• Published 9th Jul 2013
  • 6,132 Views, 145 Comments

Twilight's Journey in Battle City - deleted account DNB

When Sunset Shimmer steals Twilight's crown she ventures into a new world with humans who play card games. She then meets Yugi Moto and his friends. In order to win her crown back she must beat the best of best including Sunset Shimmer.

  • ...

Chapter 8: Slifer Appears

Twilight, Spike, and Yugi were sitting on a bench near a river. They were looking through The Crystal Mirror book that Shining gave Twi.

"Yugi! Spike! Take a look at this!.According to the book once the representative does a major act of an element their element will appear," Twi stated.

"But didn't we already know that?" Spike responded.

"Yes, but theres a bit more information. This book has aged a bit so I can't make out all of the words, yet for what I can read it my crown can control all the other elements powers and their representatives in this world!"

The two boys were in shock! Spike moved closer to Twilight. Yugi's puzzle then started to glow again. Yami was now in control.

"So that explains somewhat why Sunset Shimmer is going through all the trouble for the crown," stated Yami.

"How?," Spike wondered.

Yami then explained,"Well think about it Spike. The elements are magical artifacts from Equestria right? So here in this world Sunset can have control over a vast amount of power. She could have the power necessary to take over this world and Equestria. And the ability to have control of the new representatives is also scary. This just adds to the level of danger to being in the tournament. We must not let Sunset win! The fate of two worlds depends on our victory! We must not fail!"

"I agree. Who knows what would happen to Sunset herself? The elements were strong enough to defeat the ruler of Chaos and Nightmare Moon for ponies sake! This raises the stakes. Also let's not forget about Marik. He desires the Power of the Pharaoh right Yami?," Twi said.

Yami nodded.

"WIth the two of them working together, the worlds will be doomed if they managed to get the power they covet. So let's focus on getting to the finals first. I already have my six cards and you have three. Your halfway there Yami! Just keep winning duels like you did your last two and you will surely make it!," Twilight stated.

Yami replied,"WIth you and the others cheering me on there is now way I could lose!

Yami paused for a second. "Oh no!"

Yami stood up from the bench.

"What is it Yugi?," asked Spike.

"I sense a dark force approaching! Twilight and Spike you should go up on that hill! You'd be safer than down here!"

Spike and Twilight got up from the bench too.

The two citizens of Equestria went to the top of the hill." Yami!", Twi exclaimed.

He turned his head.
"Just remember we are facing it together. We are friends, and if there is anything I have learned throughout my time under Celestia is that you should never face something on your own!," Twilight said.

Yami paused. Yugi then appeared next to him.

"Yugi! When did you get here?"

"I have been here the whole time."

"Oh right. I acted stupid for a minute there. Tell me. Do you think Twi and Spike will be safe up there. Maybe they should get away from here."

"No Yami. We made a promise to Twilight that we will help her get her crown. That's why we have to fight! To protect the two worlds and all those who live their! And with Twilight and Spike along with Joey, Tea, and Tristan supporting us we will never lose! We need their support. I'm sure they can handle themselves. Now let's go out there and show that dark presence who's the King of Games!"

Yami nodded.

"Your friendship means alot to me Yugi."

"And I know we will find out the secrets of your ancient past!"

Yugi disappeared back into the puzzle's inner chamber.

"Twilight and Spike thanks for standing by me I mean us. Just make sure to be careful you too!," Yami shouted.

The two friends nodded

A man suddenly jumped over the bridge above shouting,"Yugi!"

"Look out!," Twilight Sparkle shouted.

When creepy mean landed he started to laugh a bit.

"Who are you stranger?,"Yami asked.

The mysterious man replied,"Prepare to duel and lose your puzzle!"

"I should of known! Marik!," Yami said,

"That creep again. Doesn't who know that this whole mind control thing is getting old.," Spike whispered to Twi.

"Spike," she whispered in the boys ear.

"Hey Marik! Why don't you try to duel Yugi face to face! Insteading of hiding like the coward you are!," Spike shouted!

Twilight quickly covered his mouth before he could say anymore.

Marik's mind slave turned his head towards the two. His face creeped out Spike especially.

