• Member Since 29th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 3rd, 2021


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  • 555 weeks
    Okay so I'm gonna start writing again

    Hello, all 13 of my followers! I am going to start writing my story again, First Contact: From the Mouths of the Ponies

    Sorry about how long it's taken me, but I hope you can forgive me for holy shit a little over a year

    2 comments · 442 views
  • 585 weeks

    Sorry guys I'm not dead I just have been without a stable net for a long while
    I still don't have one, I just had a brief moment of unsecured connection at this moment
    Sorry, probably going to disappear for a while again :c

    0 comments · 379 views
  • 613 weeks
    This is awesome

    This is a camera, that is capable of taking slow motion imaging...

    At a rate such that a beam of light can be captured in slow motion.

    That's a trillion frames per second.

    That is just amazing.

    2 comments · 393 views
  • 614 weeks
    Chapter 2 info

    Earthbound- A term used to describe human culture or things associated with human culture from before the mid 22nd century.

    Read More

    0 comments · 624 views
  • 614 weeks
    Chapter 2 info

    Earthbound- A term used to describe human culture or things associated with human culture from before the mid 22nd century.

    Read More

    0 comments · 352 views

Universe idea for stories · 7:42am Aug 19th, 2012

Okay... First time doing a blog...

A few days ago I was thinking about HIE fics. I was thinking of how a lot of the time, when the fic has it so that humans are "aliens", the fic tends to be a crossover, and/or does ass-all to describe why the pony planet has magic.

Well, I decided to remedy that. I sat down, began thinking, and set out to writing the foundations of a potential world in which
a.) humans can be a spacefaring society
2.) Ponies exist
три.) There is actually an explanation for why ponies can do the shit they do and why there tech is so schizo.

I call it:

a setting that focuses on the social dynamics, trade, politics, and history of a galaxy inhabited by prolific amounts of both magical and non-magical life.

*WARNING this entire post is going to be very long.*

Okay, Lets start with the basics.

Magic exists in this universe. It is everywhere. It is not, however, of equal value in all regions. In fact, the majority of space has so little magic, that natural (not caused or utilized by any sentient interference) magical phenomena is nonexistent. Regions in which magic is accessible are called leylines, and they form a grid across the entire universe.

Despite their name, which implies that space is two dimensional, ley lines are not actually "lines". A good way to describe it is a massive bubble bath, with the soap of the bubbles being the ley lines and the air within the bubbles being non magical space.

Equestria lies within a ley line. Earth lies within a non-magical space.

Within a ley line, magic is strong enough that entirely natural magical phenomenon occur. The closer into the ley line you are, the greater the natural law that can be upset. In fact, crossroads (intersections of ley lines), are often indescribable by human standards, featuring impossible geometry and entirely alien physics.

One of the most important differences between magical and non magical space is the requirements, development, and varieties of sapient and non sapient life that exists within each.

Within magical space, life tends to develop with little rhyme or reason. evolution plays a small role, but at some point or another, magical life crawls out of the ether, whether it is simply spontaneous generation or due to the actions of the local "god-being" native to the system, who himself popped in out of nowhere one day.

Non magical life evolves, requiring very specific circumstances to form. They do form with-out a rhyme or reason, and always try to fit a niche within their biome.

Sapient life in magical space comes in endless varieties, including diminutive horses, shape-shifters, beings made of sound, ect. They do not have archetypes, and can have many unneeded or unrealistic features, as they are at some degree removed from natural selection and do not need to fill a niche. As I said earlier, there is limitless variety, and sapient magical life includes creatures of all shapes, sizes, temperaments, and diets.

Non magical life marches to a much more stable tune. Due to the fact that they have to fight and compete their way to their position, non-mag sapes are nearly always
1. Apex predators (at least within their own system)
2. Belonging to the "humanoid" archetype (bipedal, few natural defenses, high endurance, long lifespans, sparse coats) (note: humanoid is considered a outdated and fairly politically incorrect term by the majority of polite galactic society)
3. Belonging to several specific archetypes (Avian, Primate, Pachyderm, Cetacean, Rodent, Whatever the Fuck Cuttlefish Belong To, etc.)

There is one final, and crucial, difference between magical life and non-magical life, and that is their mindsets, drive, and by extension, their technology.

Magical life tends to either have the majority of what they need in life handed to them on a silver platter magically, or just not be designed for much beyond being "prey that talks back". Either way, they have a major set back this presents: They don't a drive for progress.

