Comments ( 8 )
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Arcanist Ascendant
Group Admin

We will get this word into Webster's Dictionary.

Armorous, adj. Def; Having the properties of, or acting as armor.

I don't think this word(or anything with such a meaning) exists yet, and if it does I both have not been informed and believe that this sounds cool. What say you?

Note; Whatever any of you say, i'm using this word and will expect you to know what it means.

The Questioner
Group Admin

They're not going to accept it (and it's not a word) but that was pretty funny to read.

Arcanist Ascendant
Group Admin

I'm pretty sure that since i'm Shakespeare's earthly avatar it's OK for me to create words, especially when there's no reason this word shouldn't exist.

The Questioner
Group Admin


Arcanist Ascendant
Group Admin


Out, damned spot!

The Questioner
Group Admin

Nay, nay, forsooth I say to thee:
Wine provideth the desire, but it taketh away the ability.
(unrelated comment is unrelated)

Arcanist Ascendant
Group Admin

Not one of my writings, but good nonetheless.

"We flatter those we scarcely know;
we please the fleeting guest:
and deal full many a thoughtless blow
to those who love us best.
~Edna Wilcox Wheeler

The Questioner
Group Admin

Oh no! My secret plan has run amok!

It is from your writings, however. For shame!
It was a malapropism, true, but still close to the original lines.

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