Vamponies (and other supernatural creatures) 2,769 members · 1,118 stories
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773393 Comet ginned "That's the stallion I love." she grabbed Clash's head and kissed him deeply. "I'm still disappointed you gave up the demon powers but at least you still have the anger of a wrath demon." Comet thought for a moment "Are you still good in bed?"

Clash nuzzled Comet's cheek. "I'll do my best. I'm not sure where my demon powers went. I just woke up, and they were gone." He hugged Comet tightly.

Meanwhile, a sickly thin pegasus colt watched the couple through the balcony window.

"Yes.... I'll save you from them, little child..... you'll be all mine...... all mine......"

[Time for a sicko to try to kidnap Dawn. And utterly fail.]

764747 [3 days? It was time that I respond...]
Zeleph entered into the factory, while the undeads who carried the gems were beginning to sort them. He went to the vampony and looked at the armors and weapons he have made.
"Nice, I see that you have done a lot of things while I was making my shopping. Do you think you can make enough armors for all the soldiers?"

Mystic barely took notice, he was crouched on the ground, eyes clenched and sweating.
"Yeah..." He said, though it sounded strained. He opened his eyes, they had no iris or pupils, they only glowed pure white.

773928 Comet sighed "We'll see what we can do about that when Dawn's grown up." she jolted her head to Dawn's room, "Speaking of Dawn, we should check on her." Comet trotted to Dawn's room.

Clash followed Comet into Dawn's room. The sickly pegasus glided and clung to the outside wall like a spider. He peered into the window of Dawn's room.

"She's so beautiful. Our little Golden Dawn." Clash quietly said with a smile.

774413 Dawn woke up. "Good morning. Are you hungry?" Comet cooed. Dawn giggled and squirmed around the crib. Comet grabbed a bottle, picked Dawn up, and fed her.

774049>>774413>>777074 [I don't know what to do, when do you think we can go into the Tartarus?]
Zeleph looked at Mystic and said : "Well, tell me when you need to be replaced, I'm going to see if I can find some skeletons who still have magic in them, we need more spell caster."

[I'm guessing whenever we're ready.]
"Yeah..." Mystic said again. He slowly floated into the air, a magical aura forming around him.

Clash smiled at his daughter. Outside, the pegasus crawled on the wall, into the house, and clung to the high ceiling. He gave a quiet cough.

"Soon..... You'll be mine...."

778483>>778496 ((I don't know. When everyone comes to a conclusion?))

Blood's mom stood outside her house. In a flash of light Creation appeared before her.

"You're late." The old mare muttered.

"I had business to take care of." Creation stated.

"Destruction can throw his little tantrum all he likes." The old mare gave Creation a red gem. "As we agreed. He prefers being a pegasus."

Creation held the gem close with narrow eyes. "So this is the parasite known as Blood Rush? Interesting. Why would Domination trust you with such a creature?"

The mare shrugged, "He wanted something to keep Destruction from taking over the world. He wants to rule by spreading his influence on others. And since demons can't become vampires he needed a way to take their bodies. Which brings us to him." She pointed at the red gem.


Comet finish feeding Dawn and laid her back in the crib. The baby giggled and played with a plush tortoise. Comet smiled and looked at Clash, "Think it's ok to leave her for a moment?"

Clash nodded. "She'll be okay." Clash walked out of the room with Comet, closing the door behind him. The pegasus clung to the ceiling and pulled out a knife. He prepared to drop down on the stallion and drive the weapon into his back.

782505 Comet sniffed the air. "Ugh! Do you smell that? I think we need to change Dawn's first diaper." Comet went back into Dawn's room.

The pegasus chose that moment to drop down on Clash, the knife digging into the stallion's back. Clash yelled in pain and threw the pegasus off of him. He grabbed his guitar-scythe with his magic. The knife was still in his back.

The pegasus circled him like a predator. "She will be mine...."

783091 "Honey? Are you ok?" Comet yelled as she changed Dawn's diaper.

Clash didn't reply. He pulled the knife out of his back with his magic. Fire and lightning danced in his eyes. He grabbed his blood-red pistols in his magic as well. He showed no mercy. He drove the angel's wing on his guitar into the pegasus' chest, then took both pistols, setting them on auto, and jamming both barrels into the pegasus' gut, and holding down both triggers. The space behind the pegasus was splattered red. His lower body fell from his upper body, and both halves turned to dust.

783229 Comet finished changing the diaper and returned to Clash. She noticed the blood and ash that was around the room and stared at Clash with a smile. "You may no longer be a demon but you're still the Clash I know and love." She grabbed a first aid kit and tended to Clash's wound. "I'll take care of that. Who did you kill?"

Clash put his weapons down and winced at the pain in his back. "Some sicko who wanted to take Dawn. Or you. He just said 'she will be mine'." He laid down on the couch. "Bastard got the drop on me."

783834 Comet cleaned the wound with rubbing alcohol. Clash yelped in pain. "Sorry, forgot to warn you." she wiped the blood off and wrapped a bandage on it. "Better?" she pecked Clash on the cheek. "Maybe we should get a security system?"

