• Published 23rd Aug 2018
  • 8,559 Views, 266 Comments

I Am (No) God - Animatorsnake

The small town of Ponyville is a source of strange things, but the stallion who lives at the edge of town is a mystery on his own. What does he hide in such a small shack like that? Why is he so empty? ...Where did he come from and who is he really?

  • ...

Chaotic Nature

What is one’s truest nature? Is it the culmination of one’s actions in life, is it their victories or their failings; could it perhaps be their predetermined goal from the moment they were birthed and named? Every individual has what is referred to as, their primordial origin – something deep within their very soul that speaks to them… a part of themselves locked with key and chain, until it bursts forth like a raging storm.

The question isn’t about what is one’s truest nature… the question is… how far must you delve into the muck and grime, into shadows darker than the darkness, into madness and suffering?

So I ask once more – what is one’s truest nature, by how much suffering would you bare for the rest of your short, miserable lives.

Canterlot, Canterlot Castle, Throne Hall; 11:15am

It was almost noon in another glorious day for Celestia, she sat at her throne reviewing some recent reports across the various cities, towns, and settlements within her fair nation. She levitated a teacup to her snout and took a sip, until she felt an eerily familiar presence, one she hasn’t felt in over a millennia ago.

No, it can’t be…

Before she could order her guards to respond fast, appearing with a loud pop and a flourish is Discord – the Spirit of Chaos – opening his arms in a wide arc in some over-the-top entry within the throne hall.


Celestia quickly rose from her throne, her magic flickering on as it took a blazing golden glow, while the guards stationed within the throne hall took ready stances and pointed their spears at the sudden new threat. Celestia’s secretary, Raven Inkwell hid behind the lower steps of the throne, watching the sudden confrontation with trepidation.

Discord took a look around at his new surroundings, until his jovial look transformed to a bored frown, crossing both his elongated limbs across his chest, still staying afloat without a care.

“I see you still haven’t changed much in this bland place you call a castle, I mean seriously you could add a little more color, would make this place much more interesting,” said Discord. Taking a look around, he floated over to a mural of Twilight and her friends defeating Nightmare Moon, though Discord gave a weird look at this mural while Celestia took a few steps down her throne, but kept a close eye on the draconequus.

“What are you planning Discord?”

“Not much… yet, though if I’m honest here, this mural isn’t you being really honest here Sunbutt. I mean really now, you’re going to give your little pony student here take the credit for something she, nor her little friends even did, for shame, really for shame,” said Discord, tutting his claw at Celestia.

Celestia eyes widened, while Twilight and her friends never used the Elements on her sister, Celestia didn’t want news that someone or something else easily defeated Nightmare Moon and reverted her back to Luna without the use or assistance of the Elements. This knowledge was kept hush-hush to herself and selected individuals, as well as the Elements themselves though their knowledge on the situation is based only on perspective alone and never speculation.


“Oh come now, just because I was a statue doesn’t mean I couldn’t hear things… and no I don’t know who did fought Moony, I may be powerful but I’m not all-knowing.”

Quickly dropping the subject of the conversation, Celestia’s horn glowed brighter until Discord vanished again, reappearing before one of the guards, until he reached forth and plucked the pegasus’ helmet, said guard taking a firm stance and held his spear at the chaotic abomination.

“Though, that doesn’t mean that those six mares are a threat to me and I have quite a long list of things I want to do before you sic em on me,” said Discord. He held the guard’s helmet on his lion’s paw until he snapped with his free limb to turn the helmet into some sort of creature with four stubby legs, a tongue that came out where the guard’s snout would come out of, and a floppy length of hair on the top and a tail wagging at the back of the helmet.

The creature hopped off Discord’s paw and began barking and running around the throne hall, both the owner of said helmet and his fellows chased the now alive helmet-dog around the throne hall. Discord watched with amusement before facing Celestia, and with a wave and wiggle of his paw, he vanished once more.

Celestia’s glow of her horn began to lessen a little, until she watched the group of guards chase – and fail miserably – to catch the helmet-dog. With a deep sigh, she turned to face the one guard to not follow along his fellows to chase the chaotic creature, but watched them with a stoic gaze.

“Sergeant, please report to Captain Shining Armor and Captain Lilium Nix that Discord has escaped his imprisonment, that they are to prepare and send messages to all other stationed Royal Guard and Lunar Guard at all major cities and towns. They are to secure and evacuate all citizens to magical emergency bunkers until the situation has been handled, you are then to...” said Celestia.

She faced the guards who chased the strange creature, until they managed to dog-pile the thing… before it wiggled out and began to run rampant once more.

“...then you’re to secure both the castle and city of any of Discord’s creations, do please do all this post-haste and within that order, please.”

The sergeant saluted before barking at his fellow guards to do what the princess ordered, until he used his magic to levitate the helmet-dog; with that, he began leaving with both the creature and the guard that the helmet belonged to before it turned into… whatever it is.

While the whole throne hall was emptied of guards, Raven approached behind her princess with clipboard in hoof and quill in the other.

“Raven… cancel all my scheduled duties for… today and possibly tomorrow, I have a feeling we’re going to be busy with this and the aftermath for awhile.”

Ponyville, Golden Oaks Library; 11:30am

Twilight and Spike were at home having some sandwiches for breakfast, it was another normal afternoon for the two… then Spike made a face that looked like he was ready to barf out said sandwich he was just eating. With a loud flaming belch, a scroll plopped onto the dining table in front of the two, while still chewing her sandwich, Twilight levitated the scroll over to her, opened it, and proceeded to spit out the eaten bits of the sandwich all over the table… and Spike.

