• Published 6th Sep 2023
  • 1,968 Views, 114 Comments

Ranger in Equestria - Lady Umbra

​Tommy gets hit by one of Rita's spells, leaving the Rangers shocked and mourning his apparent loss. Meanwhile, Tommy wakes up in a strange land filled with talking dragons.

  • ...

Cracks and Shadows

Twilight followed Cadance as she checked off on the preparations for the wedding, only difference from then and now was the more positive now that the real Cadance was there.

​Twilight trailed behind ​Cadance as she meticulously inspected every detail of the wedding preparations. A sense of joy filled the air, for this time, it was the genuine Cadance who stood before them, radiating positivity and happiness. The memories of the imposter were but a distant shadow now.

In the midst of the bustling excitement, Cadance found herself drawn to the tantalizing aroma of apple-themed delicacies. With a curious smile, she indulged in the delectable treats, savoring each bite as they danced across her taste buds. The flavors were a perfect harmony of sweetness and tanginess, a fitting tribute to the bride's love for all things apple.

As the day unfolded, Cadance made her way to Rarity, the talented fashionista, who had poured her heart and soul into creating the most exquisite wedding dress fit for a princess. With eager anticipation, Cadance slipped into the gown, feeling a surge of enchantment as it gracefully hugged her figure. Every stitch and embellishment seemed to whisper stories of love and devotion, a true masterpiece crafted with immense care.

Next, Cadance found herself in the gentle embrace of Fluttershy and her harmonious songbirds. The melodic notes filled the air, serenading the bride-to-be with a soothing melody that touched her soul. Cadance closed her eyes, allowing the music to envelop her, like a gentle breeze carrying her dreams and aspirations into the symphony of her future.

Finally, Cadance entered the grand ballroom, transformed into a whimsical wonderland by the boundless creativity of Pinkie Pie. The room was adorned with vibrant colors, shimmering ribbons, and playful decorations that mirrored the effervescence of Cadance's heart. Mesmerized by the joyful atmosphere, she couldn't help but be swept away by the enchantment that enveloped the room.

With each step and interaction, Cadance's excitement grew, and the presence of her true self became more pronounced. The preparations weren't just about creating a dream wedding, but a celebration of love, friendship, and the strength of their bonds. As the day drew nearer, Cadance stood on the precipice of forever, ready to embark on her journey with Shining Armor, surrounded by the unwavering support of those who loved her dearly.

And so, Twilight continued to observe, her heart brimming with pride and joy, for she had witnessed the transformation of a mere fairytale into a reality so beautiful it seemed to defy imagination.

Amidst her smiling facade, a wave of internal worry consumed Twilight. It had been quite some time since the defeat of the changelings, yet she still hadn't crossed paths with Tommy. Despite his physical recovery and all wounds healed, he remained secluded within the room that Celestia had assigned him. Twilight's concerns were not unique; each of her dear friends had also made attempts to visit Tommy, only to encounter a locked door and a soft, reassured response of "I'm fine."

"Twi, are you okay?" ​Rainbow called out, pulling ​Twilight out of her deep thoughts.

Startled, Twilight turned to her friend who appeared exhausted, her sweat-drenched mane cascading down her back. "Did you just finish practice?" Twilight inquired curiously.

Rainbow removed her hair tie, allowing her vibrant rainbow mane to cascade down her back. "Yeah, just wrapped up," she replied. "But let's not dodge my question. What's going on? You seem lost in your own world."

With a heavy sigh, Twilight shared her worries with Rainbow, her voice laced with concern. "It's ​Tommy, he's locked himself away in his room and refuses to come out. ," she confided in her friend. "I've noticed ​Fluttershy leaving food outside his door, but he never comes out."

Rainbow nodded, her worry evident. "I understand how you feel. During a break from practice, I tried to glance into his room through a crack in the curtains."

The ​Pegasus looked at Twilight with raw concern. "What I saw... it wasn't good." she confessed plainly. "He appeared as devastated as Fluttershy does when one of her beloved animals passes away."

Twilight's eyes widened in alarm. "That bad?!" she exclaimed.

"It might be even worse," Rainbow replied gravely.

Drawing a deep breath, Twilight gestured toward the checklist she still held in her magical grasp. "Okay, I have a few more things to attend to before tomorrow's wedding," she said. "Once those are done, we'll go check on Tommy together."

