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Random Episode Review of the Day: May the Best Pet Win! · 3:03pm Sep 12th, 2012

Well, it’s time for another episode! Let’s see what fate has lined up…

And it’s #31, “May the Best Pet Win!”



Season: 2
Episode: 7
Written By: Charlotte Fullerton
First Aired: November 19, 2011


It’s another typical happy day, and Rainbow Dash is flying around and racing Owlowiscious…until the owl suddenly transforms into a horrid monster and awakens her from her dream. In reality, she was sleeping on a tree branch in the same park where the rest of the Mane 6 have their usual Pony Pet-Playdate, an event that Rainbow Dash has never been invited to because she doesn’t have a pet. At first she writes this off, but after listening to them all have fun for a few seconds she decides that she should have a pet of her own. This news causes Fluttershy to orgasm with joy, and she excitedly carries her off to her cottage to look over all the animals.

During the trip, Rainbow Dash outlines her qualifications for a pet: speed, agility, guts, style, coolness, awesomeness and radicalness. Above all else, though, it has to be able to fly. Her search yields several possibilities, so to narrow it down she decides to hold a contest for all interested animals to participate in, without whoever winning becoming her pet. Unfortunately, she’s attracted the attention of a [strike]tutle[/strike] tortoise, and at Fluttershy’s insistence, Dash reluctantly allows him to compete.

Over the course of the contests, the various competitors get gradually weeded out, until only a falcon, an owl, a bat, and an eagle remain. Unfortunately for the tortoise, he scores last in every event, and Dash finally tries to tell him to leave. Nonetheless, he joins in on the last event: a race through Ghastly Gorge, a death course complete with thorns, dark passages, and Quarray Eels. The rules are that since Dash will (obviously) beat them all, whoever crosses the finish line with her wins the right to be her pet. The pets desperately try to keep up to Dash, who sprints off ahead to taunt them some more. Unfortunately for her, she ends up crashing into the side, causing a rockslide that pins her wing. The racers are too focused on winning to notice her, leaving her to die a slow, lingering death…or until her friends save her, whatever comes first.

Just as she’s given up all hope, the tortoise comes along and starts digging under the rock to lever his head down there. Meanwhile, the Mane 6 are at the finish line, and finally notice what’s happened when everyone but Dash shows up. Fortunately, the Pegasus soon turns up, riding on the back of the tortoise (who’s also skilled in first aid, apparently). The falcon, who won the contest, is ready to be declared her pet, but since the tortoise crossed the line with her (and stayed behind to help her), she gives the right to him. The falcon, for his part, accepts defeat and walks away, while Rainbow Dash gets ready for her first Pony-Pet Play Date with her new pet, Tank. (After getting him hooked up with a propeller, of course.)


“May the Best Pet Win!” got a lot of backlash when the synopsis was released. This was still early in Season Two, and while most of the early episodes were pretty good, there was still a pretty sizeable fear over Faust leaving and just how much product placement Hasbro wanted to shove into the show without Saint Lauren to stop them. Nevertheless, one of the show’s biggest strengths is its ability to promote the merchandise while also creating interesting stories and characters. The problem with this episode, though, does not lie in its merchandising roots, but rather in just how anemic the story is here. This is a very simple episode overall, which is both a strength and weakness.

The opening dream is a nice little bit of surrealism, coupled with the need to reintroduce the pets after a long absence. Even in her dreams, Dash is obsessed with flying, and her reaction to Owlowiscious mutating into a bunny-alligator hybrid with a cat version of that tongue from Alien is a nice, freaky touch. And like all dreams, it ends in crushing disappointment as she falls to her death, only to wake up on the tree branch. (I do have to say, though, that a tree branch doesn’t seem to be the most comfortable place for a nap. Hopefully Dash doesn’t turn in her sleep…)

When I first heard the words “Pony-Pet Play Date” back when the Hub released the first trailer clips for this episode, I cringed. It felt like such a forced, cheesy term that it started to sour my mood for the episode pretty quickly. It didn’t help that said clip also included Pinkie being a jerk again, putting together why everypony didn’t invite Rainbow in the rudest, most insensitively direct way possible. (It didn’t help that Applejack dismissed her immediately afterwards so they could return to playing with their animal companions.) Still, I liked Pinkie nodding Fluttershy’s head (and said head continuing to bob afterwards), and I loved Gummy sticking to the side of Pinkie’s skull like a parasite. This is further proof that Gummy is the best pet in the entire series.

