OC Stories/RP 28 members · 46 stories
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Winter wind walked over to the unicorn violinist he had seen before, "excuse me?" he said, "That was great playing, i haven't met many musicians who can get that part right."

Aetaes Wolf
Group Admin

Galaxy smiles warmly. "Thanks. You were great, too!"

"True, but why is it so close?" she asked, before realizing that she might be pushing the limits. "But if you don't want to tell me, it's okay."

Aetaes Wolf
Group Admin

"It was my mothers." Galaxy said.

Music Fly nodded. Changing the subject, she asked both Winterwind and Galaxy, "So how did you get your cutie mark?"

Comment posted by theunderwolf deleted Jun 5th, 2013
Aetaes Wolf
Group Admin

Galaxy is perplexed by the question. Her hourglass cutie mark is something that never really mattered, so she never paid any attention to it. She thought back to when it could have first appeared, though she knew whatever story she told the ponies around her, they weren't going to believe. She turns her attention to the colt beside her, allowing herself to think through her story more clearly.

(Sorry I kinda derped when I didn't realize there was a second page and added my comment twice.bleh)
Winterwind looked at his cutie mark, a beaker filled with fire, and grinned. "My stories hilarious, it was chemistry day at school, and I decided it would be a great idea to mix ALL of the herbs, chemicals and reagents, then stir with magic. The next thing I knew was that half my mane was missing and I had gained an alchemy cutie mark."

Aetaes Wolf
Group Admin

(no worries, I derp all the time! :derpytongue2: )
Galaxy lets out a small chuckle. "Wow, you really went all out, huh?" She thinks back to what story to tell, but she admits defeat, knowing that it'll be impossible for them to believe whatever she tells them. "I can't tell you what my story is, you'd never believe me if I did. Ponies around here think I'm strange enough, and I don't need them to think I'm crazy."

(I just realized Galaxy really reminds me of Colgate/Minuette. Also, I derp all the time too. I didn't reply for a day wondering why nobody posted anything. Hooray for derping!:derpyderp1::derpyderp2::derpytongue2:)
"Well, tell me if you change your mind. I'd really like to know what an hourglass means. Anyway, my story was when I was bored and composed a song... At the age of 8. It turns out that ponies really like it when fillies play two notes repeatedly on their guitar while trying to think of what else to do. I spent 5 hours playing instruments on that day, but at least I earned my cutie mark!" Music Fly grinned.

Aetaes Wolf
Group Admin

(Oh my gosh! You're right! Never even thought of that!)
"Wow, and I thought my violin lessons were long!" Galaxy thinks for a moment. "Well...I can't tell you my story, but perhapse I can show you what my cutie mark means."

Winterwind grinned "Sounds fun! I was looking for something to do this afternoon."

Music Fly nodded. That did seem interesting.

Aetaes Wolf
Group Admin

Galaxy smiles. "Alright. Now, if you could go to any time and place on this planet, where and when would it be?"

"Easy!", Winterwind grinned, "Paris, France late 14th century."

"Wow, that time seems pretty interesting." Music had read about it in books, but (what a surprise) never got to see what it actually looked like. The books weren't so descriptive.

Aetaes Wolf
Group Admin

Galaxy nods, a small smirk on her face. "Alright, Paris it is!" She closes her eyes and her horn glows in a white aura, a dome of light quickly flashes around the three ponies, revealing Paris, France. "Here we are, Paris, Frace, late fourteent century. Take a look around!"

Winterwind grinned and looked around. then he grabbed a passerby, "Excuse me sir," he asked as politly as possible, how do you get to Rue de Montmorency?"

Aetaes Wolf
Group Admin

(I'll RP the townspeople :derpytongue2:)
"You go straight down, and turn right." The colt spoke English perfectly, quite surprising considering they're in France. He continues on his way and Galaxy walks up to Winter. "You must be wondering how he's speaking English. Truth is, you're actually speaking French right now, I'm just translating everything for you telepathically."

(Someone likes Derpy)
"Well, let's go!" said Music, heading down the street. "I've never even heard of the 'Roo the Monterency' or whatever, but sounds interesting." She should probably have read more books.

Aetaes Wolf
Group Admin

Galaxy quickly follows. "Don't wander off."

Winterwind almost floated there. When he saw the street he flew around the corner and sprinted down it, stopping in front of a tall imposing home with several chimneys leaking multicolored smoke. The sign said "51 Rue de montmorency. "This is the place." Winterwind said as his grin widened.

Aetaes Wolf
Group Admin

Galaxy stops shortly beside Winter and looks at the building. "Wanna go inside?"

"Of course I do!" Winterwind nearly shouted, "Don't you know what this place is!?"

