RariTwi, Rarilight, Twilight x Rarity 1,116 members · 478 stories
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Hi everybody!

It's been a while since the group last did A THING, so here I am to convince you all to do a THING, and by convince I mean just throw the idea out and hope people wanna participate.

Essentially, story bits, which is a thing I invented just right now, is little (or big) drabbles based on a common prompt!

I'm putting a soft minimum of 100 words, but you are able to do as little as a sentence but damn, that has to be one damn good sentence like the saddest six word story (For sale: Baby shoes; never worn) or the happiest six word story (Suddenly, fifty RariTwi fics were posted).

Finally, and obviously, this has to involve RariTwi SOMEHOW. Doesn't have to be romantic, doesn't have to be friends, extra points for mortal enemies turned lovers, it doesn't even have to have THEM, but it does have to involve them somehow.

Now, for our first batch of prompts, the challenge is to pick one (or more) of the prompts from the following sets of randomly generated prompts and use it/them in your ficlet.

1 - warrior sheep watch
2 - education pipe piano
3 - intimacy rose coffee
4 - loyalty attic cap
5 - beauty tiger city

1. "I don't often get the chance to talk to someone like you."
2. "We can't. I'm your boss."
3. "Quick, hide behind the sofa!"
4. "What a thing to say - and on my birthday!"
5. "Do you ever think we should just stop doing this?"
6. "You must be mad, coming here like this."

YOU DON'T HAVE TO USE A PROMPT FROM EACH SET. You can just do word prompt, just do dialogue prompt, or if you want you can do both.

I'll start with an example word set.

"It was unlike anything I'd ever done before," Rarity said to Pinkie Pie, sipping tea and looking quite severe.

"No, it wasn't," Twilight insolently replied, rolling her eyes in the way she did when she was being awfully rude, and also awfully wrong.

"The courage I had to muster within me..." She licked her lips. "I truly don't know where I summoned it from."

"Rarity! That sound so awful!" Pinkie exclaimed, putting her hooves on her mouth. "You must have been so brave!"

"Darling, I was. I was compelled by an explosion of fearlessness, and I knew this foul beast could not hope to defeat me, and especially less so when poor Twilight was so horribly afraid of it!"

"Rarity!" Twilight finally said, putting her tea down. "It was a spider! A spider!"

"Darling, I know. We were both very brave," Rarity said, as if she'd not been hiding behind her marefriend earlier that morning, begging her to teleport it out, Twilight!

Word set - courage explosion spider

And that's basically it!

Have fun! o:

Like a tiger hunting down a gazelle, Rarity was crawling silently on the floor, slowly getting closer to Twilight. Upon finally reaching her prey, Rarity steadied herself.

Twilight seemed too focused on her reading to notice the upcoming assault.

It had to be fast. Rarity standed on her hindlegs, raising her two forehooves in the air. She was ready to attack. A few more seconds and then...

"Say, do you ever think we should just stop doing this?" Twilight said nonchalantly, stopping Rarity in the middle of her prank.

Rarity stopped dead in her track and held her breath, still in position.

Twilight turned to Rarity with a smile "You know the thing with being on the receiving end of the same prank all the time is that you eventually get used to it."

Rarity frowned, a pout on her face. "You're no fun! what's wrong about wanting to see your adorable flustered face! It's usually so easy, you're always so captivated by your reading..."

"Maybe if you hadn't been staring for 5 minutes before actually pranking me, it would have worked better" said Twilight looking very amused.

"but you're so cute when you're reading!" exclaimed Rarity.

Twilight blushed and simply stated "I'm not cute. you're the one wh..."

"Nonsense, darling" Rarity interrupted. "Your beauty illuminates this city more than any light. Even I can't compete with that resplendent smile of yours!"

Embarassed, Twilight just stayed silent a few seconds, pondering her answer. "Thank you" she just said with a small smile.

Rarity grinned. "My pleasure, darling."

Word set- beauty tiger city

Dialogue prompt- "Do you ever think we should just stop doing this?"

(sorry if that was very bad, it's my first time writing anything and I'm not a native english speaker so...)

Twilight sighed as she closed her book. "Rarity, you must be mad, coming here dressed like this."

Rarity scoffed in mock anger. "What a thing to say - and on my birthday!"

"Sweetie's. Sweetie's birthday. How did her birthday excuse you from dressing like that?

Rarity raised her muzzle and adjusted her party hat. "I'll have you know it was something my dear sister worked very hard on."

"I see," Twilight rubbed her chin. "That explains why you look like a box with legs."

Rarity begin marching over. "Twilight, I will not stand here and listen to you disparage Sweetie's--"

The door opened. "Twilight," Spike called out, "I got the groceries."

Rarity squeaked. "Quick! Behind the sofa!" and dove.

Twilight gave her a flat look. "No."

There was a moment of awkward silence. "Did he see me?" Rarity whispered.

"Yes," Spike whispered back as he walked past her with bags in his hands.

Rarity poked her eyes over. "Tell him to forget he saw me!"

Spike leaned over from around the refrigerator door, an eyebrow raised. Twilight shook her head. Spike shrugged. "I can't, she's my boss. I'll have to say though, its not often I get to talk to a walking box."

Dialogue prompt: "I don't often get the chance to talk to--"
"[redacted] can't. [redacted][extra redacted] boss."
"Quick, hide behind the sofa!"
"What a thing to say - and on my birthday!"
"You must be mad, coming here like this."

(I don't know how to do this I'm sorry)

Sticking a pin in dialogue 6, will return after work.

I have decided to take your unspoken and unintended challenge and written a story exactly on the 100 word limit. The dialogue prompt used should be obvious.

"Do you ever think we should just stop doing this?" Rarity sighed wistfully, concentrating on her hooves as they worked.

"I do think so," Twilight replied in a careful monotone, her ears burning bright red as she avoided the eyes of the other ponies in their train car. "I have said so, repeatedly. It's obviously a rhetorical question because you never seem to acknowledge my answer, but still I would ask you to drop the flimsy pretense of taking my measurements for the third time this hour, put away your measuring tape and stop feeling up my flanks in public."

"Okay, Rarity, so the next thing in our wedding preparations is to find somepony to play the church piano," Twilight said matter-of-factly, fully engrossed in their wedding list.

"I'm sorry, 'church piano'? Whatever do you mean?" Rarity asked, raising an eyebrow at her fiancée.

"You know... the church piano," Twilight replied, waving a hoof for emphasis. "The loud one, with all the tubes. Almost every church has one."