Why worry about a horrible disease when it can likely be magicked away by a local doctor/magi/alchemist/bumfuck? We don't need to develop better medicine.

Crops didn't grow right? Perform a ritual underneath the harvest moon wearing your holy symbol, decorative headdress made of leaves, and chant like a moron for about 6 minutes! Learning better methods to fertilize the soil/getting the proper amounts of water to your plants is for chumps!

Because of the fact that they live the majority of their existence with everything they need right there at their disposal, they do not, as a species, develop an intense drive for progress. This results in having technology that is relatively far behind, inefficient, and extremely steampunk/schizo.
This also causes them to not really have a knack for learning new things, since they are not constantly investigating and questioning their environments. This is not to say they are stupid, its just that they have difficulty learning, discovering, and accepting new things. If you were to take a mag species, and a non mag species, and gave them an indefinite amount of time, the magic species would be just learning to write things down by the time the non mags figured out how to kill themselves in nuclear fire.

Non Magical life, on the other hand, has the entire universe working against it. From the species birth, it will constantly have to deal with violent weather, much bigger predators, devious and virulent diseases, uncooperative farming, and itself. These factors make it so that the life has to be the baddest of the bad, with bad meaning "the first predator on the planet with the drive to figure out that a sharp rock kills good, that fire is awesome, and that if it tries to actively kill anything that bothers it, it wont be bothered by it anymore''.

Basically, non magical life starts out with nothing that it needs. It has to produce everything from the barren, suck-ass rock on which it lives. It has to be clever, quick witted, inquisitive, and competitive enough to fight over anything and everything. They have a drive for progress, and that drive does not go away just because they have what they need. Instead, that drive leads them to pursue what they want/what simplifies their lives. Without that drive, we wouldn't have Ipod's, microwaves, or have gone to space.

Oh, yeah, and non magical life also tends to have libido like a mo'fuggah and a xenophilia streak. (This is true and you know it. My proof is that if something that exists is the right size, some teenager has likely tried stuffing his schlong in it, and the fact that we tend to sexualize things that are female, not human, but have humanoid/sapient features)

Now where this is important is that our ability to scientifically analyze, understand, use, and abuse our environments extends to magic. We may not be able to use it ourselves, but we can turn it into a science and have magical life follow our instructions to create some of the most badass magical technology (Magitek) in existence. Faster than Light travel, Gravity Plates, sustained artificial atmospheres, mesoscrapers, orbital cities, and nanobots were all designed by non mags with the capability to understand magic, and built by mags with the ability to cast necessary enchantments. It is this relationship, in which we need them to produce these items and they live in a convenience they could never naturally acheive, upon which galactic politics runs itself.

Now that we have discussed magic in the universe, lets talk about it's governing body (Or at least the one humans are a member of).

History Time!

The H.G.A (Human Galactic Alliance) controls over one fifth of the total Milky way Galaxy and was officially created in the 36th century, A.D.
Its origins however, lie as far back as the 25th century A.D.

At the end of the 25th century, mankind was stagnating. We had engaged in minor colonization across the solar system and had produced large sprawling cities, but none of that mattered, as we had officially hit the point where we had almost no resources left. We had exhausted nearly every mine in the whole system. Recognizing that our end was upon us, the U.N. engaged in a joint operation to use some of the last of Earth's resources to create 5 sleeper ships, each capable of holding several million people and designed to keep them safe on a several hundred year voyage across the stars, while on route to several systems that were believed to be life sustainable.

Only 3 sleeper ships reached their destinations, founding the colonies of Britannica, Hyazjhvok, and Thaumica. While all three would grow to be powerful members of the H.G.A., Thaumica is where the H.G.A. gets its start. Thaumica is a magical world, and where we encounter our first example of non-human sapience, in the form of the native Thaums. When we arrive in the year 3118, it is our first encounter with magic, and by the year 3588, we have mastered it enough that we are able to produce the first human designed FTL drive.

Meanwhile, Earth is being burnt to the ground. Our own cities our being torn apart for precious supplies, nearly everyone is at war with someone else, and anarchy reigns in the streets. It becomes a planet wide burning of Alexandria, and we lose large portions of literature, art, music, architecture, and history. While much is later recovered or restored, we have lost hundreds of years of written history from various periods of time.