With a shared determination, the two friends pledged to support and help their troubled friend in need.

Within the dimly lit room, ​Tommy sat on the edge of the bed, his gaze fixed on the cracked power coin nestled within the palm of his hands. The weight of his thoughts mirrored the heaviness of the room, the only source of light casting a faint glow through a narrow slit in the window's curtains.

As he traced his fingers over the shattered surface of the power coin, memories flooded his mind. The battles fought, the sacrifices made, and the sense of camaraderie shared with his fellow rangers and even ​Twilight and her friends. But now, a lingering sadness and uncertainty clouded his heart.

Tommy couldn't help but feel the weight of the expectations placed upon him. As the one who had wielded the power of the Dragonzord, he had been at the forefront of the battle against the Rita and her monsters. The strength he had once possessed now mirrored the fractured state of the power coin itself.

Thoughts of self-doubt and guilt consumed him. The burden of the past weighed heavily on his conscience, leaving him unsure of his place among his friends. His seclusion in the room had become a safe haven, a place to contemplate and heal not just from physical wounds but also from the emotional toll of the battles fought.

In that room, Tommy found solace and reflection. He knew he could not simply brush aside his concerns with a quick reassurance to his friends. It wasn't just about physical recovery; it was about finding his inner strength once again, mending the cracks within himself just as he longed to repair the damaged power coin.

Everyday as Twilight and her friends continued to knock softly on his door, expressing their care and concern, Tommy felt torn between the warmth of their friendship and his own tumultuous emotions. The journey towards healing, both physically and emotionally, was an arduous one, and he was unsure when he would be ready to open the door and share his struggles with those who deeply cared for him.

A gentle knock resonated through the quiet room, pulling ​Tommy out of his reverie. The familiar voice of ​Applejack, filled with genuine concern, reached his ears. "Tommy, it's Applejack," she called from behind the door. "Can I come in?"

"Tommy, we're truly worried about you," Applejack expressed with deep concern in her voice. "Please, open the door."

Once again, Tommy remained silent, his thoughts and emotions swirling within.

Growing impatient, ​Rainbow burst into the room, her frustration evident in her actions. One by one, the rest of Tommy's friends followed, with ​Fluttershy taking the initiative to flip on the lights and illuminate the room. Surrounding ​Tommy Oliver, Twilight and her friends formed a supportive circle.

"Tommy, dear," Rarity began, her voice gentle as she placed her hand on his arm. "Please, open up to us. What troubles you?"

Tommy's response was silence, but in a symbolic gesture, he opened his palm and revealed his cracked power coin. The sight induced a collective gasp from everyone present, showcasing their shock and concern for their friend.

"It got like this after the battle..."

"Can it be fixed?" Twilight asked as he tucked the coin into his pocket.

"Not here and I don't know if my next morph will be my last. Now more than ever, I need to find a way back home." Tommy then laid himself on the bed and sighed with frustration as he covered his face.

Rarity turned to the downtrodden Ranger with a glimmer of hope in her eyes. "Perhaps Celestia could lend her magic and fix the coin," she suggested, "She has the power to raise the Sun and Moon surely she has the power to fix it"

Tommy's expression grew somber as he shook his head. "Unfortunately, the power coin is beyond the capabilities of magic in this world," he explained with a sigh. "Its ancient and mystical nature taps into a wellspring of energy that can only be harnessed by someone like Zordon."

Rarity leaned in closer, her optimism undeterred. "But surely, Celestia's magic is powerful enough?" she questioned.

Tommy mustered a small smile and gently responded, "I already asked her, and she explained that even her magic is unable to fix the power coin."

Hearing this Rarity's smile faltered if only for a moment before shining through once more.

"Well then we will just have to find a way to restore it." Rarity said.

"Hey no more of this moping!" Pinkie interjected.

"I know what you need! A visit to Donut Joe's! The best donut maker in canterlot!"

"Donuts huh?" Tommy thought about Pinkie's offer and seemed to be outnumbered as the girls gave him puppy eyes with pouty lips. "Alright alright! I could use a snack anyway."

"That's the spirit! TO THE DONUT SHOP!!"

