• Published 23rd Aug 2018
  • 8,573 Views, 266 Comments

I Am (No) God - Animatorsnake

The small town of Ponyville is a source of strange things, but the stallion who lives at the edge of town is a mystery on his own. What does he hide in such a small shack like that? Why is he so empty? ...Where did he come from and who is he really?

  • ...

The Grandest Day

Four Days Later – Ponyville, Eclipse’s Property; 7:00am

It was like any other day – morning jog, eat breakfast at Sugarcube Corner, and prep for the rest of the day – as his morning rituals, but today was different, as tonight at Canterlot is going to take place an event that only comes annually, the Grand Galloping Gala.

This would be the first Gala he'll go to – both himself and the girls – though how he managed to get an invitation to such an event has been some strange circumstances. While Twilight, the girls, and Spike got their invitations only days after Twilight arrived to Ponyville from her teacher, Princess Celestia, Eclipse on the other hoof got his invitation elsewhere.

Having received his ticket from Pristine’s father as a sign of a good gesture, Eclipse never planned to go to the Gala – though after several attempts by Twilight and Rarity to go, his interest to go had waned – but, it would be rude to not go after Purity Snow went all that trouble to get him a ticket.

He was originally going alone, but other than the guards accompanying him, he decided to bring along an old acquaintance after asking Princess Celestia for a ticket. He would meet up with said acquaintance at the Gala as he already hoofed over the extra ticket to said acquaintance.

As Eclipse made his way back from his morning jog, he finds Ves and some Lunar Guards waiting by his home. Approaching the group, Ves notices him and once he got close enough she waves toward him.

“Good morning sir Eclipse, hope you’re ready to go to the Gala. These are the ones I chose to come with us there,” said Ves, showing Eclipse who'll accompany him.

Eclipse looks at the four other Lunar Guards that are accompanying he and Ves; he recognizes Mango, but the other three Lunar Guards are unfamiliar faces, having only seen them a few times. The other Lunar Guards that are coming with him is the unicorn called Silent Blaze, and the two thestrals, Shadow Fog and Night Rain.

Blaze gives a friendly smile and bows, while Night and Shadow both give their own greetings. “Hello there sir Eclipse, I am Corporal Night Rain and this is my partner, Corporal Shadow Fog.”

“Greetings,” said Shadow. “We’ve been told in advance from Sergeant Ves, how she wishes to accompany you at the Gala as a safety precaution against any members of the Church… or other unwelcome encounters.”

“That is the plan, so these are the ones you selected Ves. I expected all of them being Lunar Guard members… though why is Mango coming with us, considering he’s only a private?”

“Right, well unlike the others, Mango has a specialty that I considered helpful for this mission. Unlike the regular thestral who has sensitive hearing, Mango’s has not only sensitive hearing, but also sensitive smell, I would think this is helpful in case somepony decides to spike the drinks or…”

“Someone sneaks in poisoned weaponry,” said Eclipse, finishing Ves’ sentence.

“Bingo! Now then, while I’d love to explain the abilities of the guards I selected we should make preparations to head to Canterlot. While the Gala begins in the evening, most nobles and other authoritive figures arrive earlier at Canterlot rather than arriving at the city in the evening, there’s always a massive crowd once the Gala begins, so those who been to the Gala arrive an hour earlier than having to wade their way through.”

Just before they make their way, Ves notices the lack of a suit on Eclipse, after making further examinations, she begins to sweat nervously before asking. “Eclipse… by chance… do you have a suit for the Gala prepared?”

Eclipse takes notice how both Ves and her accompanying guards are wearing a formal outfit similar to the guard’s armor, the outfit itself has badges where their withers would be showing which guard they’re from and rank. For a short moment, Eclipse pauses to think back to when was the last time he wore a formal outfit for anything… or when he attended any big festivities – Pinkie’s parties don’t count as an informal gatherings are different – and the answer to that thought was a big blank nope.

“Errrr… by chance, how long would it take to prepare a suit for myself before we arrive to Canterlot?”

Ves’ eye twitched nervously, until she started to chuckle, then that chuckle evolved to her laughing, until she began to laugh hysterically, the others nervously looking at one another then at their sergeant.

“Urrr, sergeant, should we-”

“NO NEED TO PANIC! No need to panic, we’ll just get Rarity to make a rush order for you- TO THE BOUTIQUE!” At those words, Ves grabbed Eclipse – rather she dragged him – to Carousel Boutique, her subordinates following behind with mixed looks.

At the boutique, Rarity did some final examinations and explanations to the dresses she made for her friends and Spike, each of the girls and Spike were happy to receive their Gala outfits from Rarity, but when they were showing their thanks and praises to Rarity, the front door of the boutique burst open with a derange looking Ves, dragging a nonchalant Eclipse.

“Miss Ves, why are you dragging Eclipse behind you and how come you look like as if the sun suddenly grew a mustache?” asked Rarity, confused.

“Miss Rarity, by chance can you make a rush order to make a suit for this – dense – stallion, apparently sir Eclipse, forgot to prepare a suit for himself to the Gala. I am deeply sorry if this is sudden and I will double, no, triple your payment for this quick order.”

For awhile Rarity was silent with many of her friends and the guards who were following behind Ves to watch silently. Many believed Rarity would explode with rage or panic, but she calmly and weirdly enough place her dainty hoof on her snout and giggled.

This boggled Ves’ mind deeply, but before the thestral could speak up, Rarity did first. “Oh don’t worry, I knew this would happen and prepped an outfit for Eclipse, I actually been making it ever since I got his measurements when he first came to Ponyville.”

