• Member Since 7th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Aug 20th, 2018


[shitposting loudly]

More Blog Posts1042

  • 367 weeks
    I'm back, bitches, and still kickin'!

    So yeah. Sorta went awol out of nowhere without really saying anything. Big 'pologies there to anyone who missed me lol u probably didn't even realise I'd fucked off did u

    Truthfully, I was getting sick of the site.

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    4 comments · 452 views
  • 387 weeks
    Rest In Peace, Buster.

    November 7 2000 - January 7 2017

    So long, old friend. You were the best damn fifty bucks we ever fuckin' spent.

    goddamit, I hate goodbyes

    12 comments · 631 views
  • 388 weeks
    oh yeah, that's right. the year ended did it?


    I spent the last couple of hours having an emotional breakdown. fuck you, depression

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    7 comments · 576 views
  • 388 weeks
    It's very fitting they used 'meh'

    Not even the movie itself sounds excited, holy shit

    of course the shit is classy and British

    I can't wait for the Snapchat Filters Movie to come out in 2017

    2 comments · 407 views
  • 388 weeks
    Mein Gott!

    So you're telling me that

    A video game made by DICE in 2015 on the Frostbite engine
    Looks better graphically...

    Than a Battlefield 1942 clone made by a dead developer in 2005......

    I am 3shocked. Never saw that one coming, not for a million years.

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    6 comments · 506 views

T_T · 4:29am Apr 30th, 2013

Report Stiggerzz · 817 views ·
Comments ( 51 )

Heh. She'll be thrown for a loop when she finds out what clop is...:rainbowderp:


So I poked around to try to find that question and couldn't find it, but found similar.
In addition, my faith in humanity drops when I look around the exchanges for religion.:ajsleepy:

An atrocity of stupidity

HEY! I find that offensive, just because I am, by dictionary terms a "brony" does NOT mean I worship Celestia and Luna. Lumping us all together, Sithis is my god.

#4 · Apr 30th, 2013 · · ·

I laughed my ass off at this>>1043947 And that you Evil Paladin for that link. The replies on that where hilarious.
One thing( well more than one. Warning! Religious rant!)

We've got Krishna who was in India1,000 years before Christ.
Krishna was a carpenter, born of a virgin, baptized in a river.
There's the Persian god Mithra, 600 years before Christ. Born December 25th, performed miracles,resurrected on the third day,known as the Lamb, the Way, the Truth,
the Light, the Savior, Messiah.

If some one wants to start a Pony cult, that's fine. Jedi is a accepted religion in the U.K. You got Scientology where they believe that negative emotions are aliens souls-that are older than the universe- posses you where you need to get audited to expel the souls. (All written by a con artist/ SI-Fi writer: L. Ron Hubbard)
Mormonism where they believe the Jesus Crist came to America to revel hidden scriptures onto Joseph Smith-And believe that Adam and Eve came from Jacksonville , Missouri. Also that God is a Six foot man that lives on the planet Kolob.
Catholicism that believes in a woman -that really stuck to her story - that gave a virgin birth and out came the Messiah: Jesus Crist- who is Jewish by faith and wouldn't convert to Christianity or Catholicism worshipping himself.
Let them add Ponies to the already long roster or create your very own! You already have some followers! :pinkiehappy:

oh god..:rainbowlaugh:


I don't know what's worse....
that fact they thought bronies were a cult....or the fact that they are forcing religion onto their son rather then let him sort out his own beliefs

there would be only one outcome if I formed a cult.....

and I don't think the world is quite ready to burn just yet....there are still some good people out there:rainbowlaugh:

Just that she thought that Brony was a cult.
(God I fear the potential shit storm I may unleash:facehoof:)
Though by virtue of raising a kid and teaching him or her your beliefs when the kid is really young, wouldn't some of that be religious?
Alot of religious ceremonies and sacraments for a new member are done to a small kid or baby (ex: baptism or circumcision).
As long as she doesn't prevent him from converting to something else (that's healthy (ex: different Christianity branch, Buddism, Taoism, or Hinduism(nothing crazy like Scientology))) that appeals to him more than his birth religion, then she is allowed some space in guiding (to an extent) his spiritual life.
I do support the son exploring his beliefs.