“GAH! Twilight, what was that for!?”

“Sorry Spike, but there’s an emergency happening at Canterlot, I need to get the girls together, can you go tell Rarity and Applejack to meet me at the train station. I’ll head to Sugarcube Corner for Pinkie then head to Fluttershy’s and ask her to get Rainbow to meet us there, once you’re done I need you to stay here in the library until the situation’s been handled, can you do that,” asked Twilight, levitating her saddlebags over to her.

With a salute, Spike ran off to tell Rarity and Applejack the news, watching him leave Twilight soon teleported to her first destination. Elsewhere at the same time, both Orion and Ves received an emergency missive from Canterlot that the Spirit of Chaos, Discord, had escaped his petrified imprisonment and is rampant within the capital.

They were given strict orders to evacuate and gather all the citizens of Ponyville to a safe and secure location, like an emergency magic bunker… however, there is only one issue.

“WHAT DO YOU MEAN THIS TOWN DOESN’T HAVE AN EMERGENCY MAGIC BUNKER!?” screamed Ves at Mayor Mare. Both the lieutenant and sergeant had immediately headed to town hall to warn and have the mayor spread the news for the sudden evacuation, while they did this, their respective second-in-commands prepped and readied all able-bodied guards for orders.

“Ves, calm down, but as my fellow guard has asked, why isn't there any emergency magic bunker built here in Ponyville?”

“The reasons are long and complicated, but considering we’re in the middle of emergency right now, to shorten it – because of the closeness this town is to the Everfree Forest, the Everfree’s mysterious magical properties have stopped and made construction of a magic bunker impossible in this town, we do have smaller scale ones located at each of the nearby farming communities that surround Ponyville. There is however two problems with that…”

“And that is?” asked Orion.

“First – space – we can’t suddenly evacuate the entire populace into said bunkers when they were purposely made and designed for a few farming families, and only have provisions to last for said families. The bigger issue is problem two – protocol – you see to solve the issue of Ponyville lacking its own magic bunker, in case of a crisis, all citizens of Ponyville are to be evacuated to Canterlot by train… however-”

“Discord is located still in Canterlot and protocol also states that all train routes to all cities and towns are to be shut-down until said emergency has been dealt with… ah crab-baskets!” said Ves, muttering to herself.

“What do we do lieutenant? We can’t move everypony to the farming community bunkers nor evacuate to Canterlot and with Ponyville being the closest town to Canterlot, this place will be the next prime target for Discord to go to!” said Mayor Mare, panicking.

Orion went in deep thought about this predicament, putting together what information he has, what he can’t do and what he can still do…

The farming bunkers are out of the question, even if we tell the entire populace to gather enough food and water for a week, the space alone will not allow for every citizen to fit in all of them and the nearest city or town besides Canterlot is Dodge Junction, but we would have to reach that place in five days by hoof due to the closing of the trains, and that’s going around the Everfree, through it be only one or two days… but, the risk is too high, especially if we move half the town too.

What, just what else have I not thought of that could help us – what we need is enough space to fit not the entire town, but at least a quarter, no half of the town while the rest can be split between the various farming bunkers. We also need a place that has a large stock of provisions that can last longer than a week. Out of all of this though, the most important detail is a place that is the equivalent or greater protective capabilities of a magic bunker… but whe-

Then it hit him, if this kind of scenario had happened a year or two earlier, he would no doubt have no choice but evacuate half the town by hoof to Dodge Junction… but there was a solution to solve all the things he just listed… the only issue was… would ‘he’ be alright with this idea.

“I know where we can secure half of the townsfolk… Ves, prep the guards to evacuate one half to the various farming bunkers near Ponyville, while the other half is to meet here in front of town hall,” said Orion, leaving.

“And where in the heck are you going, you’re the highest ranking guard last I checked, where do you need to go that’s so important?”

Orion turned around to face Ves with a firm yet faltering expression, as if he was uncertain what he thought of would actually work… or that it may be way more riskier than simply trotting through the Everfree.

“...Probably the last pony I imagine asking for help as of right now.”

Ponyville, Eclipse’s Property; 11:55am

Orion made his way to Eclipse’s home, as he stepped beyond the brush and trees, he spotted said stallion sitting at the edge of his docks. He was sitting on a lawn chair, in one hoof is a fishing rod while the other hoof was rummaging through a box full of bits and odds. Sitting just beside the lawn chair is Luella who was enjoying the tail end of a salmon; the cub’s ears lifted up, then soon her snout followed as her head swiveled to his direction.

Eclipse was still busy with rummaging through the box until he pulled out a bottle of apple cider – most likely bought from the Apples awhile back. Popping open the bottle, Eclipse took a swig until his vision landed on Orion, placing the bottle back down with a light gasp of air.

“Hello lieutenant, what brings you here this afternoon, odd considering you are often busy at this hour,” said Eclipse, his sentence sounding less a question and more an observation.

“Perceptive as usual.” Too perceptive. “I need your help, we received an emergency missive from Canterlot of a magical threat known as the Spirit of Chaos having been freed just half an hour ago, I and the rest of the guard stationed here in Ponyville require your assistance in both the protection and evacuation of the citizens of Ponyville.”

Eclipse continued to keep his normal neutral glance, turning back to face the lake, both forehooves gripped tightly around the rod.