"Big words for such a baby dragon! Princess I'd keep a muzzle on him if I were you! HEEHEEHEE!," Marik said through his mind slave.

Twilight gave him a serious look.

Marik continued, "Now where were we. Ah yes! Meet my mind slave: Strings the quiet one! And thanks to the power of my Millenium Rod he shall defeat you!"

Yami then responded,"You're more of a coward then I thought you were Marik."

"I will meet you and the others soon enough, but why should I waste this valuable time I have when I can just duel you through my puppets. It's no different then you using your puzzle to duel."

"You are way off! You force your puppets to do your desires against their will, but I duel with respect and honor!"

"And I shall do what is necessary to gain your power! Now let's get on with the show shall we Pharaoh! I will be getting that puzzle!"

"You have to defeat me in a duel and I assure you that will never happen! Too many lives hang in the balance! With my friends by my side you will always be beaten. The power you covet isn't yours to take!"

Yugi then appeared and said,"Tell em Yami! Now way is he getting his greedy hands on your power!"

Yami replied,"I just did."

"Ok then."

Yami then shouted,"Marik! It's time to DUEL!"

The two set up the dueling field. Twilight Sparkle and Spike were watching their every move. The princess could see the fire of determination in Yami's eyes. It was truly inspiring to her. Her time here in this world has really affected Twilight for the better. She got to meet people who are true role models.

"Prepare to meet a force that is so powerful that it managed to shake the entire earth! You will be crushed by the power of my Egyptian god card!," Marik spoke.

Did he just say Egyptian god card?, Twi said to herself. That is one of the cards that Seto is looking for. I might want to find him and Mokuba. Besides what's the harm of having more support. I'll tell Spike to stay here so Yami isn't completely alone out there. I will have to make it quick!


He turned his head towards Twi.

"Yes Twilight?"

"I have to go! I have to find Seto Kaiba and his brother!"

"Hm why now?"

"Because Yami they are searching for the Egyptian god cards and it might mean that Seto knows the weakness of the card! It might be helpful if I brought him and his little brother here. Besides more people cheering you on the better right?"

Marik's puppet gave Twilight a dirty look.

This makes things a bit more interesting, Marik said to himself. With Twilight out of the picture, Yami won't have as many pathetic friends to encourage him when he's down. I have researched that during his major duels his friends always cheer him on and that usually helps him win! This just makes things even better for me.

The duelist then gave her the thumbs up.

"Right," the duelist replied.

"Spike. I want you to stay here and support Yami."

The boy replied,"But Twilight."

She reached into Yugi's backpack and pulled a Waki Talkie out of it and gave it to Spike.

She continued,"If anything serious or bad happens please contact me through this. I know you will be fine."

Yami then said,"Twilight! I'll make sure nothing happens to him. Now go! I trust this trip will be worth it. I know that even when you aren't here you will be cheering me on all the same! Just like our other friends!," as she was walking down the hill.

"I'll be back as soon as I find them! Good luck. " the girl said as she was running in the opposite direction.

He will need it!, Marik said to himself.

Marik holding his rod was ready to begin the duel when his right hand man Odion came up to him. He kneeled in front of the boy.

"Master Marik," a hooded man.

"What now Odion? I'm in the middle of something."

"I'm sorry to disturb you, but I just wanted to inform you that Flash Sentry and Sunset Shimmer have gathered the locator cards necessary for them to enter the finals."

"Excelent. She's holding up her side of the plan. Now it's my turn. Odion send a pack of rare hunters to spy on Yugi's friends. We may need them."

"Of course Master. Also.."


"Sunset has made the necessary preparations for the SOSMH."

"This day just keeps getting better. Now go!"

He nodded and returned to his room on the boat to dispatch the orders.

Twilight looked all of Domino City for the Kiaba brothers. The time flew by faster than she could search. After about 30 minutes of constant searching she decided to sit down for a bit on a nearby bench in a small neighborhood.

She wiped the sweat off of her forehead. She was tired, thirsty, and hungry. The girl was breathing heavily. Her energy was dropping and was about to collapse when suddenly she saw Joey, Tea, Tristan, and Mr.Muto out of the corner of her eye. All of her remaining energy was put into a loud blurt of the word, "TEA!"