Aetaes Wolf
Group Admin

Galaxy giggles a bit. "Of course I do, I've been here before." Galaxy walks up to the door and knocks. The door is answered by a house maid. "Ah, Madam Galaxy. Come for a visit?" Galaxy nods. "Yes, and I brought two friends with me." The maid leads the way inside. Galaxy looks to the ponies behind her. "Well, come on." She walks in.

Music walked in behind Galaxy, looking around.

"Oh my Celestia i can't believe this is happening!" Winterwind said as he barley resisted the urge to skip inside.

Aetaes Wolf
Group Admin

Galaxy chuckles a bit as the maid leads them to the main room, then goes off to get the master of the house.

"This is awesome!" exclaimed Music Fly as she sat down.

Aetaes Wolf
Group Admin

Galaxy sits down. "Since you may be confused by what is happening, allow me to properly introduce myself. My name is Galaxy, I am a traveler who travels through time and space. Though you may not notice, I am half alien. Born and raised on my father's home planet, Earth. The only way to tell that I am is if you listen to my heartbeat. Now since danger usually follows me when I travel, and I don't want either of you to get hurt, we won't stay too long, alright?"

"Ok sounds good I really want to meet him though." Winterwind said as he settled into an arm chair.

Aetaes Wolf
Group Admin

Galaxy nods. "Don't worry, you will!"

(hey under, you wanna RP him?)

A light orange pony walks into the room smiling softly, he seats himself in the largest armchair and looks at the group. "Galaxy, a pleasure as always," he says softly, " would you be so kind as to introduce me too your friends?"

Aetaes Wolf
Group Admin

Galaxy nods. "Of course. The mare is Music Fly, she's a musician. The colt is Winterwind, he's an alchemist."

Music held out her hoof. "Nice to meet you."

The orange colt smiled. "A pleasure music fly. And Winterwind it is always nice to meet a fellow alchemist." He paused,"Oh but where are my manners. My name is Nicholas. Nicholas Flamel."

Winterwind grinned. "Of course i know who you are! You're a pioneer in our field! You wrote the codex!"

(bad news guys/girls on friday i have to leave for summer camp for a mounth and after that i have to go to new york 3 days later. i don't know how you want to handle my disappearance i vote for Winterwind to become Flamels apprentice and be lost/ trapped in time. what do you think?)

Aetaes Wolf
Group Admin

Galaxy smiles. "He's an admirer of yours."

(Yay camp! As for your idea, Galaxy wouldn't let him be trapped in time, knowing it could cause havoc on the space-time continuum. But, she knows Nicholas developed the Philosopher's Stone, and even helped him make it. She knows she would have to take him with her to the future, since he can in fact live forever, and by doing so would mean his safety from those who would wish to claim the stone for their own. So, logically, they would all go back to the future, and Winter could stay behind as his apprentice.)

Winterwind and Flamel immediately flew into a complicate conversation on alchemy almost oblivious to the time traveler and the musician.

(Double check: Winter wind becomes apprenticed to him in the future? if so that sounds good.)

Aetaes Wolf
Group Admin

Galaxy smiles, amused by the two colts talking about alchemy.

(Yes indeedy!)

Music Fly turned to Galaxy. "So, have you been here before?"

Aetaes Wolf
Group Admin

Galaxy nods. "Many times. In fact, this was one of the first places I went when I discovered my Time Travel abilities. I got stuck here until I fully mastered them."

"Um Galaxy?" Winterwind asked hesitantly, "Nck has agreed to teach me some of hs secrets s there a way i can...?"
(Well You guys will have to take it from here, Have fun And see you in a month or so)

Aetaes Wolf
Group Admin

Galaxy nods. "It is undeniable that I would have to bring him back with us, to protect him against those who wish to use him. I will take us back now." Her eyes glow pure white as a dome of light quickly forms around them and disappears, revealing the room they had started the journey in.

(Well, I don't have a clue about this space-time thing, but from what I understand, you bring us to the future - the time where we started. So, Winterwind stays back in the past... right? Also, we now have 92 posts in this topic.)

"Well, now Nicholas is with us, what do we do?" asked Music Fly. "Do we, like show him around? Where will he stay anyway? In one of our houses? Do we travel to France and build him a new house?"

Aetaes Wolf
Group Admin

(No, Winter came back with them as well)

Galaxy smiles softly. "Let Winter handle it."

(Oh, thanks.)
"Okay, then." said Music Fly.

Aetaes Wolf
Group Admin

Galaxy looks outside. "It'll be evening soon, we should return to our homes." She walks outside.

Music walked out, and started to flap her wings as she returned to Cloudsdale.

Aetaes Wolf
Group Admin

Galaxy walks to an empty alley. She lifts up her key using her magic and unlock the door on a blue box, entering the unlocked box.

Music Fly landed gently on the giant cloud that was Cloudsdale, and walked over to her house. She was curious about Galaxy, but she knew it would be better to leave the strange unicorn alone.

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