• Published 9th May 2020
  • 1,887 Views, 25 Comments

My Little Twilight - Kentavritsa

It is awkward; waking up somewhere, one has never seen or heard of. Just as it is awkward; to realize that one’s illustration is looking at you, fully sentient. But what will happen next, may be just as awkward, or very sweet and heart warming.

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The Awakening: 17

Author's Note:

Ms. Miko's POV


I hear Twilight breathing hard, in exhaustion.

While I thought I had known her hooves to be dripping wet with some manner of massage oil or lubrication; I had never realized, how it was to be affecting me in the process. But of course, it is bound to affect me; and not just in the hear and now, as I feel a slippery and wet substance coating and covering the skin of my body, like a swim-suit of some fashion. Yes, Fashion, indeed.

For some reason, what I had been wearing; had been stacked and folded neatly, now lying in a stack on the chair behind the desk. Since the girl obviously still is in her form as a Horse, she had no use or need of the chair. Did she, now?

However, I am not exactly nude; wearing not just the swim-suit as I see it, but also a pair of thigh-high stockings and matching gloves. But, why? It is not cotton; but neither is it silk or any other fabric I am aware of or accustomed to. Far too smooth, but comfortably clinging to my skin.

As I am untangling myself, I find myself standing comfortably on all fours; in the pose she had placed me, before she started to perform the part of the Masseuse. How, and why? I have no idea, and I am not about to ask.

I stretch my legs, before I hop down onto the floor with what should pass for practiced ease; only to land onto the floor, with a squeaky noise.

”Clip, clop; clip, clop!”

”Oh..” I just neigh, then snicker in nervous bemusement; scanning the room left to right.

”May..” I exclaim, as I look at the girl I had been looking for; ”Hoofsies, hoofsies, hoofsies..” I then chant, in bewildered excitement, curious and puzzlement on top of it all.

”Most appropriate..” Twilight responds; ”Current company in consideration!” she then points out.

”Yes..” May responds; as she is looking at me, in the form of the black horse who had opened the door for me, greeting me in the door.

”So, that is you after all; just as I had originally assumed, as you opened the door for me?” I inquire.

”The explanation is simple, once you grasp the magic behind it; but I guess the demonstration could have been easier, but maybe that is for a different time..” May offers.

”Oh?” I inquire.

”Or, I could present you with a gift; giving you the time, to discover it all on your own?” she suggests; ”However, I guess a short introduction may be in order, in any event!” I then offer.

”You do have quite a few things, to explain; but I guess a short introduction, would be the first step?” I inquire.

”While I was walking, er trotting all over you; but I hope I did not overstep your comfort, in any manner!” Twilight offers, somewhat embarrassed.

Since I don’t know, who or what Twilight is; I have no idea, but I can still recognize her as a person.

”I am Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship..” Twilight presents herself; ” I am the original, and the very first in the herd and village known as Twilight Village..” she offers.

”Twilight, what an appropriate name!” I recognize.

”Thank you, Miko..” she responds; ”This is Twilight Village, my home; aside from the homes of my close friends: Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Rarity; aside from a few others..” she explains.

"I was drawing a picture of Twilight Sparkle, rendering her; while I dosed off, only to find her by my side as I woke up!” May explains; ”but alas, I guess I could as well accept it and let you in on the secret; since you are here now?” May puts forth.

”Thank you, May and Twilight!” I exclaim.

”You are quite welcome, Miko..” Twilight exclaims; ”Now, I just hope that you will feel welcome into the herd; enjoying the company of us, aside from whatever other side-effects you may experience along these lines later!” she concludes.

”One more friend could not hurt, right?” I suggest; the massage sure was good; despite what one may have been expected, from a Horse with four hooves..” I continue; and as to the rest, I have no idea of what will come, but for some reason I do enjoy these hooves all the same!” I conclude.

”I guess I could relate, to the novelty of your hooves; I was not born with wings, but now I have them!” Twilight explains, pointing at her back, where her wings rest comfortably.

”Oh..” I exclaim; ”Oh, oh, oh..” I continue.

”Such is life..” Twilight offers; ”it’s a sign of what I have experienced; how much I have developed, and now I could not even picture myself without them!” Twilight points out; ”As much as they were bothering me, the first days, weeks and moons!” she concludes.

”Ooh..” I snicker.

”They refused to cooperate..” Twilight offers; ”and as if that had not been enough, they constantly got in the way; when I tried to sleep, and I had absolutely no use of them, at the time..” she explains; ”At least, now I have learned how to fly; and I managed to rein in the worst of what they had to offer, so they’re no longer in the way!” she concludes.

”Ooh, ooh..” I put forth; just hope this will not get in the way of anything..” I explain; ”While it is opening one door, but is it closing another?” I ponder.

”If you like, you could exercise with us; even if the muscles may be slightly different, but the effect of the exercises should still carry over!”April suggests.

”Besides, we love to help you out any way we can; if and when you may need it, as best we can!” Twilight offers generously, smiling.

”Now I have seen it all!” I mumble to myself; ”A smiling horse!” I ponder.

”I heard that..” Pinkie exclaims, from where-ever she had been hiding out

”Did I forget to warn you; Pinkie Pie lives in the village of Twilight Town, and she is a bit at odds with expectations and the laws of physics!” April explains.