Rarity approached Eclipse who the stallion in turn was a bit surprised at this sudden development to the current predicament. “I did promise I make something for you as a welcome to Ponyville, while it may had… evolved over the months, but I believe this be one of my finest outfits ever! While I rarely dabble in making things for the stallions, I feel proud to say this has been a good first effort… maybe I should try making clothes for stallions.”

Rarity horn begins to glow and soon a case begins floating over to Eclipse, which he opens and looks inside, taking a look of said outfit, Rarity gestures for Eclipse to take it to the dressing area, which he does. After some time to await Eclipse to put on the suit Rarity made for him, everypony else decides to wait and see, Ves orders her guards to wait back at the outpost for the pegasi chariot to arrive to pick them all up and bring them to Canterlot, leaving the girls, Spike, and Ves.

Rarity helps Eclipse to adjust the suit to his frame as she made the suit based off his measurements from last year, so things may have changed while Eclipse has stayed in Ponyville. It was quiet as everyone awaited fro the results to Eclipse’s suit, when the covers opened up to revealed a giddy Rarity.

“Girls – and Spike – I present to you, Eclipse Light!” Stepping aside, the girls all gazed and awed at Eclipse wearing the suit built by Rarity herself.

The outfit Eclipse wore was to put it simply, a perfect match, to start off it is a black suit with dark blue buttons, a purple tie with silver stars twinkling down it’s length, with a pin of his cutie-mark placed on his right withers.

While everyone else oohed and awed at Eclipse, Twilight was curious why Ves was so panicked about Eclipse not having a suit for the Gala, until she noticed how Ves is equally dressed up for going to such an event.

“Excuse me, Ves, why are you dressed up too to go to the Gala?”

“Oh… well, due to some worries from both myself and the princesses we believe the Church will take this chance from Eclipse going to the Gala to make move on him, so myself and selected guards stationed her in town will accompany him as bodyguards.”

This made Twilight worried, but knowing Eclipse will be going with guards that Twilight has gotten the chance to know a little has lowered her worry, but just slightly though.

“I see… I hope nothing happens though when you and Eclipse arrive at the Gala… Anyway, enjoy yourselves there,” said Twilight, giving a small smile.

“That I hope so too, but I think I’ll be too busy keeping an eye on both Eclipse and those at the Gala, seeing there later in the evening, Miss Sparkle.”

Once Rarity’s final check-up on Eclipse’s suit is made, the girls and Eclipse’s party make their way to Canterlot with the girls going by a pumpkin chariot set-up by Twilight. Eclipse’s group will go to Canterlot by pegasus chariot that was requested by Ves, meaning they’ll arrive their by the afternoon, though will stay at one of the guest rooms in Canterlot Castle until joining the Gala once it begins.

Canterlot, Galloping Gala; 9:00am

At Canterlot itself where the Gala is taking place, both Celestia and Luna examined the preparations being made for the Gala as it takes roughly a week prior to the actual Gala to make certain things are ready. The two alicorn sisters were reviewing the guest list to see who was attending when Luna notices a familiar name under the “E” part of the guest list.

Eclipse Light, why is he going to the Gala?

“Sister, if I’m not mistaken but it says here that Eclipse Light is attending the Gala, I thought neither of us gave him a ticket as he never spoke through Twilight about wanting to attend?”

“And you are correct, but apparently as thanks from Purity Snow himself, he gave Eclipse a ticket to the Gala as thanks for some earlier arrangement – he was rewarded for saving his daughter though it was something else I believe. I did however give him another ticket as apparently he plans to invite an acquaintance of his to the Gala… I hope to meet said acquaintance though,” said Celestia, giggling.

Celestia looked at her sister but noticed the look of worry on her, after placing the guest list aside, she places a hoof on her sister’s withers, until the two look at one another.

“Lulu… what’s the matter?”

“Well… with what has occurred ever since I arrived back, the Church has been on a warpath, sure there has been zero activity from them, but you and I can tell the absolute hatred directed at Eclipse Light, while not of their members have made any sort of contact to him – to our knowledge – the same can’t be said of their followers. You and I been given demands by said followers for something to be done to him… luckily Ponyville has no such fanatics or we expect to hear some form of rioting at the quaint town.”

“And I agree… sadly there’s nothing we can do other than deny said demands… To be honest, when I expected your return I expected ponies to be very distrusting of you, but with the combination of Eclipse’s actions and the Church decisions, all that hatred is being directed away from you… not that is a bad thing!”

“No offense sister, but I agree too… all of this disharmony… if not carefully handled…”

The two sisters had thoughts of dark tidings to come, but soon their conversation was dropped for a different subject.

“Let’s forgot about all of that… Now, what’s this about Eclipse bringing an acquaintance of his, do you think its that dragon or abyssinian we got reports of from Sergeant Ves?”

“No, apparently from what Eclipse told me during our talk prior to the rescue operation to save Pristine Snow, its a she… and another surprise, Eclipse’s student.”

“He has a student… wait… didn’t he mention having taught to one individual when I suggested he teach our guards but he refused that request?”

“Indeed sister… who do you think could possibly be the one to have learned under Eclipse to be shrouded in this much mystery?”

Luna gave her own shrug as the thought of meeting an individual who personally knows Eclipse in person was… tempting. The two sisters continued with their preparations for the Gala until going their own ways for the rest of the day.

Canterlot, Grand Cathedral of the Holy Sun, Holy Grail’s Office; 12:30pm

Elsewhere, Holy Grail was in his office looking through several papers about those invited and going to the Grand Galloping Gala. This involved notable followers of the Church, high-ranked members, individuals who support the Church, but aren’t involved in any way to be considered connected to the Church, and more.

Hmmm, nobody from Manehattan will be going, not surprising, the city is still under lock-down and the recent killings are starting to be known by the public… Luckily none have put the dots that those involved were Church agents and members.

Sighing to himself, Grail placed said papers away to look at other things when a knock on the door caught his attention and before he could speak up to let whoever was on the other side to enter, the door opened. Warm Earth, Head Scientist of the secretive R&D branch of the Church entered Grail’s office, though to those who know her less, she’s simply the highest donor to the Church.

The female earth pony trotted wearing her signature lab-coat, Grail would reprimand and remind her to not wear her scientist attire outside of the hidden R&D facility, but considering the Grand Cathedral is empty at this nation-wide events, it was unlikely the Cathedral would had any of the regular members seeing Warm in her less than known occupation.

“Grail, I have the recent reports on the tests on those artifacts we’ve acquired, you be happy to know we got some good process on some of them,” said Warm.

“Start off with the ones with the best progress first, we hadn’t acquired artifacts – especially ones these powerful – in ages,” said Grail, placing both his forehooves in front of him on his desk.

Well, to start off, the artifacts I wish to report on is the Alicorn Amulet that we managed to acquire through some connections from a few nobles loyal to our cause, they of course don’t know of our more… scientific endeavors. There’s also the artifact acquired by the individual known as Eclipse Light, later passed on to Pristine Snow, stolen by that griffon mercenary who sold it to our agents, bringing to our hooves. Then there’s the shards of what remains of Nightmare Moon’s armor, there’s also that fourth artifact which we have kept for a few decades.

The amulet itself allows unicorns when wearing it to boost their personal magical abilities tenfold, sadly with the dark malicious energies that come with it. To solve this problem we created pseudo amulets with similar boosting effects without the bad side-effects, though these pseudo amulets are fragile and only allow to double a unicorns magical abilities.

The one found at San Palomino Desert though, while itself is nothing special, appears to be a key of some kind, I suggest to sending in a team back to the necropolis to find a hidden chamber with the artifact.

“I’ll think about that, later.”

Thank you, moving on, the armor of the dark alicorn, Nightmare Moon, has allowed my scientists to extract the malignant magical energies off said armor, we’ll continue further tests to see what we can do with said energies.

Now this is where things get to a stale-mate, the final artifact, even though we had kept it for nearly three decades prior to me reaching this position, my predecessor has made little progress on said artifact. From what I understand, this artifact was acquired from the Frozen North, from visual observations, it appears to be a shard of crystal blue, well, crystal. Its imbued with unfamiliar magical energies and none of our organization’s historians can manage to figure out its exact origins.

Grail knew what Warm was referring to that, that shard of crystal, rather it was the size of a pony, so calling it a shard was a tad underwhelming. While the Church has been around for a long time, due to the clashing of different ideologies and mixing with different religious sects during the earlier days of the Church, much of the past has been shrouded in mist.

“For now, focus on everything else, keep to visual and magical observations on the crystal until any new changes appear. Is that all that needs to be reported?” asked Grail.

Warm examines her notes to check for anything else of worthwhile, but shakes her head. Hearing this he tells Warm to go back to her duties, leaving the old stallion alone in his office, turning around to face the window; gazing at the sky, he takes a side-long glance at the sun, feeling its warmth on his fur… feeling her warmth.

“Hrmmm, tonight will bring change, the question will it be for the better… or worse,” said Grail, contemplating.

Canterlot, Canterlot Castle, Ambassador Wing; 5:30pm

The Grand Galloping Gala officially begins around six o’clock in the evening, but usually in the prior hours – specifically from three to five o’clock – a crowd of ponies invited to the Gala await until the drawbridge to the Gala are lowered and the gates are open. This crowd usually consist of lower nobles or ponies who either bought tickets or were invited by somepony else who extra tickets to the Gala.

This crowd of ponies mostly consisted newcomers, but among them were ponies who wished to be greeted by Celestia first, as is custom every Gala that the princess herself greets everypony who enters through said gates.

The building the Gala is annually situated at is down a separate path which diverges, one leading to Canterlot Castle’s Royal Gardens, while the other leads to the Gala’s building itself. There was a small stone bridge connecting both the Gala and gardens, which is only used by staff, guards, and the princesses themselves, its also heavily guarded so those without tickets or troublemakers don’t come inside, meaning the only plausible way to get inside it through the gates… though you would had to have a ticket to either manage to step a hoof inside.

Said stone bridge is also used as a VIP entry for certain individuals – this consist of higher nobles, celebrities, ambassadors, the varying guild masters across Equestria, and military officers. From a balcony watching as the final moments of the Gala preparations would soon end, letting said gates open, Eclipse wore his suit made by Rarity, the coat giving off a pristine glow under the moonlight, albeit the glow itself appearing as if he wore a suit made of obsidian glass.

“Sir Eclipse, we should head to the Gala before the main crowd head in, VIPs are allowed to gain access to the Gala an hour earlier, rather than having to enter with other ponies, privileges being higher echelon in pony society,” said Ves.

Ves herself wore her formal guard suit, the same one she showed back at Ponyville, the four other guards she brought along stood outside the room Eclipse was given to stay until the Gala was ready. As Eclipse watch the crowd of ponies and the small stream of VIPs, each separated due to prestige, standing, and titles… all Eclipse could see is one clear similarity, one equalizing trait all of these individuals shared.

“Tell me, sergeant… out of all of these individuals, who were raised differently, experienced varying things from one another, had walked down a path much different than you and I… What do you think makes them all equal before you here and now, regardless, of sex, race, societal standing, wealth, power, and traits?”

The sudden question made Ves pause for a second, but rather than avoiding said question, she took it with stride with as much professionalism she could. Glancing down at both the crowd of ponies, many being simple middle-class citizens to lower nobles, the few rare lower-class citizens who saved up enough bits to get a ticket for themselves, then comparing said ponies with the VIPs, ponies who either worked from the bottom to get where they are… or those hoofed to them due to familial connections or their own charisma and charm… she gave a shrug.

“No idea, other than the fact they all look like a rainbow vomited on them all equivocally, I see nothing similar about them.”

“True… and wrong,” said Eclipse. This make Ves raise her brow but rather than letting her respond, Eclipse spoke, giving his answer. “What makes them all equal is what brought them here, not the food, not the music, not the event itself… just one thing, one thing that is the shining beacon in what is the sea of their vast and unknown lives.”

At that exact moment, both Eclipse and Ves – well Eclipse as Ves just followed what he was looking at – stared at one of the large windows of the Gala, seeing a familiar and notable white alicorn. Celestia was speaking to some of the staff who were prepping the Gala, alongside said pony was other staff-members listening in rapt attention as the princess gave guidance, while keeping a motherly glow about her.

Ves immediately realized what Eclipse was making his point toward, but this further confused her. “Princess Celestia? I mean yeah that makes sense, but I don’t follow, I mean not everypony is only here for the princess,” said Ves.

Eclipse continued to stay silent, but soon that silence was followed by a quiet sigh. “Sorry, if I appear off… I simply have an issue with authoritative figures,” said Eclipse, as he turned around to head to the door. “Especially the self-righteous kind.”

As she watched him leave, Ves faced to look back at Celestia, thinking further on about Eclipse’s question and how it relates to what he said and Celestia herself. 'Everypony made equal before Celestia…' what does he mean exactly?

Outside the Gala itself – Canterlot; 6:15pm

Twilight and company arrived fifteen minutes late from when the Gala began, yet there was still a large crowd of ponies outside still waiting to get inside the Gala itself. On the way to the Gala, the girls went into song alongside some other ponies – a certain ebony stallion ears twitched at the sudden feeling that something was happening that would make him question the natural concepts of this world.

After their little singing moment, the girls soon approached said gates, leaving each of them to do their own thing, Spike himself decided to just enjoy things as it is, leaving him to do his own thing. This left Twilight and while she wanted to speak to Celestia, she knew ahead that the princess would be deeply busy with greeting everypony – unlike her friends who were disillusioned by the Gala, Twilight did some study on the Gala itself so she was prep what to expect.

Rather than sob at not speaking to the princess, she said her greetings did a friendly nuzzle with her teacher, and went off to explore the rest of the Gala. Celestia told Twilight she and her friends can head off once things appear to slow down at the Gala to head out – this brought a smile to the book-pony, hopping with joy.

As Twilight couldn’t wait for some one-on-one time with her teacher, she spotted a familiar face among the crowd of ponies. Eclipse was just some distance from her talking to one of more well-know nobles, Fancy Pants; after their conversation Eclipse said his farewells as Fancy trotted with his companion, Fleur de Lis.

Twilight approached Eclipse, happy to see him at the Gala now, waving at the stallion to get his attention, after some attempts Eclipse noticed her. “Eclipse, you got to the Gala, when did you arrive?” asked Twilight.

“Hours ago, but I only just got inside thirty minutes ago.”

“That’s good… say, didn’t Ves mention she be you bodyguard alongside other guards, where are they?”

Rather than giving a vocal answer, he gestures with his head and eyes to varying corners of the part of the Gala he was at. At one corner is Mango who was talking with Spike, enjoying some of the delicacies the Gala had; another had Blaze who sipped some wine and sat on a table; around the dance floor, Night and Shadow were enjoying a waltz, Shadow stumbling at his attempt while Night seemed to still enjoy it with a toothy smile at her partner.

While they appear to enjoying themselves, all four of said guards were vigilant and watching their surroundings and Eclipse with rapt attention. “Rank aside, they’re Lunar Guard, Luna expects professionalism from them all on the job. As for the sergeant herself, I believe she went to see Luna about something, no need to worry about me Sparkle.”

“I thought I said to call me Twilight… still, I’m glad nothing has gone awry in the Gala,” said Twilight, with a sigh.

“I would take back that statement, earlier I noticed Rarity with a particular stallion… let’s say, from what I managed to see – and hear – it was not pleasant,” said Eclipse, grabbing a nearby glass from a serving tray from one of the waiters.

Twilight facepalmed and remembered who Rarity ran off to follow. I knew I should had warned her about Blueblood. “Do you remember where you last saw the two, I think I need to stop a future catastrophe from happening?”

“I believe somewhere near the doors heading out near the gardens, I also believe Applejack was there seeing her wares. I bought some from her, though business appeared slow,” said Eclipse.

With a thanks Twilight was ready to go, but before she did, she eyed a the glass Eclipse held, rather than asking if she could take that, Eclipse simply hoofed it to her without question. “I believe you may need this more than I will in the future,” said Eclipse, trotting off somewhere else.

A tad befuddled by his ability to read situation ahead of time, Twilight downed the drink and placed on another serving tray by a different waiter.

While the two went their separate ways, watching from afar, Shining Might spots Eclipse speaking with Twilight, until the two departed form one another. Might gritted his teeth hard, until he looks at the few close subordinates that he brought with him.

“Swift, take the others with you and deal with that… ‘heathen’, he has been a thorn to our side long enough. I tire awaiting for the chance to deal with him when every opportunity we have has been squandered,” said Might, his voice coming off as a growl.

The five other paladins and senior knights nodded, tailing Eclipse, unknown to them, Eclipse’s bodyguards took notice and stealthily followed. Mango followed the rest of his fellow guards, saying his farewell to Spike. “Gotta go Spike, nice seeing ya here,” said Mango, grinning.

Canterlot, Gala Gardens; 6:35pm

Deciding to take stroll around the gardens just outside the Gala, this part of the gardens is an extension of the Royal Gardens as unlike the stone bridge, both gardens are connected rather than separated by a bridge, so anypony whether Gala invitees or guests are allowed in both gardens.

At some point Eclipse met up with Ves, but she told him that Shining Might was spotted earlier so he needs to be extra careful now. While Might attempting to do something upon Eclipse would bring bad news on the Church, Might has been known to do things outside the Church’s jurisdiction, so the whole of the Church won’t be pinned for any incidents caused by him or anypony connected directly to him.

“Eclipse, knew I found you here.”

The two turned around to see who it was, when they found Pristine standing just some distance from the pair. She like anypony else invited to the Gala wore her own dress, her dress unlike other mares wasn’t frilly, rather it was more stream-lined to better her fit her pegasus form and the muscles underneath her coat.

It was very similar to Rainbow Dash’s outfit made by Rarity, but this variation was less cloud motif. Her current outfit was similar to the one she wore to her father’s party, but with some changes; the outfit had the signature flower she had on, only it more numerous as she one pinned to her dress and mane.

Her mane was put into a bun, with a tiara with a snowflake symbol on it, other interesting details was her wings appear to sparkle like fresh snowfall – possibly an enchantment placed on the dress to add that effect.

Some clouds blocked some of parts of the sky, so only sparse beams of moonlight were splayed toward the ground, though unseen by Eclipse – assuming – Pristine was blushing and given and expecting look toward him. Ves was the only one who could clearly see both ponies reactions, holding her own giggle of interest.

“Sooo… what do you think?” asked Pristine.

Eclipse kept his usual stoic neutral look until he placed a hoof on his chin with a thoughtful look. “Hmmmm, alright,” said Eclipse, simply.

“Alright? So nothing else?” asked Ves, a tad disappointed at his bland response.

Pristine was more upset, but before any outburst could come out, Eclipse continued to speak.

“Of course, though nothing on you would still make you look good,” said Eclipse, turning around to continue his walk through the gardens.

That comment, while pretty basic as all ponies don’t commonly wear clothing, gave a different meaning to both mares, as a heavy blush consumed them both. While Pristine simply placed her hoof covering her flushed look, Ves giggling barely could be held back, as a snort and snicker could be heard every few seconds.

“At least you think I look good…” said Pristine, mumbling that to herself.

Soon the two followed Eclipse through the gardens, until the reached the Canterlot Castle part of the gardens, far from anypony else… except five particular individuals.

“Pristine, your recovery from that incident is going well I presume?”

“Yes, I’m also thankful you came to rescue me,” said Pristine, her blush still visible, albeit weaker than before.

“I simply accepted the request from your father, though I would still assist in your rescue as I hold some responsibility. It should had been obvious that said mercenaries would not forget about our involvement into interfering with their business.”

“You mean the kidnapping of ponies and other races, like that would be considered acceptable,” said Ves, snorting. “Still I’m surprised no guards came along with you in case, Miss Pristine.”

“I’m not defenseless, though expecting mercenaries to sneak up on you in your own home wouldn’t be one of the things to expect after returning to my home city.”

The two soon entered the statue area of the gardens, the trio passed a particular statue of a strange creature made of various animal parts. Eclipse paused to gaze at said creature, a mix of feelings could be seen in his eyes, Pristine stopped to see what made Eclipse pause while Ves kept vigilant of the area.

“Is something the matter, Eclipse?”

“…This statue… gives off a strange aura…”

At that moment, more hoofsteps could be heard approaching, suddenly five stallions approached the trio, one of them Pristine immediately recognizes as Shining Might’s second-in-command, Paladin Swift Slice.

Like herself, Swift is a pegasus, but because of the lack of lighting from the moon, it was hard to tell if it was him and who the other four ponies are… the only clue she got it was him was his familiar snide voice.

“Well well, I expected to bump into the heretic, but to my surprise I get the chance to encounter an exiled and a blood-sucking vampony,” said Swift, chuckling darkly.

At the comment of vamponies, Ves revealed her fangs with a hiss at the racist comment, while Pristine kept her own emotions at the mention of her exile, still she gave her own grimace in turn. Eclipse himself was taking note of the other ponies until his gaze moved to Swift, who stood tall with his chest puffed out like a peacock.

“...Who might you be exactly?” asked Eclipse.

Eclipse’s untended insult at the fact he didn’t recognize Swift was enough to make Ves snort and Pristine to hold back a giggle. The crimson blush to come upon Swift’s cheeks was soon swallowed by his anger, until he continued his condescending attitude.

“Of course some lowly mud-pony like yourself would be too ignorant to recognize a paladin of the great and righteous Church of the Holy Sun!”

Thinking back Eclipse remembered who this pony is… only for further to confusion to shroud his face. “Weren’t you the pony I smacked aside, you were making a lot of noise and were easy to read your attack,” said Eclipse. “Your name was… Swish Cheese?”

At this, the other knights accompanying Swift Slice gave their own amused chuckles, until Swift had enough and charged forth with fury in his eyes. With his own roar he raised his right fore-hoof, flying right toward Eclipse who continued to remember the details from before.

Before the attack could reach him, Ves reacted instantly, flown above Swift and stamping both rear-hooves into his exposed back. A cloud of dust appeared where Swift was slammed into the ground, with that, the rest of Swift’s lackeys charged, when four shadowy figures jumped from the surrounding statues.

“AH YEAH, HOOF-FIGHT!” shouted Mango. The perky thestral jumped one of the Church knights from behind, catching the poor mare by surprise as he pounced onto her back.

The others were dealt with too by the rest of Ves’ bodyguard team, Blaze handled the other hostile unicorn, the two pushing sheer magical might against one another. Shadow hoof-punched one of the earth-ponies, sending the stallion spiraling in a circle, while Night was doing maneuvers in the air against another pegasus.

The statue area of the royal gardens transformed into a full-blown brawl against the Church and the Lunar Guard, in the middle of all this ruckus, Eclipse tried his hardest to remember the name of the pegasus who was close to attacking him.

“Still Speed. Super Strong. Shine… Shine?”

“I think we should leave, unless we get involved, let’s go,” said Pristine, dragging Eclipse with her.

Elsewhere, Luna who only attended the Gala for a short time, returned to the castle to wander a little, the castle was mostly empty as most of the staff either attended or joined the festivities at the Gala, with the sparse guard patrol passing by her. Taking a turn around another hall, Luna pauses then gazes at her moon at the starlit sky.

Many of the clouds which earlier blocked her moon were now gone, blessing the gardens with the soft light of the moon. As she gazed upward, at the corner of her eye she noticed something down below at the gardens; with her enhanced sight from the pegasus part of her body, she spotted Eclipse Light and an unfamiliar mare.

For awhile they stood a small distance from one another, looking at each other, it was hard to tell if they spoke, but soon they approached one another, with Eclipse extending a hoof which the mare accepted. Soon the two began to dance on their rear-hooves, waltzing under the moonlight, as this happened for a moment, Luna swore she her music playing even though the part of the gardens the two were dancing at were too far for any music from the Gala to be heard.

Luna watched Eclipse and this mysterious mare dance away, the only ones witnessing this act is themselves and her. Seeing Eclipse dance with this unknown individual was… entrancing to say the least, it wasn’t the way they danced or the setting made it romantic… it was the fact Eclipse was smiling softly.

While Luna hasn’t known Eclipse for long, even during the short number of encounters she had with him… there was a sense of tired loneliness coming from him… the same tired loneliness she herself felt since her return.

Soon the mysterious music slowly crawls to a end and the two separated, as they departed, Eclipse made his way back to the Gala while mysterious mare trotted and vanished within the shadows of a nearby tree.

For awhile Luna continued to gaze at the spot they were at for awhile, then she continued on her trot within the halls.

Hmmm, I wonder who was that with Eclipse… maybe it was that companion Tia mentioned before.

Continuing down the hall, until she stepped outside to the gardens, she came upon another pony who she was deeply familiar with. “A fare lady Pristine, it is good to see you this fine night, what brings you here to the royal gardens?”

“P-Princes Luna… I wasn’t expecting you here, I thought you attend the Gala.”

“I did for a time, but celebrities from times before were much more active rather than the sociable conversations from nobles… especially when they wish to kiss up to my sister and I,” said Luna.

For short time the two stood, either looking at one another or looking at something else, it was that moment though when Luna thought back to what she saw earlier.


“Lady Pristine, by chance… were you with Eclipse Light earlier?”

This surprised Pristine, but her surprise transformed to flushed embarrassment, smoothing out her mane while tilting left and right in a smooth sway. “I was for a time, we went our separate paths as Eclipse had to go somewhere…”

“I see…” Luna smiled to herself after solving that mystery, suddenly some uproar could be heard coming from the Gala, the noise attracting some guards who rushed by both Luna and Pristine. “It appears things at the Gala have gotten interesting; how about we continue our conversation somewhere else, I know this quaint bakery that sells these wonderful treats, I believe they’re called donuts.”

Meanwhile, Ves and her guards had beaten and chased off Swift Slice and his goons, the group later met up with Eclipse who told them he went to see somepony. “Say, where’s Pristine, I thought she was with you earlier?”

“I told her I needed to go somewhere after we talked a little, right after we-”

Soon the group heard panicked yelling coming the Gala, quickly heading to the source of the noise, what they saw was… well, just chaotic. Animals from the gardens were rampaging through the Gala, Prince Blueblood who was complaining to some guards could be seen with a cake being smashed onto his cranium, while many nobles were crying or moaning on the ground after being pelted by what could be what remained on the buffet table.

“…What in the full-moon happened here?” asked Night.

“Looks like runaway train went by and deposited a whole heap of trouble everywhere,” said Shadow. “I think we should leave the premises for now, sergeant.”

“I agree… let’s head into the city, I know place we can hang out for awhile, until… well whatever happened here calms down,” said Ves.

Soon the group left the Gala, leaving the castle premises and heading down one of Canterlot’s main streets, until they came upon a bakery that was open late at this hour. Entering inside, they found Princess Celestia, the girls, and Spike all sitting around a table; they soon learned that the fiasco that occurred at the Gala was caused by the girls, various shenanigans.

“I can’t believe with all that happened, you weren’t even there to see it!” shouted Rainbow.

“To be honest I doubt I could had made a difference if I were there… but seriously, none of you gathered information what the Gala was like, see if you could sell any of your products, or check any of the more well-known individuals at the Gala and how they’re like in person?”

Many of the girls could best connect with some of the words Eclipse chose to best describe their individual situations, then he looked at Fluttershy who continued to have a staring contest with the ground.

