Battlefield: Equestria 264 members · 62 stories
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I blame The Grey Pegasus for this taking so long, I needed to rework a few things in the story thanks to his "Captain Kirk" move in battle #7 (this means that Yankee is dead in my story:twilightsmile:) simply because no one- including me- thought to pull it. Also, I'm color coding their voices since I'm writing really quick without proofreading. Fluttershy is olive since yellow is a bitch to see and the blatent (and immersion ruining thereof) use of the names initially is so you know whos color is who (and that is how it will stay through out the story). Also if you have a ponysona, feel free to self insert it:twilightsmile:


Player: UEE

UEE Units:

Earth Ponies: 800
Pegasi: 100
Unicorns: 300

Hero: Applejack

GP Units:

Battle Hounds: 8000
Blood Hounds: 800

Hero: Ace

"Consarnit! These dogs just don't know when ta give up!" Applejack huffed out to her friends, "We need to come up with a new plan besides just running away from these dogs."
"I hear you Applejack! I need to plan another party for my fellow party makers and that pack is the guest of honor!" was the breathless reply of Pinkie Pie.
Rainbow Dash belts out "NO! You could have gotten yourself killed last time with that stunt you pulled! And what would that have accomplished?! Sure you bought us time, but we are still running away from these dogs. That would have made your death meaningless, just like-"
A silence permeated the air around them.
"P-Pinkie..." came a timid reply from Fluttershy
Her mane flattening out "I'm sorry girls. It's just hard to accept, ok?"
"I can't say that I understand what you are going through, but we are here for you. Right girls?" came the hushed voice of Twilight. A murmur of assent went around.
"As much as I would love to stay here and rest dears, I do believe that we need to continue on. Rarity said. (Final Immersion Ruining: names will no longer be used as the important ones are coded already)

Several hours latter found the group at one of the main bridges in Equestria. It, being one of the main hubs for goods to pass through, was known as "The Gateway East" and spanned over 200 feet over a canyon that was a 100 foot drop. The pillars were made of concrete and it was well known that it was one of the most heavily reinforced bridges in the world- which it has to be when the canyon is unoriginally named "The Flood Canyon" (it is currently "dry" season)- making it neigh impossible to destroy without heavy explosives. Being that it is one of the main bridges connecting west to east, it is wide enough for 100 ponies to stand comfortably and the land around it has a inn (western side), convince stores (1 on the western side, 1 on eastern side; same store company [a 24/7]) and developed land for park tables and seeing the scenery (most of which is flat plains with mountains to the SW [small speaks on the horizon] off in the distance and a forest off in the distance to the north).

" Twi, are we where ah think we are?"
"If you mean the bridge that connects Equestria's new eastern frontier to the rest of Equestria, then yes. We are exactly where you think we are"
"Then ah Think ah have an idea..."

1 hour later

"Are you sure you want to do this? We could still stay here and help you."
"It's three days to the next crossing and this bridge here makes numbers less important seeing as how you can only fit so many ponies side by side."
"Yes, well I suppose, but-"
"I don't like it. look at what nearly happened to Pinkie Pie!"
"Ah only need to hold them here for a few days sugar-cube. It's not like I'm throwing myself at them in an open area, sorry pinkie"
"Oh that's ok, as long as I get to pound some more puppies into the dirt![color]"
"Uh... sugar-cube? Ah'll handle things on this end, you should just go with the others and rest up a bit. Now don't worry none, there will be plenty of other opportunities to pound them into the dirt but not this time, ok?"
"But...," A hard stare from Applejack, cutting off any actually protest, "All right, but come back safe."
"You know ah will, don't you worry none. Ah'll see ya in a few days."
"See you in a few days dear."

With that, the rest of the group takes off, continuing west to meet up with the main Equestrian army.
"Well sugar-cube," turning to talk to you, "you ready to take on those devil dogs?"

Hold the line for three days and then fall back.

The description of the area is with the bridge description

they clearly outnumber you 10-1, so they will attempt to simply muscle their way through and continue about their way. they will break off the attack when the sun sets and resume first thing in the morning while they scour the area for another crossing seeing as how they have no other style of fighting. they will fight all day as well since they have the numbers.

Good Luck

The Grey Pegasus
Group Admin

Real quick: The Grand Pack's abbreviation is now just 'GP', as Guardian did.

It is not the UEE vs me.

:rainbowlaugh: I just realized that

Group Admin

512036 Actually, I changed it to just The Pack.

The Grey Pegasus
Group Admin

So is the abbreviation 'TP'? Just asking for documentation purposes.

Group Admin

512085 That, or you could just abbreviate it as 'Pack'

Group Admin

512085 On a side note, I'm thinking of adding more Heroes to The Pack, since I'm the one who created them. Do you think we're allowed to do that?

The Grey Pegasus
Group Admin

Honestly? I'm not sure how Bloodpool's thing still works. I suppose we are, since we're nearly co-founders.

I have changed the official abbrv. for The Pack to PCK, for documention purposes.

Also, since Noyoki's scenarios are so immersive, I'm gonna make an even better short story this time, because it's more awesome that way.:raritywink: Should be done later.

Group Admin

512096 Funny, I was thinking about writing a one-shot about The Pack. :rainbowlaugh:

The Grey Pegasus
Group Admin

Okay, you're gonna have to work with me here. 3 days makes the scenario too dynamic to do in one go. I'll do Day 1, but you're gonna have to respond with a result for me to continue.