Rarity stared back at Twilight, struggling not to let her mouth fall open. "Darling, dearest, I love you with all my heart and more, but am I to assume that a mare of your education—the mare that I'm about to be wed to—doesn't know the difference between a pipe organ and a piano?!"

Word Prompt: education, pipe, piano

Day 1: Warrior Sheep Watch

"What did you do, Rarity?"

"Golden fleece, Twilight! You didn't tell me the King of the Sheep had golden fleece!"

"So you sheared him in his sleep?"

"Only a little! I just needed it for accents for a commission I'm working on, and it matched perfectly with the ensemble. Surely you understand the desire for perfection."

"I can't believe it. This is the second time we've had to run for our lives this month because of you."

"The incident with the Sultan was hardly my fault, darling. That watch clashed horribly with the rest of his attire. It's true that you can accent gold with silver, but a traditional Saddle Arabian style should not be paired with Minotauran accessory. Taking the watch was an act of charity, really."

"That watch was also a gift from the Warrior-Prince of the Minotaurs. Honestly, I don't even know why I still bring you along on these diplomatic visits. You're nothing but trouble."

"Ah, but I'm your trouble, my dear Princess, n'est-ce pas? And besides, the Sultan was going to declare war on Equestria no matter how the visit turned out, and the watch came in quite handy when we had to convince the Minotaurs that the Saddle Arabians had scorned their gifts and getting them to back us against the Sultan."

"I would've been able to talk him out it eventually."

"Don't pout, dear. It's unbecoming of a Princess of Equestria. Besides, I'm sure this little incident will work itself out for the best as well."

"Oh, and how do you know that?"

"Well, the queen confided in me that as much as she desires her husband, his refusal to have himself groomed has been quite off-putting as of late, a sentiment that I was most able to sympathize with."

"Hey! I'm not that bad at taking care of myself!"

"Darling, I once had to trim your mane while you reading because you refused to take time out of your schedule to visit a barber."

"I wanted to spend more time with you!"

"And I treasure every moment with you, my dear Princess, but I would treasure it more if you were presentable when we are together. Anyways, as I was saying, I think the queen should be able to convince her husband to call off his anger, and in the future I think he will be in a much better mood during negotiations after a few nights with his very fetching wife."

"You know, it would be a lot easier if you'd just tell me these things before you go and do them."

"Now where would be the fun in that? You did marry me partly because of my spontaneity, after all. So, where are we going next? After the king's guards give up the chase and we smooth things over here, that is."

"Well, I do have a summit in Maretonia next month..."

"Ooh! Have you heard about the royal pearls that the duke supposedly only wears in battle? They're supposed to be the largest in the world. What I wouldn't give to see them just once..."


Pick one, or maybe one from each? Why not all at once? :pinkiecrazy:

"Do you ever think we should just stop doing this?"

Rarity batted her eyelashes. "Stop? Ugh, what a thing to say - and on my birthday! Seriously, Twilight, humor me a little. I promise you, this plan is a beauty!"

"It's a school play, Rarity," Twilight sighed, tugging at the sheep costume that was itching her ears. "Just because the Crusaders have a different idea of how the script should go than Cheerilee does not mean we should be helping them to derail it. Think about what happened the last time we did them a 'favor' like this! Or the time before, or the time before that! You must be mad, coming here like this."

"Oh, really." Rarity curled her lip. "Twilight, that play is trite, boring and far too educational and my loyalty to my sister Sweetie Belle compels me to leap up and come running to her aid! And if that involves me wearing a tiger costume, hiding behind the stage piano and preparing to upstage a school function? Watch me."

Twilight frowned. "Could we at least trade costumes? This sheep feels like it just got pulled out of a centuries-long storage in some attic and is going to make me sneeze from all the dust!"

Rarity shook her head. "I'm sorry, but we can't. I'm your boss, and I don't want to."

"What!?" Twilight pouted. "First off, what does that have to do with anything, and second, no you are not!"

"Aren't I, now?" Rarity gave a flirtatious smirk. "Are you sure that's a wise way for a sheep to address a tiger? I might just get a little peckish and decide to... nibble on your ear... Mmmhmhmmomnomnom!"

Twilight flushed brighter than a rose bush, said ears folding backwards. "Tooo much intimacy for out in public, Rares. And you're ridiculous. If I didn't see you every day, I'd say I don't often get the chance to talk to someone like you... but as-is, I just haven't had enough coffee for this."

Instead of protesting, Rarity gasped. "Somepony is coming! Quick, hide behind the sofa instead!" She yanked Twilight along, tripping on a support pipe and spilling out onto the stage. "Uwaa!"

"Uhhh..." Scootaloo stared at the duo, decked in a frilly city dress and interrupted mid-line. "It's only halfway through the first act. Weren't you guys supposed to show up later?"

All the other foals except Apple Bloom looked cluelessly at her. Sweetie Belle head-desked on the piano.

"Um... rawr?" Cheesily, caught by surprise as being the center of attention, Rarity bared her tiger teeth, slipping into the role Sweetie Belle had asked her to fill two acts later into the play.

Scootaloo shrugged. "All right. I can roll with now." In the blink of an eye, she cast aside the dress and donned a pirate cap. "Yahaharrr!" she cackled, charging forward. "Brave warriors, to me! Let's repel this invasion!"

"Hiyaaaa!" Apple Bloom leapt at Rarity. Twilight slunk back behind the piano.

In the front row of the audience, Cheerilee held her head in her hooves. "Why does this always happen to me...?"

Twilight stood at the entrance of Princess Rarity’s door and watched her as a herder would watch their sheep.

Princess Rarity was actually reading a book about politics. politics. This is the first Twilight had even seen Rarity interested in her royal duty as princess.

“Uh....” was all Twilight could muster as she gazed upon her princess reading a nonfictional book.

Startled Rarity looked up and immediately flushed red and made and attempt to hide her book.

“Tw-Twilight.... ahem... how are you today dearest?” Rarity stuttered.

“You were reading the book The Immemorial Trades of Equestria. You were looking into the past for future references of trade with neighboring countries, weren’t you?” Twilight said her expression unreadable.

Princess Rarity’s flush lightened but just slightly.”If you must know..... yes... I thought it might be time I actually listened to you more.... my faithful warrior.” She finished it off with a slight smirk.

Twilight blushed and looked away. “Ah yes... uhm... th-that’s good to hear. Never too late to start learning.”

Rarity’s smirk widened and she gracefully got off her bed she had been lying on and strode confidently towards her bodyguard.

