The Collab Cage 651 members · 141 stories
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Comment posted by Scornas deleted Sep 2nd, 2015

Well, I really hope I am doing this right.

So I had this story idea and I could use a co-author (or two) to help me with it.

Here is the Story
Some ponies (mostly background ponies and OCs) wake up to find themselves in a human world, except in this world MLP doesn't exist and neither do bronies or furries. The story takes place in the city of [city name pending].

While the appearance of talking ponies is rather odd the government has other things to worry about such as gang warfare as well as sightings of a bizarre serial killer. There has also been a strange box making its way around the town. What is causing the ponies to appear in this world, who is the serial killer, and what is inside the box?

Also while the ponies would bring their own unique abilities to the story there will be humans with their own strange abilities (like a man who because super strong when angry).

This idea was partially inspired by the anime Durarara.

William [Last name pending]
Age: 17
Appearance: A Caucasian with dark brown hair.
Back-story: William moved to the city of [city name pending] at the request of an old friend of his. His parents were willing to let him go because his uncle also lives in [city name pending]. After moving into his uncle's place he wakes up the next day to find a pony sleeping in the living room. According to his friend Charlie this has been happening a lot lately with no apparent reason or explanation.

Robert [Last name pending]
Age: 32
Appearance: A Caucasian with dark brown hair along with a beard and mustache.
Back-story: Robert is William's uncle from his mother's side. He is the quiet yet goofy uncle that almost every kid wishes they had. He is a researcher of sorts who has been studying the bizarre events happening in [city name pending]. However the are small implications that his health isn't what it used to be and that he might know more about what is going on, then he is letting on.

Brown Root
Appearance: A Earth pony stallion with a brown coat and a pale green mane.
Back-story: Root while being a curious fellow is generally very cautious and lazy at times. However he also panics really easily. One day he takes a nap under a tree only to wake up in another world.

Prior to waking up in the human world Brown Root was a plant seed salespony.

What I need when it comes to a Co-Author:
Well, I need some one who has good grammar/spelling and is also good at creating interesting characters. When it comes to most MLP Human fanfics most of the humans are pretty bland with the only personality traits being: depressed or a brony. We are trying to avoid these and create exciting characters (both Human and Pony).

How would we write the story?
I kind of depends. We could trade off chapters and we can work together on some chapters as well. I kind of have an idea for how the backbone of the story could go but I am willing to work with others on it .

Of course we should probably discuss some of it in private (like via PM) before we start writing, so we can at least figure out some of the last names as well as the name of the city.

Also I should probably mention that I am currently working on some other projects, hence the reason I want this to be a collab.

Who would publish it?
Well, I could but if someone else wants to I have no problem with it as long as everyone receives the credit they deserve.

I am interested in being a Co-Author with you... how do I sign up?
Send me a PM telling me you are interested. Now one thing I would like to ask is that you also include a link to another story you have worked on. It can be a story you wrote by yourself or a story that you collabed on (either way is fine with me). If you haven't written another story before that is fine as long as you share with me what talents you can being along.

I have a AU action/adventure human story called Mystic Hunters that I could use some help with.

The main premises has The characters as students at a school that teaches them how to become hunters and how to use magic. Hunters are like bounty hunters in the real world, they do various jobs for money. Everyone who is a hunter has a certain "class" the fall under. The class they become is dependent one their fighting style and magic usability. It's kind of a homage/love letter to various forms of (mostly) Japanese meida (anime, manga, video games, mostly RPGs and fighting games) with some love given to American comics as well.

The technology of the world is fairly limited, almost steam punk like. Cars and other automobiles still exist, but they run on something other than gasoline. That's because magic plays large roll with in the lives of everyone. They use it for (almost) everything. It's like your standard fantasy setting mixed with some steam punk and very few modern elements. Kind of like this or the world of FF7 .

So what do I need help with? Short answer: everything.

Editor: I'm not good at many things. Grammar, punctuation, spelling at times, and I have a really bad habit of re-using certain words over. I suck at giving details to scenes, and my ability to write dialog is much to be desired.