Tea turned her attention to the weak Twi.

"Look it's Twilight! Come on guys!," Tea said to the the others.

They quickly rushed over to the girl.

"Twilight. What happened? Did someone beat you up?," a concerned Joey asked

She softly replied, "I."

Tristan, "Did someone steal your deck? Oh it's right in your duel disk. My bad. So are you just exhausted?"

She replied, "Yes. Need food and waterrrrrrrrrr"

The others chucked a bit. Luckily Tristan had an apple and a unopened water bottle on hand and gave it to the tired Twilight. She eat and drank the two items as fast as Rainbow Dash's personal time on the 150 meter dash! When she finished she explained the situation to the others for the next few minutes .

Joey then said, "What do you need to find Kaiba for? If you ask me he's nothing but a big egotistical jerk! He only set up the tournament to get his title back from Yug! Right guys? Guys?

They all pointed to Seto who happened to be behind the blonde haired duelist. He turned around slowly. Kaiba didn't look happy. Mokuba was behind his brother.

"What was that you were saying about me Wheeler?"

"Uh I was just...."

Tristan then blurted out,"Kidding! Right Joey?"

"Uh ha.," replied Joey.

"And sorry to change the subject, but why are you wearing one of my duel disks Wheeler? Your just an amature!"

"Amature? I'm heading to top! I just need two more locator cards to enter the finals!"

"Someone must of messed up at registration. Come on Mokbua let's go."

As he was walking he then noticed Twilight sitting on the bench.

"So we meet again Twilight Sparkle."

"Seto, I have been looking all over the city for you! I know the location of someone who has one of the Egyptian god cards! "

"What? You do! Then take me to him! Come on let's go!'

He and Mokuba started to walk in the other direction, but Twi quickly stopped them.

"There is one problem though."

"What's that?"

The brothers heads turned towards the girl.

"Yugi is currently dueling him, and he's about to summon it according to Spike."

"I should of known. Well Mokuba we had better go anyway. I have to see this card in action. Luckily my chopper is near by."

Seto called his chopper on his phone and it came two minutes later.

Seto and Mokuba climbed on the ladder and Seto shouted,"Come on Twilight. We've got a date with an Egyptian god card! Sayonara Wheeler! Hope you manage to last long enough so that I can teach you a lesson."

She quickly said goodbye to her friends and jumped on the rope. She sat on the other side of the two brothers. Suddenly they heard Spike's voice through the communication device.

"Twilight! You have to hurry back! Marik's summoned the god card and Yugi is trapped in the same cage Shining Armour trapped you in during your duel! Please hurry back! He needs you!,"

She then the replied,"Seto, Mokuba, and I are coming! Tell Yugi to hang in there and that we believe in him! See you soon Spike."

Seto then said to Twi, "Twilight."

"Yes Seto."

"Why are so caught up on helping Yugi in the first place? You know that he's a weak duelist who only won the last tournament because I wasn't competing in it."

"Weak? Yugi won the tournament and saved you two from Pegasus! He also defeated you! Also, Seto he is my friend, and friends always are there for each other. Yugi and others have a amazing bond that could never be broken. Friends make us stronger, and...."

"I get the point! Just please stop preaching! I get sick of it after a while. I have gotten where I am today without anyone's help. Who needs friends!"

Twi paused for a bit. Her mind was trying to wrap around the idea Kaiba's words. She almost felt hurt until she realized an important fact.

"What about Mokuba? Don't you consider him a friend?"

'Well. Well. He's.."

"Aha! See! Just because he's family, doesn't make him any different from a friend. Mokuba I'm sure has been there for you just as much as you are there for him. It's just like me and Spike. We look out for each other, and that's what I am doing for Yugi. I also was looking out for you too."

"What? How?"

"I didn't have to leave Yugi's side, but the reason I really left was to help you on your search for the god cards because you helped me find Yugi earlier and helped me win the duel with my brother."

"You left Yugi to face this Marik alone just to so you can help me?"

The girl nodded.

"Wow Twilight. You sure are a nice person. Seto you should apologize for what you said to her!," Mokuba said.

Seto paused for a moment. In his heart he knew that Twi was right, but he didn't want to admit it.

