• Published 22nd Mar 2014
  • 4,291 Views, 55 Comments

Choose Your Own Adventure: Maud's Education - Palm Palette

Maud needs to round out her rock science major with a liberal arts minor. Help her choose what to study.

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“...Poetry.” Maud said.

“Rock science and poetry? Not a bad combo. Rock science is in the Geodome down by the river. Poetry's held in the garden usually, but in bad weather they go indoors to the greenhouse. Try not to muss with the plants as that space is shared with the horticulture students.”

“Okay.” Maud took her information packets and walked over to the garden area. According to the pamphlet, she'd have to talk to a pony by the name of Floral Spectrum to take this placement exam. Maud put the papers away and looked around for this pony. Those horticulture students must take a lot of pride in their work because the gardens were lush and teeming with plenty of blooming flowers—even ones that should normally be off-season this time of year. Movement in the bushes caught her eye.

Floral Spectrum was oddly camouflaged amongst the meh colors of the bright and cheery garden. She wore a floral dress, her coat was dark green and she had one one those rare multicolor manes. It wasn't organized into an actual spectrum, however; instead it was a mish-mash of seemingly random colors all lumped together in a garish bun. Its only redeeming factor was a large wicker hat that covered most of it. She was bent down sniffing at a yellow carnation and didn't notice Maud.

“Excuse me,” Maud said.

“Ooh! Oh my, sorry. I didn't hear you walk up.” Floral turned around to face Maud and smoothed out the ruffles in her dress. “I'm Floral Spectrum and if you've come to see me then I guess you're interested in learning poetry.”


“Oh, that's so delightful. I'm so glad ponies are coming. I do hope you stay, we had such a small class last year.”

Now that Floral pointed it out, Maud looked around. This large garden was suspiciously vacant. Strange... did this teacher have a bad reputation or something?

“Well, before I accept you, I guess I should go over the teensy little thing that is the placement exam. It's not too hard, I promise! If you're having trouble, just wiggle your nose and I might just drop a hint or two.” Floral winked at Maud.

Just wiggle—no, Maud was not going to do that. Ever.

“First of all, what does poetry mean to you?” Floral asked.

How should Maud answer this?

It's something to do when bored.
It's an expression of the soul.