• Published 23rd Apr 2017
  • 820 Views, 3 Comments

The Oracle Infinium - TwiWonderfilly

When two ponies became Equestria's largest origins of disaster, it is up to them to venture to the light and set things right. For the destiny bonds these two renegades share are more out of dark and light intertwined; different yet similar.

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”I am.... Cimmerian Raven....

the first born of Lons..... no.

The first born of nothingness."

I mutter to myself as I sit upon my fallen throne.

The place here feels so.... warm and cozy. As if I'm back in my bed in Lonsdale snuggling in my favourite plushie. Wait.... something isn't right. Lonsdale? Wait, is Lonsdale.... mum?! Dad?!

I suddenly woke up screaming and panicking out of the seemingly unfamiliar bed, only realising that I'm not in my bedroom, but in somepony's!

"You're awake, I see?" a strange creature resonated from afar.

As I look at my surroundings, I see masks, spears, potions lying messily on the shelves. I hear somepony spilling out gibberish incantations. Yeah.... this is not my bedroom.

"Wh-whoever you are.... show yourself! Where am I?" I panicked.

As I start to search my surroundings, a shadow suddenly appeared beside me. I panicked and started to grab the closest weapon I can get. A.... stick? I feel my heart starts to beat faster as he nears me.

"Heh, so this is what Lonsdale's first-born can do? Showing a sense of fear in herself. And on one moment you summoned the embodiment of fear itself."

"Finally! Some acknowledgment! But how do you know I-"

"I am the one who helped your mother deliver you here. As you can see, I'm a doctor. I know who you are, Raven...."

How could she possibly knew that I summoned a dragon? Has the news reached this far? I question her as I started to get curious about what I did back then.

"Wait. How did you know about me summoning a dragon? Were you-"

"Well.... A few days past I saw a dragon up in the sky and lest it was heading towards east. The moment I visited Lonsdale all I can see were.... cinders. Nopony should have survived, but you did."

"Lonsdale is.... gone? You mean everyone died?" As I hear the part about Lonsdale being in cinders, my mind starts to blur with confusion. Was I expecting everypony to die because of what I've committed? I suddenly feel dead on the inside as my heart stops beating. As if I'm missing something; something dear.

"Well, if you want to see yourself, then by all means be my guest. I guess only two creatures living alone in this land would mean all the easier to survive." The doctor replied with a glare while adjusting his glasses.

I immediately trot with full speed as I leave the hut only to find a dense forest. Trees were brimming with greenery, only to see the skies are as dark as smoke giving a trail. The only possible lead on where the dragon is heading is to follow that trail, heading east to Lonsdale. From there I can finally see what has happened. The truth and consequence of what I've did.

Once a thriving kingdom of commerce, Lonsdale is now a shade of its former self. Trees and fields of grass were burnt. The sky is grey as smoke. The marketplace that I used to buy my favourite plushie is now torn and ruined. The park that my parents used to take me before my sister was born has its grasses dead. The rivers are polluted with ash. The castle is now nothing but a pile of ruins. The spirit of Lonsdale is now forgotten and gone. Only one thing still remains: my father's burnt crown for my sister beneath the piles of broken marble.

I wanted to wear that crown. I thought that summoning that dragon would bring me to reign. Now, I am reigning over a kingdom of nothingness. There's nothing for me to rule but forgotten cinders.

"I am.... Cimmerian Raven.... the first born of Lons..... no. The first born of nothingness." I mutter to myself as I sit upon my fallen throne. Tears are dropping through my eyes as I start to regret my actions. I look down to the ground and see the pile of marble I'm sitting on. I suddenly recall the days where the castle was in full glory. What was I thinking? Planning the end of the world?

That dragon isn’t going to stop here.... it’s going to devour the rest of the world! I feel so helpless now.

No.... I have to make things right. It's bad enough that I have to suffer because of my consequences, but I can't let the world suffer my burden. I quickly rush to the port and gather as many materials as I can to follow that trail of smoke through sea. The only way to travel, is by boat. Wait a minute.... I just realised something!

I can't make a boat! Seriously, what's a royal pegasus thinking about!

Now I start to think way over my head. To travel the sea.... yes, definitely need a boat! I trot back to the doctor's hut and hope that he has knowledge on boat crafting or the sort.