Also, since there seems to be an agreement to use maximum unicorn abilities... well...

Anyways, it's story time.

Day 1, Set Up
Commands given: Hold, Construct fortifications, Entrench, Scout


"Ain't gonna be as bad as the 'Devil Dogs' I knew..." I responded.

"What does that mean?" Applejack asked me.

"Nothin'. Don't worry about it. Something random," I told her. "Semper Fi..." I quietly whispered. I gave a deep sigh before speaking again. "Dammit, why am I at the front again?"

"Well, Captain Stardust, Pinkie told us you got ponies out of that last one alive. She didn't think anypony would escape. Then you led the ponies, and now we're here."

I sighed again. "Fair enough... But why not you? Why did you all vote for me to stay here?" I think I might have known the answer already, but decided to hear it from her directly.

"Well Stardust, you've simply been doin' this longer than any of us. You've been a Scout for years, before we were even called to be military leaders! You got more experience than any of us. And I want my ponies to make it out alive. If you can do it better than me, then so be it."

I sighed once more. I couldn't really argue with what she said. To be honest, I wasn't really sure about the hierarchy of commands here, but given her status as the Element of Honesty, I would probably have to succumb to what she wanted done if she wanted it done. Currently, she was allowing me to do my thing, so we were on fairly even ground. And even if she wanted something done, I might be able to just disobey orders, if for the better. She did say she respected my experience.

I assessed the objective. We had to hold for three days. The enemy has reserves. We're outnumbered 1200 to 8800. But there was this small chokepoint.

I began giving orders.

"Earth ponies. 3 lines of you all across the bridge. Stay in the middle."

"Yes sir!" 300 of them split off and positioned themselves on the bridge.

"The rest of you 500. Stay back on our side of the canyon. Make encampments. Be prepared at a moments notice to replace any pony up at the bridge. With the time we need to hold, we're going to need to circulate troops."

They acknowledged, and went about on the field. Sitting down and some started setting up tents.

"Unicorns. I want 100 of you to be up on the bridge with them. Mix yourselves in the lines. Communicate with the unicorn next to you. I want alternating shield and offenses. Don't let those dogs walk past halfway on the bridge. Wall 'em out with shields. Seemed to work while holding a hill."

"Aye sir." Before they left, I stopped them.

"Not done yet. Defense unicorns, make sure you also cover your sides. I don't want any crossbow shots getting you from the flank. Offense unicorns, feel free to take dogs and throw 'em over the side of the bridge. It's efficient that way."

They chuckled among themselves. "You got it, Captain!" When they left, I turned to the remaining 200.

"You guys. Same thing as the earth ponies. Be prepared to rotate shifts guarding the bridge."

"Yeah, sure thing, Cap'n."

"Pegasi." They all looked towards me. I was one of them, and they definitely wanted to know what to do. "There ain't much of you guys compared to the others. And I honestly don't got a specialized mission for you guys."

"Aww, really Captain?"

"How about going after that 'Ace'? Heard about you telling the pegasi to kill Yankee, and worked."

I answered back. "Maybe. But it's not too important right now. We have time. We can wait it out for a bit. At least for a day. Give us some time to figure out the battle. Because information is everything."

Applejack snickered next to me. I honestly forgot she was there. "Know as much as you can. Sounds exactly like one of you Royal Scouts."

I smiled. "Special Intel and Recon. It's our job to learn the facts." I turned back to the pegasi. "So, that'll be your job. I want 25 of you to take to the air and scout around. I need to know if any land close to us is vulnerable from flank attacks or sneaking across the canyon. Fly in groups of 5. Stay at a high altitude. Don't want crossbows trying to kill you. Fly out for one hour, and return. Tell me what you find out."

"Aye sir!" 25 of them took to the air. I saw 5 groups split and travel in different directions. Hopefully what they scouted would all be in our favor.

"As for you 75, you can just sit back down here at the camp. If any of you want to go out and help repel dog attacks up at the bridge, be my guest."

"Alright then."

"And what about me?" Applejack asked from beside me.

"You, Miss Apple, are staying in the rear lines."

"How about–"

"I don't care if you want to go and fight. You need to be safe. Head over to the inn. Claim it as our field HQ."

She rolled her eyes. "Alrighty then. Guess I shouldn't argue about bein' kept safe..." She went over to the inn and went inside.

I looked at all of our troops. There were nearly 800 ponies doing basically nothing. They might've deserved rest, but surely they could do something productive.

"Ponies!" I called out to them.

"Yeah Captain?!"

"I want all of you to start digging trenches near the canyon edge. Unicorns are to take defensive positions in them. Fire offensive spells across the canyon when they get here. I trust that ranged offensive spells aren't too tiring to do?"

"We're tough ponies Captain!"

"Good. 'Cause you're still gonna have to switch out with your unicorn buddies on the bridge. They need breaks too."

End Part 1


I was honestly thinking about dismantling the convenience store and making fortifications or at least simple defensive structures with it, but it didn't seem necessary right now.