Earth is finally on the verge of annihilation when the re outfitted sleeper ship returns in 3589. Taking control, the crew of this ship reunite the shattered world and bring it under their alliance with Thaumica, and in the year 3594, the Treaty of the Grand Tomorrow (the name of the ship) is signed, ending the surface warfare and officially founding the H.G.A., although it is known at the time as the Unified Territories of Space. We set out to rebuild Earth and come back into contact with all surviving colonies. We achieve both by the end of the 37th century.

However, this is not yet the beginning of a galactic utopia just yet. Over this time, the Thaums are continuously mistreated and reduced to second class citizens, viewed more as a means to acquire magitek than people. Earth becomes violent in their new found space manifest destiny, forcing all species they come across to join or else. This period of Human inflicted oppression is called the age of tyranny and lasts till the 44th century. Sol becomes the throne of this galactic empire, and is treated as such by the newly crafted Terran aristocracy. As time goes on, Sol is continuously built from the ashes, usually at the expense of other species. Earth is transformed from a resource barren rock to a massive city scape, with magically supported mesoscrapers covering every square inch of the planet (imagine Coruscant, but bigger.) Nearly every planet and moon is successfully terraformed, and when space on the ground no longer became an option, we built orbital cities.

Examples of large population cities and planets (because I love lists)
Selene, the Lunar city also known as the "New Paris"
Olympus, one of the many Martian cityscapes
The multitude of Cytherian (Venusian) cloud cities.
The Notable Orbital cities of Jupiter (ex. Jovia), Saturn (ex. Chronberg), Uranus (ex. Lear), and Neptune (ex. Poseiopolis)
Titan, Io, Ganymede, Iapetus, Rhea, Dione, Tethys, Europa, Callisto, Enceladus, Mimas, Miranda, Ariel, Umbriel, Titania, Umberon, Naiad, Thalassa, Despina, Galatea, Larissa, Proteus, and Luna are all heavily colonized.

It is during this period that over 3/8 of the total H.G.A. territory is acquired. We encounter 198,000 forms of Sapient life, Claim approximately 28 billion stars, and colonize approximately 5.8 billion planets. We also engage in thousands of crackdowns, wars, and in some cases genocide, all to assert our dominance over the galaxy. The final death toll is over 3 trillion.

The age of Tyranny is finally ended in the year 4372 with the third rebellion. Nearly the entirety of the Terran aristocracy is overthrown and replaced with a new, more progressive group, the constitution is rewritten, and the powers given to Galactic Chancellor are greatly limited. The name is also officially changed from the U.T.S. to the H.G.A.

This begins a nearly 1800 year long period of Galactic Peace, during which the H.G.A. reaches full size, consisting of 403,000 member species, 73 billion stars, 14 billion colonized worlds, and a total of 1.9 quadrillion individuals. Sol itself has a total population of 32 trillion.

The Peace ends in the 60th century, when we finally encounter other galactic powers, the Warlike Hergsine and the benevolent D.A.V. While we get along just fine with the D.A.V., we enter into a cold war with Hergsine, one which finally boils over into a hot war by the year 6188. At the high point of the war, over 73% of H.G.A. territory had been captured and ravaged by Hergsine, including over half of Sol. This war hit a turning point at the end of the 3 year long battle of Sol in 6198, after we had successfully gained an alliance with the D.A.V., who help us repel the invaders. The war is over in 6204, and we begin the long arduous process of rebuilding. The final death toll on the H.G.A. side, soldiers and civilians combined, is estimated to be between 72 and 187 trillion. Incalculable damage has occurred across the H.G.A.

Now You're Probably wondering when the fuck the pony is going to show up, right?

Well here is a handy dandy timeline of events (placed on Gregorian calender's years.)
1941: Celestia Born
1949: Luna Born
2187: End of Discord's Reign
3112: Equestria established (The Hearth's Warming shit)
4190: Luna and Celestia gain control of Equestria for some reasons THAT I SURE HOPE THE SHOW WILL REVEAL ONE DAY(hopefully the caps lock is loud enough that someone who works on the show heard it)
5203: Luna Banished
6203: Show begins/Luna Returns
6214: First contact with the H.G.A.

Basically my entire idea with this setting is placing Equestria within a recently war torn Galactic Empire that does its gosh-darned best to be a utopia but always comes up just a little short and was founded and dominated by a species of non magical, violent, carnivorous, hairless apes with an unrivaled libido, all while showing the hardships the Equestrians face in this new world.