“And Fluttershy… well all I can say is that you can be quite aggressive when it comes to things you’re passionate about… though do remember to not take things too far,” said Eclipse.

A quiet mumble came from Fluttershy which was barely audible, but Eclipse got her message clearly from her, next was Celestia who – which slightly annoyed Eclipse – looked away from his hidden glare.

“Celestia… please in advance, do make certain incidents like this don’t occur often… even if its for your own entertainment.”

Rather than responding, Celestia levitated a cup of tea and sipped it, though the slight sweat dripping down her neck was enough of a sign that she got his message. At that moment, Luna and Pristine entered inside and immediately, she approached Eclipse with some slight worry.

“There you are, I thought we meet up after you were done with whatever you were doing… I wanted to at least dance with you at the Gala,” said Pristine.

This caught Luna’s attention, which made her listen to their conversation, now curious about what happened in the gardens.

“Ah yes… while we did say we meet up, you didn’t say where, so I was heading back to the Gala when that mess caused by the girls happened. Where were you though?” asked Eclipse.

“I… well I wandered a little and encountered Princess Luna… but if the Gala was under that big of a mess I suppose asking a dance from you would had been impossible…”

“Now hold here,” said Luna, approaching the two. “Sir Eclipse, earlier as I trotted through the halls of the castle, I saw you dancing with another pony!”

This caught everyone’s attention, as they listened to the conversation between Eclipse and Luna, with the princess continuing the conversation.

“I thought the one you danced with under the moonlight was lady Pristine, are you saying that wasn’t the case?”

“While it isn’t your business who I’m with… but yes; after having to deal with some troublemakers from the Church – which Ves and her fellow guards dealt with – myself and Pristine talked a little until I had business elsewhere, we departed from one another until I reunited with my protege.”

This made everyone gasp in shock, except for one individual, Fluttershy when hearing Eclipse meeting up with his ‘protege’ which made her think back when she first met Eclipse.

Protege? Wait, Eclipse wouldn’t be talking about…

“YOU MET YOUR WHAT!?” shouted Twilight, her eyes ablaze with intrigue.

Soon the conversation derailed about Eclipse secret rendezvous with an unknown individual that nobody had met before. “My protege, I asked Celestia for an additional ticket so she could come.”

“But I hadn’t met anypony like that while I was greeting those at the Gala’s entrance?”

“She doesn’t like being notice, to say the least Luna saw me dancing with her… as I mentioned she’s a lot like Fluttershy.” While Eclipse sipped his drink, many of the girls came firing various question after question at him which he simply ignored or dodged.

Luna watched this happen until she looked at Pristine, remembering back at the gardens, Luna did see what appeared to be a silhouette of a horn, meaning that it was definitely not Pristine.

If it couldn’t been Pristine… then who?

Prior to Luna’s Perspective – Canterlot, Canterlot Castle, Royal Gardens; 6:55pm

I remember sitting on that bench, I spent my time waiting by gazing at the reflection of the pond, as the moon could been reflected upon its waters. I didn’t wear something as frilly like the rest of the natives, my outfit was like half-suit and half-gown dress; the part that covered my furred chest, was suit with the dress shirt under a tuxedo, the dress shirt was a light purple while the tuxedo was a darker purple variation, to complete the ensemble is a bow-tie.

As for the lower half which covered the barrel and flanks of my… ‘body’, was a flowing see-through auburn gown, under the see-through silk cloth is a tight fabric that covered the marks on my flank as well as the rest of my posterior. On the withers of my tuxedo is the symbol of my master, my mane while short, it wasn’t its usual mess and brushed to at least make myself look decent enough.

I continued to sit there, gazing at the still waters of that pond, the calming breeze of the night echoed around me… then I heard steps approaching me.

“I knew I find you here.”

I turned to face the voice and standing there in his own outfit was my master. The soft look in his emerald eyes was enough to instill a calm in me, he was the only individual I would give my rest, my life, my whole being in a moment’s notice. Standing up from the bench, I approached until I stood only half a meter away from him. I would had bowed then and there, sadly the outfit I wore didn’t allow me to do so.

“It is good to see you in this form, master… though I can’t say why you wished for me to attend this event… these ponies are a tad self-centered and rude.”

“Now now, no need for that kind of attitude… how about we don’t stand and talk like we just met.”

(Mood Music)

With a wave of his hoof and a gentle sway of his head, the soothing strings of a harp began to echo around us. Once the music began, he took a few steps to me and extended the same hoof he used to summon said music; my deep dislike with how easily he would start a conversation with me, unlike toward the others which he portrayed a visage of respect and power… he did quite the opposite… it made me sick, it made me angry… it made me feel warm inside… I didn’t deserve to be treated like I’m his equal… I was little more than an ant before him.

“I think this is the part you take my hoof, unless you wish to stand and continue talking?”

Sadly, the only think I hate more than this was doing nothing – inactivity was never my strongest side to me.

With my hoof gently placed on top of his, we both began to stand on our rear-hooves. Unlike those at this “Gala” who danced with one hoof around the other, while dancing on all three of their legs, my master and I danced on our rear-legs… which was the closest thing to how we normally danced in our normal forms.

While he had his left foreleg holding my right foreleg, he held me close with his right foreleg, while my other foreleg laid on his withers. It was strange dancing like this, not in our current forms… dancing in general… I should be defending him from all manner of danger, to be his shield and sword… to answer upon his every whim like the titan he is… To be this close to him was surmountable to blasphemy.

To be close to him is a sin of the highest caliber.

“There’s no need to belittle yourself, you hold as much authority as I do.”