As Rarity neared her, Twilight blushed a little harder and began to examine the room’s tiny details as she did when Rarity made her nervous. As she scanned the room she made the mistake, however, of letting her eyes rest upon Rarity’s. Her deep saphire blue eyes had a twinkle in them she had only seen so often.

“Well darling...” Rarity purred as she dragged out thw word ‘darling’. “I would appreciate it if you would help me... study as it were.”

Twilight eeped and just stared into Rarity’s eyes. Only did she look away when she heard the bells strike 3 in the afternoon.

Composing herself, Twilight straightend, “We-well Your Highness, it is time for your afternoon tea with Lady Fluttershy. Shall I escort you now?”

Rarity blinked as she processed this information. oh yes she remembered Fluttershy had something she wanted to tell me...Blast it Fluttershy. If she hadn’t insisted it be so urgent she could have been turning her bodyguard into an adorably flushed mess right now. But alas, it was not to be, was it?

“That would be exellent dear.” Rarity replied cooly as though she had done nothing at all.

On her way to exit the room she passed Twilight and with a small smirk, gave her a chaste kiss on the cheek and proceeded to exit the room.

Twilight blushed deeply and stiffened.

“Are you coming or not dear?” Princess Rarity called playfully.

“R-right.”Was all Twlight could muster, her face still as red as a tomato.

This is the worst thing I’ve possible ever written in my life but it’s all I could do. Been reading too many of your bodyguard AU’s Mono. Look at what you’ve done.

This was great. I loved this. Waaaaaayyyyy better than what i write!! XD

6319197 Thank you!

This style of random-prompt snippet makes a good creativity exercise, if you're inclined to practice and improve. Even if you don't have much confidence in what you can do, thanks for trying it yourself- getting better is a very real thing.

Very similar to the solo and ensemble band thing I went to this weekend. I’m a better trumpet player for trying even though I didn’t get a superior rating. By trying something harder and different I have already improved my abilities as a player. Similar to this writing prompt style.

Day 2: Education Pipe Piano

Rarity stared at the eldritch mass of pipes and pumps in mute horror.

Standing next to her, Twilight beamed, a totally adorable and naive smile gracing her features. "Do you like it?"

"My piano!" Rarity wailed, unable to contain herself anymore. "My poor, poor piano. Whatever did it do to deserve this fate?"

"Oh, right." Twilight's smile turned sheepish. "Sorry about that. I'll make sure to get you a new one. It's just, I was so excited to install an Organ to the Outside in my own castle that I got a little carried away."

Rarity inspected the closest pipe with a critical eye, finding the copper construct to be horribly clashing with the elegant mahogany of her beloved instrument. "And why exactly do you need to build such a contraption?"

"Well, I'm supposed to be giving a bunch of nobles a tour of the castle tomorrow." A spark of anger flashed in her eyes. "The same ones that panned your debut at the Canterlot Fashion Week last month."

Rarity shivered as something cold chilled her marefriend's tone. "And I was thinking that they might enjoy an education as to how Equestrian Royalty used to deal with insults to The Crown."

Stepping forward, Rarity wrapped her hooves around Twilight in a tight embrace. "Have I mentioned how much I love you lately?"

Twilight smirked as she pressed a kiss to Rarity's lips, sending a whole different kind of shiver down her spine. "I could stand to hear it a bit more often."

Rarity's eyes burned with passion as her breathing became ragged. "You'll be hearing it much more tonight, Your Highness. And I think it's time I gave you a very different kind of education in the bedroom."

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Thank you all for participating o: I will be releasing a new set of prompts later today if you wanna continue

Wonder if I should try to make writing 100 word scenes a thing. :trixieshiftleft:

Well, if there's going to be more prompts today, then I guess it's time to go to LUDICROUS SPEED

Day 2.1: Intimacy Rose Coffee

Twilight awoke to the sensation of somepony drilling into her head with a jackhammer.

Groaning in pure misery, she lit her horn on pure instinct, triggering a series of spells she'd set to activate a complex mechanism of weights, pulleys, boilers, and gears in order to deliver a large mug of steaming liquid into her hooves. After a few spills, she managed to down enough of the coffee to clear her mind, allowing her to pierce through the haze of agony and giving her the presence of mind to open her eyes.

The first thing she noticed was the rose petals covering her, splotches of red that dotted her body like giant, beautiful welts. The second thing she noticed was that the sunlight streaming in from the windows was sending lances of fiery pain into her skull, and she quickly closed them again and laid her head back on her warm, soft pillow.

That last thought made her tense. Twilight tilted her head and peeked open her eyes to see a tangle of purple hair against a white coat. Memories of the previous night came crashing down on her like a bucket of cold water, instantly restoring a modicum of her lucidity.

The party. The alcohol. The drunken confession. The spontaneous, shared intimacy.

A yawn interrupted Twilight's reverie, and she quickly scrambled to her hooves despite her pounding headache as her former pillow lifted her head to glance around Twilight's bedroom in confusion.

"What in Celestia's name…?" that soft, elegant voice that Twilight so adored was cut off by a loud yawn. "Where am I?"

"My bedroom," Twilight replied shakily, waiting for Rarity to turn around and face her.

"Twilight?" Cloudy blue eyes met panicked purple ones. Rarity frowned. "It is far too early for me to be dealing with this. You wouldn't happen to have anything restorative in here, would you?"

"Here." Twilight floated over her mug of coffee, which Rarity gulped down with a distinct lack of grace.

"Thank you, darling." Rarity floated the mug back to Twilight before surveying the room, her normal poise returning. "Now, would you care to explain to me why we are covered in rose petals?"

"Err, I might have gone just a teensy bit overboard with the summoning spell." Twilight shot Rarity a nervous grin.

"I see." Rarity's eyes narrowed. "So it seems like we both had a little too much to drink last night." Her expression was unreadable, no matter how much Twilight to divine the mare's feelings.

"A little bit, yeah." A pause. "So, alcohol has the psychological effect of lowering inhibitions."

"I'm aware of that, dear. I highly doubt you would have declared your undying love to me in song otherwise."

Twilight felt her cheeks redden. "Right, yes. Still, it didn't make me do anything I wouldn't have wanted to do while sober." Heart pounding in her chest, Twilight steeled herself for rejection.

Rarity responded by raising an eyebrow. "Even the thing with the weather vane?"

"Especially the thing with the weather vane."

There was a short silence as Rarity continued to study Twilight. Finally, the white mare spoke. "Well, I can't say I didn't do anything last night that I didn't want to do either."

Hope fluttered in Twilight's chest. "So you mean…?" she trailed off, unable to complete her question and speak her desires out loud.