Proof/Pre reader: Kind of coincides with the editor bit. I just need someone to look over my completed work, and point out anything I should fix , add, or remove from the story.

Co writer: This is the big one. I am better at pitching ideas than executing them, but at the same time I am my own worst critic . I never think anything I write or any idea I have is good enough(despite that I have been told many times before that my work isn't bad) I just can't see it. For this part, I would need someone to not only bounce ideas off of but help flesh out my present ideas, and stay consistent with them. Because outside of detailing, grammar, not repeatedly using the same word, and a slew of other things, consistency is my biggest foe.
You see this? You see it? You do? PERFECT! I wonna make it happen. Only problem is I haven't played wow in a some time and despite my knowledge and watching the current lore I am seriously not going back to the game to research it more.

I know some of you have played, and/or are probably still playing the game and probably know more about it. So I want you two guys either to co-author this with me ((being the one with the original idea I will be hosting the fic if you guys don't mind.)) or just help me in it.

So... what do you say?

Hi there. First time posting here but... For those interested in a colab for a crossover of 'American Toku' such as the topic of today Kamen Rider Dragon Knight (which people who have seen it are firmly divided on whether it is any good or not). This particular one wit;; be mostly focused on action/adventure, with some slight romance. Now I have a planned multi-chaptered story for it with some difficulty for its title so any suggestions would be very helpful. If anyone is interested in the series that my fic would be based on here is a link:

Now, for a slight twist I will be using a few background ponies that are in few if any fics. Among them: Colgate, Sea Swirl/Dolphin Dream, Carrot Top, Twinkleshine and a few more recognizable ones as well. Now on to the spoilers for both some small plans for the fic as well as some spoilers for KRDK. Basically all of the Earth Kamen Riders as well as Ventaran Rider Kase/Siren were 'vented' basically sent to a dimension between Earth and the mirror wrold of Ventara. (called the Advent Void) At around the same time Tirek/aka Twilight's Kingdom villain faced off with Alicorn Twilight, the magical energy of so much power weakened the gate between the Advent Void and the other worlds and by chance or sheer dumb luck the former Riders/humans were released into various parts of Equestria: Ponyville, Manehatten, Fillydelphia, Canterlot, Crystal Empire, etc. Oh, and they are now Ponies because of the release of so much magical energy acting something like the mirror in the first movie.

The second idea has an older Button Mash as the DC comics hero The Flash so so DC comics lore is definitely helpful for the second idea. As for what I need from I need from as potential collaborator? A little bit of everything but mainly someone who can help me bounce my ideas off of and wouldn't mind fixing any grammar mistakes I make. I do have a google docs account so there's that.

Hi there. There are three collabs im looking at:
1. MLP/Katekyou Hitman Reborn Crossover, for those who know the anime.
2. MLP with a supernatural theme (angels, daemons, vampires, werewolves, mages, etc)
3. MLP/Pirates of the Caribbean/One Piece Crossover.

PM me for more info.

Comment posted by Hopeful Soul deleted Oct 20th, 2015

Hi im still in the process of thinking of ideas for this collab idea i have in my head but i wanted to post some of the details:

Its a chrysalis X luna adventure romance with the idea that chrysalis and luna are both struggling with something Luna struggling against her nightmare and chrysalis wanting to change after seeing many of her changelings die from starvation and then bring them together first as friends but slowly build to something more at the end.

pm me if interested

I want to do a collection of one-shots detailing the back history of not just Wildfire but the universe and other supporting characters. However due to time constraints and other more pressing projects - namely Wildfire's actual story - i'm opening this up as a collaboration.

here's the chapters. if you like the sound of one select it and drop me a pm for further details

1 - Luna x Sky Dive - 1000 years ago, just before NMM Luna meets a pegasus mare and falls in love. Sky supports her through the NMM incident and they are together when Luna is banished. 70 years into the banishment Sky Dive is 90 and dies of old age cursing Luna for abandoning her.

