• Member Since 7th Jan, 2015
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Penn Hooven

Writer and fanfiction reviewer. Feel free to say hi.

More Blog Posts348

  • 142 weeks
    Quick Questioner

    For any of you who remember L.O.V. the old review channel I had, did you like the different voices or did you like just me reviewing the stories?

    0 comments · 149 views
  • 142 weeks
    Back in the saddle

    Looks like I'm coming back. I'm looking forward to working on some stories again and dusting off my reviewing skills. I'll start posting my reviews here and the Pleasent Reviewer Group.

    Storywise, I think I'll focus more on suspense and horror rather than comedy, though I am considering what a good sequel would be to "I'm a Zepplin".

    You'll be hearing from me again soon.

    0 comments · 140 views
  • 182 weeks
    Coming back-ish

    Hey. It's been a long while. Long to the short, my Psychologist thinks it'd be a good idea to get back to my writing and posting it here, so I can have some sort of social life and all. We'll see when I find the time, but thought I'd drop a line to you all.

    We'll see what I come up with.

    2 comments · 160 views
  • 225 weeks

    It's been a while since I made a blog. I'll update the world about my life later, but just notice something funny. Most of my stories have less than 100 likes, more like less than 30ish, and no dislikes, or less than 5. Is that about the average you all have experienced?

    2 comments · 227 views
  • 252 weeks
    Some good news

    To follow up with the last blog I posted, I'm feeling much better now that mom's home. I was able to get a few diagnoses from the doctors which makes it so much easier to get help now. I have TBI (Traumatic brain injury), PTSD, and Major depression. Now I can get some help for the things I need help with.

    0 comments · 214 views

I'm not sure how to say this (see the link) · 11:06pm Mar 22nd, 2017

Some of you might read this and think I'm looking for attention. Others will see it as me crying out for help. For me, this is a last ditch effort not to do anything stupid.

I want to kill myself. It seems every day I wake up depressed, with nothing much to live for. You could say at this point, I've been living for others and not myself . There are many things that I've been struggling with, none of them that are appropriate to share here at this time. But suffice it to say I just want to end it all.

Is it selfish of me? Yes. But others be hurt? I know there are. It's the only option? It feels that way. And that's why I'm reaching out.

I suppose that's it in a nutshell.

Edit: Resolved

Report Penn Hooven · 506 views ·
Comments ( 32 )

You should change your name to Dead Robot.

4468287 was that a joke? Wow. Where a kick somebody while they're down. Why don't you just had me some razor blades while you're at it.

Do you believe in God mate?

:rainbowderp: Could you PM me with some elaboration please?

4468289 I thought breaking the ICE would make you feel better... turns out it's back-FIRED! (ice and fire)

4468291 What god do you believe in?

4468294 please, just stop talking or I'll block you. You and your puns are not making me feel any better. Thank you very much.

And yes I am being touchy.

4468302 God the E ternal Father , and in his son Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.

4468312 Good. Do you follow Him?

4468314 if you mean do I follow the Commandments, I follow all but the commandment about lust. If you would like me to expand upon that, p.m. me. I'm willing to tell, but it's not public speak that I want to talk about.

4468323 I mean do you follow his truths.

And I also fall under the sin of lust, it's a powerful thing. But if you stay close to God, and put him first, then you can start to get out of it. But it's a hard climb.

If you follow god mate, and you try to stay with Him, then seek Him out now. Even if you can't here Him, seek Him out, and he will answer you in do time.

If you need someone to talk to I'm here. I can relate. But suicide isn't the answer please talk to me

4468332 i've been excommunicated from my church for five years. For those last five years, I've been trying to get back, but I'm nowhere near close. I hope that answers your question on if I'm trying to follow the truths.

I know how you feel. I spent yesterday in a psychiatric hospital because of that.

Do you think you'd actually go through with it?

4468337 why have you been excommunicated?

And also, a church doesn't lead to all the answers. You need to seek God out personally, without the aid of others (unless your led to seek aid from others).

The bad times come so that we know when there's ever a good time. Sometimes you just have to hold out for those times to come.

There isn't, regrettably, much emotional advice I can give you. Life is a struggle but I think it's a worthy struggle. Living is the only way you can learn how to face difficulties.

Lifefe is hard. Life has to be hard so that we learn what is most important in it.

If you really need some help, there's always use to talk to. I know you have some much to live for and you're better than you think you are are used so much, but there's a reason. They work. We're all here for you.

4468356 thank you. There is no cure all to what I'm going through. Call me overly cautious, but the last time that I had these feelings and acted on it I wound up in the hospital three days after taking a bottle of pills. I don't want that. I know how I feel right now, and I know how good I can feel. But the feeling that I have now masks that so strongly it seems like this is existence. So instead of keeping it to myself like last time and bottling it up with a bottle of sleeping pills , I'm reaching out to whomever I can because that's better than doing something stupid.

Let me say this clearly:


4468421 thanks good to know


I hope this helps. Even though I won't be on a lot right now, you can still talk with me. You are in my prayers.

4468450 Thanks. This helps.

I suffer from depression (among other things) so I know how you feel. Sometimes I just lay in bed for weeks at a time and don't want to get up. Or I sleep for days at a time because I can't even find the energy to move. Depression is a genetic disorder so I can't really do anything about it when I am in one of my downer periods. And I know that it is annoying for people to tell you to cheer up when you really have no control over how you feel (speaking from personal experience). So the best I can say is that I understand how you feel. I am always here if you need someone to talk to.

4468457 and I think understanding is what I"m looking for, because when someone else understands, you realize you're not alone, and that cheers you up more than anything else someone can say. Thank you.

You matter here. On this site, where people try their very hardest for recognition and respect, where even the best people can fall into a deep dark pit, you can be a light in the dark to help them out.

You were to me.

4468461 You are very welcome, my friend. I am glad that I could help in some way. Many hugs and snuggles to you.

*Virtual hug*
I've been there, and I know it sucks, but don't ever think that suicide's the only option. Three of my friends have made that mistake, and I don't want to see someone else do the same.

Instead, read fluffy fics, watch someone funny on YouTube, and/or PM me to talk. Also, if possible, cuddle plushies.

4468665 Thank you my virtual friend. I did make a fallow up post, explaining that everyone's helped me to see that I'm worth staying alive and fighting for.

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