I find your "world burn" comment hilarious given that it was directed at Dark Knight:rainbowlaugh:

Your welcome and thank you for the interesting facts regarding Krishna!:ajsmug::twilightsmile:
I didn't know that, though I recall vaguely hearing once about Jesus' teachings being taught elsewhere years before him.

well said:moustache:


I find your "world burn" comment hilarious given that it was directed at Dark Knight:rainbowlaugh:

trust me, you do NOT want to give me power over a group of people:twilightsheepish:

Thank you!:twilightsmile:

Significant leadership positions is one of the things that I don't trust myself with, since I believe that I'll get all of my people killed, thrown in jail, or bring the organization crumbling around me.:rainbowlaugh:
That and I don't trust myself to be a doctor (oddly enough, I am not opposed to the thought of basic EMT classes)


Hell, if someone makes a cult like that, I will gladly join. Because why not.


or the fact that they are forcing religion onto their son

You sound as if you were american. :moustache:

Australian, actually:moustache:


1044150 You do not say? :ajbemused:


1044155 You kind of already told me sometime ago, you know.


1044164 i like it in my butt <3

of course you do


1044169 taek me her and nau <3

can't, I'm bound by my blood-pact with Queen Chrysalis, and she forbids it:applejackunsure:


1044180 Silly, Lis is my wife. She is okay with that.

this is a different Queen Chrysalis...
did I forget to mention I'm from a parallel universe?:trixieshiftright:


1044188 Awesomeness of Lis spawns across the universe; Your argument is invalid.

alright, fine I just don't wanna do it...there...you happy?:twilightangry2::twilightangry2:


1044265 Tsh. Fine, I will do it myself. :flutterrage:

see now why I made the whole "blood-pact" excuse?

it's a lot less brutal to the recipient innit?:moustache:


1044272 False. I appreciate honesty.

1044023 You have 37 followers. That more than Jesus had when he first started!

1044049 I'm Atheist, but I don't preach it like the some of the arrogant masses that contradict the non-belief. Ironically, I do some religious studies on my own time.

Religious parents do not take well to their children exploring other religions. In Mormonism, it says in the beginning on the Book of Mormon that "this creed is the only creed!" Saying that you don't believe in Mormonism is social suicide. Your parents kick you out of the house, friends and the Mormon society shun you. It's the same with Christians, Some Devote Catholics, and Scientology.

The one thing at religion is suppose to do is set moral guide lines, though depending on the culture or person which can certainly corrupt those morals. Take Fred Phelps for instance. A cult leader of the West Borrow Baptist Church, who preyed on feeble minds, brain washing them to hate -literally! They teach kids to hate everyone!- turning them into arrogant forceful cult that protests soldiers' funerals shout at the grieving family "You son was a fag and God wanted him dead!" And they hate Australia because they (claim that on a map) it looks like a phallus. This is where Religion becomes corruptive to the progression of humanity.
Wow... I really got side tracked!:derpytongue2:

Now that's funny as buck, I would be laughing so hard if I read that shit, hell i'm laughing now....but there are three more other Gods in my mind, not just the two Princesses, six if you count Twilight Sparkle:rainbowlaugh::facehoof:

There are people out there that take religion a little too seriously and let it harm those around them.
As a non-active Catholic who went to a Catholic middle school and high school (only nun that taught classes was a sweet old lady that taught French classes. There was a priest too but, he didn't teach classes, he was more for masses and "I'm an angsty teen" purposes), we were taught some of the basics of other religions and encouraged to figure out what religion we wanted to be a part of.
Though admittedly, I don't know anyone who has converted to another religion and felt back lash from their family. My friend in college who converted from (I think) Baptist to Catholicism had a fairly easy transition and he did it for his Catholic fiance.
Its tragic when parents ruin their kids by shoving religion down the resisting kid's throat and ultimately drive their own kids away from them or kick them out if the kid and parent don't see eye to eye.

I knew that Scientology does the whole "Shun the non-believer! Shuuuuun!" thing, but I didn't know about the "only creed" thing in Mormonism.

As for the WestBorro Baptist Church, I'm pretty sure the entirety of Christianity is ashamed to be in any ways similar to them. All of the other Baptists are probably especially ashamed of them.

1044790 I concur! It has been a very enlightening conversation! and I thank you for sharing your opinions and experiences.
Evil Paladin. Lv 1up!
Evil Paladin learned Thunder!
Evil Paladin has already learn four moves. Which move should he forget?

:Rage Quit 44/44 PP :Enlighten 10/10 PP
:Double Slap 30/30 PP >:Self-destruct 10/10 PP
1...2...3 Poof! Evil Paladin learned Thunder!

Your welcome and thank you!:twilightsmile:
I can now bring the thunder everywhere I go!:rainbowdetermined2:

Fun side note: You KNOW that Westborro is horribly bad when even the KKK, the most infamous hate group in the US, thinks they are evil.

