• Published 7th Aug 2021
  • 1,495 Views, 59 Comments

Twilight Buys a Wand - Kentavritsa

Twilight is invited to take part in the education at Hogwart’s school of Witchcraft and Wizardry; she could not refuse the offer, taking part in a new and exciting experience of study. She had to acquire a few items, including a wand and robe.

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Apparition Initiative: 14

Author's Note:

Ms. Twilight's POV

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- Previous Chapter -
A Wand in Starlight: - Next Chapter Dealing in Twilight -

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While I knew there are anti-Apparition wards active at Hog Wart's, but that should not prevent me from what I had in mind. Just as the anti-Owl wards did not stop a Phoenix entering or leaving a building. Simple and fun.

I just so happened to have a free period on my schedule, right now. Why not snatch the opportunity, and have this filed and done with? I can Teleport already, so I want to have this documented and licensed. It is just who I am, do it by the book as they say. At least, in my interpretation. If I have the license, I can do it legally and they would know I can do it safely. Just in case it would be good at some later date.

I am currently alone in our common room, so I simply Teleport up to our more private room. Anyone initiated into the habit of Book Walking is free to enter at will. I had not chosen this room, because the wards are weaker here; just that I found it a convenient location, with a few friends likely to be around.

Of course, Pinkie Pie and Hermione Granger would be in the room. They just so happen to have a free period right now. What a shock? I know.

“Hiya, Twilly!” Pinkie exclaims, just as I am popping into existence in the room of Book Walking.

“Whoa!!” Hermione exclaims; “Where did you come from?” she then inquires.

“Hi, Pinkie!” I respond; “Our common room!” I then reply.

“The common room?” she inquires; “So how did you just pop into existence in this room?” she now inquires.

“Teleportation!” Pinkie blurts out; "I already knew you were about to show up in the Book Walking room right about now!” Pinkie then points out, as if it had been yesterday's news.

“And before you ask what Teleportation is; it is like Apparition, just perfectly safe!” she then explains, as if she had known what Hermione was about to ask. (which, of course; she knew, because she still is Pinkie Pie)

Everything being equal, Pinkie is just Pinkie; nothing to raise an eyebrow or huff about, that would just make you silly.

“Apparition is relatively safe, once you have the experience required and know what you are doing!” Hermione protests.

“Yes, relatively safe; after years of study and an aptitude for this spell!” Pinkie retorts with a giggle and a wide grin on her face.

“Since it is safe; I assume you will be teaching me, and the rest of us!” Hermione inquires.

“Well, d'uh!” Pinkie snickers; “Once she has her license secured!!” she then concludes.

“While I can't know the future, technically; but I feel secure, in stating I will have the license today!” I point out.

Madam Pinkie knows, you will have the documentation!” Pinkie offers.

“The same Madam Pinkie, we met in divinations' class?” Hermione inquires, uncertain and confused by the given statement.

“Yes, the very same!” I offer; “the one and only...” I then add.

“I am not sure, if this is making me feel better about the statement, or if I am about to have a nervous breakdown!” Hermione suggests.

“If Pinkie is promising, it is better than written facts!” I offer.

“Uhm, how is that even possible?” Hermione inquires; “My head hurts!” she then whines.

“Just do not turn into a Ponyta, or a Rapidash; while I am out, procuring the promised license!” I point out.

“Sorry, I had better get going; so that I can get back, after I have filed all the details I will have to fill in!” I point out; “Forms are such a pain, you know!” I just conclude, just as I am disappearing from the Book Walking room.


The next instant, I am rematerializing by the desk where I need to weigh in my wand.

“Uh?” the poor desk clerk exclaims, a moment after I had popped into existence before the desk.

“Sorry, to burst in on you unannounced!” I offer, apologetically.

“I did not know, side-along Apparition was possible; without the person apparitioning in, since you clearly can't apparition in here on your own!” the clerk offers.

“This would be the reason, why I am here; I am required to file for a license, for Apparition!” I respond.

“Yes, quite correct..” is the response; “you will need a license for Apparition!”

“Before I can get to the office, I will have to show my wand?” I suggest, presenting the wand with a flourish.

“Yes!” she confirms; “a one foot long Unicorn horn; are you by chance that Twilight; the girl who acquired her license as an Animagus, in her first week at Hog Wart's?” she now inquires.