“That is quite the favor you ask of me lieutenant, while I have been asking for your assistance since we met – the expedition and Gala – I remember you asking for much more from me, so far I made a deal with the guard and princesses to lend my facilities for training the guards that would come and be stationed here in Ponyville… what you are asking me is that I facilitate, manage, protect, and provide for a whole town.”

“Only half, the other half is being split into manageable groups within the various farming communities’ bunkers.”

“That still doesn’t change my point… you must have quite a card under your hoof to ask such a grand favor, especially now of all times… quite… fantastical? Awe-shocking? What is that word I’m looking for… ah yes, coincidental.”

Orion sighed to himself, he knew something like this would occur, ever since the Gala, Orion has been suspicious of Eclipse’s whereabouts during that time, especially after the whole ambush with the Church. After hearing of Eclipse meeting with a protege of his, Orion tried to confirm this by meeting said protege… so far Eclipse wasn’t happy about this and so far their prior business-like relationship has become strained since then.

“Look if it is about wanting to meet your protege, I’m sorry, myself and Ves both agreed to have some of Ves’ guards go with you to the Gala to monitor any possible moves made on you by the Church or a third-party… It just came to me as surprising you invited somepony we’ve never met before, and that you never mentioned.

“If I remember correctly, its not your business to know about my personal connections to those you never met in the first place. Don’t forget lieutenant that I never requested your help for the Gala, honestly I never expected to be invited other than from Pristine, not your princesses themselves… it was all sudden really,” said Eclipse.

That I can agree on.

The two continued to keep quiet until Eclipse sighed, placed his fishing rod aside and got up from his seat. “Now then… about this Discord entity… What do you need me to do?”

“Wait, you-you’ll help?”

“Its less about help and more about the fact that I live here and if something were to happen, I would have to move somewhere else, possibly somewhere that doesn’t have the advantages that this location has,” said Eclipse, taking a good look of his surroundings.

With a relaxed exhale, Orion began to explain further about the current situation and what he needs Eclipse’s help with. The pony himself stood as he placed one hoof under his chin in thought, until he gazed back at Orion.

“Luckily my research revolves around these sort of scenarios,” said Eclipse.

“It does?”

“Well by chance it did, anyway, I can manage to hold the other half of Ponyville here and hand out enough provisions to last exactly twenty-four hours-”


Eclipse looked back at Orion while midst explanation, raising his brow at his sudden outburst.

“Sorry, its just that we’re dealing with Discord here, who knows how long it’ll take until the situation with him is dealt with.”

“Less than a day I presume, also don’t you have the Elements of Harmony managed by Sparkle and company, I’m sure she can handle the situation, she’s a smart lass.”

“...You’re right, I shouldn’t doubt what Princess Celestia’s protege and her friends can do, especially since they managed to defeat Nightmare Moon and return Princess Luna to her normal self last year,” said Orion.

While Orion said that, he didn’t notice the strange look in Eclipse’s eyes as he looked away to gaze at the still waters of the lake. “Right…”

“Anyway, how exactly will this barrier work exactly?”

After some more thorough explaining, Orion nodded that Eclipse’s plan will work as long as he has time to prepare, the only downside is that Eclipse is basing this off only protecting half the citizens of Ponyville… as for the guards though.

“Its best your guards head somewhere else once I set-up the barrier, as to where you go is up to you,” said Eclipse.

“No, we’ll setup our own defenses around the barrier just in case, better we do our jobs than run off to safety.”

With a nod, Eclipse began setting up the barrier while Luella followed behind, but looked back at Orion with a snort and followed Eclipse once more. Orion found the exchange strange but shook that thought away, he soon ran off back to town where he found the rest of his guards and all the citizens of Ponyville ready to evacuate.

Ves approached him in her full armor get-up, unlike her usual casual attire or the one she wears during patrol duty, this one looked like one that a true officer of the Lunar Guard would wear. Similar to her fellow Lunar Guards, this one had two small bat-wing protrusions coming from the sides of the head, and rather than a plume on the top of the helmet, is instead a fin-like spikes going all the way from the top of the head to the back.

“First Lieutenant Orion, sir! What is your orders?” shouted Ves, saluting.

Orion saluted in turn back at Ves before facing both the Royal Guard, Lunar Guard, and Reserve Guard; quickly a plan based off what he knows, what Eclipse told him, and what’s available to him was made, then he cleared his throat and looked toward the crowd of scared citizens.

“Citizens of Ponyville, due to the sudden situation occurring in Canterlot, we had to change the usual planned evacuation, instead of being taken to Canterlot which is where the problem is happening, half of the citizens of Ponyville will be evacuated to the nearby farming communities magic bunkers!”

Many of the citizens began talking to one another about these sudden news, but soon Orion called for silence as he continued speaking the rest of his plan.

“While this happens the other half shall stay here under a magic barrier being prepared by the town’s resident, Eclipse Light,” said Orion.

When hearing this, those who knew Eclipse gave approval about this, especially having either witnessed or heard about the varying devices he made that improved life here in Ponyville since his arrival.

“Well if that Eclipse pony is making sure we folk are all safe and comfy, then I got no complaints,” said Granny Smith.

Soon the rest of the ponies who had doubts agreed with the Apple family matriarch, with the issue of disagreements within the townsfolk cleared, Orion moved onto the next stage of his plan.