And then there’s Fluttershy’s reaction to Dash suddenly suggesting that she wants a pet. A few people I’ve found online have complained that her reacting this way was out of character, but I honestly don’t see it. Animals are her passion, her special talent is being able to communicate with them on a higher level, and thus it only makes sense that she’d practically squee when one of her best friends brings up the idea of having one of their own. I also loved her dragging Dash along the ground (with Angel riding her tail) until Dash has to flap her own wings to float a little higher.

This leads us to the first song of Season Two, and…it’s not very good. The biggest problem is that it’s not really a song; the characters are simply talking over the music, and while the lyrics rhyme, there’s no rhythm to their words. It doesn’t help that the melody itself is rather dull and uninspired. All that together makes this my least favorite song of the second season, and a rather dark blemish on the otherwise excellent musical numbers we got throughout these twenty-six episodes. While some of the animals make up a nice in-joke (most of them, like the cat and squirrel, were packaged with a Rainbow Dash figure at some point), for the most part it’s just Fluttershy misinterpreting Dash’s intentions until she flat-out tells her what she wants. About the only thing that really matters here is that Dash wants a pet that can fly and keep up with her, while a tortoise keeps popping up as an obvious bit of foreshadowing. (I do like the little sunglasses it pulls out of its shell, though.) Oh, and Derpy’s in the chicken coop for some reason.

This leads us into the contest, which pretty much swallows up the entire second act. The lineup of contestants is pretty enjoyable, and I like how the ladybug backed out almost immediately. We again see Dash in her drill sergeant/coach role, which I do like. One bit that might have been done away with, though, was Applejack and Twilight pretty much spoiling the moral and ending; Winona licking Twilight’s face was cute.

And then we get the tortoise. The turtle/tortoise joke is okay, but otherwise this helps to make the episode even more predictable. Right from the song, it’s obvious who the pet is going to be. (It’s also obvious if you know the toys, since the only one of these animals Dash ever had in the toyline was the tortoise.) Contrary to popular belief, however, I have no qualms with Dash’s attitude. She said she wanted a pet that could fly, and a tortoise has no way to keep up. It doesn’t meet any of her qualifications, and has no chance of winning. Still, she gives in and allows him the chance, if only to keep Fluttershy happy.

Dash outlining the contest is a generally impressive scene…except for one very obvious, very distracting error. Watch and see if you can find it:

If you didn’t catch it, here’s the answer. When Dash is returning after showing agility, she passes behind the duck. And when she takes off, the same thing happens. While the show has always had animation flubs such as manes disappearing, Cutie Marks vanishing, or characters teleporting between shots, this one stands out because of how long it’s on the screen, as well as how it completely disrupts the mood the scene is trying to set. Still, it ends on a funny little bit:

The actual contest itself is basically a series of little scenes, with Dash repeating the same verbal gag for each one. We also see Tank failing miserably every time, while Dash puts him down for wasting her time. I can’t say I approve, but it’s in her character, so I can’t really complaint about that. One thing I do find interesting, though, is that it bucks the usual cartoon trend when it comes to the winners. Usually in these things, the ones who are destined to be in the final lineup are the only ones to win the initial events. Here, we have two animals win one of the contests, but fail to make it to the finals; the hummingbird wins agility, and the monarch butterfly pulls off a rather inventive trick to get Opal’s favorite toy and prove its guts. (I also loved Tank here; he actually had a good idea to drop the cage on Opal, but was too slow to pull it off. It also foreshadows his head and neck strength.)

The actual events are pretty standard, with only two really standing out for me. The first is style, especially given the kind of pony Rainbow Dash was in G3. (Think Rarity, only radically simplified and stripped of any sort of personality.) I liked some of the visual motifs here, like the sweater and library for the owl and the eagle playing curling with her. And lastly, we have the radicalness competition, which none of the animals win. I liked the wasp pulling off some pretty complex shadow puppets, and of course, the bat doing something awesome (but losing because it’s the wrong contest) was a nice gag. Still, the important part here is the end, where the tortoise fails again and Dash flat-out tells him to go home.

The setup for the Ghastly Gorge race is also pretty funny, with Dash pausing for dramatic effect and flying out of the background to offer the eagle a handkerchief. The actual race is the visual and auditory highlight of the episode, with “Ride of the Valkyries” blaring in the background while the animals are all maimed, twisted, beaten, and otherwise slammed around. This also ties into the earlier conversation between AJ and Twi, where Dash was placing all her emphasis on a cool pet rather than one that loved her.

