• Published 12th Jan 2021
  • 11,045 Views, 576 Comments

That One Time: Celestia and Luna Married the Mane Six - TheCrimsonDM

Have you ever gotten so drunk you forgot you offered the princesses' hoof in marriage to whoever brought your sister back? And how many 'es' there are in 'Princess'?

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Chapter Twenty Five: When One Kisses the Dark

Chapter Twenty Five: When One Kisses in the Dark

Written by TheCrimsonDM

To say that it has been an awful day for Rarity was like saying that the one time Applejack became the owner of her boutique the poor farm pony didn’t just run it into the ground. Which she did. It took a long time to get the money back to fix the mess left behind and still she hadn’t quite fixed the mess. As for the monstrosities that Applejack called ‘dresses’, she had taken them to the volcanic pits which once imprisoned Queen Chrysalis herself and dumped them into the cleansing fires never to be seen again.

So, now she sat there in her room with many empty tubs of ice cream littering her floor. Thinking about how Spike dumped her. Sure they weren’t dating but he had always been in love with her and to hear he gave up on her, it was heart wrenching. Then to know everypony looked at her butt yet had zero interest in it besides her loving Applejack only meant that she was in even worse shape than before. How could she marry the princess of the sun and the princess of the moon if neither had any interest in her?

Woe be to Rarity that nopony was interested in her. Applejack didn’t count because she was always interested in her. Woe be to Rarity the most unloved of the six lovely brides. Also she was the prettiest one and nothing Pinkie said would do anything to change that.

An idea came to mind. She knew exactly what she needed to do, even if she had to beg. Hoping out of bed she looked around. Luna really did know her well to know to stock some makeup supplies in a nearby drawer, even if most of the colors were more towards the goth variety she found a lovely shade of blue to match her eye shadow.

Now all she had to do was find a princess and she could make them love her. She was more than just something to put on a shelf and admire. She was sexy, full of vitality, and ready to get down and dirty with whichever princess caught her attention first.

Leaving the room Rarity made her way down the halls. It wasn’t long before she saw Applejack who seemed to be messing around with a cushion on a couch. “Darling, my Applepie, where is it I might find Luna?”

Applejack jumped back and looked around nervously. “Luna? Ah wouldn’t know, why would Ah know?”

Rarity scoffed. “Fine, I’ll just go check her room. We are welcome any time, at least if we’re willing to let her have her way with us if I understand correctly.”

“Yeah, uh… you do that. Tell me how it goes.”

Rarity smiled and gave her a wink. “You are so encouraging today. I’ll give you a special present later for your support my first and most important love.”

As Rarity trotted off she could swear she heard Applejack whisper something uncouth while staring at that couch. A soon to be princess needed to learn better manners, and Rarity might just have to wash that mare’s mouth out later. Of course, she wasn’t going to use soap.

Walking down the halls it occurred to her that this castle really did get quiet when one was alone. She was able to catch glimpses of the guards or the servants, enough to know if she ever needed one she could call and they’d be right there, but also enough to know that they would avoid making their presence too known so she could feel like she had privacy. Being royalty was going to be a real change to her life.

At long last she found the velvet door. The material and color of the door just oozed with dark romantic potential. How Luna had gone so long without being married was beyond her. It wouldn’t be too much longer now though. Rarity opened the door and snuck in.

She saw Luna, or at least Luna’s shape under the blanket lying on the bed. Oh a sleeping encounter would be so lovely. To think Luna might open her eyes, see Rarity by her side and realize there was a beautiful mare just waiting for her to do whatever she pleased with. Yes, this plan had zero chance of failing.

Rarity closed the door as quietly as possible and made her way over to the bed. It was almost pitch black in here without the light. For some reason if Luna had any windows they were magically enchanted to block any and all daylight. Still she felt her way towards the bed and climbed onto it.

Slipping underneath the blankets Rarity reached out. Her hooves gently stroked Luna’s tender soft hoof. She ran her hoof up that long leg and then down her side until she felt that lovely skinny flank. Giving it a squeeze she heard a small gasp and a pleasured moan. Rarity could guess well enough where the face was and moved forward to meet a pair of inviting lips.

Luna didn’t fight her, instead welcomed her in. Rarity pushed forward, kisses were shared. Tongues played with each other. Hooves reached for and grabbed all sorts of places that brought all manner of delightful sounds from both parties. Rarity realized there was one more place that would set Luna off and create the best experience. Luna’s horn.

Rarity reached up, her tongue drawing a line across the soft hair. The taste of honey from Luna’s mouth still fresh in her mind. She expected to find a horn to wrap her hungry mouth around and found more hair. This was strange. Rarity reached up with a hoof and looked further. With no light it was surprisingly hard to find the horn.

Fluttershy’s voice eeped. “L-Luna, that’s my head, um d-don’t you want to l-lick somewhere else?”