“Those who can travel far distances will be moved to the magic bunkers in the countryside, however, elderly, the sick, foals, and such will go to Eclipse’s property until the situation has been handled. We will make certain that families aren’t split apart as best as possible, now ponies who fit the criteria I listed first, please stand to the right of me, while those who fit the criteria I listed second, move to the left of me.”

While this happened, Orion turned to face the guards who stood in a ready position.

Alright, we shall split into three squads, with each squad holding ten guards; first squad, you are to escort the ponies going to the countryside bunkers, I want the majority of you to be made up of unicorns and pegasi, specifically unicorns who can use teleportation spells, then I want you to rendezvous back at Eclipse’s property once you are done escorting all the citizens.

Second squad, your job is to make certain that Ponyville is cleared of civilians, nopony is to be left behind, then you are to head to the surrounding areas around the town and head to isolated homes that are too far to any of the nearby countryside bunkers and bring them back to the specified rendezvous point, for example is Zecora who lives in the Everfree Forest, somepony should get her to safety before the real storm hits.

Third squad, you are to stay with the ponies being moved to Eclipse’s Property, make certain they are safe and secure, also assist Eclipse with the set-up of his barrier, I want our heavy hitters to be made up for this squad.

“I shall assign who shall take command of each squad and who will go to said squads!”

As Orion assigned their squads, it went like this; the one leading squad one will be Ves, which mostly consisted of unicorns capable of teleportation and the fastest pegasi they have. This consisted of, Sharp Sight, Fast Shot, Silent Blaze, Windstorm, Fang, Night Rain, Shadow Fang, Midnight Sun, and Quick Feather.

The second squad is led by Orion himself, with him are, Yin, Yang, Heart Beat, Crystal, Sharp Wing, Iris, Sharp Arrow, Mango, and Fruit Basket.

Finally, the one responsible with the squad that’ll lead and protect the ponies heading to Eclipse’s Property is led by Meltdown, along with him are, Soapstone, Forest Shield, Bob, Barbed Rose, Clear Sight, Bubble Pop, Heavy Ear, Light Tap, and Flight.

With everyone now organized and given their respective duties, they went off; Meltdown led the other half of citizens of Ponyville, which consisted of families, the elderly, all of the patients from Ponyville Hospital, and those who couldn’t travel far.

I wonder what solution did Sir Eclipse came with to solve the issue with protection against Discord?

Meanwhile – Ponyville, Eclipse’s Property; 12:30pm

Preparations for the barrier were done and Eclipse had made space within his storage building to hold most of the ponies arriving – at the very least the sick – he also, set up some tents and tables for ponies to rest. This was all possible due to the help with Twilight’s organization skills and the girls help cleaning up his storage building to give it more space, and easier access of items.

Just as he was setting up another table, he senses a familiar presence approaching behind him, one he was wondering when it would appear. Turning around, he comes face-to-face with a cloaked figure, one that is very familiar to him, just like how somebody would gaze at their own shadow.

The cloaked figure bows respectfully toward Eclipse, the darkness around him barely revealing his hooves, face, or any other clues other than he’s a pony.

“My lord, it has been many sunsets and as many sunrises since we’ve last spoken to one another in private… Preparations are halfway done.”

Eclipse nods at these news, then he approached the cloaked figure until he stands just behind him, the two parallel from one another from where they stood.

“With that said, what should be done with the current situation, the entity calling itself Discord that is?”

With a hum, he continued to face away from the cloaked figure, then making up his mind, Eclipse responds back. “I’ll handle the current issue at Canterlot, we shouldn’t reveal all our cards just yet you know,” said Eclipse.

The cloaked figure turns around to stare at the back of Eclipse’s head, he gives off a worried aura around him as he retorts towards his liege’s answer to the problem. “My lord, not to sound… argumentative, but you aren’t fully recovered yet, if this were any other time I’m certain this wouldn’t be an issue for you. It would be best if you allow us to handle this, rather than you face-off against an entity we aren’t fully certain of its capabilities as of yet, it be best if you-”

Eclipse raised his right foreleg which immediately silenced the cloaked figure, with a bow the figure takes a few steps back, keeping his head facing the ground.

With a slight turn of his head, Eclipse looks at the cloaked figure, giving him a faint smile. “Now now, no need to worry, I know my limits but this particular situation should be handled by me… I just have a feeling something interesting might happen is all…”

With a flick of his hoof, the surrounding shadows seem to waver and shift, until they all coalesce into Eclipse’s shadow. Coming out of the shadow is both his sheathed swords, which he straps to himself, he then makes his way to his planned destination, leaving behind a trail of swirling darkness in his wake.

“Besides, the repercussions for facing me – either in victory or defeat – will be a greater price to pay than anything else… Do watch and take care of things while I’m away though… farewell for now.”

Once Eclipse has left the vicinity, the cloaked figure is now alone, standing in the middle of Eclipse’s property. After a few seconds by himself, the figure smiles to himself then makes his way to leave too; however, just as he is about to leave, the guards and citizens led by Meltdown arrive in time.

“Sir Eclipse, we’ve brought the ponies who’ll be here under your care, is there anything you need us to do – should we assist with setting up the barrier before we prep our own defenses?” asked Meltdown, looking around for Eclipse.

Most of the guards and ponies also look for Eclipse, which they don’t see him anywhere in sight… until the pony in question comes out of his home, holding some more provisions on his back. ‘Eclipse’ soon spots everyone, after putting down the provisions he approaches the group.

“Hello everyone, good to see you all arrive in time, I’m almost done with the barrier, just need some final adjustments. Bring any of the ponies from the hospital into my storage building, I made space inside for them, I’ve also prepped some tents and tables outside too,” said ‘Eclipse’.

