• Published 16th Nov 2023
  • 452 Views, 16 Comments

I Think I'll Have A Heart Attack - flashsentryxtwi

Twilight stays in the human world for good. Soon, it's discovered that Flash Sentry is a prince.

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Chapter 7

Flash Narrates

I had no idea why I was walking to Principal Celestia's office. Just so I could be the laughing stock for the whole week? Perhaps. I rolled my eyes at Soarin precisely after every 5 second to show him how obstinate I was and that I wasn't really falling for this prank this dork had come up with. He reacted to it as if he was so happy that nothing in the world could lower his spirits. Dumbo. Did he really think I was falling for his prank?

Upon reaching the office, I knocked. The door was opened by ... THE KING?

My eyes widened. WHAT THE HELL WAS HAPPENING? Was...Soarin...telling...the truth? I hastily bowed down in respect, earning a laugh from the king. "You don't have to be so formal, son," my heart almost leapt out of my chest. Almost. It would completely leap out if Twilight said she loved me.

"S-son?" I stammer. The king closed his eyes and sighed. Then he motioned for me to follow him into the office. I, without hesitance, obliged. He came to an abrupt stop in front of Principal Celestia's desk. I saw her standing behind it. And with her stood Vice Principal Luna, the queen and... Twilight? My cheeks burned upon seeing her. She had a timid smile and quickly hid behind Vice Principal Luna. I chuckled.

The king cleared his throat so I would pay attention to him.His presence demanded respect and I tried to steady my racing thoughts as he began to speak.

"Flash Sentry," he began, his voice carrying a weight that seemed to echo through the room. How did he know my name?"I am King Solaris, and I've come here today because... because you are my son."

I froze, my mind struggling to process his words. It couldn't be! I was told that my parents...died in a car crash! I was supposed to be an orphan!

"Your... son?" The words stumbled out of my mouth, barely a whisper. "But... but I don't understand. Why haven't I known this before?"

The king's features softened with a mixture of regret and sorrow. "We thought it was best to keep you away, for your safety," he explained, his voice tinged with regret. "Your mother and I... we were misled. We thought you were different, abnormal. We were wrong."

Those words shattered my heart. They thought that I was abnormal? Tears welled up in my eyes, blurring the figures in front of me. I fought hard to hold them back, to push away the overwhelming flood of emotions threatening to consume me. But the pain, the betrayal of feeling unwanted, clawed at my heart. I always viewed myself as handsome, definitely not abnormal.

I tried to cheer myself up. Maybe my awesome looks made them think that I was too good to be true...Maybe abnormal in that sense? But no, they thought I was weird. That I had some sort of a disability. My parents. Had abandoned me. Merely because I was rubbish. Because I was worthless. And abnormal?

Confusion, anger and hurt battled for dominance, about to spill out in uncontrollable tears. I took a deep breath, trying to steady my voice. "So, what now? You just show up out of nowhere and tell me I'm your son?" My tone was laced with bitterness, the shock of this revelation too much to process in one sitting. I was not only angered because of being abandoned but also because they said they thought I was abnormal in front of Twilight. She would probably think the same now.

King Solaris' expression softened further, regret etched into the lines on his face. "I know this is a lot to take in, but we've been searching for you for years. We had to make sure it was safe for you to know the truth."

I shook my head, feeling the heat of frustration rising within me. I yelled, "Safe? What's so dangerous about knowing who I am? Am I really that worthless? You had to throw me away only because I would ruin your 'reputation' right?" My fists clenched at my sides, the sense of betrayal gnawing at my insides. I looked at the king, my father, my eyes twin tempest, gleaming with hatred.

The room fell into a thick silence as my words hung in the air, echoing the turmoil within me. Father's expression wavered between sadness and a deep regret. "Flash, please understand, it wasn't about worth or reputation. There are forces at play beyond what you comprehend."

His words grated against my anger. "Forces? What forces? I'm not a puppet to be hidden away when it suits you!" My voice cracked with a mixture of frustration and hurt.

The queen, my mom, stepped forward, her voice calm yet tinged with urgency. "Flash, there are dangerous factions that seek to exploit the royal lineage. We were trying to protect you from harm."

"Protect me?" I scoffed, bitterness dripping from every word. "By lying? By making me believe I was nothing?"

There was silence.

My heart was so pent-up with emotions that I had even forgotten Twilight was there. I just acknowledged the king and queen's presence at the moment.

I couldn't bear to look at any of them. They were supposed to be my family, my blood. Yet, they kept me in the dark, treating me like a pawn in some elaborate game. The tears I'd been holding back began to flow freely, the floodgates finally breaking under the weight of all the suppressed emotions.

"Flash-" Queen Flare began.

"I don't want to hear it!" I choked out, my voice cracking with despair. I turned away from them, unable to endure the looks of remorse and the words that felt too little, too late. With trembling steps, I dashed out of the office, each stride fueled by a cocktail of emotions—anger, hurt, and the stinging ache of abandonment.

Storming out of the office, I felt an eruption of emotions tearing through me like a hurricane. Anger and betrayal intertwined in a tangled mess inside my chest. Each step I took down the school corridor echoed with my inner turmoil.

Rushing up the stairs to the rooftop, I sought refuge in its deserted confines. Leaning against the railing, tears streamed down my face uncontrollably. The weight of the revelation, the feeling of being discarded like an unwanted secret, was suffocating.

The truth was a slap in the face – my parents, who I thought were lost in a tragic accident, had deliberately kept me in the dark. Loneliness and despair engulfed me as I grappled with the reality of their actions.

Sobs wracked my body as I crumpled against the cold metal railing, consumed by an overwhelming sense of betrayal. It wasn't just about the royal lineage or dangers; it was about being lied to, about not belonging.

The tears wouldn't stop, my chest heaving with the weight of suppressed emotions. In that moment, I felt utterly lost and alone, the rooftop becoming a silent witness to the storm raging within me.