“Yes, that would be me..” I helpfully supply; “and the acting teacher of Animagus and Book Walking at our house!” I then supply.

“Braided Unicorn hair core and, what?” she now inquires, as it is starting to dawn upon her just what a wand she is holding in her hands.

“That is the Unicorn wand, just in case it had not been obvious!” I push forth.

“How does a girl, in her first year get her hands on Unicorn blood?” the clerk ponders.

“If your thoughts are anywhere close to what I think you are considering, the less you know the better!” I just suggest.

“In Merlin's beard..” she exclaims.

“believe what you will, but that expression turned into a joke at our house!” I point out, matter-of-fact.

“How did this turn into a joke?” she inquires, not sure if she wants to know.

“Simply put; a friend of mine use to hide a canon in her hair, among other things!” I point out.

“A cannon!” she responds; “in her hair; you must be joking, right!” she continues.

“I sometimes I wish I had been!” I explain; “She once caused a Rapidash incident!” I then point out.

“Rapidash?” she inquires.

“Just picture my hair turning into flames, like the character known as Rapidash in an animated series!” I helpfully supply.

“Oh!!” she exclaims, with a shoaked groan.

“Oh, and say hello to Twilight and Sparkles!” I add, with a snicker to my voice.

“She looks up; “Uh?” she inquires, only to notice the two Deer Patronuses grazing near by.

“Hello, Twilight and Sparkles!” she then adds, as if she were to greet two persons.

Twilight is raising her head, the two stags ablaze with magic; then Sparkles open her mouth, letting out a minuscule belch of blue flame just to make the point.

< Accio Pure-Blood wand >

This is promising to be a very interesting year!” she ponders; “I think it is best, you take the elevator up to the office so you can file for that license!” she hastily blurts out.

The next instant, I disappear from the desk, only to reappear outside the office where I am supposed to fill in the form before I can have my license issued.

Pure-Blood wand..” she ponders; “is this the wand Lucius Malfoy was livid about, the day before term?” she considers, without even mouthing a single syllable.


With a flourish, my wand disappears from sight.

“Oh!” I hear exclamations from the Wizards and Witches in the room.

“I had a moment to spare, so I chose to cease the opportunity and apply for the license of Apparition!” I explain, matter-of-fact without batting an eye.

“Twilight Sparkle..” Minister Fudge exclaims; “as I live and breathe, the Queen of Animagi herself!” he ponders.

“Greetings, Minister Fudge!” I respond, quietly snickering at his reaction.

“What can we help you with on such a fine day, Twilight?” he now inquires.

“Oh, nothing much; I just want to file for the license for Apparition!” I respond; “but on a separate note; say hello to: Twilight and Sparkles!” I add.

“Hello, Twilight and Sparkles!” he responds, before he had the time to contemplate what I had uttered.

“I hope you are not allergic to Fawns!” I offer, indicating the two Patronuses grazing a few feet away from me on my right and left.

He momentarily looks up, searching for the subject of my inquiry; before he finally spots them on my right and left. Horns ablaze, just for show.

“Just don't tell me, these two can actually cast magic?” he inquires, now somewhat unsure of himself.

“And why not?” I inquire, snickering.

“Why not, indeed!” he mouths, as it is hitting home what I had just indicated.

The door to the office goes up, and the witch from inside the room is popping her head out and exclaims: Twilight Sparkle!”.

“Sorry, Fudge; seems my number just came up, so I will have to go!” I point out.

“It would be rude, to let her wait!” he acknowledges as I walk over to the door.

“Greetings!” I exclaim, as I am approaching the door.

“Greetings, Twilight!” she responds, as she observes me and my two fellow Patronuses moving over towards her office.

“I had expected you to be older, in the range of eighteen or above!” she now confesses.

“On the account on how hard the spell is to master, or the general policy on the matter!” I offer.

“It is a spell that is hard to master, just as the consequences can be quite dire!” she is enlightening me.

“I only had one incident; that was with a side-along, when I was stressed out and panicked!” I explain, as if it had been nothing.

“Just one incident, and with a side-along?” she inquires, taken aback.

“I was hounded all over town, in relation to a very desirable ticket to an exclusive event!” I permit.

“Oh!” she admits; “The general policy is: that you have to be eighteen years of age!” she is pushing forth.

