• Published 3rd Aug 2012
  • 4,176 Views, 121 Comments

Infamous: New Beginnings - Art Inspired

Cole McGrath wakes up to find himself in the universe of Equestria, world of the ponies!

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Sasha's Return - Second Choice - Evil

Cole’s thoughts raced as his hoof blasted every pony into the air. As they floated there, his fears became true. His powers were so intense that some landed on roof tops. Most made a devastating landing. He got to his hooves and grunted from the previous blast. One pony reaped after another slammed down from the roofs and came running at Cole. His time was short, so he barrel rolled over to a nearby dumpster. Grenade after grenade was sent to the villains, and soon, one by one, they all were blown to bits. Most died instantly, while some lived. One in particular that survived was the red hooded being that blew Cole off the roof and put him in that choosy situation in the first place. Cole walked up to the pony; his hooved wrapped around the reaper’s neck collar and in an instant, Cole sucked the life energy out of his victim. The pony lay there, dead and motionless. Next thing Cole heard was Celestia’s upset voice.

“COLE!” the stallion turned to see her highness in a fit of pure anger. “You’ve killed perfectly good prisoners! They could have had vital information, and you killed damn near every single one! Not only that, but you also managed to injure several bystanders! What is wrong with you?!”

Cole’s head lowered as his annoyed mind churned with the rash decision he just made. “I… just wanted to stop the reapers… and when those ponies were running-”

“You should have let them trample you! I was right here all along, and I could have stopped them myself. Thanks to your stupid decision, you’ve not only coasted lived, but vital Intel we needed.” The princess turned and finished, “the throne room, now!”

Cole entered the grand area, taking in his surroundings; he saw her highness sitting on her throne, pissed more than ever. Dead ponies surrounded her throne. They were all the souls Cole took this morning. He looked around, grimacing at the open eyed bodies and tried not to seem disgusted. Celestia said, “eight lives were lost… because of you Cole… and now, I must inform the family members of this occurrence. I hope you’re happy with your decision. Next time, be more level headed. Now excuse me, I have a mortician to contact.”

Cole left his rage at the boiling point. He remembered so much from his life, and wondered how he could have let this happen, but then remembered Sasha, the way she invited him into her heart, the tempting taunts she planted into his consciousness; he began to question if he truly liked this situation he found himself in. did he want to be the hero of the day, or the villain he was always labeled with. Even in New Marais, the title of the demon of empire city made his identity seem criminal, and unjust. Maybe, it was time to become what everyone thought of him, but if he did change, he’d have to keep it a secret, at least for now as to make sure Celestia wouldn’t kick him out and ruin the developing plan he was forming. Walking into his room, he saw nix smiling from his balcony. She said, “I’ve got a lock on a pretty powerful conduit. She’s one hell of a power house. If you follow me and come on over to Manehatten, I bet we can take her down together.”

“Do you know her name, or what she looks like?”

“She has relatively short, jet black hair, and her lower forelegs are hidden by sludge. I saw her entering the sewers earlier, just before the sun rose… are you in?”

Cole understood this had to be Sasha, and looked forward to seeing how powerful she’s become in the last year. He agreed and the two left, headed to the train station. On their way, Cole called Celestia and explained he’d have a new conduit in bars by the end of the day. Afterword’s, he handed over a Bluetooth to nix and said, “Anytime you wanna talk, just let me know.”

The two beings would arrive in little less than an hour, ready to battle this bitch with everything they had.