Battlefield: Equestria 264 members · 62 stories
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The Grey Pegasus
Group Admin

Presented 'in-character'.

Urgent message to the Commonwealth 4th Regiment
Gentlemen, we've just received orders from Commonwealth Warfare Command. One of our special intelligence agents has been keeping tabs on the Equestrians. The ponies are set to move out and occupy an area out to our northwest. And they are intent on having control over it, no exceptions. At least, that's what our agent said he heard word-for-word. But Special Intelligence has a strict honor code, and they've never exaggerated, even for our benefit.

It's relatively flat land, with a large crater-like area in the ground. The ground itself is covered by sparse vegetation. Mostly just high grass and and shrubs here and there at the most, with some patches of trees scattered around.

What makes this area important is what's under it. Engineers have went around testing possible areas and found that the crater area is rich in metal. And you know what metal means–among other things, more weapons. Especially when trying to fend off an entire Empire, and we're still not sure about those Democratics.
Our forces will arrive from the south. Unfortunately, at our fastest speed of deployment, the Equestrians will arrive at relatively the same time, which is around mid-day.

The main area itself is surrounded by a tree line of evergreens 900 feet/300 yards/275 meters away.

The area is a large plain. However, there is a large circular impression made in the ground with a 1000 feet diameter. This lowland slopes down from the ground by 6 feet, making it possible to run down to the lowland, albeit while being cautious not to trip.

About half of the high land is covered in grass waist high. The grass begins to dissipate once it reaches the crater. There are roughly an average four patches of trees in every cardinal direction 300 feet away from the outer edge of the low land. These patches of trees are small, only about 40 feet in diameter.

Companies B and C will be routed towards the objective area.

Each company consists of:
1 MG crew
32 Riflemen
13 Combat Engineers
3 Sharpshooter teams
3 Huntsmen
Units: 104
Men: 116)
Do not let this area fall into the hands... er... hooves of the Equestrians. It is imperative that we have control over the future quarry.

Time of Arrival: 1400 Hours.

Scouting Sharpshooter team reports:

UEE Forces
40 Unicorns
4 Royal Guard Unicorns
40 Pegasi
6 Royal Guard Pegasi
120 Earth Ponies

The unicorn known as 'Twilight Sparkle' also appears to be in command. She is known to be an academic, and was possibly assigned to assist in supervising future mining operations in the area while also leading the militant forces. It is speculated that the present forces are only serving as a scouting expedition for a larger force.

Your forces are situated in the forest to the south, 300 yards to the crater edge, and are currently undetected. Sharpshooters report seeing Equestrians starting to move across the field, and into the crater area. This forward line consists of:

15 Unicorns
2 RG Unicorns
15 Pegasi
4 RG Pegasi
40 Earth Ponies

Meanwhile, the rest of the Equestrians have stayed on the northern rim of the crater. Sparkle herself is under one of the five tree patches on their side. The Unicorns and Pegasi have all split evenly into groups relatively positioned near each tree patch. the 80 Earth Ponies are all scattered around, with more concentration to the left and right sides of their formation. The remaining Royal Guards are relatively close to their commander.

Your objective is to drive the Equestrians from the future quarry. It is under your discretion should you find the chance to kill Twilight Sparkle. Consider the consequences of each action, and follow through with what you think best.

Group Admin

507293 I'll solve this later, have to get some sleep for now.

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