Twi then stated, "Seto. You don't have to apologize. I can see that's it's something you are not comfortable with it. I forgive you all the same. We all say things we regret. I have done so myself a few times. One of the things I have learned is that you should always forgive and forget. Now how long till we land Mokuba?"

"Five minutes. Prepare for landing guys.," little Mokuba said.

"This chopper is fast for a machine, but not as fast as Dash is. Did I just say that out loud?"

Twilight covered her mouth with her hand. Kaiba then look at her.

"Dash? I guess she must be another one of your close friends from back home. Am i right?"

"Um. Yes. Her full name is Rainbow Dash. She is really fast when it comes to well everything. She is the loyalist person I know."

"And I thought that Twilight was a weird sounding name. Who names their kid Rainbow? It doesn't matter."

"You actually remind me a lot of her Seto."

"How? I'm not super fast."

"Well you are competitive just like her. Also, you both are determined to reach your goals. I bet you two would get along great. Maybe after the tournament is over I could introduce her to you."

"I'd like that."

Mokuba then gazed out the window to see a gigantic, long, red dragon in the sky. He then pointed to it, and the others looked out the window.

"That must be Slifer the Sky Dragon! It's just how I imagined it look," Seto stated.

And soon that card will be in my deck!, Kiaba said to himself.

Yami was freed from the cage, and it seemed like Marik had the upper hand. The score currently is: Yami:2100 Marik:3000. Yugi's field consisted of Kuriboh and one facedown card. Marik's field consisted of Slifer, the Sky Dragon, Revival Jam, Jam Defender, Infinite Cards, and Card of Safe return. Strings holds 5 cards so Slifer's attack is 5000. It was Yami's move.

"Alright Marik it's my turn! I draw!," Yami shouted as he drew his card.

He drew Magic Cylinder.

Magic Cylinder, Yami said to himself. This could help, but it needs to be combined with a "magician" card to use it. I'm in luck because I have the Dark Magician Girl in my hand. I hope this works.

"I sacrifice Kuriboh to summon my Dark Magician Girl in defense mode!," Yami shouted.

The brown fur ball disappeared in a flash of light. Then a blonde female magician appeared in it's place.

"Are you mad? You know that Slifer's special ability destroys any monster with 2000 atk or def once they are summoned! Well it's your loss! Slifer's second mouth attack and destroy Dark Magician Girl!," Strings shouted.

The red dragon opened it's second mouth. It then fired a blue fire ball at the magician girl.

Yami holded this hand out and said,"Hold on! I activate Magical Hats! So you'll need to find my monster!"

Slifer blasted an empty hat.

"Darn!," Strings shouted in rage.

"Alright! Awesome move Yami!, Yugi shouted.

Marik thought, He managed to protect his monster against Slifer's ability. He is crafty thats for sure.

Yami then, "I set these two cards face down and that's my turn."

Yami's Turn: He tributes his Kuriboh to tribute summon Dark Magician Girl (Atk: 2000 Def: 1700) in defense mode. Slifer the Sky Dragon's" effect activates, but Yami uses Magical Hats to hide his monster in one of 4 hats and shuffles them. Slifer destroys an empty hat. He sets two cards face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-2 Life- 2100 Monsters-3 Face down cards-2

Strings drew his card, and then spoke, "Those parlor tricks only provide with a temporary shield, and I now posses the card that will make my dragon's strength infinite!"

"Infinite. No! He must have..," Seto said.

"I use the magic card Infinite Cards! This card allows me to exceed the 6 card limit and hold as many cards as i wish in my hand!," Strings gloated.

Yami shouted, "Oh no!"

"Since Slifer gains 1000 attack points for every card in my hand, there isn't a limit to my monster's strength! Now attack my beast. Thunder Force on the rightmost hat!"

The dragon's electrifying attack was fired at the hat that Yugi's magician girl was hiding in!

"Lucky guess, but this duel is not over yet!"

"It may as well be your monster is gone!"

He then saw that Dark Magician Girl was absorbing Slifers attack through 2 cylinders.

"What? She's absorbing Slifer's attack! How can that be?," Marik shouted through Strings.