Guiding everyone to settle down, the guards help out too from either ‘Eclipse’ or Meltdown’s orders, while this happened, Clear for a moment swore she noticed something off about Eclipse.

Something’s off… whenever Eclipse speaks, its almost like I’m listening to a complete stranger right now.

Before Clear could input some further thought at that idea, ‘Eclipse’ began explaining how the barrier worked to the guards.

The barrier works based off a three-support crystal system, the central crystal is a steel crystal which will boost the following three crystals – earth, water, and darkness. Any physical and magical attacks will be negated through the earth and darkness crystals, while the water crystal will make the barrier invisible to both physical and magical methods of tracking. With the steel crystal as the main foundation for all these crystals, it’ll boost their abilities even further.

“The steel crystal only needs a little magic, then the rest of that energy will regulate and self-sustain itself until twenty-four hours have gone by. I left some manuals on how to manage this and more, but for now there’s something I need to do outside the barrier, I won’t be back for awhile so don’t expect me to be back until this situation with Discord is over, for now make certain the barrier is secure and that everyone is inside and safe. You and the guards can handle everything else in anyway you like, but as a request, please don’t enter my home for privacy reasons.”

Before Clear could stop him, ‘Eclipse’ had already left, not even signs of his departure were noticed; after hearing this, Clear retold what ‘Eclipse’ told her to Meltdown, which was followed to the letter until everything would be set-up and ready soon.

Just what the heck was that all about?

With a frustrated sigh, she went back to ordering the guards to set things up, while Meltdown handled with processing the ponies. While the earlier encounter with Eclipse was odd, she had other things to worry about right now.

Canterlot, Canterlot Train Station; 2:25pm

Twilight and company arrived at Canterlot’s train station and made their way to Canterlot Castle, on the way there, they could see the rampant chaos caused by Discord around the city as they made their way to the princesses.

The streets were turned into soapy roadways, pink clouds that rained chocolate milk lazily floated across the sky, occasionally a lamppost with legs would be seen walking down the street. It was absolute chaos and while there weren’t many ponies outside – other than the occasion group of guards that tried to maintain some form of order – the unlucky pony that were left outside during this madness could be seen trying – and failing miserably – to cross the streets coated in said soapy material.

“Just look at all this, this…” said Rarity, at a loss for words.

“Weirdness? Kookiness? Topsy-turvy baloney wackiness?” said Pinkie, pronking alongside the group.

“I was going to say strangeness, but I think your explanation is better than mine,” said Rarity.

Twilight however wasn’t focused on her friends’ conversation, her sight was glued solely on the castle, even from this distance she could tell that a big commotion was going on. The number of distant silhouettes spotted afar were a big indicator of this; pegasi could be seen flying from one part of the castle to the next, some could be seen flying away from Canterlot to distant locations.

The closer the group got, the realization that the situation in Canterlot was more dire than they thought; guards could be seen stationed every inch across the courtyard, walls, and every plausible entryway to Canterlot Castle. Four guards were stationed by the drawbridge entrance, spotting the group of girls, after a few moments of verification, they could finally enter inside.

Inside it was busier than the outside was, as maids, butlers, and all form of staff within the castle were rushing left and right doing various things – whether it was transporting supplies to one wing of the castle or delivering messages to another wing, everypony had a job to do, no matter how small or simple it may be.

The group soon arrived in front of the castle throne hall, there was only one guard stationed out front and the moment he saw their group, he began opening the two massive doors. Once they entered inside, they saw Princess Celestia already facing the entryway waiting for their arrival.

“Princess! What’s happening, what’s causing all of this to happen?!” asked Twilight, worried stricken across her face.

“Now calm down Twilight, all will be answered, as for the odd occurrences happening outside, an ancient foe of my sister and I has returned.”

Celestia explained to Twilight and her friends of an entity called, the Spirit of Chaos – Discord – that once terrorized Equestria over a thousand years ago. At the time, neither sisters had access to the Elements, so Discord was left loose to unleash his horrid power across the three tribes, leaving them in eternal misery.

To find a solution to their current problem, they searched for an opposing force against Discord’s natural chaotic nature. Their search soon led them to the Everfree Forest, which is where they soon found the Elements of Harmony; after having the Elements integrate with the alicorn sisters, they used their power to both defeat and seal Discord in a stony imprisonment.

“Afterwards we decided to settle down at the exact place which we found the Elements, and led the three tribes to the Equestria that stands to this day… of course much has occurred after Discord’s defeat – both in known and not known history,” said Celestia.

Celestia gave a distant look, reminiscing of forgotten memories from a long time ago, as the girls listened to Celestia tale, suddenly they heard the echoed chortling of Discord himself. While they could hear him, his exact location was unknown to those present.

“My my Celly, talking about the past without widdle old me, its rude to talk about somebody behind their back you know,” said Discord, his voice echoing within the throne hall.

After some thorough examination of their surroundings, everypony stares at one of the window murals; the one everypony is looking at is a recently installed mural of the girls defeating Nightmare Moon.

Lazily splayed on top of the mural version of Twilight is Discord, taking the form of a mural version of himself. “Well hello~ to all of you! You all must be the newest bearers of the Elements, if introductions are necessary,” said Discord, with a snap of his fingers.

He vanished from the mural and appeared before the group in a flourish of twinkles and trumpets blaring from behind him. “FOR I AM, THE SPIRIT OF CHAOS! DISCORD~!”