512026 Ok, I'm not gunna do a short story like the others, I'm just gunna lay out my strategy.

First things first. The dogs are on the eastern side of the rive (I'm assuming any way. If not then My strategy is fucked) so first I'll loot the convenience store on the eastern side and then tear it down. Then, of course, loot the one on the western aside along with the inn on the western side. The inn shall be turned into a command post and a finall fortification should the dogs break through. Applejack and her strategic advisor (my OC Book Cover) shall be stationed here with a regular guard of 20 earth ponies and 10 pegasi.

Depending on how long I had before the dogs arrived, I would have a trench dug directly in front of the eastern end of the bridge, the bottom of which would be lined with spikes made from the timber from the torn down store (the rest of the timber shall be moved to the other side of the bridge).

The bridge itself shall contain three main lines of defense. Each line shall consist of 200 earth ponies and 100 unicorns. Each line of defense shall be organized so that they are broken into three more lines. A line of 100 earth ponies, a line of 100 unicorns and another line of earth ponies. The unicorns in each line of defense are to fire upon the enemy until they are within twenty feet of the line. They are to then switch to providing shielding for the earth ponies.

developed land for park tables

These tables, along with the beds from the inn, shall be gathered up and used to construct movable barricades for each line of defense. Should one line of defense be broken, rather than trying to close the gap back up against the superior numbers, they are to fall back and bolster the next line of defense. As they fall back, the unicorns are to set fire to the barricade that their broken line had been defending so as to cause even more harm to the dogs crossing it.

Meanwhile, 80 of my pegasi shall be flying above the bridge, harassing any and all dogs close to the sides of it. The remaining 10 pegasi shall be split into two groups of 5. One group will be sent north along the canyon and the other group south, where they are to scout around and make sure that the dogs weren't finding a way around. If they discovered that the dogs did find another way, they would report back to Applejack and Book Cover who would alter their plans accordingly.

At the western end of the bridge another trench would be dug and lined with more spikes. Any remaining timber would be used to cunstruct platforms across it that any retreating ponies could use to cross before then removing the platforms. My remaining 180 earth ponies would entrench themselves on the western end of the bridge behind the trench. If the three main lines on the bridge failed then the survivors would fall back to bolster them, removing the platforms over the ditch behind them.

At that point, if the three bridge lines had fallen back into the earth pony lines, the unicorns would then shift their purpose solely to shielding and Applejack would insist on coming out to join the fray with her 20 pegasi and 20 earth ponies that had been at the inn and loyal Book Cover would follow. As commander of this battallion and as the Element of Honesty, her appearance on the field of battle would of course bolster troop moralle. With this bolstered moralle and slightly bolstered numbers the battallion would then push the enemy back to at least the third bridge lines original position before being halted and then holding position.

Each bridge line is expected to hold for at least the better part of a day before breaking. At the point of the united push by the ponies back to the third bridge line (if the enemy makes it that far across) the three day marked is assumed to have been achieved.

How'd I do:twilightsmile:

512342 Looks like we had similar ideas.

The Grey Pegasus
Group Admin

As creepy as that is, it's kind of just the general logical strategy.

Day 1 results (trying not to give up too many details so pm me if you have a question):
Since it's already out there and will influince other people's decesions, the cycling proves naturally the most effective: Your troops didn't break on day 1.
Eyes in the sky confirmed what was already guessed: they are spreading out looking for another way to cross. None have been found as guessed.
You have not attempted to tear down (or even loot) the stores, but claimed the inn as hq: no fortifications were made with these materials
you dug trenches for unicorns to take potshots across the canyon: more dogs were killed, dogs returned fire (and were sucessful at it too)
Total maimed, wounded or dead:
for front line battle: 18 earth ponies dead, 17 earth ponies wounded (still capable of fight), 12 earth ponies maimed (alive, but unable to fight)
"trench" warfare (your canyon potshots): 2 unicorns dead (the dice laughed at you about this.)
enemy losses: presumed to be 300-400 confirmed dead, unkown injured or bleeding out

when I'm on a computer and not an iPod I'll break it down, ask some questions, then lay down the final verdict for you. I can tell you offhandedly that you did pretty dam well though. You'll also have to wait until I'm done with TGP's too so he isn't influenced any

The Grey Pegasus
Group Admin

Heh. Didn't loot the stores since I'm trying to play the 'good' soldier. :twilightblush::twilightsmile:

So it's confirmed that this is the only place where the dogs are going to approach from?

Shorter part because it's basically an intermission period.

Day 1, Night 1
Commands given: Hold, Scout

The dogs pulled back for the day. The sun was going down.

"Bridge guard! Rotate out with fresh troops!"

"No argument from me!"

The ponies at the camp switched out with their comrades, and took positions on the bridge.

"Bridge formation. I want all of you taking shifts watching the other side. You can rest, but stay alert. I don't trust 'em."

"You got it, Captain."

Returning to the camp, I called for pegasi. "I need 20 pegasi. Groups of 5. Two will scout along the canyon, and the other two groups will scout the enemy positions. Report back with results."

They nodded, then took to the skies.

I went back to the inn. Applejack was waiting.

"So, you done for the day?" she asked.

"Yup. Done for the day. Starting for the night."

She shot me a questioning look.

"I'm going over the dog's positions. I'm gonna scout for Ace."

I walked out of the inn, and took off into the cover of the night sky.