2 - Luna x Octavia - a year after Luna's return at the first grand galloping gala where Pinkie Pie ruins Octavia's set and makes her run off crying in a side room. Luna, hiding from the crowds, finds her, they talk and start a relationship

3 -Luna x Octavia x bat pony guard - one year anniversary Luna & Octavia want a foal. Octavia wants it naturally so Luna gets a bat pony stallion to have a threesome which results in Octavia's pregnancy and Dusk is born

4 - Silverbolt dies - Wildfire's mother, a pegasus working with the Canterlot weather team, gets struck by lightning from an errant / rogue cumulonimbus cloud. Wildfire is 12 and sees her fall from her school room window - TAKEN

5 - start of secondary / high school - Wildfire meets Dusk, Cyclone, Darkstar and Brightstar - they all become friends - TAKEN

6 - end of high school - holiday before university starts, Wildfire's 18th birthday a prank by Darkstar leaves the friends stranded in Las Pegasus

7 - Air Raid at age 7 having been told she has Scootaloo's Syndrome, faced with a mom who doesn't care tries to cut off her left wing and is sent to hospital, where she sees Scootaloo stunting on her scooter on tv and is inspired to race

8 - Brightstar and Darkstar's mom Shining Star goes insane when her illusions turn on her and she cant differentiate between reality and illusion. she's committed to canterlot asylum when her kids are 16

Looking for help with a big project, My story,Conceptual Chronicles: Equestrian apostles, needs a member from each of the races present in it, read the story, and PM me what you'd like to write, I have Stone Ogre, Luperian, and Rabboo taken

I also need help with a collaboration.

What will it be like?
The basic idea of the story is that, in an alternate universe (which is full of anthro people rather than ponies), Nightmare Moon defeated the Elements of Harmony and Princess Celestia. She took over Equestria and has brought an eternal night. The main story starts about ten years later, when a guard that used to work with Princess Celestia, but was forced to work for Nightmare Moon, is forced to defect from her regime with another guard and join a rebellion.

As for content... It's going to have to be mature, for sex, gore, and language and racism is a major topic. If you're not comfortable writing that sort of stuff, I can take care of it. The genres that I have so far are Sex, Gore, Adventure, Alternate Universe, Anthro, Dark, and Romance. The characters are Nightmare Moon and OC. I don't have a name for it yet, but I have four possible names. The story itself will be written in first person, present tense. If you're not good with either of those, I can rewrite what you write.

Who's going to publish it?
Since I'm the one that started it, it would be me. I've got about 8 pages of stuff written (the font size is 9), so it would make sense if it would be published by me. I'll give you credit, unless you explicitly ask me not to.

How will it be written?
On Google Docs. I can send you a link to it, and we can work on it there.

How far are you with it, so far?
I have 10 chapters planned. None are completed yet. I don't have an ending planned out yet, but I was hoping another mind would help.

Why anthro?
I don't really like to write ponies, since I think the vastly different body structures makes it harder to write. There's also some things in the story that would just be impossible to do with ponies as characters. The main character is a pegasus and he uses both a sword and a shield. No pony pegasus could hold both. Plus, he talks during combat. I won't turn him into a unicorn, since race is a plot relevant thing.

If you're interested in helping me out, send me a PM.

Hello! My name is Locke Holmes I'm a somewhat fresh user to this website and although I've tried my hands at writing in the past I always reach a point where I don't think I continue anymore because of writers block. I usually reach somewhere upward of 5000 to 20000 words before I stop completely because I've trapped myself into a corner (It's not even a hard one either, it's usually as simple as what a character should say, or how I should describe something, never plot progression.) So I had a light bulb appear above my head and thought to myself:

Hey! Why don't I get somebody that can give me a good kick in the arse to keep me going!

So here I am! I dusted off one of my planned fictions called


A fiction lovingly named after that dumb ass that flew too close to the sun, and foreshadows as event that occurs in the first chapter.