After that dazzling display of nonsense, both sides interacted with each other – Twilight challenging Discord and promise to use the Elements, Discord’s response of him hiding the Elements, and his later manhunt for the Elements and clue to where to find them. As this all happened, Princess Celestia watched with a careful eye before giving her blessing to Twilight and her new friends, soon they went off to the royal garden’s hedge maze.

Now left to her own devices, Celestia gives a worried look outside the window overlooking the royal gardens, when with a loud pop of teleportation magic, Luna appears just a distance behind her. “Sister, did you send your student and her companions to face that vile creature! Where are the Elements, shouldn’t they have taken them with her?”

Sighing dejectedly, Celestia turns to face Luna with a solemn gaze. “Sadly, Discord somehow displaced them elsewhere, right now Twilight and her friends are following one of Discord’s twisted games at the hedge maze… All we can do is watch and wait that they are victorious in the end…”

Luna stands beside her sister to gaze outside, watching as the whole of Canterlot and soon Equestria being enveloped by Discord’s disastrous magic. After some time passes, Celestia gives Luna a sideways glance while still facing the window to outside.

“How are things with the evacuation to Canterlot’s emergency magic bunker for the citizens, I’ve been occupied awaiting Twilight’s group to arrive,” asked Celestia, curious.

“So far, majority of our citizens are safely been evacuated, though I doubt that old thing is worth a dime regardless of its recent refurbishing. Nevertheless, mine and your guard have done what they can to mitigate the damage… still…”

Celestia’s brow rises at Luna’s pause, before facing her sister now with a frown. “Dear sister, what’s wrong, did something else occur?”

Luna gaze moves to her own forehooves before rising to face her sister with a dreaded look, muttering her woes to her sister.

“Its about what you told me about my condition after Twilight and her… friends, found me in that deplorable state after my so called return as Nightmare Moon… You don’t think the one responsible for facing and defeating me, may make a move during the chaos sown by Discord… do you?”

At first, Celestia was about to respond to her sister’s rightfully so worries… but she too paused, before gazing back outside with a weak smile. I can’t say that much change will happen with this new incident… however…

“We will face against such problems in the future, together, for now we should have faith with my student and her friends, that they can strive against such challenges,” said Celestia.

With that said, Luna gave a light nod of her head, before also watching the horizon that was Equestria – and the slowly approaching change that may come, wrought with both chaotic disturbances and troubling unknowns.

Five Minutes Earlier prior to Discord’s Game – Somewhere in Canterlot; 2:40pm

Within an alleyway at the capital of Equestria, a dark swirling portal manifested within the darkness of the alley, stepping forth from the portal is Eclipse Light. Wielding both his signature ebony swords to his sides, he examines his surroundings before stepping forward; the portal behind him soon vanishes, leaving him alone to his own thoughts.

The energy signature I sensed is coming from the castle, I should avoid anyone from finding out my presence here in Canterlot.

Taking his first steps out of the alleyway, Eclipse witnesses Discord’s actions within Canterlot and its citizens… at best it brings a frown of annoyance at the absolute nonsense spread forth like a plague.

“This… wasn’t what I imagined when I heard the rumors of a being of chaos attacking Equestria… Either case, I need to confirm whether the threat requires my attention or not,” said Eclipse, trotting past a walking streetlamp.

Swiftly and stealthily making his way to Canterlot Castle, avoiding the occasional squad of guards or panicked citizens, Eclipse soon makes his way to the now fortified entrance to Canterlot Castle. Every visible inch of the castle’s walls and available entrances are covered by a wall of golden and royal purple armored ponies of all three races.

There goes the straight-forward route… Hmmm, if I remember correctly, the path used for the Gala is just to the far left of the castle. With that thought, Eclipse went around to the entrance used for the Gala; the path there was blocked with the drawbridge lifted, however there were barely any guards and the small entryway for garden staff to use to enter the royal gardens was left unguarded.

With a clear route found, Eclipse sneaked his way to the entryway and entered the castle property to the royal gardens. Wandering around the statues situated around the royal gardens, Eclipse noticed one of the pedestals empty of a statue, not remembering what was there earlier from before, a distant commotion can be heard further in the garden.

Making his way past several flower patches, Eclipse followed a stone path which led him to a grassy area that was the entrance to the hedge maze… and standing just in front of said entrance was Twilight and the girls. They were in the middle of conversation – a very heated one – with a particular entity.

The same entity with the energy that’s been sporadically covering the entry continent… Found you.

After some further words, soon the girls make their way inside the hedge, when suddenly all six are stripped of their horns – for Twilight Sparkle and Rarity – and wings – for Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash – before being split apart by the sudden rise of additional hedge maze walls.

This development peaked Eclipse curiosity further, continuing to eye the odd entity that continued chortle to itself, Eclipse decided to make the first move. Stepping out from his hiding spot, Eclipse approaches forth, but the entity continues to be unaware of his approach; once close enough, Eclipse gets a good look of the thing he’s staring at.

An amalgamation of various animal parts, one hand scaly green like a dragon, another a paw of some type of feline animal, two varying wings, a body that stretched like a boa’s and much, much more to describe. The term madness incarnate isn’t enough to quantify just what in the deities I am staring at right now… nor the questionable origins to this thing's exact existence of origin.