"You didn't realize I had still had 2 trap cards on my field! And I activated Magic Cylinder to absorb your dragon's attack, and I used Spellbinding Circle to trap your beast! Now Dark Magician Girl fire the attack right back! Go Thunder Force reflection!"

The blast looked like it was going to hit, but Marik's Revival Jam blocked it!

"It seems you have forgotten about my Revival Jam Pharaoh!"

"Your plasma monster can deflect reflected attacks too?"

"Yes. Now since my monster is reformed my Card of Safe Return allows me to draw three more cards! This rises Slifer's attack by 3000 giving it 7200 attack points! Now attack and destroy his magician."

The girl was destroyed.

Spike whispered,"No. Come on Twilight. Where are you?"

Marik then continued, "And since it's the end phase your weak trap's effect is gone giving my dragon 700 attack points back! Now it's at 8000! I end my turn!"
Marik's Turn: He uses Infinite Cards allowing him to have more than 6 cards in his hand. He attacks Dark Magician Girl with Slifer, but Yami uses Magic Cylinder to redirect the attack, and Spellbinding Circle to trap his monster. The attack is redirected, but Revival Jam blocks it since Jam Defender is faceup on the field. End phase Spellbinding Circle effect wears off. He ends his turn

Status: Hand-8 Life- 3000 Monsters-2 Face down cards-0

"I'll just pass Marik," Yami said.

Marik had a huge grin on his face.

He is losing his strength, and I knew it was only a matter of time, Marik thought.
Yami's Turn: He passes his turn.

Status: Hand-3 Life- 2100 Monsters-1 Face down cards-0
"My move! Now my dragon gets 1000 more attack, bringing it's attack to 9000! Now attack!," Springs said.

The dragon fired it's blast and destroyed his monster.

"She was my last hope," Yami whispered.

"This is the five card combo that makes me undefeatable! When these cards are played together, there is no way I could loose! Ahahahaha!" I shall end my turn."

Marik's Turn: He draws. Slifer's attack rises to 9000. It attacks and destroys Yami's monster.

Status: Hand-9 Life- 3000 Monsters-2 Face down cards-0
Yami fell to his knees. His spirit was broken. Spike too had lost hope. The boy had tears in his eyes.

Yami said,"Oh no. I can't let him win my puzzle!"

"Get up on your feet Yugi!"

"Huh. Kaiba."

Seto was in the chopper talking through the intercom.

"Since when do you bow to your rivals?"


"Alright! Twilight's here! Yugi! It's Twilight! She's here!," Spike shouted with joy.

Yami whispered,"Just in time Twilight."

Yami stood up. Seto, Twilight, and Mokuba departed the helicopter. The three then joined Spike, but Twilight walked down to Yami.

"Ah. Twilight. I see you found them. Glad you came back.," Yami said to the girl.

"I told you I would," she replied.

"Well. Well. Well. It seems if you have some more fans Pharaoh! How pathetic, but I can't wait to see the despair in their eyes as I use Slifer to destroy what's left of your life points! That puzzle and your power will soon be mine! HEEHEEHEE! I'm coming for you next Kaiba. Your Obelisk will be dueling for me soon enough. ," Marik said.

"Your threats don't scare me.," Kiaba said.

Yami then said, "Marik! I won't loose! I have friends by my side which is something you don't have. Even if you have the strongest monster in the game, I can still beat you! I just need to figure out Slifer's weakness!"

"Let's just see if you can!," Marik replied.

"Don't let this nobody win! That be too embarrassing even for you. We know you can take down Slifer the Sky Dragon!," Seto said.

Mokuba pushed Seto out of the way to talk to Spike.

"Heya Spike!"

"How's it going Mokuba? We sure have run into you and your brother a lot today. I'm glad you guys are here. Yugi's really in a pickle here. Marik has basically made it impossible for Yugi to do anything!"


"Well Marik has this crazy combo where he can hold more than six cards, can draw more cards, destroy any monster Yugi summons that has 2000 atk or less, and can block all attacks!"

"Wow! That makes this guy a tough guy to beat. That dragon's attack is just going to grow every turn! Can Yugi still win?"