The fiction follows female protagonist named Robin Holme (Yes, I'm aware that sounds too close to 'Holmes' but I couldn't find a name unique enough.) that the reader obviously won't know is female due to ambiguous wording but a few hints here and there to lead the reader suspecting. She's a member of the star-ship


and of course as the title hints something obviously bad occurs in the first chapter. This is science fiction, mixed here and there with fantasy (Magic in Equestria, needless to say.) and will follow Robin on her journey throughout Equestria to find her crashed ship, figure out what the hell came aboard the ship to cause the unfortunate series of events, and see if she can get back home.

I have a outline/plan for chapter 1 and what follows, so if anyone wishes to collab to get the full synopsis, and plan, just PM me. :)

1. Google+, since this is primarily on drive.
2. Nothing else, but a smile.


I am making a story called 'Why ponies don't take drugs'. It is a random comedy about drugs and ponies. Check out the story for most of the first chapter/the first chapter.

Year 10 standard literacy skills. (Standard for Australian Highschool students)
Have a Skype account.
Great constructive criticism abilities.

Ability to work with pre set chapter titles
Able to work around time zone issues (+10 GMT)
Tell me what 1+1 equals.

PM me if you are interested!


One of the stories I've been meaning to do for a while is a simple, one-shot, cute piece about an average human who's been assigned by Princess Celestia to take care of the Mane 6 as fillies. I call the story, "Mr. Caretaker."

Pretty much, I'm looking for someone who has experience with writing cutesy scenarios and can assist me in putting the pieces together into the final product. An outline has been worked out for the story. If you are interested, PM me, and we'll go over the details.

Thanks. :pinkiehappy:

Looking for someone to help with my idea.

its an 1st person HiE with amnesia who has to fight out of a Gladiator pit. The end goal is where He takes control of the continent and leads pony land into a new industrial age. Problem is I dont know how to go from point A. To point b. So if you want to work with a relatively green author send me a PM. If not thanks for reafing anywyas.

908227 I few co-authors:
- One to help write sci-f.
- One to help write a superhero fic (themes taken from Heroes or Boku no Hero Academia).
- One to help with a fic with a RWBY theme.
In no particular order.

1. Creativity
2. Working with concepts
3. Able to work on the story even without me being present
4. Knowledge of steampunk and cyberpunk themes.

I'm looking for someone, or a few someones, to help with stories that I have partially written. There's a total of nine, mostly crossovers with various games I play.

From oldest to newest, they are:
My Little Mousehunters (crossover with the FB game MouseHunt. Features Twilight Sparkle.)
Battalion Wars: Equestria (crossover with the Battalion Wars series. Features most of Mane 6.)
Without a Scope (not a crossover. Features OCs.)
Mindcracked 2 (crossover with Modded Minecraft. Features Celestia and Luna, hopefully with Mindcrack players. Currently being rewritten.)
Mindcracked 2.5 (another Minecraft crossover, set at the same time as 2. Features Pinkie on Super Hostile Online server. Unreleased.)
Xenoblade Chronicles P (Xenoblade Chronicles X crossover, set on Equis. Features all of Mane 6. Unreleased.)
Paper Mario and the Council of Friendship (Paper Mario Color Splash crossover. Features Mane 6 on Prism Island. Unreleased.)
Celestia and Discord Build Spaghetti (Factorio crossover. Features Celestia and Discord. Unreleased.)
Shantae: Dance to a Different Beat (Shantae series crossover. Features Shantae and Risky Boots in Equestria. Unreleased.)

I'm looking for one or two people per story. For the crossovers, I'd appreciate having some knowledge of in-game lore. Coauthors will be credited in the description of the story they help with.

I need many people for a story called "A Canterlot Play"

And it's about the main 6 and other ponies putting on a play of course, but then something terrible tragic and horrible happens and then, DRAMA!!!!

No limit as to how many can join.

Ah have need of writers for an all-new universe. Ah’ll take as many as ah can get.

This universe will have adventure themes. Please PM for details.

All right. I guess I'll try to find a collaborator here since the Author Support Group links seem to be down. My idea, which is an AU that takes place in Season 4, is primarily a sequel to the story "Double Rainbow" (which I got permission to do) where, because of the events of the previous story, Scootaloo falls into a depression and tries to take her own life. Meanwhile, the clone from the story "Double Rainbow" wakes up in the mirror pool and starts to remember the original Rainbow Dash’s life, which threatens to overwhelm her, until she makes the conscious decision to continue to think of Scootaloo as her little sister.