Either unaware or ignoring him, Discord is too busy staring at the spot where the Element Bearers were just at, but before he could leave, a sudden cough from behind him was heard. Pausing mid-snap, he swiftly turns around – or rather his head makes a one-eighty turn – and spots a very darkly-colored equine stallion.

An armed equine stallion, he’s holding some real armaments compared to Celly and Moony’s excuse for guards.

With a full turn of his body, Discord descends and floats toward his latest guest to appear before him, oddly enough the stallion in question doesn’t flinch or take a step back at his approach.

A brave one at that too… how peculiar…

After the two finish sizing each other up, Discord is first to start a conversation. “And who might you be, my foolishly brave stallion?”

At first, Discord expected a quick response, but what followed instead was complete silence, getting agitated at the lack of any reaction, Discord snaps his fingers in frustration. Soon several suits of armor – some equine, others of other species – appear from different eras, wielding varying weapons, all charge directly at Eclipse.

With an apathetic gaze, Eclipse unsheathes just one of his swords, and like a dancer on an ice-rink, moves from one suit of armor to the next. Cutting them down to metal scrap, Eclipse flips, dodges, pirouettes in place to shatter and demolish at Discord’s attempt of an assault… not bothering the draconequus at the slightest, but rather intriguing him even further.

With a mischievous grin, he lowers himself to Eclipse’s view and asks once more who he’s speaking too. “While I would love too continue the back-and-forth we’re doing, could I know whom exactly I’m speaking to?” asked Discord, giving a devilish smile.

Keeping his sword in hoof, Eclipse faces Discord and with barely a twinge of his mouth, speaks. “You can simply call me Eclipse Light, however, there’s something I want to know from you – two questions is all I require.”

Still smiling, Discord secretly snaps his fingers on his second limb, causing a giant cage to fall toward Eclipse; with a quickness that would make the speediest of individuals gape, Eclipse unsheathed his second sword, ripping the cage to shreds.

Easily beating back Discord’s second attempt, Eclipse stands on his rear-hooves – surprising Discord further – as he moves to an unfamiliar fighting stance to the draconequus.

Unbothered by the new developments, Discord decides to play along with this pony’s requests. “Oh, and what would you like to know my strange yet peculiar pony?”

“First – how old are you?”

This catches Discord off-guard but with a shrug, he leans back while still afloat, with both claw and paw behind his head in relaxed posture.

“Well since you asked, I’m at least a few centuries older than Sunbutt and Loony, though to me, time is simply numbers going up… and I lost the exact count a looooong time ago.” Discord stretches his arms three times his normal length with a grin to give an example to his extended age.

For a moment Eclipse continues to stare at Discord with neutral gaze, internally, he was trying to sense for any form of deception. Hmmmm… can’t say he’s lying, just not giving me the exact details I want…Moving on then.

“Then next, secondly – what is ‘Chaos’ to you?”

While Eclipse is asking for a specific thing, Discord however believes otherwise and is imagining the broader part – this world’s variation – of chaos. With a chuckle he floats down and inches his face to Eclipse with a smile wider than his previous one.

“My my my, aren’t you the curious colt, but if you must know,” said Discord, floating back. “Chaos is the opposite of Harmony, it is everything that these peace-loving ponies crave and desire, it is the very essence I am made of, so unless you are here to talk philosophy between the two, I am happy to oblige!”

For just a moment, there’s this cold dead gaze from Eclipse, but Discord doesn’t seem to notice or care, as he summons a cup of chocolate milk, proceeding to break several fundamental laws as he literally ‘drinks’ the glass and not the chocolate milk.

With a very annoyed and drawn out sigh, Eclipse slowly sheathes both his swords away, goes back from his two-legged stance to his four-legged one… and turns around to leave, away from Discord and the absurdity of it all.

“So I was mistaken… you have nothing to do with ‘it’, then you aren’t a threat then, I take my leave, I’m certain the girls will deal with you – sooner or later.”

Spitting out his drink – in this case, shards of literal glass, Discord tossing the remainder of the chunk of chocolate milk behind him, a small mushroom cloud appearing behind him. Hearing Eclipse’s words, enraged Discord deeply, so with a snap of his claw he pops before Eclipse who gives a neutral, bored look towards him, which further angers the chaos spirit.


Discord gives out a ferocious roar at Eclipse, the two continue staring at one another – one neutral an impassioned, the other raging and furious – until Eclipse simply steps around him and trots away without a single word. A slight twitch from Discord brow grows to a furious shiver across his body, with a beastly twist, Discord’s once jokester outlook changes to pure fury.

With a lunge, Discord extended the one claw toward Eclipse, which the very tip of his claw touches Eclipse’s forehead. The pony in question in bothered by the sudden movement, stares boringly at the attempt.

Once contact was made… nothing, nothing happened, the two stared at one another in confusion – more in Discord’s part – at the absolute nothingness that was happening; with a raised brow, Eclipse stared back at Discord attempt at something… but then suddenly, a twitch which turned to a sporadic seizure overwhelmed Eclipse.

Discord’s chaotic magic slowly slips into the recesses of Eclipse’s psyche, deep within, the same place that Twilight found herself during the accident during that one experiment some time ago, the three doors are present within the endless void of darkness, the two doors from the left and right are soon enshrouded in darkness, untouched by Discord’s magic.

This left the middle door – the door enchained by rusted filthy locks and chains – to Discord’s machinations, as his magic soon engulfed the door, enveloping those same locks and chains, with a mighty tug, those same limiters deteriorated like dust, vanishing into thin air.