"Yes, Twilight, I have feelings for you as well, and I don't regret what happened last night, even if I wish we had both been sober for our first experience of sharing our bodies."

"Then… you want to try being a couple?" Time stood still as Twilight waited for a response.

"I… I would like that very much." For the first time this morning, Twilight saw Rarity's stoic mask falter, revealing the uncertain mare hidden beneath the cool facade. An instant later the vulnerability was replaced by an easy smirk. "But only if you clean up these rose petals first. While I find the idea of them incredibly romantic, they are quite, err, sticky to deal with in reality."

"Of course." A flash of magic later, and all signs of the red flowers were gone, leaving behind only the smell of strong coffee and shared intimacy.

"And if you could fetch some more of that wonderful coffee?"

"Anything you want, Rarity," with a smile, Twilight plodded over towards the kitchen, the future looking brighter than it had ever had before.

Or maybe that was the hangover talking.


Day 2.2: Loyalty Attic Cap

Deep underground, a pair of mares rifled through a giant, polka-dotted, hypercubical box.

"Please put that thing down, dear. It's giving me the worst headache just looking at it."

Twilight reluctantly put down the non-Euclidean object in her hooves. "It's a ruler that measures Manehattan distance, Rarity! How is that even possible?"

"Darling, we're in Discord's attic, which I should note is approximately fifty hooves beneath his house, because Discord. Logic and reason have long since absconded from my mind." Her hoof reached into the box and pulled out a mass of rounded metal. "A cap made from bottle caps, how mundanely amusing." She tossed the item behind her as she continued to search the box.

"Oh hey, I found some loyalty." Rarity glanced up sharply to stare at the small, nondescript box in Twilight's hooves.

"Do you mean the Element of Loyalty?" If Discord had taken it from the Tree, then they would have to Have Words.

"No, I mean the abstract concept of loyalty." Twilight leaned over and stuck her snout into the box. "Hmm, I'm feeling the sudden desire to sacrifice myself for either Equestria or you."

"It's good to know you value me as much as the nation, darling. Now please, put that down and help me find this thing so that we can leave with some semblance of our sanities intact."

A few harrowing and disturbing minutes later, Rarity let out a triumphant cry. "Here it is!" she announced, holding up a perfect replica of the room they were in. A moment later, the floow rumbled, nearly sending the pair tumbling to the ground.

"Careful with that, Rarity," Twilight cautioned as she gingerly took the item from Rarity's grasp, making sure to move it at a constant speed in one direction. "Alright, let's get Discord's attic back to him so that we can get back to the tea party. I swear, next time remind me not to do any favors for that draconequus."


Day 2.3: Beauty Tiger City

In the heart of the City of Neo Ponyville, beneath the arcane glow of the mag-lev rails, rests an ancient statue that has stood strong for millennia.

The statue depicts a two mares lying next to each other. One, a unicorn with a cutie mark of three diamonds, is working a stone facsimile of a device believed to be a primitive hoof-operated sewing machine, a sheet of broken slate flowing out from the petrified mare.

Next to her is an alicorn, her worn wings folded by her sides as she studies a strange tablet that those who had visited the nearby Ponyville Museum would recognize as a "book." The faded six-pointed star surrounded by smaller stars on her flank mark her as Princess Astra, who reigned at the end of the Age of Alicorns, which is when experts in thaumo-dating say the statue was created.

The vagaries of time have long since cracked away the inscription on the statue to nothing, and even the best geo-techs have only been able to reconstruct the phrase "Love Persists" and "Precious Beauty." Because of this, the statue is known to the ponies of Neo Ponyville as The Princess and Her Precious Beauty. Who this Precious Beauty is has been lost to time, though scholars believe that she may have been one of the mythical Pillars of Equestria, each of whom represented a different virtue: sorcery, honesty, kindness, loyalty, hope, and beauty.

Next to The Princess and Her Precious Beauty is a pair of adamantine figures standing guard over the lovers. One figure is a ferocious tiger poised to strike any who might threaten her charge. The plaque beneath her names her as "Opalescence."

On the other side of Opalescence is an owl whose eyes seem to glow in the reflected light of the neon signs of the stores set up to take advantage of the visiting tourists. The owl's plaque declares his name to be "Spike."

Historians have dated the figures to approximately two hundred years after the Third Reformation, or one thousand years after the last known legends of the Alicorns, and as such the existence of "Spike" and "Opalescence" continues to be a topic intense academic debate.

However, no one denies the love that the Princess and her Beauty have shared, and all who come to pay homage to the legends of the past agree that whomever this Precious Beauty was, she must have been a true rarity to draw the affections of a princess.

Group Admin


1 - heaven clown nuts
2 - luck train queen
3 - defeat rope gondola
4 - belief bridge water
5 - dance shoes sky

1. "I have to do something to help that child."
2. "I'm sorry if it upsets you, but I'm going to marry her."
3. "No! I'm tired of doing what you say."
4. "Could you be happy here with me?"
5. "Nothing's THAT important, you know."
6. "Give me one good reason why I should wear a dress."

YOU DON'T HAVE TO USE A PROMPT FROM EACH SET. You can just do word prompt, just do dialogue prompt, or if you want you can do both.

More terrible writing.
"Well aren't you lucky," Twilight said. They were navigating through the cabins of the newly built mega-train.

Rarity winked and fluttered her tickets. "Only because I have my lucky charm next to me." She leaned in and gave the flustered Twilight a nuzzle on the cheek. "And what did you know! My tickets."

Twilight rolled her eyes as they wandered to the front of the train. They paused, briefly awestruck by the clear night and the bright stars. Trees whooshed passed as the train chugged and blinding speed. A railing caught Rarity’s eye, and she trotted over. Curious, Twilight followed.

Rarity leaned against the railing and raised her hooves to the sky. “I’m Queen of the world!”

They were promptly hit by a solar flare for copyright infringement.

Werds: Luck, train, queen.

3. "No! I'm tired of doing what you say."
4. "Could you be happy here with me?"

Using two prompts this time, so you get 2x100 words. (Yes, that totally counts... Shut up. :trixieshiftleft:)


Twilight froze, her back to Rarity before she slowly turned around to give her friend a disbelieving stare. "What was that?"

"I said no! I'm tired of doing what you say!" Rarity met her with a glare, standing her ground even though her legs were trembling from exhaustion and her mane matted with sweat.

"You're just going to give up, then? Can you really let this stand?" Twilight gestured around them with a hoof, slowly getting louder. "Could you be happy, here, with me, while the world around us descends into chaos and everything that we value and treasure crumbles away under our hooves?!"