”Pinkie is a very dear friend, so we forgive her eccentricities; as if we ever had a choice, considering just how friendly and helpful she is..” Twilight points out; ”Well, most of the time!” she then adds, almost as if it had been an afterthought.

The next instant, a pink bundle of joy bounces out from her home; grinning worse than a Loon, taking off into the air in a single leap. Just as she is hitting the top of the arch; her tail starts to spin, maintaining the altitude as she is flying comfortably towards us.

”That.. that.. that- is Pinkie Pie?” I exclaim, stuttering in shock.

”Hiya, Miko!” she exclaims, excitedly; ”I am Pinkamena Diane Pie; but call me Pinkie, all my friends do!” she then bursts out, still grinning wider than an Alligator.

Okay, there goes the presentation out the window in one swoop. Nothing to do about it, now; the Cat is out of the box, or is it the Pony known as Pinkie Pie?

”She can be a bit grating, at times; but she is so endearingly warm and friendly at all times, there is no way you can not forgive her for that!” Twilight points out.

”If you had not been so stubborn Twilight, you would have fared much better; but then I had the doozy, only to have you turn into a Rapidash!” Pinkie teases, but matter-of-fact.

”I’ve heard, the Timber-wolves have nightmares; even to this day, after that event!” Twilight groans painfully, in jest.

”My fault, wood does not take very well to fire?” Pinkie counters.

“Are you saying; that the Timber-Wolf is made out of wood, or just that it is afraid of fire based on being in the forest?” I inquire, trying to make sense of what I had just been told.

“Yes, a Timber-Wolf is made out of wood; thus the name, obviously..” Pinkie exclaims.

“On second thought, on the account of how much you did enjoy your Equine massage; we need to introduce a Spa into Twilight Village, but I would also love to offer you to befriend Lotus, if you do not mind?” Pinkie then points out.

“Equine massage; is that even a thing, I had no idea..” I respond; “However, it was wondrous, to experience...” I now point out, with a dreamy expression plastered onto my face.

“If you enjoy it, it is a thing..” Twilight suggests; “and you certainly appeared to enjoy it, from what I can say!” she is concluding.

While Twilight is talking to me, she is also distracting me from what Pinkie is up to; while she is by the Stylus, sketching and drawing up a SPA Pony named Lotus for me. Naturally; she is including the Spa paraphernalia and accessories for her, while she is at it. This would apparently include the house or home for Lotus herself, in the process.

“Ping” is heard, as the rendering is complete.

A small villa or cottage appears on April's desk, as it slowly materializing right before my very eyes.

As if on cue, a medium light blue pony with pink mane steps out of the house after she had opened the door. While I can't see much of what is inside her home; but it is a villa, in the same style Twilight Sparkle and Rarity had been given originally.

Both her mane and tail is meticulously combed back smooth, on the stylish and affectionate earth pony. On closer inspection, she does have deep blue eyes and a light cyan eye-shadow and long, black eye-lashes too.

Befitting her style; her hooves had been hooficured carefully and lacquered to a high gloss.

“Squeak, squeak, squeak..” is heard, as she steps out of her home, trotting up to me in a friendly greeting.

Pinkie; you did render a Spa for our village to, I hope!” Rarity asks over the line.

Yes, Rarity; but of course, I did!” Pinkie responds, snickering.

Thank you, Pinkie!” Rarity exclaims, excitedly; “Because I was looking forwards to a visit to our local Spa now!” she prompts.

While my Pony is greeting me, in her familiar and friendly manner, Twilight is lighting up her horn; taking the cue, based on how I enjoy the presence of Lotus.

The orb of magic light appearing onto the tip of her horn, slowly growing in size and intensity; to the point where the light spreads down the length of her horn, like an avalanche. A moment later, her horn is fully lit, as she is performing her magic; casting a spell, transforming my nails into perfectly shaped crystal-clear Sapphire. The effect leaves my nails smooth and with a high glossy finish I can adore at my own leisure.

On second thought, the nails had spread all the way up to the final joint of each finger; while my toe-nails had been turned into miniature hooves in the same style as my Pony: Lotus Blossom. Just that the socks I am wearing hides this part of the change.

“I want to draw her a new wardrobe..” Rarity ponders; “but now is not the time, is it?” she is questioning.

“I hope you are looking forwards; to massages in the future, Miko!” Lotus is prompting for attention.

“If you make it even half as good, as it felt with Twilight; Your massage is to die for, certainly!” I respond; “so, of course I am looking forwards to your massage!” I point out, eagerly.

“Thank you, Miko!” Lotus offers.

“Outwardly, it looks weird; but it was surprisingly enjoyable, having her trotting all over my back..” I mumble.

“That is one form of massage, one I should be able to offer you competently, on a regular basis..” she suggests, as she is offering me a tantalizing offer.

An offer, I could not make myself refuse. Why? How could I possibly? After the initial demonstration, Twilight had given me.

Upon the prompting, I am already picturing myself; prone on my belly, with Lotus trotting over my back with her tiny little hooves. Of course, a smile is spreading out all over my face, as I picture the scene.

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