"Hey, doc! I need to know how to make a boat. Do you have any idea how?"

"Remind me why you need a boat?"

"To cross the sea.... duh?" I start to get annoyed as the doctor tries to stall time. Is he not going to cut to the chase?

"Why would you need to cross the sea?" she replied with a concerned expression.

"To reach where the dragon went! East!"

The doctor suddenly let a huge sigh and facehoofed himself while saying:

“Raven, remind me what were you born with? Please tell me a pegasus born of royalty has at least decent common sense....”

"Wait, what do you mean I don’t have common sense? I’m born with these wings, as Lonsdale’s fastest fly-.... oh.... OH YEAH! Thanks, Doc!" I suddenly blush and let out a nervous smile. He doesn't seem to be impressed as he raised an eyebrow. Unable to bear this embarrassment, I rapidly skedaddle out of the hut and into the port where I am in the position to fly. Towards east, in the afternoon, the perfect time when the wind will guide me.

After hours of flying, a huge chunk of land seemed to get closer and came to my vision. Finally! I thought to myself. My wings are starting to get sore after all these flying. As the land starts to get closer, I feel like dropping instantly to the sea as I can't feel my wings anymore.

As I see my surroundings, I see a colourful city brimming with life. This place is very different compared to Lonsdale. There are no fancy marble buildings or stone walls. There are city lights everywhere! The city is also mostly inhabited by ponies.

"WELCOME TO FABULOUS LAS PEGASUS" a signboard came into my vision as I got washed to shore. That's quite an original name, I thought. The city here seems lively with buildings scattering around the area with inhabitants rushing around the commercial premises.

As I eavesdrop to some of the ponies’ chatter, I can surprisingly understand what they’re talking about. Hm, they speak the same language as I do. Looks like Lonsdale and wherever this place has a lot in common.

However, now is not the time to relax and celebrate. Is the dragon here, I wonder?

As I begin to ponder while walking, I happen to stumble upon some sort of a restaurant. This restaurant's different though. It has a lively setting with a podium and a counter with.... fancy bottled drinks? My eyes are stuck to the podium, thinking that this is a perfect way to warn the inhabitants of an upcoming disaster!

"Everypony! I need your attention! I am Raven, ruler of Lonsdale!" I look at my surroundings only to see ponies give me a confused expression. One of them seems ready to rebut.

"Lonsdale? Never heard of that before in my life!" A shady grey pony replied to me. He looks like he's wearing some sort of black coat. His black mane seems to be standing out. Quite the appealing pony, I thought to myself.

"Look, that doesn't matter! A dragon is approaching this place and it's going to burn us all! You need to get out of here!"

An awkward silence fills the room for a brief second. Then, a sudden burst of laughter surrounds the place.

"Ha! Don't make us laugh! A dragon is going to burn Las Pegasus? That's the most absurd thing we've heard since somepony winning the jackpot twice in a row at Gladmane's!"

"You don't understand! I saw it burning my entire city to cinders! If you don't escape now, you're all going to be dead!"

"Look, kid. Equestria's always fine as it is, maybe except our war with the Empire. Let me be real honest to ya, kid. You're tired. Ya need to relax and enjoy yourself at one of the resorts out there." The ponies laugh at me while I try to warn them about the dragon's coming. I gulp in nervousness but on the flip side, I have to tell them somehow!

Suddenly the guards approach me confused on what seems to be going on. Perhaps all they heard was me screaming that is audible to the entrance. Wait, they're coming after me? Are they going to detain me?

"Guards, this pony is blabbering nonsense! Get’er out of here!" The grey pony said to the guards.

As I see the guards try to hold me, I try to resist and fly, to no avail. My wings are too tired to fly, and my body seems to numb to resist. My visions start to blur as they drag me out of the restaurant.

"Geez.... I mean Las Pegasus has a lotta strange and crazy ponies but this pony’s just over-the-top." He said.

The guards then hoofcuff me ever so tightly. Then, they proceed to blindfold me. Has the world gone entirely mad?!

I felt my body being thrown to a carriage. It seems to lead out of town, but I can't be sure since I'm too tired to even look out my surroundings. I need to rest. I curl up to the floors of the carriage and fell to a deep sleep.

Gods know where they are taking me.