"Twilight..." Rarity took a deep gulp of air, panting as she spoke. "I love you dearly. I know you are a stickler for detail, it's something we have in common..." Another deep breath before her legs gave out and she collapsed against the large piece of furniture by her side. "But for the love of Harmony, please just make a decision where you want this bookshelf already!" She rolled onto her back, legs splayed out and muttering under her breath. "Buy her that book on Feng Shui for Hearth's Warming, Rarity. Twilight will love it."

It doesn’t matter the context we use the the words right? As in train - choo choo or train- battle practice. Cause if that doesn’t matter then I could do these a lot easier.

"Give me one good reason why I should wear a dress." asked purple pone

"Cause u cute bae" answered marshmallow

Blush. "okay then"

The end.

Thank you very much everyone. First I would like to thank my friends and my family who supported me. it wasn't easy, i worked really hard in order to succeed. Never give up your dreams.

“Could you be happy here with me?”

It was a simple question. And her eyes looked as though they would spill over at any moment.

And - rather unusual for me, if you can believe it - I couldn’t answer right away. Here she was, the poor dear, having poured her heart out to me, had just asked in the most awkward way if I would stay with her.

I looked at her, then at the surrounding wood of the library, and back at her purple eyes.

And smiled.

“Of course, my darling.”

Group Admin

no, it doesn't matter o:

Group Admin

my gosh, what an inspiration to us all, i must study your ways

Thank you, I try my best :)


Day 3.1: "I'm sorry if it upsets you, but I'm going to marry her."

"I'm sorry if it upsets you, but I'm going to marry her."

"I know."

"I do not wish to do this, my love."

"I know."

"If there was any other way..."

"I know. You have to do your duty to your people, just as I have advised. Noblesse oblige."

"Yes, a Princess must always do Her duty to Her people."

"It is a good match. A union with Hurricane will cement the bonds between the Unicorn and the Pegasi and e-ensure that Equestria emerges a-as a s-strong and u-united n-n-nation."

"Please don't cry, my precious Clover. If you cry, I fear I shall join you, and a Princess must always remain strong for Her people."

"You honor your title, Your Majesty."

"It's not all bad, you know. Hurricane has her tryst with Smart Cookie. It shouldn't be too hard to hard to convince her that this is only a marriage of convenience, and to agree to a mutual turning of a blind eye. And nopony will question why my personal advisor spends so much time in my chambers."

"I mislike having to hide in the shadows. We have done it for far too long."

"I detest it as well, but at least we shall not be parted."

"Not until I am required to marry as well. You are not the only one with a duty to carry out."

"The Duke of Trottingham is having an affair with one of his maids, and by all accounts he loves her as dearly as life itself. He's a good stallion too, and it wouldn't be difficult for me to give him a position in the capital and arrange a marriage between you two."

"You've really thought this through, haven't you?"

"I do have my moments of political brilliance, my trusted advisor, especially when love is involved."


"Now then, enough talk of the future. I wish to spend these final moments of night with my lover in passion, not trepidation."

"Whatever you desire, Your Majesty."

"Must you always address by my title?"

"You know I do not use the honorific as others do, Your Majesty. To me, you are the most majestic mare in all the realms, a mare I would call my Princess even if you did not wear a crown, for you have won my devotion a thousand times over."

"I know, dear Clover. You are too clever by half sometimes, but I love you all the same."

"And I love you as well, Your Majesty. And if I cannot have your hoof in marriage, I shall content myself with having your heart and your body."

"Oh Clover, would that I could proclaim the depths of our affections for all the realm to know. If the future of our nation did not hang in the balance, I would do so without a second thought. Why must the Fates be so cruel as to try and keep us apart?"

"I thought you said you did not wish to speak of this, Your Majesty."

"I know, but it just burns me so. The history books will remember my grand romance with Hurricane, and the Duke will be remembered as you husband. Yet our love shall fade into obscurity, unknown to all but ourselves and our most trusted servants. Tell me, dear Clover, am I being too selfish for wanting our bond to be remembered forevermore?"

"Your generous soul humbles me most days. Methinks it is not so wrong for you to desire something for yourself. And perhaps, in time, out story can be told..."

"Clover, that gleam in your eyes is most unsettling. The last time I beheld it you and Star Swirl caused the East Wing to be consumed by darkfire."

"I have an idea you may find pleasing. Princess Platinum, I swear to you by the stars in the sky that my love for you shall endure until Death itself comes for me. Can you do the same?"

"I – Why do you ask?"

"Please, humor me."

"Very well. I swear by the diamonds in my vault that my love for you shall burn for all eternity… Clover, why is your horn glowing?"

"One moment, Your Majesty. This spell requires a significant amount of concentration to cast."



"Are you quite finished, dear Clover?"

"Y–Yes. Phew, that was more difficult than I expected."

"Would you care to explain what sort of spell you have cast?"

"A spell of Prophecy, Your Highness. I have used magic to bind Fate itself to our will. So long as our love remains true throughout our lives, the prophecy shall be fulfilled."

"And what prophecy is that?"

"That one day, it shall come to pass that a child of your blood and a child of mine shall join together in a union of Harmony and Love, and when they seal their bond for all to see, the tale of our love shall be known to all the land."

"...Thank you, dear Clover. You have given me a gift of value beyond measure. My heart is yours, now and forever."

"As mine is yours, forevermore."

"Now then, we still have some time before I must give my reply. Shall I spend these last few hours showing you the depth of my love?"

"I live to serve your every desire, Your Majesty."

"And I yours, dear Clover."

"Do you, Twilight Sparkle, take Rarity to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I – I do."

"And do you, Rarity, take Twilight Sparkle to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do."

"Then by the power vested in me, in the name of Harmony, I now pronounce you Princess and Princess-Consort. You may now kiss."



"Twilight? Rarity? Are you two alright? W–What's happening?"





"Twilight, what happened? I sensed powerful magic from the heavens."

"Oh, it's nothing bad. Just… just a prophecy that needed to be fulfilled. Rarity and I had a wonderful talk with Princess Platinum and Clover the Clever. They had something that needed to be said."

"I see."

"Can we speak privately after the ceremony? There's something you need to know. A story that needs to be told."

“Do you ever think we should just stop doing this?” Twilight asked nonchalantly, glancing at the pillows strewn about the room.

Rarity took a sip of her hot chocolate. “What makes you say that?”

“Every time I stay over, we inevitably end up doing something silly such that pillow fight we had a few minute ago and then drinking tea or hot chocolate as we stay up late.”

“What’s wrong with that?”

“It isn’t exactly very mature. I can just imagine my parents chiding me about making a mess, going to bed entirely too late, making hot chocolate with too much extra chocolate, and—”

“Darling, do you not enjoy our silly nights?”

“Oh, I do. It’s just that—”

“Then I fail to see the problem. We are not doing anything wrong, Twilight. We may not exactly be fillies anymore, but does that mean we have to stop enjoying ourselves and be serious every moment of every day?”

“I suppose not,” Twilight acquiesced.

Rarity sighed. “If you still want to, we can tone down our playful silliness.”

Twilight’s gaze focused on Rarity’s lovely blue eyes and lingered there for a moment before moving closer and nuzzling her. “You know, I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Dialogue prompt - “Do you ever think we should just stop doing this?”

So, since I was having a lot of trouble with the RariLight Bomb prompts, I decided to just use prompts from this thread for my Bomb posts.

Day RARILIGHTBOMB.1: heaven clown nuts

"Do you ever wonder about Pinkie Pie?"

The look Twilight gave Rarity was flatter than an infinite plane. "I'm afraid you're going to have to be more specific, dear. There's a lot of things that I wonder about Pinkie Pie at any given time."

"Very droll, darling." Rarity rolled her eyes. "I'm talking about the fact that Pinkie is currently wearing one of those ridiculous clown noses and helping the squirrels bury their nuts." She pointed a hoof at the mare in question who had filled her mouth with the spoils of her hunt until they puffed out from the sides. Pinkie looked up from her digging and waved at the couple, who were sitting on a nearby bench.

Twilight waved back. "Oh, that's simple. Pinkie wants to help out her new animal friends prepare for the winter. It's actually quite logical in this case."

"Still, you have to admit it's rather silly for a grown mare to act in such a fashion, no?" Rarity frowned as Pinkie began making squeaking noises at the squirrels, their tails all wagging cheerfully in the air.

"Maybe, but look how happy she is." Twilight smiled as a huge grin split Pinkie's face during her little "conversation" with the squirrels. "I think her outlook on life is one to be cherished. She reminds me of a poem I used to love as filly.

"'To see a world from the top of your roof, and heaven in a wild flower. Hold infinity in the frog of your hoof, and eternity in an hour.' Pinkie's the type of mare to live her whole life in a moment, and I think we could learn a lot from her."

Rarity nuzzled closer to Twilight, enjoying the softness of her fur pressed against her body. "A beautiful poem," she murmured into Twilight's neck. "I'm certainly enjoying this hour of eternity with you, my love. Perhaps we should follow Pinkie's example and just forget about the world for a little while."

"I think that's a wonderful idea." Twilight leaned her head down and the two of them shared a long kiss as Pinkie watched, a knowing gleam sparkling in her eyes.

Going with the original set of prompts rather than any of the new ones. Worth it.

Ask for bits, get bits. Instead of fully worked out prose.

Twi is in her office at the Friendship School. Contentedly doing paperwork like the crazed bookhorse she is.

Rarity walks in. "I don't often get the chance to talk to someone like you." spoken by Rarity.
Context: she's trying to be playful. Maybe roleplaying. Pretending to be relative strangers brought together by work on campus.

Twilight plays along. The two of them go through the motions of the conversation convincingly. If this were real prose, the reader ought to be wondering if this is some sort of AU at this point.

It turns flirty and porny though. Rarity ends up pushing Twi onto her desk. This is some, "I'm here to clean your pool" level of eye-rolling porn dialogue here. Might even work some of the random word prompts in.
2 - education pipe piano
3 - intimacy rose coffee
5 - beauty tiger city

These seem most promising.

"We can't. I'm your boss." spoken by Twilight.

"Yes, we can and we should," replies Rarity.

"No, we shouldn't." Hawt lewd touching. Hooves in inappropriate places, disheveled teacher/headmistress outfits. kisses. Earn that [M] rating. "OK, we should."

More cheesy, porny dialogue and opportunities to work in word prompts.

Just as it is starting to get really good, suddenly knocking at the door! Rainbow Dash wonders why it is locked.

"Quick, hide behind the sofa!" spoken by Twilight to Rarity.

Rarity does so and quietly tries to compose herself, fix her mane, and so on.

Twilight lets Rainbow Dash in and gives some flimsy excuse as to why her door was locked. And why her mane isn't as well-combed as it usually is.

Twilight is trying to get rid of her so she can get back to playing with Rarity. Rainbow Dash picks up on that and is slightly annoyed by that. "What a thing to say - and on my birthday!" spoken by Rainbow Dash in response to one such attempt.

Rainbow Dash is hovering like she usually does. This makes the couch a poor hiding spot. Rainbow is also a bit suspicious, and her eyes roam around. Rarity is found. Rainbow Dash suspects naughtiness.
"You must be mad, coming here like this." spoken by Rainbow Dash to Rarity.

Rarity gets a great idea for Rainbow Dash's birthday present. Rainbow Dash is no longer annoyed or so worried about lewd behavior on campus. In case the readers forgot the rating, they're reminded fully at this point. Silence spells. Three mares, two pairs of wings, two horns, and zero gross male anatomical bits, faux or real. Just no. Also, even the less promising word prompts could be worked in too, if you try hard enough.

In the afterglow, "Do you ever think we should just stop doing this?" spoken by Twilight.

The end.

Day RARILIGHTBOMB.2: luck train queen

"I just cannot believe this. Of all the rotten luck!"

As the doors to the train opened, Twilight stepped aboard, a very irate Rarity trailing behind her. A veritable cloud of luggage surrounded her as she daintily stomped down the hall towards their cabin. "We had to stand in line with everypony else!"

"Umm, they let us board first," Twilight couldn't help but correct. "I actually feel a little bad for cutting in front of everyone."

Rarity waved a hoof dismissively. "You're a princess, dear. It was the least they could do after failing to provide you with a proper car."

"Even the Princess Car needs routine maintenance." Twilight shrugged as she stepped into the opulent cabin.

"It's fortunate that they still had a first-class cabin open. Can you imagine if we had to ride Coach?" A shudder ran through her entire body as Rarity collapsed onto the plush seating, stretching out her lithe body in a way that captivated Twilight's gaze.

Twilight poked Rarity's barrel with a hoof, a teasing smile playing on her lips. "Careful, Rarity, or I might think you're dating me for my status."

"Oh, pish-posh. Everypony knows that I chose you as my paramour for your ravishingly beautiful physique." Rarity shot Twilight a half-lidded stare that sent fiery chills down her spine. "And your lovely habit of treating me like a queen, of course."