End Part 2

You're gonna have to tell me if I found him or not. When you tell me, the time will be around midnight-0300 hours.

so far that is what you have seen and what they have found, so yes the bridge is still their only option. Also I present to you a uniqe challenge since you didn't raid the stores yet (take at your own peirl): go for the boy scout recognition (another tick on your profile with the Captian Kirk). Just an FYI, when I rolled out your casualties for Day 1, the dice really loved you (rough system set up for such dynamic missions as this. If you know what D4, D6, D20, etc means, give yourself a pat on the back).
Anywho, time for the night report (and boy will it be interesting): surprisingly (in character), the dogs do not launch a night time attack. Your scouts along the canyon (if you had them out as long as the day scouts) only report that there are two other, much smaller camps roughly a day out. These are most likely scout camps that are looking for a way across and their numbers can be guessed to outmatch the full regiment of pegasi. The scouts looking for ace report back something stranger still: while it is known he is leading this group of dogs, strangely he and the bloodhounds are nowhere to be spotted over the entire camp from what they could see. Either there were not enough eyes or he isn't there right now.

SIDENOTE: I forgot to say this earlier, a captian generally controlls 60-120 units (if I remember my army chain of command correctly), AJ is moving around 1200 troops. She outranks you (don't remember what rank that is and I'm on my iPod atm so I can't look it up) but knows when to defer to greater experince, so present valid arguements and you can generally keep her calm. Cold shoulder her and expect the reigns to be yanked away from you

512439Thank you. I await the verdict eagerly

The Grey Pegasus
Group Admin

Yeah, I know she outranks me. As of right now, she basically holds the rank of a Major or Colonel.

I didn't find him? A disappointing night for this Royal Scout then.

Day 2, 0600 Hours
Commands given: Hold, Scout

3 hours ago, I had returned from my reconnaissance flight. I disappointedly told Applejack that I didn't locate the lead dog. Subsequently, I went to grab some rest. The hard part of the day was yet to come.

It was morning now, and the troops were mostly awake.

"What do ya reckon' we do today?" Applejack asked.

I shrugged. "Same thing as yesterday. Scouting pegasi haven't found any other places to cross. Yesterday's strategy seemed to work. Losses were minimal... but two unicorns. Crossbow shots from fucking across the canyon... What. The. Fuck." I shook my head.

"Am I still staying back here?"

"Miss Apple, back when everything was still peaceful and you were just a farm pony, we gave vows to protect the bearers of the Elements. That still stands. So yes. You're free to go talk with the troops though. Just stay away from the trenches near the canyon edge."

"Alright then. Well, you'd best be startin' to run down today's orders."

I nodded then turned to the troops. "Bridge guard! Your shift is over! All ponies on bridge duty can now return to the rear! Ponies in the rear, replace their positions on the bridge!"

A collective agreement was given, and ponies swapped places.

"Same thing as yesterday! Mixed use of shields, making sure to guard your sides!"

I then turned to the trench line. That incident yesterday still kind of annoyed me.

"Unicorns on the trench line. I want one of you here and there having a shield spell up to block incoming crossbow bolts from your general vicinity. It's not going to be as tough as the bridge, so less on shields."

"Sure thing!"

I looked to the pegasi. "Same as yesterday, but I only need two teams of five. Scout along the canyon, one group north, the other south. I want you to fly two hours out. On your way back, if you find the dog teams, I want you to keep watch over them for a good three hours. Then return back here."

"You got it, Captain." Ten pegasi launched into the air, with five splitting north and five to the south.

Applejack was still nearby. I flew over to her. "Applejack, do you think you can hold the fort here?"

"Why?" she asked.

"I'm going to do daytime scouting. I want to know where their leader is."

"Sure thing."

"And don't do something stupid to get yourself killed."

"I gotcha. I'll stay in the rear."

"Good." I decided it would be better for more scout parties. "I need 8 more pegasi!"

"We're here."

"Good. Split into pairs, and scout over their main force. Any information is good, but I want to know where their commander is."

"We got it." They saluted and took off.

I turned to Applejack once more. "See you later." And with that, my daytime recon began.

End Part 3

Just to be clear, scouting over the main enemy force will be done throughout the day. Altitude will be high enough to avoid getting shot at, should the dogs even notice.

Day 2 results:
same as before about cycling, troops didn't break. though you cycled troops, the strain by the end of the day begins to show (it's like running a marathon exhaustion level, at full tilt [even then this may not portray the right kind of exhaustion level as i think i'm over exaggerating a bit:derpyderp1:]).
Recon from canyon pegasi comes in at the end of the day. Nothing on the north end, possible trek down to canyon bottom was viewed, dogs quickly discouraged when the canyon side shifted on them. they continued on in search of a way to cross.
Scout reports from the ones flying over main enemy force: The battle hounds are still blatantly positioned a distance off on the eastern side of the bridge and are still sending waves of dogs towards the bridge.

Your personal scouting (assumed all day, correct if wrong): you spot the blood hounds and Ace after a few hours. He seems to have set up camp on the edge of the pack in the NE section of camp. You spy the same things the other pegasi that are scouting the camp for info did.