I'd like to see about progressing the story from where I'm stuck with it, which means I'll probably run some ideas past you.

Story link
The password is "view chapter"

P.M. me if you're interested. Thanks for taking the time to read this.

How many co-authors needed: One

How chapters would work: We take turns writing chapters (ex: I write chapter 1, you write chapter 2, I write chapter 3, etc), and either the whole thing is posted on my account, or we can both post the whole thing on our accounts, up to you

The idea: I don't want to give too much away, but the basic plot is that Pear Butter (or Buttercup, I don't care which name is used) and Bright Mac aren't really dead, they went into hiding to protect their family and had to let everyone believe they were dead. But, keeping up to date with where the show currently is (at the time of posting this, S7E15: "Triple Threat" is the latest episode), they come back and reveal what really happened before trying to adjust back into normal life in Ponyville with their family. I'm not intending for it to be a super long story, maybe up to ten chapters at most, but if you want to continue it after that or write a sequel, feel free!

Just PM me if interested, but PMs don't like to work for me on here, so it may be best to just ask for my deviantART name so we can communicate through notes there.

Can't wait to hear from you!


or we can both post the whole thing on our accounts, up to you

No you can't. One story, one account. Obviously give credit to your co-authors, but only one account may host a story.

Nothing stopping you from hosting it on multiple websites, such as Deviantart, fanfic, ao3, or whatever.

Um, why can't that be done? I've seen it done on here.

Not sure how active this group is, but I'll give it a go. I do need help with my latest stories, "The Four Foxes." It's a slice of life story with a bit of adventure mixed into it, much like FiM itself at times. It's about a group of fox spirit siblings, known as Kitsunes, who have found themselves in Equestria after losing their home. And the fic focuses on the titular foxes as they try to adjust to their new home in Equestria and make some friends along the way. The tags on the fic are AU, Comedy, Dark (for later events), and Drama. It's on my userpage if anyone wants to give it a read.

Some requirements for a writing partner I'm looking for is:

1. Creativity
2. Responsive (not all the time, because everyone has a life, but still responds once in a while)
3. Can analyze and criticize some story ideas and not just say "Oh yeah, that sounds good," while still being open-minded at the same time
4. Good at Grammar
5. Good sense of humor (Just because)

So if you are interested in helping, reply or PM me. Thanks.

Hi, im lumina Skies. im looking for 2 other people to help me write this fic. can be one if they show talent in both the areas i asked about below, if your 1 person wishing to take on both roles I will need the following in red completed with application for both roles. Please read this fully before pming me about ideas, i will want to interview you before i decide to discuss the story and your role in it. (for part of the interview i will require a character creation detailing the male counterpart for those who apply for that part, as for the second co writer i want that person to cover background and time setting and background characters so for their interview i require a blab about history or a scene with a background character, it can be one of the mane six, this is just so i can get a feel for your writing style. it does not have to have anything to do with the story idea below but do require original work. Please think carefully before applying.)

in this fic i want help writing the male counter parts of my love story. i'm not going with traditional characters or time settings, i would either like to have it set in a long lost empire from way back when coming to light or i want it to be a new race discovered. this story is going to contain kirins and while i wish to put the idea out there i do intend to use some of the mane six. luna will play a large role due to her banishment making it easier for her to remember the old races if we go the route of long lost empire. if we don't then i want celestia to have a large role in the discovery. luna will have a role regardless because she is the background character that i find easier to write when new races are involved. the story will follow two characters, the first a kirin mare, in her culture she is of royal descent and curious about the neighbouring twin crowns that rule equestria. in her kingdom the culture setting will be more eastern and oriental. as for age frame i want to include a small back story describing her past and the events leading up to her start. fashion will play a big role when she first comes to equestria so anyone good at writing rarity should apply for the back ground writer. i'm still working out what i want to have her included in but that can be discussed. next im looking for a male counterpart as her lover it can be of any pony like race and they must have their start in equestria even if they aren't just a pony. the events leading up to the start in equestria can be of different origins. the idea chain for that one is open for discussion. next i want to have a the time frame set in a later time than current status but the events of the series will have already past. it's my hope to try and include twilight and her scholarly personality but i want to focus on history and emergence. the idea chain is a working progress but if your interested please pm me.