Moments like this I forget what he’s capable of, it isn’t that hard to read one’s mind like an open book… he did teach me after all how to control my native telepathy.


“Hmmmm, why what?”

“Why did you summon me to attend to this event? To come here, to wear this… asinine outfit, just so we could dance? You should be recovering until the day for your vengeance is at hand… not… spending time with the one who couldn’t fend off your enemies.”

For that short moment, silence drowned out from my surroundings, even though the music continued on, having been extended for our – for my master’s personal tastes. That silence soon ended, when he responded by pulling me in closer, to say that I felt like tossing myself into the core of an exploding star was taking things light; this entire situation was just utterly foolish… so so foolish indeed.

“Is there a problem to spending time with the one closest to my heart and soul?”


“Staying quiet isn't an appropriate response, little one.”

“Must you still call me that… I have a name.”

“Of course you do… of course you do…”

We continued to sway in a slow circle, it was all so foolish being in this situation… I felt silly thinking… thinking that things could go back to normal – serving by his side, defeating his enemies, protecting his worlds… why did it had to end so?

“I think our time is almost ov-”

What I did next… I can’t say I regret it… I just wished I could had better worded it.

“Could we… Could I continue doing this with you… just a little longer…”

“...I suppose I can accept your little bout of selfishness…”

“I just… don’t want to lose you to the disparity of what is to come.”

“And you won’t…”



The two of us continued like that, we never spoke, nor did we exchange any mental messages toward one another… utter, blissful, silence. My senses dulled as we danced, the only thing I felt was the smooth gentle glow of our souls – one was like a calming chilling black-hole, the other a vast sea of light that dare consume everything around it.

We soon departed, as he had to leave unless his watch-dogs would get suspicious of his absence, I watched him leave, soon I too left, disappearing under the shadows of a tree’s canopy. I turned to see his visage slowly disappear around the bend of the garden, once I saw him completely leave, I took a few steps forward until a swirling mass appeared before me, in which I stepped forward.

I’m both sad and pathetic… but I must be the wall that he needs – that he deserves. This I solemnly swear…

Present Time – Canterlot; 7:30pm

Watching from the rooftop just across Donut Joe’s, she watched as Eclipse continued to speak to the inquisitive unicorn called Twilight Sparkle. The outfit she wore was still on her, but the only difference, was the death glare she gave at Twilight, the mare being a unicorn as her own horn glowed an ominous dark purple light.

Behind her, the same swirling mass appeared behind her as she turned around to go through the portal.

“Thank you for the dance… master.”

The next day – Ponyville, Eclipse’s Property; 10:00am

After the Gala was officially over, the girls, Spike, Eclipse, and the guards all returned back to Ponyville, while the guards reported the incident with Swift Slice and the Church, the rest decided to take today off due to the stressful evening – except for Spike and Eclipse – everypony had.

Spending his free-time at home, Eclipse laid down on his hammock, taking a nap as the warm summer breeze blew through his mane. As he laid down calmly, he heard the tell-tale sound of hooves approaching him, opening his one eye to see, he sees Twilight approaching him by herself.

“Good morning Eclipse,” said Twilight.

“Morning… Can I help you with anything, Sparkle?”

“Again, please call me Twilight… and no, I just wanted to see you.”

“So you aren’t here to keep pestering me about my personal history or my acquaintances?”

Twilight sighed to herself, knowing that Eclipse was like a magically sealed chamber, he would not say a peep about his past or those he knew before arriving in Equestria. Deciding to not force said information out of him, she sat beside him, staring at the far horizon, watching the crystal clear lake near his abode and the blue sky free of clouds today.

“So the Gala was fine on your end, you didn’t see anything that me or the girls did, right?”

“Yes, I didn’t witness the embarrassing situations you or the girls got into,” said Eclipse.

“Do you have to say it like that?”

With a shrug Twilight joined Eclipse in gazing at the horizon, the two keeping quiet until Eclipse spoke next.

“A lot has occurred since you or I have came to this town…”

“Yeah… with Nightmare Moon, the Church, heck, with all the crazy things that happened in town and with the girls… I would thing coming here was a big mistake…”


“Yeah, but I wouldn’t give a single second away being here for anything else.”

“Hmmm… the future will hold many unknowns, but as long you know the goals you wish to reach and those alongside you can help you achieve said goals… Well, you’ll fine satisfaction in the end.”

Twilight nodded in agreement with Eclipse statement, the two taking in the warmth and soft breeze around them. For awhile, neither said a word, simply gazing at the far horizon and relaxing… until Twilight took note of her surroundings and looked at Eclipse confused.

“Say… Where’s Luella?”

(Character Theme/Outro Song)

Far from the pair, hidden within the trees across the lake, stood a unicorn hidden by both the shadows and the cloak they wore. They watched the pair with violet eyes, a deep glare focused particularly on Twilight, as the figure watched with deep contempt, they soon wandered back into the thicket of trees, muttering to themselves before vanishing.

“Fear is weakness; fear is strength; accept the fear, but do not let it overtake you.”

Author's Note:

We're finally here, the final chapter... kind of, after this is the interlude, which will officially be the end of arc one of IANG.

Thank you all for reaching far with me, as we reach a new level of absolute eldritch twists and turns, because what comes next... is going to be a shocker.

Next time: Terror in Manehattan, the hunt for blood continues; dark forces begin to make their move, and an ancient enemy from the past returns... but it never stops... it never ends.

Holy Grail
Twilight Sparkle
Mysterious Unicorn/Eclipse's Protege

Warm Earth
Mysterious Unicorn/Eclipse's Protege