• Published 24th Dec 2014
  • 2,777 Views, 258 Comments

Amor Vincit Omnia - BRyeMC

A continuation of the tale following Clyde's fateful meeting with Rarity.

  • ...

The Night Before

Time, as if Chronos himself was working overtime, flew by as seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, and even over a dozen of months went by. The booming city of Manehattan raged on without any chance of stopping as Clyde sat in his hotel room overlooking the lit up city through the glass window leaving him alone and just thinking to himself.

Tomorrow was finally the big day. A day in which he would forever remember as it was the day he finally married the love of his life.

Normally, at his age of 21, people would still be in college studying or partying as many of the students and friends he graduated high school with were currently in that position. However, for him, none of those interested him. He had a decent coaching job for the Canterlot High basketball team along with Iron Will and his best friend from school. The money was not even close to what he made by playing basketball in an overseas professional league, but he never was one who thought money was everything. What mattered to him was one girl and making sure she was happy, and tomorrow, he would finally be able to make her the happiest girl in the world.

A brief knock on his hotel door caused him to break his daze on the city. “It's open,” called Clyde without turning his head.

“There's my boy!” exclaimed a very happy and excited young man holding a few cans of beer. He walked over to Clyde and offered one.

“No thanks, T,” laughed Clyde while shaking his head. “I don't even want to touch alcohol after what happened at the bachelor party last week.”

Tyrone smirked. “You have to admit, that party was insane.”

“If you think puking all night until passing out was fun, maybe. We legitimately were worried about you. Compared to the girls’ party for Rarity, they didn't go that hard, at least, that's what Pinkie said. I'm not allowed to know what happened, but Rarity promised she didn't do anything I would hate.”

Tyrone crossed his arms. “Yeah, but I had my reasons to drink that much, you know it.”

“Whatever, T. Just please don't drink that much tomorrow night at the reception.” Clyde gave him a pleading look.

“I got you, man. I promise. It’s Rarity’s and your night.” Tyrone patted him on the back and sat down on the couch across from Clyde. He put the beer cans down on the small table and leaned into the couch. “Man... I can't believe my high school brother is getting married... Like, this time tomorrow, you two will be probably getting back to this room and, you know, making love to officiate the marriage, even though you two were already pretty active and experts in the whole sex thing.” Tyrone laughed. “You’ve come a long way, C.”

Clyde chuckled. “Yeah, it's crazy. It seems like yesterday that I returned to Canterlot and proposed to Rarity at the park.”

Tyrone leaned forward in the couch. “So, are you nervous?”

“Nervous about marrying Rarity, the girl who understands me now more than myself probably?” Clyde looked to the city and smiled. “Of course not. She's been my number one supporter ever since we had that one movie date before I went to try out for the basketball team. I can't wait to marry her.”

Tyrone grinned. “Tomorrow is going to be great.”

Clyde nodded and looked out to the city once more. “To be honest, there is one thing I'm nervous about...”


“I shouldn't think this way, but I'm nervous that in the future, I won't be able to support her anymore, or what if I die and she's left alone? I don't want to break her heart like that.” Clyde frowned. “What if I can't make her laugh or smile?”

Tyrone gave Clyde a blank look before sighing. “You know, C... I can understand what you are trying to say, but have you ever looked at pictures or videos of you and her?”

“All the time, yeah.”

“Then stop worrying! Everyone can see how much she loves you by just looking at you two together! As long as you both are together, it's like the world is at peace. I know you will love her forever, no matter what happens, and I can guarantee she will feel the same way.

Clyde looked at the floor briefly before giving Tyrone a large grin. “You're absolutely right.”

“The future is a scary thing because no one knows exactly what it holds,” said Tyrone as he rubbed his scarred-up and injury riddled leg. “If I would've known about my leg... I wouldn't have tried to save that ball. All I wanted to do was play basketball and become a big star, now I’m just a high school coach because the doctors said the possibility of playing at the professional level again was slim.” Tyrone looked out the window and sighed.

“I'm sorry, T,” apologized Clyde. “I didn't mean to bring up that day again...”

Tyrone gave him a cheeky grin. “Nah, man. It's all good. I take it as as sign that maybe I wasn't meant to play in the league. Whether I'm a player or a coach like you are now, as long as I'm doing something that makes me and others happy, that's fine with me. Maybe I can get back into finishing my mixtape from college.”

“You can certainly give it a try,” laughed Clyde.

The two remained silent as they looked out to the bustling city. Clyde always felt crazily calm when around Tyrone as if he was his own brother. Seeing how he was the first friend he made when he moved to Canterlot, it made perfect sense.

Tyrone shifted forward slightly to see various cars flooding the streets. It was nearly impossible to make out the exact models and colors of the cars from their current height and due to the blackness of the night, but he watched them anyway. “So, you haven't seen Rarity all day?”

“Nope,” answered Clyde. “We made a silly promise not to.”

“Heh, really?”

“Yeah, after the recital a few days ago, we promised not to see each other until we stood in front of everyone else. The next time I'll see her is her walking down the aisle with her beautiful dress that I can't wait to finally see.” Clyde gave a chuckle and smiled brightly. “I know it might be weird, but we thought it would be special.”

“Nah, C. That's a pretty cool idea.”

“You think?”

Tyrone nodded. “Yeah, man. I can understand why you both want that. Tomorrow’s going to be filled with so much emotion anyway, so you might as well do this before you two are linked together forever.”