Rarity swallowed. “Fluttershy? Is that you?”

Fluttershy froze in Rarity’s grip. Her hoof was still stuck on somewhere quite private. After a moment the hoof began to move and she tried to lower her voice. “It is I, Luna, princess of night and stuff.”

Rarity didn’t exactly push Fluttershy’s hoof away but her plan was indeed foiled by this revelation. She found Fluttershy instead of Luna… and she found Fluttershy in Luna’s bed… Rarity sat up, rolled over and jumped out of bed. Fluttershy reached out in the darkness. “W-wait, R-rarity I wasn’t d-done.”

“Darling, I am sure you are more than capable of finishing yourself.” She left out of the door and closed it behind her with less care than she had entered.

One look in a nearby mirror revealed her lipstick was now smeared and it had been wasted on Fluttershy. The worst part was that she was now very much in the mood, and wanting to just go back and finish herself with Fluttershy. Of course she did not as she was saving her pent up energy for something far greater than Fluttershy. Luna was her target, and even if she was going to be the last one to bed her, she was going to do it.

Now stalking through the castle and attempting to clean her face up using magic she felt like such a fool. Of course Fluttershy was in Luna’s bed. The mare wanted to be a pet and found a pony who would willingly give her that. Rarity on the other hoof was destined to be a princess and so she was going to be a bit more dignified than merely lying in some pony’s bed waiting for them to come to her when they had time. No, they would make time for Rarity. Princess or no Princess, Rarity deserved that much.

It was a little while before Rarity found somepony else, and it wasn’t exactly who she expected. It was Twilight. The mare was just about to enter the restroom and Rarity hatched a decisive plan the moment she saw her. Following closely behind Rarity slipped into the restroom before Twilight even noticed.

In fact, Twilight didn’t seem to notice her at all and was walking to the toilet. For a moment Rarity waited to see if the mare would notice her. It wasn’t like they hadn’t seen each other in compromising positions before but this felt odd as Twilight was a little out of it. Once Twilight was upon her porcelain throne and the water works were turned on she looked over and saw Rarity.

Her eyes widened for a moment and then lowered. “Oh, hi…”

Rarity shrugged. She’d seen the mare pee before, it just something that happened when you were such close friends. Rarity actually took the time to look in the mirror and realize some of her eye shadow was a mess too. “Hello, Darling.”

“So… there are like ten bathrooms here you know.”

Rarity giggled. “Of course I know darling.”

“So, why are you in the one I’m in? Or wait… am I in the one you’re in?”

Rarity rolled her eyes. “Does it matter?”

“I guess not. Just feels weird now that I know that some ponies like pee… way too much.”

Rarity glanced at her. “Sounds like somepony wants some apple cider.”

Twilight looked at her. “What does that mean?”

“Oh nothing, it’s not important. Just old jokes that you may have missed out on.”

Twilight groaned. “Today is a mess. I think Rainbow Dash hates me.”

“Oh how come?”

“I got kinda weird with her and she kicked me in the face.”

Rarity gasped. “She did not.”

“I might have deserved it a little.”

“Of course you didn’t. Even if you do get weird sometimes, it’s not like you were trying to do anything too weird with her?”

Twilight looked at Rarity with a deadpan expression. “I think I wanted to have sex with her.”

“Oh… well… she does get rather uncomfortable with touching. Still I don’t think you deserved kicked, unless you like that kind of thing.”

Twilight groaned. “No, that’s just… that’s super weird.”

“So are pee fetishes but you don’t see me complaining when Applejack gets in a mood.”

Twilight looked at her eyes widening. “No.”

Rarity smiled. “Oh we’ve all tried something weird at least once right?”

“Not me.”

“Everypony that isn’t a virgin.”

Twilight groaned. “I don’t want to hear it.”

Rarity laughed. She was done looking at herself in the mirror. Instead, she was ready to move onto her real plan. She walked over to where Twilight was. The mare’s eyes widened increasingly as she approached. Rarity licked her lips. “Twilight, be a dear won’t you?”

Twilight closed her legs tight. “NO! you are not drinking that.”

Rarity rolled her eyes. “Not my fetish.” Rarity leaned over and pressed her lips against Twilight’s. Just a quick kiss, nothing more. Of course she felt Twilight kiss back. Clearly her previous hesitation faded pretty quickly. Once Rarity pulled away she saw a dazed look in Twilight’s eyes. “Where is Luna?”

Twilight swallowed. “Um… Luna… I don’t know.”

“Didn’t you have an audience with her earlier?”

Twilight shrugged. “It’s getting closer to dinner. If she’s awake she probably found some cake somewhere.”

Rarity smiled and trotted to the exit. “Thank you, Twilight. I will make sure to reward you later, my future wife.”