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Of course, your majesty." She climbed up onto the seat snuggled up to Rarity, letting off a soft coo of delight as she pressed herself against her marefriend. "This isn't so bad, right? As long as we have each other, nothing else matters."

A snort tickled her neck as Rarity spoke. "You have much to learn about being a princess, Twilight. Luckily, you have me to teach you."

Twilight smiled. "Yes, I do."

Day RARILIGHTBOMB.3: defeat rope gondola

"It's over, princess! You cannot hope to defeat me!"

"We'll see about that, Lady Rarity." Twilight gritted her teeth as she leapt from the balcony, landing softly on the grassy lawn behind the mansion. "Return the stolen jewels, and we can forget this ever happened."

"I'm afraid I can't do that, darling." From across the lawn, Rarity withdrew a diamond necklace from her cloak, clasping it around her own neck. "They work far too well with my own physique. Do I not look magnificent, princess?"

Twilight had to admit that she had a point. The thin golden chain accentuated the graceful curve of her neck perfectly, and the way her white coat framed the large diamond set in the necklace was nothing short of breathtaking. Still, she couldn't lose sight of her objective. She fired off a stunning spell at the other mare, who dodged it with an unnecessarily flashy pirouette.

"Tsk, tsk, princess. How rude of you to interrupt our lovely chat." Rarity shot her a cute little pout as her own horn began to glow. "Still, I can see when I'm not wanted. Adieu, ma petite chou."

A dazzling array of razor-sharp crystals materialized around her before flying towards Twilight. Twilight barely managed to put up a shield in time, wincing as her magic absorbed each blow.

When the flurry of knives ended, she looked up to see Rarity galloping off towards the river, the soft tinkling of her laughter filling the skies. She gave chase, the cool night air rushing through her mane as she followed the elegant gait of the white mare as she reached the docks.

At the end of the pier she leapt off, and Twilight skidded to a stop before she went over the edge as well. She looked down to see a gondola with her quarry sitting inside, already pushing out towards the open waters. Twilight braced herself as she she flew through the air and landed with a thud onto the wooden vessel.

As soon as she landed, she felt something on the floor wrap around her limbs, locking her in place as an inhibitor ring suddenly floated onto her horn. She snarled and thrashed against her bonds on rope as Rarity stood smugly above her, a radiant smirk gracing her features.

"I did warn you not to challenge me, princess," she said as her hoof reached up to lift Twilight's chin, forcing her to stare into Rarity's brilliant blue eyes. "Now, what shall I do with this delectable morsel that I've captured for myself?"

Her hoof slid down Twilight barrel as the alicorn glared at her captor, heat rising up in her cheeks at the intimate caress. "You won't get away with this!" she shouted even as she shivered at Rarity's touch.

"Ah, but I already have." The hoof slid back up to Twilight's face. "Now then, why don't we start with a kiss? I've wanted to taste those delicious lips of yours since you first found me out."

Twilight struggled against her bonds as Rarity leaned her head forward, their muzzles only inches apart as she fought to escape her captor. Rarity's magic held her head still as her lips finally descended on her, their lips pressing together in blissful contact. Twilight felt Rarity's tongue tease her lips open, and she prepared herself to yield to the dominant mare…

"Twilight, I've got some forms I need you to sign for — oh!"

The world around Twilight and Rarity shattered as the boat floating on the waters of the sea by moonlight was replaced by the familiar throne room of Twilight's castle, the illusions spell having been canceled by the entrance of the intruder.

"Starlight!" Twilight shouted as she quickly jumped to her hooves, her cheeks burning as Rarity continued to hold onto her. "What did I tell you about knocking?"

"Sorry, sorry!" Starlight very deliberately looked away from the couple, her eyes alternating between staring at the ground and studying the ceiling. "It's just, we need you to sign off on the expenses for the school trip to Rainbow Falls and I thought it was just you in here and — I'll just come back later, okay?"

With that, Starlight backed out of the room and hastily shut the door, leaving Rarity and Twilight alone with each other once again. "So," Rarity said, rubbing slow circles around Twilight's flank with her hoof, "where were we before we were so rudely interrupted?"

"I believe you were about to ravish your new prisoner, Lady Rarity," Twilight replied, the huskiness of her voice surprising herself.

"Ah, yes. Would you care to restore our little session, dear?"

"Of course." Twilight's horn glowed, and the world faded away once again as two lovers continued their exploration of their mutual love.

No, I don't know either.

Day RARILIGHTBOMB.4: belief bridge water

Twilight was cooking dinner and Rarity was sitting on a sofa on a Sunday afternoon.

"Twilight, are you going to the Ponyville Fair tomorrow?"

"No." Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme. Twilight laid out the ingredients in front of her in a neat little row.

"That's a shame." Twilight glanced over to see Rarity working on her latest commission. Her client had requested that she make her a cambric shirt, deep forest green in color, with no seams or needlework (as was normal for the current "child of the mountain" fad). Rarity was concentrating hard on weaving with only her magic, but still managed to speak to Twilight. "I was so looking forward to getting away from it all for a few hours. Searching for a new shop location has been positively exhausting. I told Sassy to find me an acre of land, and the only place she could get was right between the salt water and the sea strand."

"Mhm." Twilight concentrated on preparing her salad. She mixed the herbs together with some vinegar and oil as she readied herself to gather it all in a bunch of heather.

She didn't even notice Rarity moving towards her until her hoof rested on her shoulder. "Are you quite alright, darling? You've been oddly silent all day."

"I'm fine." A sprinkling of leaves to top off the dish.

"Please, Twilight, talk to me." Twilight stared straight ahead as Rarity spoke. "Don't you know? Silence, like a cancer, grows." A hoof forced Twilight's head to turn, and she stared into Rarity's worried gaze.

She gave a small sigh, hating herself for making her marefriend feel bad. "It's dumb," she mumbled, turning away from Rarity. "Just a bad dream. A vision softly creeping, that left its seeds while I was sleeping. And the vision that was planted in my brain still remains."

The next words came unbidden, the words just spilling out of her. "In restless dreams I walked alone, on narrow streets of cobblestone. And I saw ten thousand ponies, maybe more. Ponies talking without speaking. Ponies hearing without listening.

"And I tried to call out to them. 'Hear my words that I might teach you!' I said. 'Take my arms that I might reach you!' But my words, like silent raindrops fell, and echoed in the wells of s-silence." Her breath hitched a little at the end, and she took a moment to compose herself. "Sometimes it feels like it doesn't matter how hard I try to be the Princess of Friendship, I'm never going to be able to make a real difference. I can't not try, but every way I look at it I lose. And our nation turns its lonely eyes on me and I feel like I'm talking to the darkness, my old friend."