Casualties for the day:
35 dead earth ponies, 25 earth ponies wounded (still able to battle), 17 earth ponies maimed (alive, unable to continue battle)
Trench casualties (your gonna love this): 3 wounded unicorns (still able to battle). While the shielding did prevent loss of life, it seems that the crack shots from yesterday are still around and have somehow managed to catch a lucky break with deflecting arrows off them like walls. (with the shields, it was dropped to a 10% chance of wounding since you had them take potshots all day and a 1% chance of death:rainbowlaugh:)

estimated enemy casualties: 300-600 confirmed dead, unknown wounded or bleeding out

DANGER! annoyance level of AJ is at 30%

The Grey Pegasus
Group Admin

Yes. Scouting from me was all-day. Such is the life of Special Intel and Recon.

Requesting specification. How many blood hounds were in the vicinity of Ace?

Trench casualites

Dammit. :facehoof::rainbowlaugh: Still, none dead is a good thing.

the strain by the end of the day begins to show

I was expecting this to happen. Already had something planned, but this:

DANGER! annoyance level of AJ is at 30%

makes it even better.

rough guess would be the entire troop of bloodhounds that were not there in last night's scouting (unless you honestly hovered there and tried to count out how many there were).

well AJ is a honest hard working pony and you benching her twice is starting to fray her nerves a bit

you got some crack shots you may want to try and take out

The Grey Pegasus
Group Admin

Well of course I'd count. The leader's there. It's an area of importance.

Oh, and AJ being annoyed, as I said, makes my plan even better.

ok then: intel initially reported (guessed really with the rush to stop these guys) that there was 800 blood hounds, you have managed to count almost 600 with no problem or worry of repeats (good for you 'hawkeye' :twilightsmile:).

Anything else?:coolphoto:


you assume correct with the dogs on the east side (the general theme has been the UEE being pushed back westward)

in the limited time that you had before their arrival, you definitely get the spiked trench set up

Question about your line set up: what are the 100 earth ponies in the back for?

You do indeed have fortifications, but they move:derpyderp2: and with sheer weight in numbers... At least you have unicorns throwing up shields

The pegasi move is rather foolhardy, but gets the job done (until the pegasi take too much of a beating anyways)

Your eyes in the sky will let them know when they reach the other crossing point of this canyon (three days northward, as was stated at the top)

Yet another trench to slow them up on the western side eh?

Results (without question answered):
well ouch, the spike pit was nasty but easily solved after a few hours delay with the retrieval of timber from the far off forest. you "mobile" fortifications helped for a while, but if they truly freely moved you only got a hour or two at most (that cursed mobility vs stationary which I will gladly explain if you wish me to). with the pegasi on the look out, you know when they crossed over on the northern side, as was expected (this also marks the 3 day period you was supposed to hold the line, giving AJ's unit time to evacuate cause it would take 3 days to get back to you). without that question answered, I can't give a confirmed 3 day hold out, but you most certainly will hold them for quiet a while

if you are not doing anything on this night with anything, nothing happens and you can move onto day three. Be glad I was reading so you didn't have to be kept in suspense, eh?

The Grey Pegasus
Group Admin


Day 2, Night 2
The attacks had quelled once more, and I was in the inn with Applejack, discussing our situation.

"So you found him," Applejack said.


"What are you gonna do about it?"

"I... I think I'll just pass this time."

"What?" she asked, looking at me with a puzzled expression.

I sighed, something which I seemed to do a lot recently. "I'm confident that if I take all the pegasi and strike at midnight, I can kill that bastard–"

"So why don't ya? We take out the command, the war gets easier."

"The war will get easier, but this battle won't. They'll fight even fiercer if he dies." I looked Applejack straight in the eyes. "I've seen enough ponies die in the past week. That hill..."

"Even death gets to a hardened soldier like you, huh. What makes this different from the hill?"

"The hill... I knew we were going to take heavy casualties. So I decided that they might as well be used where most effective. Here, we can stand our ground. We can make it out alive. The troops are getting tired. I'll rile them up tomorrow before the battle, but if I took out the chain of command now, then I'm not even sure boosting their spirits would allow them to hold out."

"... Okay."

I tried to think of something to do. This was the only point to cross the canyon. This bridge... I ran outside.

"Bridge guard, fall back to a quarter ways from our side of the bridge."

"Uh, okay!" I saw the bridge formation move closer to our side of the bridge. The only drawback was that there was less space to retreat on and still keep the dogs bottlenecked on the bridge, but the formation from yesterday seemed to hold.

"Report, all unicorns not on the bridge!"

"Yes sir!"

"I want you to work in four shifts. That way you still get rested for tomorrow. Start wearing down the strength of the bridge."


"When we retreat, we're going to try and take it down. This bridge is built well, and I'm not sure how long it's going to take to destroy it. So begin weakening it."

"Uh, yes sir!"

"Bridge formation! Stay on guard. If you think the bridge is going to collapse, tell the unicorns immediately and retreat off the bridge."

"Yes sir!"

I returned inside the inn once the unicorns started firing away at the bridge. There were a multitude of spells, from offensive battle spells to cutting spells. It was a large and study bridge for sure, but hopefully it'll succumb to us when we needed it to.

End Part 4

Just waiting to see if anything new happens after this event.

The Grey Pegasus
Group Admin

Uhh, I actually changed it. :twilightsheepish:

I didn't know you had already replied when I was changing it.