Clyde smirked. “You act like that will be a bad thing... being with Rarity forever sounds like heaven.” Clyde laughed.

Tyrone looked over at him and laughed with him. “You haven't changed at all. Anyway, what's the plan for you two after the wedding?”

“...You already talked about that.”

Tyrone laughed again. “No, C. I meant after that too.”

Clyde scratched his head. “Well, to be honest... We’re not sure yet.”

“You mean you don't have a honeymoon planned?” asked Tyrone curiously.

“Oh, no. We have plans. It's just, we have so many places to visit. Instead of taking a small trip to one location, we might just travel around for a month or two while we are young. Our basketball season is over and Rarity wants to take a nice break from designing since she’s been working hard all year so far. Plus, I still have some basketball money left over even after the engagement ring and wedding, and Rarity has money from her fashion store she’s been running since she was a young girl, and plus, we decided we would wait a few years before kids.”

Tyrone nodded and smiled. “Damn, C. That's pretty awesome. Seems like you both will have a great time no matter what happens.”

Clyde nodded and smiled. “And don't worry. She’ll more than likely post status updates and pictures of everything we do and see on her various social media accounts.”

“Sounds awesome, man. I'm glad I never was one for social media,” laughed Tyrone. “It seems like every girl is addicted to that shit anymore.”

“Yeah, and celebrities and athletes too.”

Tyrone shrugged. “I guess. I remember my teammates would always be on their phones during halftime, seeing if people were talking about their stats or play. It kinda got annoying to be honest. Like, where is the fun in basketball anymore?”

Clyde laughed. “Which is exactly why I agree with your ban on cell phones during practice and games.”

“Damn right,” agreed Tyrone. “We have to teach our young ballers while they are young. If you want to play for our team, you have to keep the phone out of the locker room. It's that simple.” He reached down and took a can of beer, popping it open and taking a long sip.

Clyde gave the beer can a look. “You’re lucky Shale isn't here. That's his favorite brand.”

“I have plenty here for him. Where is he anyway?”

“He won't get into the city until tomorrow morning,” said Clyde while looking out the window. “He had something to do for the Guard for a few weeks, tomorrow is his one day off before heading back.”

“Ah. I'll be sure to save him one,” responded Tyrone looking at the cans. “...Are you sure you don't want one?”

“I'm sure.”

“Come on, C. Just one! I promise.” Tyrone smirked and handed him a can and gently shook it in front of him.

Clyde sighed and reluctantly took it. “Fine.” Clyde popped the can open and took a swig. Beer wasn't exactly his favorite form of alcohol, as liquor and wine had more flavor and taste for him, but depending on the event or situation, he usually had a beer or two to celebrate with others. Unlike Tyrone, however, Clyde could handle the alcohol. “Mmm... Not bad.”

“Haha, I knew I could get you to enjoy one beer with your best friend!” laughed Tyrone. He raised his can high into the air near Clyde’s. “This one is to you, C. I wish you the best of luck for all of your future endeavors and I just know you and Rarity will have one hell of a life. I’m happy for you Clyde.”

Clyde bashed his can at Tyrone’s and laughed briefly before smiling. “Thank you.” Clyde and Tyrone then quickly gulped down the beer as if it were a silly race. Tyrone quickly drank another one as Clyde got up from the couch and walked around the hotel room. From the view of his hotel room, he could faintly see the darkened outline of the massive cathedral that stood between many buildings where he would be tomorrow. He gave a smile and noticed Tyrone was looking at him, holding his now half-empty case of beer.

“Well, C,” began Tyrone, “I think it’s time for me to leave you alone for the night so you can get ready for tomorrow. Good luck with everything, but I know you both will be fine. Oh, and I’ll give Shale a beer tomorrow so don’t worry about that either.” Tyrone flashed a large grin.

“Thanks for stopping by,” said Clyde sincerely. “It was nice to spend a moment with one of my closest friends. You were there for me since I arrived in Canterlot, and I’ll always be thankful for that.”

Tyrone wiped his eyes. “Aww, come on C... You know I’m a bro. I’d do anything for you and my bros.” He reached over and have Clyde and brotherly hug followed by some strong pats on the back that guys usually did while they hugged other guys.

After their moment was over, Tyrone gave one last wave and smile before heading out of the hotel room. Clyde shook his head and smiled before heading over to his phone that was charging on the counter. Clyde opened it and glanced at social media to see if any of his friends were talking about the big day tomorrow. Sure enough, Rarity’s latest post that was made a few hours ago had dozens of comments. Instead of reading them now, he decided to wait until later before he went to bed in case of anymore comments came in.

Soon, Clyde logged off of the apps as he opened his text messages. He quickly sent a small message to Rarity, “I’ll probably be heading to bed soon, so the next you’ll hear from me is tomorrow in front of everyone.”

He waited a few minutes, and like he predicted, a reply from Rarity came. He opened it and smiled, as the only thing she sent in return were a few heart icons. Clyde put his phone back on the charger as he walked back to the window for a few moments, giving the nearly invisible cathedral another long glance.

He didn’t feel nervous at all, most likely the reason being because he wasn’t actually dressed up or there yet. He knew whatever emotions he would feel the next day would be all worth it to see Rarity all dressed up and the happiest she has ever been.

Since the first time he had met her, Clyde made sure he did all he could to make her happy, and for tomorrow, he was focused on making her the happiest and most important girl in the world.

Author's Note:

Hope you all enjoy the small tease of a chapter, and thanks for sticking around! :raritywink: