest? Yes, maybe they were antisocial, but there were other places to accommodate that. And how did she build her house? Curious, Music finished her food, walked out, and flew over the forest. It was a weekend.

Aetaes Wolf
Group Admin

The mare gets up. "I need to head back. You're welcome to join me if you want." Galaxy nods. "Alright." The two mares walk to the small cottage in the Everfree forest.

Seeing that Galaxy and the other mare were coming, Music flew up higher, and hid above a cloud.

Aetaes Wolf
Group Admin

The two mares walk into a cottage just inside the forest. It's small, looking as if to ponies could live in it Galaxy looks around. "Where's Remedy?" The mare sits down. "He went out to collect herbs."

I think it's safe, Music thought. Galaxy and the other mare was in a cottage.

Aetaes Wolf
Group Admin

Galaxy smirks. "Is he trying out a new recipe?" The mare nods. "I swear, that colt can cure just about anything with his herbal medicine!" Galaxy laughs a bit. "Well, at least he has you to test his medicine, Dragon Heart." The mare rolls her eyes.

Music Fly flew down from the cloud, and started to walk out of the forest. Unlike most pegasi, she usually walked instead of flying, unless she was in a rush. Suddenly, a timberwolf appeared.

"What the hay?!" yelled Music Fly as she started to fly for her life.

Aetaes Wolf
Group Admin

Galaxy looks to the door. "Dragon..?" Dragon looks outside. "Timberwolf!"

Music Fly flew up into the nearest tree she could find. She didn't have enough energy to fly out of the forest, and the timber wolf would probably follow her to Ponyville anyway.

Aetaes Wolf
Group Admin

Dragon grabs one of the torches lighting the room and runs outside to the Timberwolf.

Music saw the mare earlier with a torch. The timberwolf quickly ran before the mare could do anything. Music went back down from the tree. "Thanks for saving me."

Aetaes Wolf
Group Admin

Dragon smiles. "Well, I couldn't just let the timberwolf get you!"

Music Fly walked back to Ponyville. "Thanks again!" she called.

Aetaes Wolf
Group Admin

Dragon smiles and walks ba k into her house, putting the tourch back on the wall. She faces Galaxy. "Now, about that blue box..."

Music Fly flew back up to Cloudsdale.

Aetaes Wolf
Group Admin

"You and Remedy want to see it, don't you?" Dragon nods. Galaxy sighs. "Alright. Go find him and I'll let you take a look inside it. But I'm not taking you anywhere in it." The two ponies walk out. Dragon goes to find her friend and Galaxy waits by the blue box.

Music went into her house. She was bored. As a musician, she didn't usually have much time to socialize. She would, but she was just too busy. Picking up a quill, she started to write a song.

Aetaes Wolf
Group Admin

Dragon walks to the blue box, a gold unicorn stallion with a pure white mane and tail following her.

Music usually only played songs, not write them, but she did compose occasionally.

Aetaes Wolf
Group Admin

The stallion sighed. "You couldn't have let me find some herbs before doing this?" Dragon winks. "You can harvest herbs anytime, but how often will you see a spaceship that travels through time?"

Music kept writing, until finally she was finished. She picked up her guitar.

Meanwhile sunny days was sitting on a windowsill losing herself in a beautiful melody that could be heard playing inside the house.

Aetaes Wolf
Group Admin

Galaxy put her key in the lock and opened the door. The three ponies walked into a blue box that looked as if it could barely fit two ponies inside it.

Music started to play the guitar. As she did, she noticed a yellow pony sitting in her windowsill, enjoying the music. She smiled.

Aetaes Wolf
Group Admin

Dragon looks around. "Wow...It's way bigger on the inside!" Galaxy smirks.
(Sorry but I have to take off for a few days. Have fun while I'm gone!)

Music kept playing. This song was hard to play, but nevertheless good.

Aetaes Wolf
Group Admin

*Galaxy showed the two ponies around the blue box, is was actually quite large on the inside with many rooms*
(not much happened while I was gone, huh?)

Winterwind yawned as he walked through the streets of ponyville. Despite how much fun he was having, his study's with Flamel were tiring, and he was happy to have a break.

Aetaes Wolf
Group Admin

Dragon tilts her head. "How can there be so many rooms?" Galaxy smiles. "Alien technology. It's actually much bigger, but the chameleon chip got stuck, so now it looks like a blue box."

Walks into Ponyville, Purposefully avoiding talking to other ponies, rushes into my house.

Aetaes Wolf
Group Admin

A grey pegasus lays on a cloud, watching ponies as they do their daily routine with her light blue eyes, her pure white mane blowing gently in the breeze. A strange green pendant can be seen around her neck.

Purposely ignores other ponies and walks into the library.

Aetaes Wolf
Group Admin

The pegasus remains where she is. Something about her seems odd, she doesn't go near the ponies but she watches them, a slight hint of curiosity in her eyes.

Notices the pegasus in the clouds, but doesn't say anything.

Aetaes Wolf
Group Admin

The pegasus looks around briefly before spreading her wings, flying to a nearby roof and landing lightly on her hooves.

Stares at the pegasus on the roof for a minute before saying
"Hey....who are you?"

Aetaes Wolf
Group Admin

The pegasus jolts slightly. "I...Uhm...Ah...." She clears her throat and regains her composure, looking down to the pony who called to her. "I'm Whispering Wind. Who are you?"

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