Silver Spoon 692 members · 489 stories
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yes I know I'm late to this but it was Christmas and everything was on fire

So in the "Twilight Sparkle" ending of the Equestria Girls short "Best Trends Forever", Rarity uses some kind of mind-control to make everyone in school complete idiots, which causes Silver Spoon to forget that she's already a member of the elite cabal of smart glasses-wearing people. She also forgets that she's not allowed to speak.

Is it me or does her hair look a bit odd from this angle. It's missing the requisite Silver Spoon bobble

SILVER SPOON: Twilight! Which word is cooler? "Boronic" or "onomatopoeia"?

Note that Silvy does actually know how to pronounce "onomatopoeia". Also, it is Silver who initiates this exchange, and she genuinely did want Twilight's opinion on this matter.

TWILIGHT: Well, they're both kind of bombastic.

And Twilight completely fails to answer the question.

See look side view has the bobble

DIAMOND TIARA: "Bomb-tastic?" I love that! It's like "da bomb" plus "fantastic"!

In fairness, Diamond "what a bold design choice!" Tiara's pony counterpart has been known to lose her head when confronted by someone with more influence than her. Come to think of it, that was with Twilight too. Why does this keep happening?

TWILIGHT: No. "Bombastic" means "overly florid in an attempt to sound impressive".
DIAMOND TIARA: Wow. Bombastic much?

Diamond's still a jerk in this universe!

TWILIGHT: Why did I transfer to this school again?

SILVER SPOON: Oooooh, you just got incinerated!

Fish-man just got dropped! Note that Silver already had that synonym to hand without needing to consult the dictionary or whatever she was reading from, because Silvy is teh smrts.

Silver Spoon also appears in the "Rainbow Dash" ending, wearing a Rainbow Dash wig or something. Or maybe she dyed it. I'm not sure. I mean, it looks like Diamond dyed her hair because it's styled and everything so maybe Silvy dyed hers too, in which case she is pulling off that Dash look like a bawss.

How long has it been, Hasbro? Four years?

Is Silvy taller then Diamond Tiara?

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I don't think so. They seem to be the same height when directly side-by-side. The perspective of the last screencap is misleading.

Heh. you know.... I still like Sci-Twi for one thing: her Glasses =3

Silver’s hair is a little different compared to her previous appearances.

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