Twi then blurted out,"Of course he can. If he managed to almost beat Seto's Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, he can find the flaw in that combo. Every card has a weakness like Yugi said. He will find a way. He has the heart of cards on his side."

Seto thought: Twilight has a point even though it is a bit to preachy for my tastes. Anywho, this will be a true testament to Yugi's skills as a duelist. If Twilight managed to beat Celestia, then Yugi could definitely beat Slifer! I don't like to admit it, but I'm rooting for Yugi just this once. I want to crush him and claim Slifer from him. That would be killing 2 birds with 1 stone.

"My move! I draw!," said Yami.

Yami thought, Monster Reborn. This card could help, but not right now. I need to find a way to beat Slifer. It has 10000 attack points. None of my monsters are even close to that. Oh well. I guess i should focus on my life points for now. Luckily I have the perfect card Even though it's defense will weaken, it will survive that second mouth.

"I summon Big Shield Gardna in defense mode!," Yami said.

A little warrior with a giant shield appeared in front of the young duelist.

Marik then said through Strings, "I hope you haven't forgotten about Slifer's effect. Well this should jog your memory! Now blast that Gardna!"

The dragon again fired a blue fire ball at Yami's monster. After the explosion died down the monster was still there but it barely had any defense points left.

"If this keeps up Yugi won't last much longer," Mokuba said.

Seto then blurted out,"He'd better last until I get to see Slifer's weakness so I can claim it later."

Spike then asked Twilight, "How is he going to beat that monster Twilight?"

She replied,"I don't know, but he will trust me."

Marik then taunted,"One more attack and your only defense will be gone! Nothing will between you and my god card! Wheres all that talk about the heart of cards you seem to preach about? Where is that faith that you have? Well.."

"I will end my turn by placing this card face down Marik," the spiked hair duelist said.
Yami's Turn: Yami summons Big Shield Gardna (Atk:100 Def:2600). Slifer's effect activates lowering Yami's monster's defense by 2000 giving it only 600 defense points. He sets Monster Reborn and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-2 Life- 2100 Monsters-1 Face down cards-1
"Just as I thought: you have lost faith in your deck! And that will be the thing that causes you to lose! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!," Marik said to Yami.

Those words pierced Yami's heart like a sword. Marik's words were starting to wear him down. He was frozen. Not moving an inch. The others just stared at his lifeless eyes.

"Yami! Don't give up!"

That snapped Yami out of it.

Marik noticed this and shouted,"You! Stay out of this!"

"Stay out of this? Says the one who isn't even facing Yugi face to face!"

"Why you little pest."

"And I let me tell you something else. Your words are all lies. It may seem like it is impossible for Yugi to have a comeback, but I know in my heart that he can. His trust in his deck, friends, and most importantly HIMSELF are what allows him to triumph! Theres an old saying "Stick and stones may hurt my bones, but words will never hurt me", and it's true."

"My. My. You are quite annoying. No wonder Sunset despises you."

Seto then thought, Sunset! He knows her. No. It can't be!

Yami, with the chain of the puzzle dangling, put his head up high.

"Marik. You will never win."


"As long as the magic of friendship is alive, I can't be defeated. My friends are here, and with their support I will crush you. Now go on with your move!"

That's it Yami, Twilight said to herself.

"As you wish! I draw! And as you know Slifer gains 1000 attack points for every card I draw. Now he has 11000! BLEH HEH HEH HEH HEH!"

Mokuba then commented,"Wow 11000 attack points! That is more than the combined attack of all three of your Blue Eyes White Dragons Seto!"

Seto then replied,"And it will only get stronger. Yugi's opponent has Infinite Cards in play so he can hold as many cards as he wants in his hand."

"And the more cards in his hand, the more his dragon's attack points go up.," Spike added.

Mokuba then said,"That means there is no limit to how much his monster can grow."

Or is there, Seto said to himself. Wait .Slifer's attack depends on the number of cards in the player's deck. That's it! Slifer the Sky Dragon has one fatal flaw. Now we will just have to see if Yugi has the brains and the skill to figure it out.

Strings put out his hand, and said,"Now Slifer obliterate his shield: the only thing that stands between you and his destruction."

Yami's monster was destroyed. He turned his head.
Marik's Turn: Marik attacks Yugi's monster with Slifer. He then ends his turn.