Twilight just stared at her as Rarity left. Finally somepony checked out her butt. She heard Twilight saying something as she trotted down the hall but ignored it. Something about bathroom doors and shutting them. Nothing important she was sure.

Moving on Rarity made her way to the kitchens where she was happy to see a dark, tall, and beautiful princess eating a cake. Rarity walked in and snuggled up to her side. “My love! I’ve been looking for you all day.”

Luna swallowed and looked down at her. “Oh, Rarity, how joyous thou should join us. Care for some cake?”

Rarity reached up and gently wiped some of the icing off of Luna’s cheek. “Well, only if I get to eat it off of you.”

Luna smiled. “That is almost exactly what Pinkie said.”

Rarity rolled her eyes, “Who cares what Pinkie says when it’s just the two of us.”

Luna blinked. “I thought there were three of us?”

Pinkie Pie added in. “I did too.”

Rarity looked over and growled. “Pinkie, leave!” She then realized something that she really wished she hadn’t. There was a pink icing cake on the table. Pinkie Pie was right behind it, and her legs spread around it as if she was trying to hold it. Where Luna was eating, and very messily Rarity might add, was leading straight to the center of what was between Pinkie’s legs.

Pinkie pie giggled. “If I move the cake will be ruined.”

Luna nodded. “And ruining a princess’s cake is outlawed.”

Rarity could feel the mental gears in her mind breaking. One by one she was losing control of the situation. Pinkie was already this far in her plans. Luna had to know where that cake was leading and perfectly fine with it… oh no.

Luna swallowed and then blinked a few times. “Oh, Pinkie. I’m so sorry, I just realized something I had forgotten. Please forgive me as I must cut this short. I swear it on my honor that I shall continue this with you later. For now, I must ask some very important questions to the captain of the guard.”

Luna’s horn lit up and she vanished.

Pinkie Pie groaned. “That is the second time somepony interrupted my chance to get laid!”

Rarity growled. “Join the party… actually better yet. Clean yourself up and join Fluttershy in Luna’s bed. I’m sure she’ll be happy to go to sleep with two of you around.”

Pinkie Pie jumped up into the air and her tongue lashed out around herself like some kind of impossibly long tentacle, letting her eat every bit of cake that was on her body. Then she proceeded to let her jaw descend like a cave and swallow the rest of the cake whole. “YUM!” she jumped off the table and began trotting to what Rarity was assuming was Luna’s room.

“I’m never going to get kissed by a princess…”

Pinkie Pie stopped just outside of the kitchen to look back at and smile. “Why not? Everypony else has.” She trotted away leaving that one remark to stick in Rarity’s heart like a barbed thorn.

Rarity sat down and laid her head face first on the counter. Even realizing this where Pinkie Pie was previously sitting she didn’t care. So far her plans were horrible. No princess wanted to be with her. No matter how hard she tried. And she was trying really, really hard.

“Why don’t any of the Princesses want to kiss me? Am I truly that mundane?”

“Of course you’re not mundane, Rarity.”

She looked over to see Princess Celestia walk in. Her smile was as warm as ever as she stared down at Rarity. “You’re beautiful and wonderful.”

“Then why won’t either of you kiss me?”

Celestia walked over and lowered a wing around Rarity’s back. “Shh.”

“No, it’s not fair. Twilight gets kisses. Rainbow Dash gets kisses. Fluttershy, and apparently even Applejack do. How come I am the only one who doesn’t get any of the same attention?”

Celestia’s wing gently lifted up Rarity’s chin. “Is that all you want? A simple kiss?”

“Well I’d also accept hot sticky princess sex, but a kiss would make me feel better.”

Celestia smiled, leaned her head down and pressed her lips against Rarity’s. The kiss lasted for longer than she expected. No tongue but it was something. More than that Celestia was hot, like physically burning hot. Rarity’s entire face was melting into that one simple kiss. Rarity had to pull away and breathe, her face was flushed red and she felt a bit too hot for her own liking. Even so, it was amazing. If that’s what a simple kiss from Celestia felt like… oh by the stars she couldn’t even imagine how great intimacy would be.

Celestia smiled and looked away as she made her way to the fridge. “I know I had some cake in here, I’ll share it with you. Pink icing is always the best when you’re feeling down.”

Pink Icing… “Um… Luna was eating that when I got here.”

Celestia’s body went rigid. “She… ate it.”

Rarity did not dare to say Pinkie Pie helped. “Yes…”

Celestia smiled. “And she skedaddled before I got here did she not?”

“Um… yes.”

Celestia grinned. And her eyes began to glow. “Oh, I see. Well we can’t have that now can we? I should find her immediately and let her know whose cake it was she was eating.”

With a golden flash of light Celestia vanished leaving Rarity sitting there staring after the princess. Her heart was beating a thousand miles a minute. Her body hot and tense. Celestia was certainly powerful and somehow even sexier when angry…

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