Does anybody else think it sounds like a cool idea? Or should I return to the being a reader only, where I can be seen but not heard?

Report Scoo · 502 views ·
Comments ( 8 )

I think this is a wonderful layout. Crossing the MLP universe over with a proper space opera type setting has the potential to be very interesting. I'd love to see where you go with this idea.
At one point, I was considering doing a fanfic with elements of cyberpunk. This was before I realized I wasn't smart enough to pull something like that off effectively. There are too many factors and fiddly bits and I've never done anything like that before. But you seem to have a good grasp on societal and technological stuff like that.
If I must provide some criticism, it appears to me that you're throwing around very large numbers very casually. A population of 32 trillion in the our solar system? That's over 4500 times our current population just on Earth. That's a lotta people, man. Even if we're able to magically terraform planets and moons, it's a pretty extravagant sorta number. And then the war with the Hergsine kills between 72 and 187 trillion, just on the human side. Geebus.
I think as two groups of people become larger and more advanced, the possibility of armed conflict between the two gets progressively smaller. Well. I don't study this stuff so I may be talking out of my ass right now. I just think that larger nations have more to lose from fighting a similarly-developed opponent. That's not to say it can't happen. Eh, what do I know.
But overall, I'm liking this a lot. Are you thinking of writing a story in this setting? You appear to be a competent writer, at the very least. If so, I wish you luck. If not, well. You've given me something to think about, in any case.

I would like to leave a detailed response, but I am without a PC at the moment. I love this idea, and the amount of effort that you have put into the basic design of your universe. I would like to see this as a true story, and it really could go far if written correctly. You have a great premise here, and you should peruse it. Kudos for such great elaboration to you universe. (I am writing this from my phone)


Thanks for the feedback!
To adress your concerns, there are four main reasons that there is such a high population:
longer lifespans- 160 years is the human average, 250 max
Massive capacity to build in any environment
not all are human
sufficient harvests from agricultural planets.

As to the war, the H.G.A. is generally peaceful and they were not the instigators. Hergsine is still stuck in its own age of tyranny phase, and has yet to attempt utopia. They saw the relatively peaceful and smaller H.G.A and thought of it as easy pickings for their highly advanced weaponry, and were it not for D.A.V intervention, we would have been.

Also I might write something in this. I don't have much time to really sit down and write, but I might try to find time later.

Also I don't study this stuff either, I just am good at thinking about social interaction.

Thanks! I'm just glad you responded! I am going to try to write a story in this setting, I'm thinking maybe something that is styled as a documentary of the first contact and the joining of Equestria to the H.G.A.. Have it so that it is set 50 or so years after the first contact (and by extension, 60 years after the show), with each chapter written as an interview or an analysis of an important event, document, or deceased individual. I've been told I am a talented writer, so I think it could be pretty good, although individual chapters would likely be short. I have 2 things working against me though:

1. I don't have anyone personally who could be my editor, so I would have to acquire one of them
2. I am ADHD as FUCK, and it takes me forever to sit down and work on something (The reason why the chapters would be short.)

I also noticed you decided to start watching me. I feel that this is sufficient reason to tell you what to expect from this blog.

I will use this blog to post both story ideas I have that probably wont get written, and I will also post background information about the Magitek universe as it appears and when people are confused about things that seem to be meaningless name drops (but they really aren't).
Anyway, I look forward to seeing what you have to say about this when you have access to a computer!


P.S. Is there something wrong with your computer, or were you just away from it?

goddamnit how do you edit a blog

I just noticed a big damn typo and it is staring me in the face and I want it dead and gone

If you are presently considering finding an editor for your story-to-be, I'd like to volunteer. Though you'd be forgiven should you choose to hold out for someone else, considering the fact that I'm a bit. Inexperienced. I've had my own stories edited though, and as an author I know what's helpful and what isn't. I'm critical and discerning, but on the flip side, I've never had any formal course on grammar or the like, so I'm not familiar with the lexicon. Take that as you will.
Looking forward to hearing back from you.

Cool. I'll remember you as an option. I will try to begin working on the story next weekend, although it may be a week or 2 before I have anything I am ready to submit.

A deep, rich background is a must for any great story. I can see this being a great story. I hope to see it soon.

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