"I'm glad you told me, dear." A soft kiss against her cheek. "Just remember that friends can always be found. When you're weary, feeling small." A hankerchief appeared in front of Twilight and dabbed at her eyes. "When tears are in your eyes, I'll dry them all. I'm on your side when times get rough. I'll take your part when darkness comes. And pain is all around. Like a bridge over troubled water, I will lay me down."

This time, when Twilight turned towards Rarity, she was met by a passionate kiss. "Sail on silver girl," her marefriend whispered hotly as she pulled away. "Sail on by. Your time has come to shine. All your dreams are on their way." Her horn lit up as a dazzling array of illusion spells showed Twilight an image of ponies cheering and waving at her. "See how they shine. Oh, if you need a friend, I'm sailing right behind. Like a bridge over troubled water, I will ease your mind."

"Thank you," Twilight whispered back, and in that moment, she knew that Rarity would be a true love of hers.

Day RARILIGHTBOMB.5: dance shoes sky

Professor Twilight Sparkle rested her hands on one of the rails surrounding the terrace as she looked up at the skies, where a squad of drones was pushing away a few stray clouds that had floated into the city limits.

Looking downwards, her eyes were met by a grid of holographic billboards, each one holding vigil above an intersection. The constructs of light proclaimed their wares for all to see, completely drowning out the brightness of the stars above.

From the glittering tableau, she could pick out a few advertisements for Carousel, and the sight of them brought back the suffocating weight on her heart that she'd left the party to escape.

The thudding of shoes against the authentic wooden path — the venue prided itself on not using any of the lab-grown stuff — signalled the arrival of a visitor into Twilight's temporary sanctum.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Well, speak of the devil. Twilight turned to see Rarity striding towards her in her usual elegant walk. "I know it's far less than your normal rate, but I thought as an old friend I could negotiate a discount from you."

"Just enjoying the view," Twilight replied, careful to keep her tone casual. "You know how much I've always enjoyed looking at the night sky."

"Hmm. I suppose I do." Rarity moved to stand beside her, and Twilight stiffened as she felt Rarity's dress brush against her own clothes. "It is a beautiful night, though it could do without those tacky drones flitting about."

As the metal swarm corralled yet another wayward intruder, Twilight shifted away from Rarity before speaking. "Have you read the précis on the new VaporShield tech that Equinox Labs is developing? It's still young, but it looks pretty promising, and if it actually works, then we won't need the weather drones anymore. I can send you the document right now if you want."

"Perhaps another time." Rarity tapped at the side of her head. "I've turned off the neural link to my phone so that I won't be disturbed tonight. Still, I look forward to no longer having to see those things in the air—" suddenly, she stopped talking, both her hands grabbing the railing as she staggered.

Twilight instinctively reached out and caught her, bringing them much closer together than she wanted. "Rarity!"

"I-I'm quite alright, dear." Rarity said, her voice slowly regaining her strength as she pushed herself upright. She left out a soft chuckle. "I should have known better than to drink right after teleporting here."

Twilight frowned. "Yeah, there's a reason they put those huge warning labels on the side," she said disapprovingly. "Alcohol interferes with the mind's coherence after the reconstruction. I'll send for a medical pod."

Rarity shook her head. "Don't trouble yourself, Twilight. I'll be right as rain in a few moments." Indeed, her voice was already growing stronger, and Twilight reluctantly held off on the signal. "I don't suppose anyone at the Institute has discovered how to fix this little problem."

"Nope, we've got more important problems to solve at the moment."

"It's remarkable, truly." Rarity's smile lit up the night brighter than any of the billboards below. "I'm complaining about the inconvenience of having to remain sober after traveling from one side of the country to another in the blink of an eye."

There was a pause as Rarity gestured to the world at large. "Have you ever stopped to consider just how much our world has changed since our high school days?"

"It's crossed my mind from time to time, yes," Twilight replied. "Admittedly, this is the type of event that tends to inspire these kinds of musings."

"Too true. I daresay we have one of the most interesting High School Reunions in history, simply by virtue of having you and Sunset present."

"You're no slouch yourself, Miss Carousel," Twilight teased. "In twenty years, you've managed to become the biggest name in the fashion industry. Not exactly something that happens every day."

"It's been an enjoyable two decades, to be sure." Something stirred in Rarity's expression as she glanced at Twilight. "Still, I've been thinking a lot about the past, lately."

"Oh?" For some reason, Twilight felt the urge to move away from Rarity, something primal within warning her that something was about to happen. Still, she stayed, curious as to where she was going with this. "What about the past?"

"Just wondering what might have been if I'd had said yes all those years ago when you asked me to the prom instead of going with Blueblood."

Twilight froze, suddenly very aware of Rarity's proximity to her. "It wouldn't have worked out," she said, her mind throwing out the same justifications she'd used to cover up the pain of rejection. "Long distance relationships don't work out most of the time, and we were both way to focused on our careers to maintain a romance."

"I suppose you're right. And I can't say I regret my career choices most days. Still, it does get lonely at times."

Twilight barely dared to breathe. "I know how you feel," she finally said. "'Discovering' a new source of energy and helping to start the next technological revolution doesn't leave for much in the way of personal time. But it's not like I could've turned away from the chance to change the world." It was the same thing she'd told herself time and time again, and even if she believed it, sometimes it rang hollow.

"Still, none of us are the teenagers that we used to be, even if Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash are taking full advantage of Sunset's new hangover cure to drink themselves into comas," Rarity said. "I daresay we've earned the right to a little time of our own."

Time stood still as hope swelled in Twilight's heart. "Well, I guess arcane energy research has taken off to the point where I don't really have that much of an impact anywhere. And Sunset's the one who's actually getting these new technologies out to market."

"In that case, perhaps it's my time to ask you on a date. If my timing is right, they should be starting the couple's dance any moment now. Would you like to join me?"

Twilight barely managed to keep herself from bursting with pure joy. "To be honest, I'm not really sure I want to go back inside yet." Her hand lit up with the arcane glow of magic as she temporarily created a hole in the soundproofing charm that the reunion party was using. The soft sounds of an old romantic ballad floated out into the night.

Rarity smiled and held out a hand to Twilight. "May I have this next dance, Miss Sparkle?"

Twilight gave Rarity a small bow and took her hand. "You may, Miss Rarity." And so, beneath the natural light of the Moon, out in the open, unfiltered air, two lovers began a dance that was twenty years overdue as the magic of a better future sparkled around them.

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