Also, it is my wish when the story is complete to do a full cast audio on youtube if you're not ok with this then please don't apply, you're not required to be in the cast but if you're not ok with your work being put out there like that please don't apply. the start of this story will take place before the events of the upcoming season 8 so there after the story may not be canon. If your really good at role playing i would like for you to apply, i enjoy role playing as i write to get a feel for my character's position. any love based role playing will be strictly for the story if you take that out of context i will discontinue any and all relations with you. this is a story we are writing not a dating site. Please think carefully before applying.

Hey, so i dont know if this place is still active or what, but in case anyone is available i would like to know if someone would like to help me with some ideas i have. Now what i need is mainly someone to help me figure out a plot for these stories (act 1, act 2, act 3, character development, situations, scenes, etc), because i have some ideas, but aside of certain scenes, i dont have an defined plot for these ideas.

Now these ideas consist of some FemaleXFemale Romance stories and some sad stories, so if you like to write romance and/or sad stories then send me a message so we can discuss these ideas, now i want these stories to mainly be 1 shot stories. just one chapter (there is no limit on how long the chapter can be, can short or long, as long it brings my idea to life). now these are the stories i have in mind

1. A sad fic where Twilight Sparkle learns that her brother has died and how she copes with this (its optional if we want to say Cadence and/or Flurry are also dead, if both parents are dead, then we could too explore a bit about Twilight and Spike now having to take care of Flurry), This has to be in the Pony world
2. A sad fic where Fluttershy comes across an injured animal and tries everything she can to heal him/her, but at the end she realizes he/she has to be put down (I want the story to be told from her point of view from start to finish), This either can occur in the pony world or in the human world.
3. A sad/romance fic where one of the Mane 6 struggling to come out of the closet to her crush, but said crush is not interested on her. This can be set in either the pony world or EG world.
4. A romance story where one of the Mane 6 (top picks would be Twi or Rarity) plan out an entire day with Princess Celestia or Luna, while trying to admit to the princess about her feeling, it has to be set in the pony world.
5. A romance story where two of the Mane 7 end up lost in a island (somehow) and they try everything they can to survive there and find a way back to civilization, but during the lenghty stay on the island one of the mane 7 who already had some feelings for the other character with her, struggles to not admit her feelings, this has to be in the EG world.

Now none of the stories will share continuity with another, they will all exist in their own independent universe, again what i mostly need is someone to just write a treatment of the story and once i have the time i will write the fic myself using your treatment (you must be okay with doing some changes in case i want to do something different with certain moments or character interaction). Now the stories are not a huge priority for me right now since i have my hands fulls with other stuff, so there is no deadline or anything like that, its more in lines of i will write them once i have the time, so if you want to help me dont feel pressured to have them ready by a certain date.

If interested send me a message and we'll discuss the ideas.

Comment posted by Kaiju4ever deleted Dec 14th, 2020

Hi. I'm currently working on a story with a mature rating (nothing too serious! It's just there to be safe). I wrote and published a few chapters of it, but I think it wasn't a good idea. See, I suck at writing fight scenes and/or describing things in detail. English is not my first language, and though I've learned it pretty good, but I still don't think I can write a complete story without problems here and there. I realized that if I want to finish my story, I'm going to need help. So anyone out there who fits in the categories below are welcomed to join me, and end my misery. (I wanna rewrite the story btw. Not the whole plot though!)

I need a person who's a hardcore Marvel fan, specifically talking about Daredevil. Someone who knows how to write a decent story, and listen to my ideas, while also throw their own ideas into the mix. Oh, and also be familiar with the Anon-a-miss storyline! If anyone's like this, just post your comment here and I'll check them out. Tell me if you have any conditions though, so I could consider them first.