And then we get to Dash getting pinned in the rockslide. This part of the episode is….not exactly the most severe danger out there. Her friends find out about the rockslide soon after, and would have been able to help her. She really wasn’t in any mortal danger, and her freak out was more an overreaction than anything else. Still, Dash starting to cry after being abandoned was fairly heartbreaking, and the tortoise finally coming to the rescue was a predictable, but still good, ending to the story. The team moving the finish line to speed up their return was also cute, as was Fluttershy getting in on the turtle/tortoise running gag.

The ending, of course, is pretty standard. The falcon is the clear winner, and is all proud of being a pet, but Dash pulls the rug out from under it by repeating her exact words and choosing the tortoise (who she names “Tank”). The falcon leaves gracefully, even if you can tell it’s clearly not happy about what happened. The poor thing went through hell, and gets turned down at the last minute because the pony running the contest changed her mind and exploited a loophole. The actual moral is just okay, although I like the bit where he succeeds in taking Opal’s toy. And Tank’s flying contraption at the end was hilariously awesome.


The biggest thing holding this episode back is just how predictable the ending is. We know from the first act that the tortoise will win, and the episode does little to deviate from that path. It also doesn’t help that much of the story is spent on the various contests, which doesn’t exactly make this an episode you watch for any sort of exciting narrative. Still, there are some great visuals here, some of the jokes work, and the contests have some creativity to them. In the end, it all pretty much averages out.


And that’s another episode down. Let’s see what’s next…

Well, this is gonna be a long one. See you then!

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Comments ( 17 )

Am I the only one who thought Fluttershy's part of the turtle/tortoise joke at the end was really out-of-character? It kinda annoyed me the first time I watched it.

I have one main problem with this episode. The turtle tortoise never appeared again. Ever. Seriously, not even a background appearence?

Heh, I must be one of the few who like the song. Even if it is mostly because it is a number with Fluttershy. :yay:

I didn't know Derpy was in the chicken coop. Time to re-watch the episode! dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/shrug_Derpy_Hooves.png

To be fair, the plots of most of the episodes are fairly predictable.

Mediocre, but still enjoyable for what it is. An ending that is largely visible a mile off, but still fairly well executed. Yeah, that about sums up my thoughts on this episode.

It didn’t help that said clip also included Pinkie being a jerk again, putting together why everypony didn’t invite Rainbow in the rudest, most insensitively direct way possible. (It didn’t help that Applejack dismissed her immediately afterwards so they could return to playing with their animal companions.)

Rude?!? But it was all true, even Dash herself agreed with that. It wasn't until she laid back down for a nap with the sound of her all friends having fun with their pets that she got any insecurity or doubt about the issue.

and thus it only makes sense that she’d practically squee when one of her best friends brings up the idea of having one of their own.

Indeed... and um, I don't know about the rest of you, but this is also not far off from my attitude when someone I know expresses more than a passing interest in my strange passion for tiny pastel equines. Normally I'm not very expressive or insistent in my bronyness, but I nearly bounce with giddy glee whenever one of my friends or family agree to watch an actual episode. :pinkiehappy:

This leads us to the first song of Season Two, and…it’s not very good. The biggest problem is that it’s not really a song; the characters are simply talking over the music, and while the lyrics rhyme, there’s no rhythm to their words. It doesn’t help that the melody itself is rather dull and uninspired.

No arguments here. I mean I can still remember excitement welling up in me as the music started to swell and the ponies started to sing, but by the time it was over I was just shrugging it off with a "Meh", only to later that day be flabbergasted when EVERYONE online seemed to be hailing it as some stunning masterpiece and the best song yet. Seriously, I think far too many fans were simply so starved for a new musical number (and probably a little worried that such had left the show alongside Faust) at the time that they were just ready to jump onboard with anything.

One bit that might have been done away with, though, was Applejack and Twilight pretty much spoiling the moral and ending

Maybe, but at the same time Dash really was missing the point and I appreciate that the fact was acknowledged by the characters. Besides the moral, as given by Dash at least, was about looking for deeper qualities, while the issue Twi and AJ were pointing out had more to do with Rainbow only wanting a pet to help herself look cooler while seemingly blind to the realities of the responsibility involved in caring for such an animal.

this one stands out because of how long it’s on the screen, as well as how it completely disrupts the mood the scene is trying to set. Still, it ends on a funny little bit:

Oddly, I completely missed it the first time around, and I'm usually a pretty attentive view. Heck, even knowing that it's there, I still have to force myself to pay enough attention to notice.