Clash grit his teeth as the alcohol-induced pain started to fade. "Maybe. Demon babies are pretty rare, so we'll need to keep her safe. What kind of system did you have in mind?"

784001 Comet shrugged, "I was thinking electric spikes along the windows and flesh eating rats that would swarm the house when a motion detector goes off."

Clash raised an eyebrow. "How would we make sure the rats don't attack us or Dawn?"

784678 [Don't know what to do with this...]
After a few hours, Zeleph have finally find all the potential wizards in his army, they were almost 2000. Not enough for invading the Tartarus, but at least enough to give them time. She sighed and began to channel his magic.

[Mystic is under the symptoms of magic overload. He's gonna blow up soon.]
Mystic was lifted further into the air, the aura he was developing turned into a bubble of magic energy. Magical lightning arched across his body.

784720 As soon as Zeleph felt the magic, she groaned and ordered to all his skeletons to go away. She teleported inside the factory and shook his head.
"Moron, I didn't expected someone like you to use too much magic..."
Her horn began to glow as a black shield began to form around the vampony. "Now I need to cast a spell to stop his magic. Let's do this."

The shield closed off all magic pulsing off Mystic's body, forcing it back into him. The shield cracked as a powerful explosion sounded from within.

784751 "I hope he didn't die from that" said Zeleph with worry before sending a black beam at the shield. The spell went through the shield and hit the vampony. "That should do it... I hope. Now we are waiting."

The silhouette of Mystic's body could be seen through the shield. It looked broken, body parts twisted in the wrong way. From the silence coming from it, it is easy to tell he has died.
[don't worry, I have a plan.]

784801 (He! I didn't know that the answer button worked on IPhone)
"Great, I've killed him... Our chance to win the war have deeply decreased." Said Zeleph before putting down the unicorn.

The ruby on Mystic's amulet starts to turn black, like when you put food coloring into water. As soon as it was full black, a dark, necrotic energy covered his body. He was lifted into the air and his eyes and mouth shot out with a bright white light. His injuries healed and he was set back on the ground. The dark energy receded and the ruby became normal again. He looked over at Zeleph.
"Ugh. I hate when that happens. How long was I out?"

784864"A few minutes. It was a good trick, it was an echantment, right?"

784864"A few minutes. It was a good trick, it was an echantment, right?"

"Yeah. Necromancer few decades back offered some of his magic for the enchantment. I should get back to making the armor."

784913 "Don't kill yourself this time, even if it's powerful, it must be weakened after some time... I have found some magic users in my skeletons, I didn't had enough time to give to all of them acces to their power, but some of them can already help you. Do you need their help? "

Mystic pauses for a moment.
"Yes...but you should get them their full magic back first."

784957"I will do it, until then you should take a break." said Zeleph before he went outside and called back his soldiers.

784455 ((Oh man, you do not want to know the answer to that :rainbowlaugh: still not the craziest thing I've done in real life.))

Comet pondered, "Right, forgot about that." She looked at Clash's horn. "Oh hey! Maybe you can do some kind of holy protection spell or something! Think that would work?"

Comment posted by Craterfist deleted Mar 16th, 2013


Clash thought about it. "Maybe. You and Dawn will just need to be in another room when I cast it, or you might get burned."

786453 ((You want to know how flesh eating rats work as a security system or the craziest thing I've done?))

Comet kissed Clash "Don't take too long." she chuckled as she walked into Dawn's room.

[Meh. Wanna skip to having a finished army?]

792836 [I thing it's the best thing to do.]
Zeleph was happy, is army was finally ready. 13800 soldiers, with 2000 sorcerers, and all of them equipped with enchanted weapons and armors. "With the fanatics of Celestia, we will have enough soldiers to fight the demons. Any other ideas to improve our army?"

Mystic looked at the few crates of leftover gems.
"Hmmm...I could use the leftover gems to make many golem soldiers, or I could use all of them to make a massive behemoth of a golem. What do you think?"

794488 "A massive behemoth will be better than a lot of little golems soldiers, we don't have any siege engines, so if we encounter a big wall or something like that, we will feel stupid with an army blocked.

Mystic nodded and poured magic into each of the crates and tipped them over.
"We should run now." He said before sprinting away.

795296 "Ok" said Zeleph before following Mystic.

They ran for a short bit before turning around. The ground had begun to recede and lift itself upwards. It formed a large pillar, easily the width of five ponies. The ground continued to pull away from itself and formed a second leg. Random junk and stone from the factory was torn away to form the body. Two more legs pulled themselves from the ground, bringing many trees to form the head. Mystic was laughing heartily.

795324"Like me, my friend, with this golem, we won't have to worry too much about the defense they may have. Too bad I don't have the skeleton of a dragon." said Zeleph as the golem was finished. "Now it's time to move, we must go to the portal."

Mystic nodded and whistled. The giant golem picked them up and set them on it's head. Mystic pointed his hoof towards the castle.
"To the castle!" He commanded.

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