Status: Hand-11 Life- 3000 Monsters-2 Face down cards-0
"Your completely defenseless Pharaoh! Make your final move so my Egyption god can destroy you!," Marik shouted.

Yugi than appeared.


"We can't let Marik win the puzzle."

"I know, but we have never faced a monster this powerful. The more cards he draws the stronger his dragon gets! Wait that's how I'll defeat it!"

"Alright let's do it partner!"

The two high fived and Yugi disappeared back into the puzzle.

Yami then said,"I'll make Slifer destroy itself!"

Kaiba then said,"About time."

Twilight then said,"Did you know Slifer's weakness this whole time?"

Seto didn't answer.

Spike and Mokuba said together, "What does he mean by making it destroy itself?"

Marik retaliated,"What makes you think you can."

"Well it's a matter of common sense actually. It just took some time to figure it out thats all. If all my monsters are too weak, than I must use your monster to destroy itself."

"Can you not realize that an Egyptian god card can't be controlled! It's much too powerful!"

"We'll see."

Marik was shocked.

"Maybe you don't have as much knowledge about the Egyptian god cards as you think you do!"

Marik was enraged. He then shouted,"How dare you challenge my wisdom of ancient ways! I know all!"

Looks like Yugi is getting under his skin, Seto thought.

Yami then said,"We will find out how much you know soon enough!"

"Let just see of you can Slifer against me!"

Mokuba and Spike asked,"What is going on?" to Seto and Twi respectably.

Seto then said,"It's quite simple actually. The dragon's biggest strength is also it's biggest weakness."

"We still don't get it," the little ones reply.

"Time for you to make your move. I promise it shall be your last!," said Marik.

"Is that so?"

Yami thought, If I do not draw the right card, then I'm finished. Heart of the Cards please guide me.

He drew this card. He looked at it.


Yami held the card up high. Everyones eyes were on it.

Marik asked,"Well. What is it?"

"Just what I need to take you down!'

Twilight shouted,"You can do it Yugi! We are with you!"

He gave them the thumbs up.

Yami then continued his move, "I first reveal my face down card Monster Reborn! I choose to bring back my Buster Blader! Return to me!"

A purple swordsmen appeared in front of him.

"That was pointless. My dragon already destroyed that monster once, and I get to draw more cards thanks to you bringing it back. So thank you."

"I am risking the outcome of this duel on a final attack from Buster Blader!"

"Your even more of fool than I thought. Go ahead. Be my guest. You must of forgotten bringing it back also activates Slifer's second mouth!"

A fire ball was fired at Buster Blader. It survived the blast.

"Your monster may of survived that blast, but it's nowhere near strong enough to destroy my sky dragon.Your reign as Pharaoh is over! I will wipe you out on my next turn!," Marik stated.

"Not a chance. I am afraid there isn't going to be a next turn for you. Once I attack your god card will be destroyed, and you will lose! Buster Blader attack with your mighty blade!"

The swordsmen attacked, but it was blocked by Revival Jam.

"Seems you have forgotten about my plasma monster.Since you destroyed it, it can reform! This will allow me to draw three more cards increasing Slifer's attack to 17000!"
Yami then played a card from his hand.

"Now I use the magic card Brain Control allowing me to take control of your Revival Jam!"

The plasma monster reformed on Yami's field.

"Why would you want my Revival Jam? It can attack my dragon so it is no use to you."

"It is actually what I need to beat you."

"You lie!"

"Just watch. Since Revival Jam was reformed, draw your three cards Marik!"

"I will and Slifer's power will grow. Thank you."

"No thank you for falling into my trap!"

"Huh what trap!?"

"You'll see. Since a monster was just summoned, your god card's special ability activates. It has to attack my monster!"

"Huh. Slifer stop!"

His dragon attacked the plasma monster, but it just reformed.

"You see your dragon's weakness is directly linked to you. Now you have to draw 3 more cards, and your dragon has to attack again."

"Wait! That means.."

"You're trapped in an endless loop, that will result in you losing!"

Twi, Spike, and Mokuba shouted,"Aw yea! GO YUGI!"