Nothing much else to say about the rest of the episode that you didn't already cover.

What I will say is, that just like with the rest of the pets, I'm always a little disappointed that the show tends to forget they exist most of the time. It's not like I expect them to play a significant role in episodes but it would be nice if they where at least around. Would it really be too much to ask to see Winona in more background shots at Sweet Apple Acres, Owlicious perched somewhere in the library, or how about Tank in a pet bed at Rainbow's house while she was reading Daring Do? Just little things so as to occasionally acknowledge their continued existence.

354095 That scene made sense to me. Knowing RD for so long and her job being making animals happy, it would not make sense for her to be super shy about it. I know Fluttershy is never at that magnitude of excitement but I think it is well deserved for her character. :yay:

354110 I agree that many are very predictable but I for one am not watching the show like an actual drama. I "play stupid" and pretend I am in a child's perspective so everything surprises me. I also do not pay enough attention to the toys to know that RD had a tortoise. :rainbowhuh:


I didn't know anything about the toys either, but Tank's scenes during the song made it painfully obvious.

That said, I watch the show for the characters, not the plot, so predictable plots don't bother me so much. I've found most things are more enjoyable when I care about the characters more than the plot.

And then there’s Fluttershy’s reaction to Dash suddenly suggesting that she wants a pet. A few people I’ve found online have complained that her reacting this way was out of character, but I honestly don’t see it. Animals are her passion, her special talent is being able to communicate with them on a higher level, and thus it only makes sense that she’d practically squee when one of her best friends brings up the idea of having one of their own.

I'm a computer technician and I love building new computers.
Problem is - that's very expensive and I only get to do a build from scratch once in a great while.

I've felt exactly like Fluttershy when I find out that somebody else is building a new machine, so I understand exactly how she reacts here because I react in the same way.
"A new computer?"
"Can I help?"
"Can I see it?
"Tell me about it!"
SQUEEEE! :pinkiehappy:

may the odds be forever in your favor small falcon, now i need to stop having writers block and write my 4th chapter...this is what i get for only thinking about 3 chapters and not the forth:fluttercry::pinkiehappy:

Layering errors make my day for some reason. You can get some funny images from them. Like this:

I actually liked the song, or rather, liked it when it picked up at the end, and actually became a song. :derpytongue2: The first part was pretty "meh" though. It's also a real bad earworm.

354106 Well the other pets don't really appear in any of the episodes either, so he's just a little far behind.

Didn't RD say she named him Tank because he was built like one?
Wow! Mechanical warfare in Equestria; should've figured!

At first, I didn't really like the song either, but then it got stuck in my head and I realized that the second half of it is insanely catchy.

As an episode, I like it well enough. There's enough to keep me entertained the whole time, even if it does have a couple problems.

I really do wish they would acknowledge the pets more often. Like when Dash was laid up in the hospital, the very least they could have done was a throwaway line from Fluttershy about watching Tank for her until she gets better. Is that really too much to ask for?

Uh... Not sure what you mean there. I was talking about this scene:
Fluttershy: "It's Rainbow Dash! And the turtle!"
Everypony: "Tortoise!"
F: "Whatever."

354735 I know right, I mean nearly every FS ep mentions or has Angel in it, and Rarity's often do the same. Why can't they do that with Winona or Gummy or Owlicious or Pee Wee, or Tank?

The biggest problem is that it’s not really a song; the characters are simply talking over the music, and while the lyrics rhyme, there’s no rhythm to their words. It doesn’t help that the melody itself is rather dull and uninspired. All that together makes this my least favorite song of the second season, and a rather dark blemish on the otherwise excellent musical numbers we got throughout these twenty-six episodes.

Really? I liked it. Or at least it's frequently stuck in my head and won't leave no matter what, anyway. I suppose when placed next to "Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000" or "This Day Aria" it's pretty weak, but I did enjoy the fact that the two voice actresses with singing careers were singing a duet.

Now if only we can get Ashleigh Ball to do a cover of Dreams for Rainbow Dash teaching Scootaloo how to fly...

The poor thing went through hell, and gets turned down at the last minute because the pony running the contest changed her mind and exploited a loophole.

Clearly there needs to be a Cupcakes-like fic written where the falcon gets revenge on Dash and Tank.

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