Thank you for reading.

Dark times are ahead of Sunset Shimmer's life. First, she loses her friend to a cyberbully named Anon-a-miss, who frames her for posting secrets about the entire school. Humiliated and defeated, Sunset decides to leave it all behind and gets consumed into her double life as the famous vigilante, Daredevil. But things doesn't seem to be working out for her again, seeing as she becomes affected with blinding rage and brutality. While trying to stay sane from all the pressure, she discovers something new: Prince Blueblood, whom she nearly gave her life to defeat, come out of prison with a deal.

Can Sunset deal with everything that life throws in her way? Will Blueblood succeed in ruining Sunset's life? Is brutal force the only way to end all injustice?

The answers are all there, if she's willing to be reborn.

Born Again

I'm not sure how active this group is, but I'm working on a story (mostly the worldbuilding at this point in time) that is a AU Canon-Diversion, the Human world is There but it is not EQG world. EQG world does not exist.

No Title Yet (Pending Title: The Alicorn Game)

I'm not all sure what you'd tag: many, many humans transported to Equestria, transformed into ponies in the process, and have been there long enough (1000+ years) via Crystal Empire time-loop seal spell that most don't have many memories of Earth or being human, if any memories of that at all.

Features a few OCs that might as well be MCs, but they share that role with Canon Characters Twilight, Starlight, and Sunset. Due to the nature of the time spell on the Crystal Empire and weird distance/science-magic time differences between worlds, this might as well be non-linear storytelling.

Sunset is in the human world and is the only one there to have magic / be able to use magic, and is regretting ever looking at that "stupid magic mirror".

Starlight is on her own journey to find the origin of and magic behind Cutie Marks, in the hopes to get rid of her own. Other goals pending.

Twilight won the battle against Nightmare Moon alone, without the aid of the Elements or her friends, and is asking question after question as to how she even survived, let alone won.

Looking to see how many / who all would be interested in writing this thing that won't leave me alone. More details will delightfully be given at questions / requests.

Google Doc+Sheet of Notes and Things

I'm making a sort of reincarnation based "the gamer" series with rpg skill tree mechanics, would love if a small little continuity/au thing could be done.

SO! Mechanics of the world are thus, Every race has a concrete skill tree, with only a few skills changing based on your upbringing so like, an example for Applejacks skill trees:

Honest apple Earth pony Element of Honesty Paladin mace and shield

Each skill that's in the tree give passive buffs, stances, and toggles. 1 stance at a time can be active, and up to 3 toggles, buffs are permanently active.

Basically, the skills you get as a reincarnated person are like thie stuff above, but for two things: Multiclassing is possible, and you have an extra skill tree called "Gamer" Which immediately allows the ID create/destroy option, and the ability to enter dungeons based on games you have played as you progress.

Anyone willing to do a mlp and doctor who crossover fit with me? I’m looking for someone to write full time with me.

Hello, I’m looking for someone or someone’s to help me with a a story or two I got ideas for.

The first is my crossover story Prince of Memories and the Second is a story I have in the works called Gem in the Sunlight. I don’t know if anyone will even bother trying to see my post but for the most part I can only hope someone will be willing to help me.

I’m looking for another author or two to help me with a King Sombra redemption/self-exile for the greater good/Groger is real and was sealed in a dark dimension story with my Alicorn oc. I already have the first three chapters posted but I’m a bit stuck on how to vvontinue with out pulling something out of discord’s ears.

Hey I need a mentor/co-author(s) who really good at world-building, action/drama, and nookie (smut) scenes (I suck at writing in any form)
The story is about a human (still working on their name and gender) who get mysteriously summoned to equestria and falls in love with nightmare moon ( moonie) and joins the equestrian royal army as a means of money and to defend their new home. ( if it sounds really similar to the lost element it kinda is/isn’t I have permission by the author to write this story) p.s harem hijinx are bound to happen. Pm me if anyone is interested plz

Comment posted by Swift Comet deleted Nov 12th, 2021
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