Battlefield: Equestria 264 members · 62 stories
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(partially based on an episode of a very old TV show, 'COMBAT')

The UEE and the GHE are at it again. Due to a border skirmish gone horribly wrong, the two factions are embroiled in war. Currently the GHE is on the run. The UEE has been pushing the enemy further and further back, but they've hit a snag. Part of their line has been held up at a stretch of road through some rocky terrain riddled with hills. The problem lies with a GHE fortification placed in a pass between two hills.
At the top of the hills to either side of the road lie two bunkers with clear views of the surrounding areas, each manned by one machine gun crew and two riflemen. Placed directly in the road there is a wooden barricade reinforced with sandbags. The barricade holds one machine gun crew, ten riflemen, twenty pikemen, and thirty sword and bucklers. The UEE needs that road to advance. There is no other way.
You and your fellow stallions have been placed under the command of the Element of Generosity, Rarity. You have been ordered to take and/or destroy the fortifications. You have already tried twice to take the bunkers on the hills and both times you have been driven back with heavy casualties. Your unit consists of ten unicorns, fourty earth ponies, four royal guards, including two pegasi and two unicorns, and two knights. You are currently positioned at a ruined house set into a hill just down the road from the fortification in a bend in the road.
Troop morale is somewhat low because of your previous failures and the fact that you have been denied reinforcements. All available troops are busy elswhere until you can take the road. Neither side has any heavy artillery.

The Player: United Equestrian Empire
Unicorns: 14 (including two royal guards and two knights)
Earth Ponies: 40
Pegasi: 2 royal guards
Heroes: Rarity

The Enemy: Greater Human Empire
Riflemen: 14
Pikemen: 20
Sword and Buckler: 30
Machine Gun Crews: 3

The Battlefield:
A two lane road with rocky terrain on either side that hinders troop movement a bit when you leave the road. Two rocky hills with bunkers on either side of the road. A wood and sand bag barricade in the road between the hills. One ruined house at a bend in the road down the road from the barricade.

Objective: Take the fortifications with as few casualties as possible.

The Grey Pegasus
Group Admin

While there is nothing wrong with the scenario, I went back to
reference the units and apparently Pikemen and Sword and Bucklers don't exist anymore.

Probably because of the human tech upgrade.


By knights you mean crystal ponies right?

Anyway, I would definitely have to say that you made a tough one indeed! :twilightoops:

Guess I'd divide my earth ponies into three groups. One of thirty and two of five. Two unicorns with each team of five.

The two groups of EP would then each climb the hills and assault the bunkers while the unicorns have a shield built to block the bullets.

The rest of my force would then be sent forth on a headfirst charge against their center. Pegasi would remain behind until all machine gun crews are locked in melee combat, then they would swoop down on the enemy and begin to lessen their ranks while the units sent atop both bunkers clash down on the center force from the flanks.

Hopefully the unicorn shields will be enough to stop the barrage of bullets :twilightsheepish:


Someone got their smileys working :trollestia:

The Grey Pegasus
Group Admin

Actually, there are Solar and Lunar Knights under Special Units for the ponies.


And then the lord said: make an idiot so blind the world will be amazed... And Irongalley was born... :derpytongue2: srry I derped.

511725 Hhmmm.... My bad. I had several windows open to this group and was multi tasking. I must have been looking at my window with a scenario open and though I was looking at the units list.

511856 Straight forward. I like it. My personal analysis would be that you take the fortification but you take heavy casualties. But that's just me.

You have already tried twice to take the bunkers on the hills and both times you have been driven back with heavy casualties.

Objective: Take the fortifications with as few casualties as possible.

Unicorn shields are good but they can't stop everything thrown directly at them.

keep in mind, this is what you are throwing your forces at:

while not terribly fast, it is accurate as hell and that is what made the vickers so dangerous in WW1

yeah, it was a trench line defender for a reason:twilightsmile:

I know that this is thread necromancy, but I have to point out the irony herein:

Riflemen: 14
Pikemen: 20
Sword and Buckler: 30
Machine Gun Crews: 3

I would have the two Pegasi grab a Unicorn each. Then they would fly above the clouds and come up behind the enemy. When they landed, the Unicorn would fire as many magic bolts as possible into the backs of the machine gun crews. Meanwhile, the main force would have the unicorns in front, half offense and half defense, leading all of the Earth Ponies, Rarity, and Major Hothead, who is a Pegasus Royal Scout (He joined up with The Grey Pegasus, aka Captain Stardust). The Pegasi and Unicorns on the hill would then come around behind the other machine gun crew and get rid of them as silently as possible. Then the Pegasi would pick the Unicorns up and fly back to the main force as fast as possible. The Unicorns would join the others at the front and the Pegasi would guard Me (Hothead) and Rarity while we advanced.

How'd I do?

816352 Hhmmm..... Interesting idea, but could four ponies really breach a bunker alone and then sneak around to breach another one on another hill in a decent amount of time while the other forces were engaged in combat?

Oh, I meant to say they would split off into two pairs. Then those two pairs would come up behind the enemy's main force. Does that help?

Hhmmm..... I would say a tenuous victory.

511690 right, let's give this a go...
firstly, wait until nightfall. I haven't seen anything about a time limit, so this seems fairly valid, as well as allowing the humans to become off guard.
have 6 of the unicorns start a barrage to distract the enemy, focus is on conserving magic, not power.
have the pegasi fly above the cloud cove in order to scout. once they see what they're up against, the remaining unicorns will cast a cloud walking spell, while the pegasi from a cloud large enough for all of them. the pegasi will proceed to fly all the force apart from the unicorns occupied by the barrage.
once the team is in position, have the cloud be moved as quietly as possible (possibly with a muffling spell) until it is behind the bunkers, close enough to the ground that the ponies can drop with little to no problem.
the unicorns will fire a volley of maximum charged spells at the position, while the earth pony forces drop to the ground and clear out the bunkers. after the bunkers have been taken, 10 earth ponies, split into two teams of 5 will man the bunkers and provide cover fire while the remaining force charges down the hill, protected by the shields from the various unicorns.
what do you think? P.S. sorry I took so long



It is not my place to give you wins or not, but I daresay you did well.

The cloud spell was OP ingenious. :rainbowkiss:

1147426 thanks...
I seem to have a talent for thinking outside the box. that doesn't mean my strategies are necessarily good, but people generally don't see them coming...
According to jack, I manages to get roughly a 3:1 Kill/death ratio with this one and beat them in the first wave. then again, it took 6 hours a a few goes of trial and error, mostly due to miscommunication and lack of experience on my part.
still, 400-800 friendly casualties for 1200-1500 enemies is not to bad for a green horn...

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