• Published 25th Jul 2019
  • 1,599 Views, 220 Comments

Blue Fang - MlpHero

A blue fanged changeling wants to learn about his purpose in life.

  • ...

[Take Zenex]

Blue Fang sighed. “Okay Zen, you can come,” he said reluctantly. “Just... don’t get hurt...”

Zen nodded. “I won’t let you down!” he said, happily.

Kydra looked at Blue. “But Blue! Zen could get hurt!” She tried pleading with him. “What if the guards or even worse, Hex and Arthrax, get to him?!”

“They’ll have to kill me first,” Blue said. He walked over to Kydra. He took her hooves. “Don’t worry. Go and get help.” She nodded and turned to run.


She turned back around. “Yes Blue?”

He walked over to her. “You’ve done so much for me and I wanted to thank you for giving me the courage to do this...”

She looked at him. “Do what?”

“This.” He closed just eyes, leaned forward, and put his lips onto hers. Pharynx and Zen gasped as they watched it. Neither of them could believe it. Kydra’s eyes widened and she blushed, before closing her eyes and leaning into the kiss. She passed him a small key.

Blue pulled himself back, then looked at the key. “Thank you.”

She nodded and turned to run. He smiled and looked at the others, before nodding and running in the opposite direction, with Zen and Pharynx close behind. They continued to run through the woods until they came across another group of Royal Guards.

The three changelings took cover behind some fallen trees. Zen looked up and fired at the guards. Then an arrow landed close to his head. He ducked back down. “I almost got hit by an arrow!”

They looked at him, then two the arrow. “What in?! Where’d it come from?!” Blue asked.

“I dunno!” Zen yelled. The started contemplating whether to look back over the tree when...


The three Fangs flinched when they heard the voice yell Blue’s name. Pharynx perked up. “That sounded like Hex!” he pointed out.

“Yeah! And he’s ticked!” Zen exclaimed.

The others agreed with Zen. Pharynx looked over the log. “The RG’s are leaving! They must’ve found Hex!”

“Good!” Blue said. “Now, let’s move!”

The three continued running through the woods. Blue looked over to see a deer clashing with a wolf, before they faded away. He didn’t question it, and kept running. He looked over to the other side. A group of RG’s charged them. “Watch the left!”

They aimed their horns at the Royal Guards and fired. Some guards shrunk behind their cover whilst others dropped from the multitude of beams hitting their position. A guard popped his head out to fire...

...and got dropped from someone else.

The guards started yelling and firing at someone else, but seeming from their panicked screams and yells, whatever they were shooting, they weren’t hitting.

The Fangs took this time to continue running through the woods. “Come on! Their should be a nearby cliff we can climb up!” Pharynx yelled.

Blue nodded and looked at Zen. “Zenex! Go in front of me!”

Zen nodded and ran in front of Blue.

“They’re all over us!” Pharynx called. The three continued running. “Run guys run!”

Blue looked at Zenex. He smiled as he watched the nymph run. Zen was fighting along side him, and nothing would change that.


Blue looked ahead before tripping over something. He looked up to see Pharynx motioning for him to move. He ran up and fired at the guards attacking their position. The guards fired back. Blue rose up and fired at the guards, dropping three of them. He sighed with relief until he heard it. A faint crying...

He looked over. No... He ran over to Zenex, who had an arrow sticking out of his stomach. He looked up to Blue. “Blue? What’s going on?” Pharynx asked.

“Give us a second...” Blue looked at Zenex, who was still whimpering. He slowly caressed the nymphs face.

“B... Blue... I don’t wanna...” Zen started to tear up.

“Shh... shh... it’s okay... I’m right here...” Blue embraced the nymph, starting to tear up. Zen smiled one more time...

“Thank you...” Blue reached up for Zen’s beautiful eyes and brushed them closed for the nymph’s final rest.

He ran back to Pharynx. “Come on Blue... let’s go...”

Blue looked up. “But what about the money?” Pharynx looked at him as if he were crazy. “Kydra gave me the key.”

“We head back there, we’re dead in five minutes! We got a family, and that’s more important.”

Pharynx was right, family is more important. But with Zen gone...

...what did Blue have to lose?

“Maybe you’re right... but...”

“Look, you want the money? You head down! I’m going back to my family!”

[Go With Pharynx]

[Go Back For The Money]