“Just as the general policy is to admit students to Hog Wart's at age eleven, based on the assumption that the core is sufficiently matured?” I inquire.

“I guess; that could be a fair assessment or comparison?” she concedes.

“Hold that thought, for a moment, please!” I offer, momentarily halting the conversation.

“Should I pull out the form, for your application?” she inquires.

“Please, by all means!” I respond, the instant before I vanish out of her office.

She gasps in shock, before she scrambles to fetch the form requested.

What was that!” Minister Fudge ponders, hearing the gasp of panic from within the office.


The next instant, I am appearing in Dumbledore's office. He gasps in shock and surprise.

“Greetings, Dumbledore; sorry about the unannounced appearance, but I could use your help right now!” I explain.

“You are aware of the anti-Apparition wards in effect over the grounds of Hog Wart's?” he inquires, as the shock finally subsides.

“Yes!” I respond; “That is the reason I am here, right now!” I explain.

“That does not make sense, Twilight!” he points out, sternly.

“Your Phoenix can move freely, all over the grounds, as does the House Elves?” I inquire.

“Yes, but how is that even relevant?” he inquires.

“Your wards are targeting Apparition and Owls specifically, aren't they?” I continue; “Phoenixes and House Elves are promptly ignored?” I inquire, probing further.

“The House Elves are the staff of the school, they take care of the day to day business like cleaning and cooking; you can't bother them with mundane issues like anti-apparition, now can you?” he prompts; “Just as the Phoenixes are far too rare, for anyone, to craft a ward against them!” he then enlightens me.

“Yes, and yes!” I respond; “The Phoenix is a very Majestic bird, and you probably want to stay clear of the ire too?” I suggest.

“You are familiar with Phoenixes?” he inquires, taken aback by my expression and obvious lack of confusion and shock.

“My mentor has one, and my Assistant had one for a short period; so yes, I have experience with the Phoenix!” I respond; “Though they can be a bit playful to Impish!” I put forth.

“Impish?” he inquires.

“You have known Fawkes long enough, to understand what I'm suggesting?” I inquire.

“Oh, yes; I've had him for most of my life, and I owe him my position in the Ministry!” he then offers.

“I thought as much!” I respond.

“Wait, is that where you came from?” he inquires.

“Yes, I could as well admit!” I point out, unabashed of my latest exploit.

“You've been to the ministry, today?” he inquires, taken aback; “Though I knew you have been there before; on the account of registering your Animagus form, before you even arrived at Hog Wart's!” he acknowledges.

“I did not want to get in trouble, as an unregistered Animagus; besides, it will protect my rights as a Witch too!” I explain.

“You don't like coming unprepared, do you?” he inquires.

“You don't know the half of it, but if you would close your eyes for just a moment?” I suggest.

“Oh!” he mouths; momentarily closing his eyes, as I had suggested.

As his eyes are closed, I place the palm of my right hand onto his shoulder; teleporting the both of us back to the office, I had just left, a mere moment earlier.

There is a gasp, from the person who was just fetching the form for apparition licenses.

Dumbledore is opening his eyes, only to be greeted by the sight of the new location.

“What in Merlin's beard; how did I come to be at the ministry, of all places!” Dumbledore exclaims.

“Side-along Apparition; it would appear, young Miss Sparkle just performed a safe Apparition with a side-along!” the Assistant offers.

“I have been Apparitioned to the Ministry, all the way from my office at Hog wart's; without even realizing it, before I had managed to confirm my whereabouts?” Dumbledore inquires.

“So it would appear!” the Assistant prompts, with a loud and panicked gasp.

“Then I fear, you may as well issue her license for Apparition; so that we know she is capable of this feat, rather than stumbling in the dark!” Dumbledore suggests.

“Thank you Professor Dumbledore!” I respond.

“How many years of study and practice have you put into this feat?” Dumbledore inquires, after a moment.

“Specifically?” I inquire; "I just read the formula and envisioned my new location here at the Ministry!” I point out.

“Are you saying: that Wizards and Witches are incompetent, or are you claiming: that you are capable of learning new and complex spells as if it had been child's play?” he now inquires.

“If you use me as standard, it would be unfair to most everyone on record!” I point out; “But if you by Wizard, refer to the standard set by a Lucius Malfoy; I guess they would be incompetent, as you put it!” I point out; “You know what he thinks of my wand, right?” I then inquire, half by half in jest.