With that action, the only things that remained was the slowly dissipating chaotic magic of Discord, the unbarred middle door… and the echoing sadistic laughter that came from beyond said middle door.

With a wicked smile, Discord floats back as he crosses his arms in smug victory, as he stared at his work taking action. Eclipse continued to spasm uncontrollably on the ground, his eyes swirling with a chaotic mix of colors, unable to control the muscles within his body. Taking a few steps back, Eclipse collapses on himself, his two swords clanging in their sheathes against his sides.

A noiseless scream seem to come forth from his throat, his vision beginning to swim as his thoughts become a muddy mess, then… he drops like a bag of rocks – unconsciousness ensnares him, leaving him laid flat on the ground, his face dug deep to the ground.

Discord stares bewildered before shrugging to himself. “Welp, not the result I wanted, but it’ll teach him to belittle me. Now then, I have some goody-too-shoe mares to manipulate!” As Discord floated away back to the hedge maze… he didn’t notice as the lifeless state of Eclipse, start to slowly twitch to life.

Eclipse’s iconic neutral gaze, changes… to a smile filled with pointed teeth – with demonic snap of his head, his eyes open wide heavenward, a vicious look developing that once calm, and collected gaze.

Dusting himself of a good’s day work, for just a second, Discord swore he heard a noise behind him, when without warning, a sound of displaced air starts swooshing towards him. Without even thinking, Discord barely dodges the energy slash that was flung where his head was; just barely, the very tip of the energy slash grazed his cheek.

Taking several meters back away from his earlier position, Discord gaze takes him back to where the once comatose Eclipse was, before he feels stinging pain on him. Placing his paw where the pain’s source is, he hisses in pain as he gazes at his now bloodied paw – his bloodied paw that’s covered in his own blood.

What in all that’s mercifully crazy is happening?

With a slow turn of his head and fearful look of his eyes, Discord stares where the now moving Eclipse was laying.

A strange energy starts bubbling off him like a hot stew with bubbles on the surface, he slowly rises from his collapses state, then a snap of his head, Eclipse unnaturally moves around. His limbs twist and turn like a doll that hasn’t moved in eons, his head turning eerily towards Discord, then the sky, then the ground, he moves and gazes every which direction as if unaware where he as.

For a moment there’s no more movement, then Eclipse stands up back on all fours suddenly, his gaze once more facing Discord… and what he saw sent shivers down his spine.

Eclipse gave off a creepy smile which was followed by the wide open gaze, that was resembled a beast gazing at prey. Soon a deep distorted chuckle formed out of his lips, that sounded almost robotic in nature while mixed with… an almost dead radio-static that just echoed. With an exhale, Eclipse mouth brew up a foul air of death and murderous energy… then he spoke.

Self Diagnosis Report: Mental attack on user detected, switching to autonomous defensive mode, prepping all systems… error error, cannot unlock full capabilities, user unable to use one-hundred percentage Minor power. Activating emergency power, removing limiters, using remaining power to be overcharged. ERROR ERROR ERROR, UNABLE TO CONTROL SYSTEM… ANNIHILATE UNTIL THREAT IS ELIMINATED! DESTRUCTION! VIOLENCE! CHAOS CHAOS CHAOS CHAOSCHAOSCHAOSCHAOS-

The maddening sputtering of the same word seem to drone on, and on, and on, and on, and on; he proceeded to unsheathed both his swords, and stood back on his rear-hooves immediately. With a twirl of both blades, the incessant crazed rambling ended swiftly, Eclipse gave an unnerving gaze at Discord, as the same energy oozed out of his form like a festering bleeding wound… he slowly began to change before his very eyes.

What was standing before him that was Eclipse changed, as an amorphous energy coalesced around him into an equine-like shape – it had four horns that sprouted around its head, two big ones behind the ears, while two shorter ones grew from the sides. With a large feral smile that spoke of unending torment to come, jagged sharp teeth that protruded out of the things maw, designed for slaughter.

But out of all the things that changed to this grotesque state… it was the eyes that brought the final nail in the coffin – aglow with a black light, the entire eye was encompassed in complete darkness, leaving behind a single crimson vertical line within the middle of the iris of both eyes.

Unnerved deeply by the sudden changes, the ‘thing’ gazed toward Discord who shivered at the absolute bucket of shit he stepped into.

Target acquired: system error still present, solution; eliminate cause of system activation. The slaughter will now commence, have a great day.

(Outro Song)

The last thing Discord hears before experiencing the second time he’s felt true fear, is the feral scream that echoed out – one mind silenced, another awakened once more.

Author's Note:

And this is the start of Arc 2 - The Warrior; as I said on an earlier blog, this chapter was originally meant to be one large written one, but I decided that would take too long so I'll split into several parts.

I would normally do some epilogue summary at the end of each chapter, but since this is a part of one bigger chapter, I won't be doing that until the final part. So forget about what I written earlier, yep, I'm back to writing, so let's get this train rolling, YEAH!

Hope you guys enjoy my return and the return of IANG! Now for summary!

Next Time: Some doors are best kept lock, this would be one of those doors - long forgotten power has been unleashed, is this Eclipse that's facing against Discord or simply another form of chaos, ready to wreck havoc upon all in its path? Will the Elements prevail against such a force or does the situation require more higher powers? Time will tell upon this tale of mad deities.

Thoughts: Celestia
Orion Grey
Clear Sight
Eclipse Light

Narration/Dialogue: ???
Orion Grey
[???Corrupted~ ~Data???]