The cycle of attacking, reforming, and drawing continued until Strings couldn't draw anymore cards thus he loses the duel.
Yami's Turn: Yami uses Monster Reborn to bring Buster Blader back from the grave (Atk:3100 Def:2300). Card of Safe Return allows Marik to draw three cards. Slifer's effect than lowers it's attack to 1100. Blader than attacks, but Jam Defender causes Revival Jam to block the attack. It reforms and String draws three cards. Yami uses Brain Control to take control of Revival jam. Slifer's effect than activates, and it destroys Jam. It then reforms and Marik draws three more cards. Since it reformed Slifer must attack it again. This creates a loop until Marik can't draw anymore cards, and thus loses the duel.

Yami wins.

Strings, and all of the cards in his hand fell to the ground. The group cheered Yami for his victory. Twilight and Spike gave him a huge hug while Mokuba and Seto must watched and Smiled.

Marik than shouted out loud (not through Strings),"No! How could I loose! You will pay YAMI! You may of beaten Slifer, but I have an another Egyptian god card that is more powerful! Beware!"

Mokuba than come down and picked up Slifer and a locator card and gave them to Yami.

"Congratulations Yugi.," Mokuba said.

"Thank you," replied Yami

"Don't get too attached to that card because my brother has got his eye on that too."

"I must keep this card safe."

Seto then walked up to Yugi. "So you figured out how to beat Slifer the Sky Dragon. Well done. I figured it out before you though."

Twilight then looked at him,"Wait! You knew! Why didn't you say anything?"

"Because I wanted to see if Yugi could figure it out on his own. Besides that would be unfair don't you think?"

"I guess. Anyway I'm glad you got a chance to see the duel Seto. You too Mokuba."

Mokuba than said,"We should be the ones thanking you. Right Seto? Seto?"

"Don't get too comfortable with that card," Seto said to Yami.

Yami replied,"Why not."

"Because you and I are going to duel for it right now. Then when I defeat you Slifer will be in my deck where it belongs. You see I am already in possession of one of the Egyptian god cards, and I plan to win the others. Now it's time to duel. Once I defeat you I will be one step closer to reclaiming my title as the number 1 duelist in the world!"

Twilight then stood in between the to.

Seto than stated, "Move out of the way Twilight Sparkle. This is between me and him."

Suddenly Strings stood up laughing evilly.

"Silly fools," he said.

Yami blurted out,"Show yourself coward!"

"I'm on my way to Battle City as we speak, and I can see everything. I can see the puzzle that will soon be mine. I see a city waiting to be conquered, and I see potential servants in every crowd. Who will be next? So tell me which of your friends should it be? Tea, or Joey perhaps!"

The group was shocked, but especially Yami. He was angered.

"You leave them alone Marik!"

Marik continued, "It seems I have tapped on your sensitive spot. Perhaps I can use your friends to get what I want from you: your puzzle and new Egyptian god card."

"I swear that if you harm my friends you will pay dearly Marik."

"You will be the one who will pay dearly. Your friends are nothing to me, and I have the whole world to gain."

"Head my words coward."

"Just as my dragon's one weakness destroyed you, your loyalty to your friends will destroy you!"

Strings fell to the ground.

"That was weird," Mokuba said.

"Alright I have had enough interruptions for one day. Yugi it's time for us to have our rematch,"Seto said.

Yami shook his head while saying,"Not now Kiaba."


"Can't you see that people are in danger? I must go find my friends before Marik can get to them. Twilight, Spike let's stick together while searching. I will have time to duel you Kiaba I assure you. Let's go!"

Yami then ran off with Twilight and Spike following to find their friends. Seto was mad that Yugi left, and didn't duel him. Mokuba than was sent to chase them down, while Seto returned to Kiaba Corp for the time being. Meanwhile, Sunset and Flash were anxiously awaiting Marik and Odian's arrival at the Domino Pier.

Author's Note:

Quite a long one wasn't it! I hope you enjoyed! If you are fans of a certain white haired fellow than stay tuned to Chapter 9. As always put your thoughts in the comments.

Also if I are looking for the first part of Yami's duel it's during episodes 65 and 66. You can find them on Hulu for free so check them out if u are interested.