1045092 That's funny. Two hated haters hating each other. The poetic irony!:rainbowlaugh:
You also have The Immortals in Germany the spread intolerance and segregation of cultures.
I've seen what the KKK can do. I live in Texas where some are, George Lincoln Rockwell followers, traditional KKK members. Some even have hidden towns and camps where they give their kid paramilitary training. I remember seeing the Spanish News- They show all the horrific and gruesome details- where they showed a recording of them hanging. decapitating, and burning of one black man. The idiots hate Jews but worship Jesus who is one. If Jesus didn't die the way that the Bible depicts, the dominate religion would be Judaism.
You Do not want to fuck with Anonymous. They hacked Sony and messed up their network for two weeks because they sued a gamer that exposed a glitch in COD modern warfare 2.
There is also the Children of God cult (AKA the Family of love) A very fucked up group that was established in the 60s where they promoted free love. Even with minors. To join, people need to send a audition tape of their daughters to the leader. Living in isolated colonies, expressing their message.
For an Atheist, I know a lot about religious cults.

give them their credit, they do good stuff as well...

ages ago, this guy posted a vid on the net of himself where he basically killed some kittens
*true fact*
anonymous caught wind of this, hacked into his computer and figured out where he lives, and gave his details to the police in his area

Ah yes the "Zippo cat" incident. Though that was Anonymous, not the KKK.
Anonymous has done that several times with pedophiles and other criminals.

I myself find it dubious if Anonymous was behind the PSN take down. I like the theory that they were framed for it by Sony to make Sony look better as a victim.

Never heard about the Immortals in Germany, and wish that I still never heard about the "Children of God" cult:pinkiesick:


anonymous caught wind of this,

I thought i'd stated quite clearly who did it:trixieshiftleft:

*rereads original post*
Oh whoops!:twilightsheepish: I misread it.

#42 · May 1st, 2013 · · ·

1045358 I apologize about that.
On the Anonymous, PSN take down. They where doing it in the defense of the gamer that Sony Sued. Dealing with Sony is a major pain! Believe me! :facehoof: Keep in touch. I enjoy these conversations!:pinkiehappy:

No need to be sorry, your not the cult that requires an audition tape. You were just the reporter/messenger.
I admittedly don't have experience with Sony since I'm an Xbox guy. I do envy PS owners for the Metal Gear Solid Series.

Indeed, this has been a nice enjoyable conversation that didn't dissolve into a shit storm despite the subject of religion.:twilightsmile::rainbowlaugh:
Nice to be able to discuss religion on the internet without madness ensuing.


I admittedly don't have experience with Sony since I'm an Xbox guy

actually you have....judging from what darkknight said, sony is a pain to deal with......Microsoft is probably just as bad

also pm me yer gamertag:rainbowdetermined2:

*shrug* I've had painless interactions with Microsoft.

#46 · May 1st, 2013 · · ·

1045654>>1045643 I've worked in a theater where the digital projectors were from Sony. It ran by hard drives instead of the traditional 35mm film- you had to be careful because people would actually .steal them. Any way, there was a fire alarm one day that shutdown everything! After sending every customer into the lobby, the power went back up ad the serial numbers to play the hard drives erased and the projectors where down. The managers had to call the production company for the films and Sony since you can't fix an projector by yourself. it has to be by a Sony employee. We had 24 auditoriums and could run a single one. You may by the product from Sony, but Sony treats it as their property still. 700 hundred people had to be given a rain check when the projectionist was more than capable of fixing the problem.

OH GOD!!:fluttershbad:
That's a pretty damn raw deal there! I detest the inability to fix it your self when you know that you are fully capable of doing so.
One of the reasons I don't like Macs:twilightangry2:

The office where I work at as an IT intern, our printers are all leased from Ricoh and if we have a significant problem beyond a paper jam or being out of ink, we put in task request with them. Fortunately, they have a same day response to our requests and we have a secondary printer in our bigger offices.
We do that since the printers get some mechanical problems because of their frequent use and our IT staff is exactly 3 paid staff and 2 students:applejackconfused:!
Our tiny staff serves 18 offices spread over 5 counties:applejackconfused::pinkiecrazy:!

#48 · May 1st, 2013 · · ·

1046109 WHAT? That is crazy! I guess companies everywhere are doing this at cost now.
I got a funny story that you would enjoy.
A friend of mine just got a IT job as well in a company that makes custom boxes. The last guy was fired for looking up porn on the office computer. They don't really monitor what the employee look up. When he went to a certain site, a virus got in hid all the customer's files and replace them all with a file that opened to more porn sites constantly popping up. The managers sent nights fixing the mess.

The cherry on top is that we do IT for a state mental health agency! So if communications goes FUBAR, then it becomes an immediate "ALL HANDS ON DECK" situation.
The time when our fax line went down (not our fault, it was the provider), THAT was an interesting time:applejackconfused:
Fortunately, those situations are rare and we just mostly deal with the persistent problem that's between keyboard and chair:trollestia:

That is one virus that you KNOW that the hacker designed it to fuck over company and government employees!:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:
Hopefully the popped up porn was the good stuff:ajsmug:

#50 · May 1st, 2013 · · ·

1046288 The managers had to entertain themselves in some way. As long as it's not snuff bestiality porn like this.

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