Battlefield: Equestria 264 members · 62 stories
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Coup D'etat: Part 1: Vengeance Inc.

Author's Note: Coup D'etat is a linear campaign involving many scenarios. The campaign alternates between "story" chapters and "scenario" chapters. Story chapters will not involve battle scenarios, but they will be key to properly understanding the Scenario chapters when they arise. You do not have to read the story chapters to take part in the connected scenarios, but it is advisable to do so. Please note that this campaign will most likely progress slowly, as both chapter types will be uploaded on an irregular basis. Finally, you can submit one or more OCs to be included in either the story, the scenarios, or both, via PM. Please be aware that it is not possible for all submitted OCs to be used, although I will try to include as many as possible.

The Appleoosa express exploded out of the tunnel with a thunderous roar. Smoke and steam billowed from the engine's funnel, leaving a swirling trail of grey vapour in it's wake. As the train sped onwards, the driver casualy tossed the remains of a ciggarete butt out of the cab, sending it whirling away into the afternoon air.

Inside one of the many carriages, seemingly oblivious to the speed, the noise and the methodical shaking of the train, a very bizarre group sat, enjoying the opulent luxury of the private carriage.

At the head of a large table, a mysterious figure lounged in an expensive-looking chair. Shrouded in black robes, her face was hidden behind a metallic mask, on which someone had painted a bone-white skull sporting a terrifying grin. Two sapphire-blue eyes stared out through the eye sockets of the skull, and a distinctly feminine voice spoke through the metal grille that formed the teeth.

"So, a Gryphon, a Minotaur, two ponies and... Gods, I don't even know what you are. You had better explain, Firebolt. And quickly."

The flame-orange stallion stared back at the masked figure from the opposite end of the table. Then he shrugged, and began to speak.

"You tasked me with putting together a team to meet your... Specific criteria. I have done so; despite appearances, each and every one is the best in their particular field of expertise... I would appreciate it if you did not refer to me in such a disrespectful manner again. We are partners in this little business venture, after all...

"My apologies, Captain Firebolt. I did not mean any disrespect... But enough talk. Please, introduce me to your... Acquaintances." In truth, the masked pony already knew the identities of everyone in the room, even the parts they tried to keep hidden from her. Of course, they didn't know that, so she asked the question anyway, just to maintain the illusion of ignorance.

"Very well. The Gryphon on my right is none other than Captain Sky-Shrike, commander of one of the most successful pirate fleets ever to sail the seas."

The armour-clad Gryphon inclined his head toward his masked employer. Wearing an expensive-looking tricorn hat, and an eyepatch over one eye, he looked every bit the pirate captain he claimed to be.

"On my left, Carox the Destroyer; leader of the infamous Blood Raiders Minotaur clan, and an expert at melee combat."

Even as he sat there, crammed into a chair that was far too small for him, Carox still managed to look intimidating. He snorted and puffed out his chest proudly at the mention of his name.

"My clan is ready! We will destroy all who dare stand against us!" He thundered. The windows rattled with the force of his shout, and the other occupants of the carriage covered their ears at the noise. The masked figure was seemingly unaffected.

Firebolt shook his head, ears ringing. "...Ah... Very... Good... Uh... Where was I? Ah, of course. How could I forget my good friend, the wonderful Mayfly?"

The eyes of the off-white pegasus flashed green, and within a second, she had been replaced by a far stranger creature. With bug-like wings, sharp fangs and a black exoskeleton, the female changeling grinned mischievously, before she reverted back to her previous disguise in a second flash of green light.

"Very impressive. As you can probably guess, Mayfly here is an expert at the fine arts of espionage, stealth, theft and assassination."

"And finally, we have here the human, Colonel Victor Stukov, commander of a mercenary band known as the 'Ghost Division'; masters of un-conventional warfare."

The tall, hooded figure of Victor Stukov had remained quiet and unmoving throughout the conversation. Even now he made no move to speak; something his companions found slightly unnerving... With the exclusion of his skull-masked employer, of course.

"Excelent work Firebolt." The masked figure replied. "Now, I'll assume that the Captian here has filled you in on the plan, but I want you to talk me through it, to ensure that you all understand the part you play. Captian Sky-Shrike, I believe you are the first cog in our machine..."

The Gryphon cleared his throat loudly, and began to speak.

"I will concentrate the activities of my fleet on the Equestrian coastline. My ships will target merchant convoys and other commercial vessels, as well as raiding unprotected villages along the coastline. We will avoid engaging Imperial Naval vessels if at all possible."

Carox slammed his fist on the table, and added: "At the same time, my clan will launch raids on puny pony villages from the badlands. We will not fight the tiny solider ponies until the time is right... And then we will rip them limb from limb!" He roared triumphantly.

Mayfly spoke next, her surprisingly soft voice a complete contrast to Carox's bullish roars.

"While this is going on, I will infiltrate the Imperial barracks in Stalliongrad, kill one of the couriers there, and take their place. Then, I will deliver the fake message to the newly appointed Princess, one "Twilight Sparkle." I will deliver a second false message to the Captain of the Guard."

At this point, Firebolt picked up the narrative.

"I will lead a small contingent of my troops down into the cave system and unblock the tunnel that opens out in the mountains behind the city. This done, I will return to my post, and await the arrival of the Ghost Division."

With a heavy sigh, Stukov finally spoke, his voice quiet, authoritative and heavily accented.

"...I will lead my men through the caves with your soldiers and wait for nightfall. At midnight, we will attack. We will breach the palace and deploy the device. Then we will retreat into the caves, along with Firebolt's troops, collapsing the entrance behind us to ensure that we are not pursued. Once we are clear of the blast radius, I will detonate the device remotely."

"...And once the Princesses are dead, as per my part of the bargain, my army will march forth, subdue the populace, and destroy whatever remains of the United Equestrian Army. I will put one half of my forces under the command of Captain Firebolt, who will be anointed High King of Equestria. Then, and only then, will my vengeance be complete. Any questions?" The masked figure stated simply.


"I'll take that as a no, then. Do as you have been asked, and your reward shall be great. Do not fail me."

And, with a flash of Crimson light, the five passengers vanished without a trace, leaving the carriage silent and empty behind them.

Very nice vibes from this. Unnervingly enough, I find it similar to something I'm writing right now. :raritywink:

Is this something you're planning on going through with? Because if it is, that's awesome, and I can't wait to hear more about this. And, if this is the kind of thing you like, my next story you'll like quite a lot, I find~

Group Admin

959409 Oh, snap. :pinkiegasp: Me gusta. :pinkiehappy:

The Grey Pegasus
Group Admin

My question here is which side will we eventually play as? And if this is a new storyline... a question somewhat hinted by my new thread.

Group Admin

959731 New storyline: Yes. Might return to the previous one eventualy, but I felt like I needed to start again on a new project.


That feeling is what ended me up with twelve unfinished stories with over a month since last update.

Tread carefully.

Group Admin

Victor Stukov


but unfortunately, i was thinking of making the forester/gd names simpler. like 'jack beekeeper'. first names essentially sound pretty, and last names are family, usually from their occupation.

also neither shift key will work.

The Grey Pegasus
Group Admin

Hee hee, Bloodpool. Always running into small snags when incorporating other people's ideas. :derpytongue2:

The Grey Pegasus
Group Admin

Also, because my brain has auto fill-in turned on, this became something else the first time I read it.

"So, a Gryphon, a Minotaur, two ponies and... Gods, I don't even know what you are

walk into a bar.

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