Any change with AJ?

kay, I'll look it over

...:pinkiegasp: that move, it's like

nothing happens overnight (was really hoping that such a thought never happened)

The Grey Pegasus
Group Admin


Status of the bridge?

it's going to be more than an all nighter if you were wondering and even then it's only going to be a partial collapse

after all night the bridge integrity is at 72% (that's 12 hours of almost continuous blasting mind you; from dusk to dawn)

Question about your line set up: what are the 100 earth ponies in the back for?

Sorry. I was multi tasking when I wrote this and forgot to expand. It was implied that they were to switch out with any in the front line who got tired.

You do indeed have fortifications, but they move and with sheer weight in numbers...

I can't really fasten down wood to stone.... I was thinking more along the lines of the barriers being adjustable, as in my soldiers could dismantle them and reassemble them elswhere if needed..... Does that answer all your questions?

The Grey Pegasus
Group Admin

Day 3, 0600 Hours
Commands given: Hold, Protect AJ

I walked out when dawn arrived with Applejack in tow. A unicorn reported to me. "Sir, the bridge is still heavily intact."

"Well, fuck," was the only thing I could get out. "Guess we'll have to rely on the cover of the night for our escape."

I looked at all the troops. They were getting a bit weary. The bridge guard had already rotated from the night shift to fresh ponies. I needed to boost their morale.

"So," I said, turning to Applejack, "Do you want to give a morale booster or should I start it first?"

She looked in thought. "Hmm... I think you should go first. In all honesty, I think I'll work off your speech. I am their leader after all. My words will be more recent. Plus they can cheer after I talk," she said with a grin.

I smirked back. "Ponies!" All the troops turned their eyes to me. "I know you're all getting tired, and you're going to need a rousing speech, so here I am."

I moved behind Applejack and put my hooves around her, lifting her into the air.

"Hey! Stardust, what the hay are you doing?! Put me down!" I supressed a goofy grin as I flew high in the air, visible by all troops.

"Captain! Stand down! Put me down, consarnit!" She was still struggling in my grasp.

"Now! I could give a rousing speech about the Elements of Harmony! How they are Equestria's pride! How it's your job to protect them, and in this case, Miss Applejack!"

"Dusty! Put me down, dammit!"

"But I'm not! I'm going to simplify it! Look! Stallions, look at this beautiful mare!" I was grinning a bit.

"What the hay are you doing Dusty?!"

"Look at how beautiful she is, like many mares back in Equestria! I tell you, fight for our glourious country! Think of all the mares! And families and everything else back home!" I saw some stallions down on the ground trying not to laugh, while others looked on with simple amused expressions.

"Just one more day! For Equestria!" Cheering broke out. I honestly thought that they were pretty high in morale now. And all we were doing was defending a bridge. But it was one more day, and we needed to hold out.

I flew back to the ground, putting Applejack gently back on her hooves. She bucked me in the side. "Ahhh..."

"What the hay was all that for?!" she asked, sounding very annoyed.

"Morale boost. I think it worked."

"I thought you were a Royal Scout, prim and proper!"

"I'm a Royal Scout, not a Royal Guard. It means we know how to be loose out on the field."

She huffed and walked away. "Just one more day... And I'm staying near the troops, givin' 'em some more encouragement."

"Don't be too reckless."

"Oh, you already took today's share of reckless." She walked up to the soldiers. "Ponies! Same formation as yesterday! It's one more day and then we're out!"

"Yes ma'am!"

A couple of ponies walked up to me as I struggled to my hooves. "You alright sir?"

I smiled. "Never better. I want four unicorns protecting her at all times, alright? You don't need to stand right next to her, but close. Make sure she comes back alive, or else I'm reporting you to Celestia."

"Aye sir, we won't let the beautiful mare fall," they said, grins on their faces.

I'm pretty sure the troops were in high spirits by now. Just one more day.

End Part 5

I honestly had that stunt planned since Day 1, Night 1. How's that for AJ's annoyance level? :rainbowlaugh:

for the first part, just wanted to make sure. for the second part, you may not be able to fasten wood to stone, but all you used of the stores were the roofs? if applied right, you could have made a wall made out of brick, although a might bit thin:rainbowlaugh: but i see where you were going. yeah you made it just fine, though you took a hell of a beating each day

quick question: are you still going to blast at the bridge? I'll give yea a hint right now: at 72% it looks sound, but there are clearly cracks along the pillers. of course, that would mean giving up your unicorns for shields...:trixieshiftright:

oh and annoyance level? she bucked you in the side, what do you think?:rainbowlaugh:

The Grey Pegasus
Group Admin

Oh. Well then. That changes things. Not anything in Part 5 though.

yeah, there was no way in hell you was going to bring down the entire bridge in just one day, but a partial collapse would do the same thing you are wanting to do:pinkiecrazy:

Any who, I need that answered then i can tell you what is happening

The Grey Pegasus
Group Admin

Nah, Part 5 is set.

513504 I was operating under the assumption that the stores were made entirely of wood. So how bad a beating did I take before the 3 day mark?

ok then, on to the results of day 3!:
No eyes in the sky, intel for the day unknown. enemy assumed to have found the other crossing three days away.
Spirits high in UEE camp.
UEE has moved back to 1/4 way on western side of bridge, The Pack smells weakness. Morale boosted. (You forgot a detail and it is being taken advantaged of)
Assumed standard set up from past two days so trenches still have unicorns in them.

