• Published 1st Jan 2020
  • 2,805 Views, 51 Comments

A Day in the Life - TheHardie-Boy

A Choose-Your-Own-Adventure story within the Jake Taylorverse

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Take the tour

“…take the tour,” I answered with mild embarrassment. “Admittedly, I don’t have the best sense of direction, so I’d probably get lost if I went off on my own.”

“I see,” Principal Celestia answered through a few playful giggles, seemingly amused by my now abashed state.

“Hehe, yeah,” I chuckled back as I started rubbing the back of my head, my embarrassment only growing.

“Well don’t worry, Jake,” Principal Celestia said as her giggling stopped and she placed a hand on my shoulder. “I’m more than happy to show you around.”

I couldn’t help but smile as I look up at Principal Celestia’s friendly face. It was clear from her expression that she hadn’t meant anything mean or malicious when she laughed at what I’d said. She was just…being Celestia.

“Thank you, ma’am,” I gratefully said to her.

Principal Celestia simply nodded in response just before taking her hand off of my shoulder.

“Then if you would, please follow me,” she amiably said as she began walking away.

As I followed Principal Celestia, I started to wonder just how long this tour was going to be.

“And over here is our library, which houses more than 10,000 books,” Principal Celestia proudly said as she pointed to her right.

“Wow, impressive,” I replied, trying to sound genuinely interested even though I wasn’t.

By this point, I was starting to somewhat regret taking Principal Celestia’s tour. It wasn’t that she was a bad tour guide, far from it. No, it was more like she was too good at being a tour guide. She knew everything about the school and shared absolutely all of it, even the stuff no one could ever possibly care about; stuff like how many bricks it took to build the school, or when all the lockers had been replaced with new ones. So much trivial information was quickly becoming exhausting to take in.

Plus, Celestia showed no signs of ending the tour anytime soon. She just kept going and going and going, only coming to a brief stop when we came to a window facing the soccer field.

“Oh, there’s Sunset,” she casually pointed out as she looked out the window.

I quickly turned my head to look out the window and, sure enough, there she was, sitting alone on the bleachers. Sunset Shimmer; my friend, my girlfriend, and my salvation from this tour.

“Well, thanks for the tour, Principal Celestia,” I politely, but hastily, said as I backed up a bit. “But I should really go see my girlfriend now.”

“Oh, yes, of course,” Celestia replied, sounding a tad disappointed.

“Bye, ma’am,” I said just before making a break for it, before I could start to feel guilty about leaving her tour.

Once outside, I decided to hang out by the corner of the building by the soccer field. This was for two reasons; one, I needed to catch my breath after making a hasty getaway from Principal Celestia, and two, a thought had occurred to me. Sunset didn’t know I was here, so maybe I could have a little fun with her. Maybe even…prank her.

“Hmmm, to prank or not to prank,” I asked myself. “That is the question.”

Prank Sunset

Don’t Prank Sunset