“If you refer to the wand named Pure-blood wand, on the poster on Mr. Ollivander's shop, I have an idea of what he may be thinking!” Dumbledore put forth.

“Is there anyone: Wizard or Witch who has not seen the poster or at the very least heard of it by now?” the Assistant inquires.

“I believe it refers to this wand!” I offer, as I produce the wand with a flourish.

“Yes, that one!” Dumbledore muses, with a light chuckle.

“That is a one-of-a-kind wand, if I ever saw one!” Dumbledore submits with awe on his voice; “And the less said about it, the better!” he then adds with further dread on his voice.

“A full foot long?” the Assistant inquires.

“Few Wizards would go out with one, this long!” Dumbledore admits.

“I guess a foot of wood should be more than enough for two wands?” I inquire.

“Yes, a foot of wood would be just right for two wands!” he responds.

“Here, your form for the Apparition license, Miss Sparkles!” the Assistant interjects.

“Thank you..” I respond.

“Just sign your name here, here and here!” she offers, pointing at the dotted lines for me to sign.

“Thank you!” I respond, picking up the quill and sign my name on the dotted lines, where she had indicated.

Of course, the form had already filled in the date and everything else required for me to acquire the desired license for Apparition.

No mouth writing, that would just be uncouth of me. Besides, Rarity would have been whining all day about it, had she learned of it. I have to consider my station, even if I'm not one of those Nobles

But hay, even Pinkie Pie does not use mouth writing, and she is an Earth Pony. Even if that never really shows, in her case. (Is it uncouth to use mane writing?)

“Neat writing!” the Assistant exclaims, as she sees the delicate, beautiful scribbles representing my signature on the form.

Not that either she or Dumbledore could even see me picking up the quill in my hand for the purpose of signing the form. I'm a Unicorn of high stature, why lower myself to the level for a mere form?

“This is positively the most beautiful signature and handwriting I have ever seen in my entire life!” the Assistant exclaims, her eyes transfixed on the signature on the form.

“Thank you!” I respond.

“With the form properly filled in, I can file it right now!” the Assistant prompts.

“Twilight; since your business here is concluded, could you take me back to my office?” Dumbledore inquires.

“Yes, but of course!” I respond, as I am placing my hand on his shoulder and the Assistant is once more alone in her office.

With the office empty, she walks up to the door to her office and opens it; before she steps out, only to see Minister Fudge still there.

“What?” the Minister inquires.

“Yes, that is the kind of day I am having!” she responds.

“So, you just permitted her to file for the license for Apparition?” he inquires.

“If she could Apparate Professor Dumbledore, from his office at Hog Wart's safely; who am I, to stand in her way?” she responds; “At least, now we know she has the ability; just in case, it is ever in question!” she prompts.

“Yes!” he puts forth.


Dumbledore once more finds himself in his office, just as he had requested. I am by his side, with my two Patronuses: Twilight and Sparkles, of course.

“I can as well award you for the exploit: 100 points to Twilight Sparkle!” he exclaims.

“Thank you, Dumbledore!” I respond.

"That was foolhardy, but brave!” he points out; “Now everyone will know you can Apparate!” he then points out, with a stern expression on his face.

“I already had the prerequisite experience, to know it is safe!” I push forth; “Besides; if they think I can Apparate, they think their wards will hold me in place!” I explain.

“That is a rather clever little trick, on your part; I must concede!” he responds, looking at me with a bemused grin.

“I'm sure you know, just how much these wards will slow me down?” I inquire.

“Exactly!” he puts forth; “Well played, indeed; well played!” he chuckles.

“I let them think I am reporting everything, for them to plan ahead; while I hold the true strength tightly to my chest, only for them to be shocked when they realize their mistake!” I point out, with a snicker.

“The House of Lions doesn't quite do you justice, Twilight; but I think it was your best choice, for all of us!” he offers; “Slytherin would have been the end of the world, if she had been in it!” he ponders, without even grasping the scope of the event.

“I should be going; have a nice day, Dumbledore!” I offer.

“You too, Twilight!” he responds.

With that, I disappear from the office, only to appear in the book walking room.


“Hiya, Twilly!” Pinkie exclaims; “I knew, you could make it!” she then concludes.

“I owe you a class, in Apparition!” I just announce.

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