UEE Casualties:
49 dead earth ponies, 30 wounded earth ponies (still able to fight), 28 maimed earth ponies (alive but unable to fight). you lucked out on the unicorn bit with the number of earth ponies you lost
Trench casualties: 2 unicorns wounded (still able to fight) fucking crack shots have hit you all three days:rainbowlaugh:

The enemy casualties reported to be 400-800 confirmed dead, unknown wounded or bleeding out

The Grey Pegasus
Group Admin

Detail? What detail?


The cream colored earth pony with dark mane and crossed swords cutie mark nodded as a smile cracked his lips, pale grey and blue eyes shining with unspoken eagerness.

"Heh, ya know somethin? Ye're pretty expressive fer a mute. Applejack laughed and patted the silent pony on the shoulder before heading back to the bridge, grim demeanor overtaking her usual confident cheer.

Ti's gonna be a fight ta remember, ah guess...

As the sun dawns on a somber day, on a fateful morning, the sunlight reaches the structure of a mighty bridge. Tall and strong, powerful and full of pride stand the warriors behind it.

Eight hundred earth ponies stand crowded on the bridge of fate, were their lives will end and the fate of an army will be decided. Barricades of wood and stone, dirt and furniture from nearby buildings, stands along the bridge.

The pegasi that stand behind were quick and agile when it came to retrieving wood and rocks from nearby forests. The army will require as much protection as they can possibly get.

Unicorns stand on the UEE side of the bridge, formed in thin lines along the edges of the canyon, ready to fire at any approaching foes. Pegasi will keep the surrounding area scouted to be sure of no enemies sneaking behind our lines and cutting our retreat, as well as maintaining a steady flow of rocks and timber falling on the heads of already engaged enemies on the bridge.

The plans and preparations are set and ready to be tested, supplies are aplenty thanks to the 'willing aid' of the locals, whom have been made to see the logic of aiding the UEE.

And now, as the golden rays of a beautiful morning touch the stone and concrete pillars of a mighty bridge, with an army of brave souls standing at the ready to wage war against impossible odds. A former farm pony and now mighty general stands beside he who would so foolishly stand among the first to die.

Ya don't have ta do this, ya know? Applejack looked at the mute with an expression of steel, no emotion in it, no pity and no sentiment. She looked at the captain like the soldier he was, proud and strong. For it would be an insult to look him any other way.

The mute nodded his head and gazed at the front lines, his eyes scanning the faces of equines who may not see another dawn. He turned to see her once more, unspoken thoughts and unmentioned feelings of so long ago trapped inside of him with no way out. He had never thanked the general for the war of a lifetime.

Applejack smiled and nodded, allowing a brief look of appreciation to cross her eyes. The captain had been loyal and steadfast in every and all battles so far, never backing down, always standing proud. She knew him since the beginning of the campaign and would be sad should he fall that day. But it was his choice after all, as a soldier and fighter he decided when and how to die.

The captain returned the smile and trotted off to the front lines after a brief salute. The general headed to the back of the bridge and finished the final preparations for the battle.

The earth ponies fell into position along the four barricades built along the bridge, two hundred per barricade standing in two lines behind each. The unicorns separated in groups of a hundred and fifty, standing on left and right of the bridge.

The pegasi stood at attention behind the lines, half of them had been sent out to scout the surroundings while the rest would rain down rocks and lumber on the enemy.

It was silent as the soldiers awaited the attack, the morning sun was well on its way to the skies and the morning breeze was growing warmer with its rays. Yet everything remained peaceful and calm.

But it was not meant to last, not for long.

From the fanged mouths of thousands of dogs, howls were heard. The heart wrenching sound flew through the land with hatred unfathomable. As the horizon was lit with sunlight the sight was seen, thousands of spears and claws marched onward to meet fate.

It was at midday that the battle commenced.

Their battle hounds raced to the bridge without heed for order or discipline, pushing each other and forcing their way to the bridge with brutality unmatched. Their howls and growls could be heard for miles.

The earth ponies stand undeterred despite the hideous numbers that approach them. They gaze into the face of death with no fear, with no hope. Most who stand at the frontal lines know their time of reckoning has come but they care not! As the cloud of dust approaches from the horizon they clench their jaws and ready themselves for the final show, the final stand and the grand act of their play, in which they have played many roles but none more important than that.

To stand and die, to fight with pride. Their hearts of steel and their deeds of valor would be dust among the pages of books, to be forgotten and left to the memories of mutilated veterans, but in their hearts and in the fields their stories would live on! Despite the ages and passing of time, no matter how many years went by.

The howls culminated with the flashing of fangs and slashing of claws as the beasts threw themselves at the mouth of the bridge. Shouts of valor and defiance left the mouths of a thousand equines as they met their fate with hardened souls.

The beasts were brutal but it was to no avail, the lines held.

Cries of pain resounded throughout the fields as the blood ran through the grass. Dogs and equines perished at the frontal barricade like ants during a flood. The beasts threw all whom they could grasp with their claws over the edges of the bridge, while the equestrian soldiers forced them back with strength that could only be of equine bloodline.

Unicorns shot volley after volley of magical projectiles, ending the lives of dozens in a matter minutes. The Grand Pack had numbers on their side, yes. But they lacked Equestrian pride.

None retreated as the bloodbath overflowed, none dared take a step back despite facing their end. They fought them for every inch, for every stone. Corpses added to the wooden barricade and blood caused the troops to slip and fall, flies and vultures flew above the battlefield as the scent of the fallen grew appalling under the midday sun.

Pegasi darted in and out of the combat line, throwing stones and lumber on the hundreds of beasts cluttering the mouth of the bloodied bridge.

The massacre was horrifying, but it came to an end by sundown.

The monsters growled and snarled but were forced back by the brave and proud equines. The equestrian barricade had broken halfway through the battle, and the entirety of the defenders had payed the price.

Of the two hundred equines holding the first barricade, only thirteen remained.

Applejack trotted to the front lines, covering her nose against the stench of rotting carcasses, the screams of the wounded filled the air.

She searched through the corpses and the wounded, but instead found the captain standing by the mouth of the stone bridge, gazing at the horizon with a long gash running down his foreleg.

Applejack trotted over to the silent pony and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Ya really should get that bandaged, y'know?"

The mute smiled and nodded to the wounded lying behind them.

"Well, they may need it more than ya do but it still wouldn't hurt to get it looked at." The farm pony gave him a stern look and pointed in the direction of the encampment.

The stallion nodded once more before trotting off to search for an unoccupied unicorn medic.

Applejack left for the general's tent at the back of the lines, the next day would take a lot more out of them, and she knew it.

Day two and three went by in similar manners, hundreds killed and many more wounded. Heroes unsung, warriors untold.

May their sacrifice had aided their cause, for it was among the corpses of the hundreds that friends and family were left behind. Their bodies torn to shreds, their faces mauled beyond recognition and their once proud and handsome selves left to rot under the scorching sun.

But their pride and honor lay untouched, unscathed by the claws and fangs of thousands that were held back for so long by so few. Applejack retreated with a heavy heart, for she lost the bridge and six hundred earth ponies, along with a brave mute.


Kinda lazied out on this one, it was getting too long by the end but I think it ended nicely. The strategy would have remained the same throughout the whole three days.

Reinforce the barricades during the night, resist during the day. Then retreat when the others had made it far enough. Casualties seem reasonable to me, since earth ponies were the only ones to engage in combat and the defenses would have held the pack at bay to avoid being overwhelmed.

when you moved them back 1/4 of the way during the night so the unicorns could attempt to topple the bridge

The Grey Pegasus
Group Admin

Ah. Well, precautionary measures.
Day 3, 1900 Hours
Commands given: Partial retreat, Collapse bridge
The battle had subsided once more. Applejack had come out of it without a single scratch. I congratulated those unicorns.

"Applejack. Take the earth ponies except for 200 of them. Go west and begin to regroup with the others," I told her.

"What are you up to now?" she asked.

"The bridge is important to their movements. They might catch up to us if we leave it standing. We're going to collapse it. All of the unicorns working at the same time should do it."

"But..." She stopped mid-sentence. She sighed. "Alright. You've gotten us all out alive for the past three days. I trust that you won't let me down. And come back alive, Stardust. That's an order."

"Yes ma'am."

She took most of the earth pony force out. I was left with a good 280 or so unicorns, 100 pegasi, and 200 earth ponies.

"All unicorns, work on collapsing the bridge!" I commanded them.

"Yes sir!" The went to the sides of the canyon and worked away at the bridge.

"Earth ponies! Stay on the bridge, but close to land. I don't know how this bridge is going to collapse, but falling to your death isn't a good way to go."

"Yes sir!"

"Pegasi! You're all with me. We're taking center position on the bridge. We'll give the dogs something to look at in case the try something funny. And since we got wings, there's no trouble about falling if it collapses under us."

"Aye sir!" I decided to lead them in a dramatic flight up in the skies, then landing heavy on the bridge. I wonder if we did any damage with the force of our landing.

'100 pegasi, 200 earth ponies back there. Those unicorns better make quick work on the bridge. I don't plan on dining in hell.'

End Part 6


Nearly done with the battle. Don't go to results if something funky does happen; tell me that.

since this is happening 3 hours till night fall, the integrety of the bridge has fallen to 67% before dusk sets entirely. three hours of combat, think you could handle it?

first off, Applejack would have retreated anyways. It was her plan to delay the enemy for the three days that she safely could and was actually one of the few mane six that understood what battle required, but could face it (unlike a certain pink pony after a certain amount of time). heavy heart indeed, but proud of the fact that they knew what their duty was.

SECONDLY, you have earned a beautiful badge of honor for you career record: "Everything but the Kitchen Sink" was rewarded for literally grabbing everything (rocks and timber even) and attacking the enemy with it

Thirdly, your numbers are most definitely acceptable

Fourthly, AND SO EVERYONE KNOWS IF THEY PAY ATTENTION HERE, this bridge marks Equestria proper from Equestrian frontier land, the populace was more than willing to help by giving up supplies

Fifth, you killed yourself:rainbowhuh:? that's F'ing funny:rainbowlaugh:

The Grey Pegasus
Group Admin

Oh. I wasn't aware when night was falling. I just assumed 7:00 PM was when battle stops.

Operations start when night falls then. 2200 Hours. And I have all 280 unicorns focus-firing down the bridge.


There is no better death than one sustained in battle! :flutterrage: Battleshy activate!

Also, I tend to be pretty evil with my OC, made him mute after all

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