Frustration consumed ​Rita Repulsa as she watched yet another one of her monsters being decimated by the ​Power Rangers. Their inability to be revived only heightened her exasperation.

"​Finsterrr!!" Rita's voice echoed through the chamber, summoning Finster, the loyal ​Monster Maker, to her side.

"Yes, your malevolence," Finster responded hastily as he entered the room, fearing Rita's wrath.

Rita's grip tightened on Finster's attire as she vented her frustration. "You assured me that monster would have crushed those Power Rangers!" she bellowed, her anger filling the space.

Finster's voice quavered as he struggled to explain himself. "He possessed the power of corrosion," he stammered. "I believed his Blight Arrows would gradually erode the Rangers' weapons and coins, but... it didn't work as planned."

​Rita's frustration exploded into fury, causing her to violently shove Finster. "Useless!" she shrieked in frustration, her anger palpable in the room.

Just then, ​Lord Drakkon made his entrance, casually twirling a power coin between his knuckles. "​Repulsa," he called out, capturing everyone's attention. "You might want to see this."

Curiosity piqued, Rita and her minions followed Drakkon as he approached the throne. With a wave of his hand, he gestured towards a portal that revealed an unexpected sight: ​Tommy Oliver socializing with Twilight Sparkle and her friends, indulging in a feast of donuts.

Rita's disbelief transformed into sheer outrage. "You brought us here to watch the traitor eating donuts?!" she screeched, her voice filled with a mix of rage and exasperation.

Squatt's mouth watered as he gazed longingly at the donuts. "Mmm... Those donuts look incredibly tempting right now," he remarked, wiping a droplet of saliva from his lips.

Drakkon, however, swiftly directed everyone's attention to the table in the alternate world. "Look at the Table, you Fools" As they shifted their gazes, their eyes widened in shock and concern at the sight of the cracked Dragonzord Power Coin.

"​Tommy's Power Coin is cracked!" Goldar exclaimed in alarm.

Lord Drakkon, wearing a sinister grin beneath his helmet, reveled in the realization. "Indeed," he confirmed with satisfaction. "And with no access to ​Zordon and the Morphing Grid, he has no means to repair it."

Eagerly seizing the opportunity, Rita's voice filled with joy. "Then now is the perfect time to send a monster after him," she proclaimed, turning to Finster. "Finster!"

However, before plans could be set into motion, Drakkon interjected, leaning forward with a tight grip on the coin in his hands. "Hold on a moment, Repulsa," he commanded, urging everyone to listen.

Applejack, taking a bite from an apple jelly donut, queried Tommy with concern. "Are you absolutely sure there's no way to fix that coin of yours, Tommy?"

Tommy responded with certainty, sitting up straight. "The only way to repair it is by bringing it to Zordon," he explained. "And the only way for him to restore it..."

Twilight finished his sentence, her voice determined. "Is to find the crystal and get you back home."

​Rita's scream pierced the air as she exclaimed, "He's trying to get back here!"

Reacting swiftly, ​Drakkon commanded the ​Monster Maker, "Send a monster! Make it small, easy to hide, and fast."

Nervously, ​Finster stammered in response, "Y-Yes, sir," before hurrying off to his laboratory.

The ​Evil Sorceress, displeased with the plan, questioned, "Why are you making it so weak?"

However, before she could receive an answer, a white blade suddenly pressed against Rita's neck, causing her to step back in fear. Drakkon confidently approached her as she tried to distance herself from the Ranger.

Drakkon, removing the blade from Rita's neck, explained his reasoning, "Because, if this crystal possesses the power to bring him back here," he stated, "it is safe to assume that we could use it to repair your staff."

Moments later, ​Finster emerged from his lab, prompting ​Drakkon to inquire with a tightened grip around the white saber, "Where's the monster?"

Pointing to the air beside him, Finster proudly responded, "It's right here, Lord Drakkon. Allow me to present my magnificent creation, ​Camostrider, ready for your inspection."

In an instant, the invisible presence began to materialize, shedding its camouflage like a lifted veil. Camostrider's reptilian form slowly took shape as it stood before them.

Camostrider revealed itself standing approximately 4 feet tall, it possessed reptilian scales that seamlessly blended into its surroundings. Additionally, it sported a streamlined and agile physique, ideal for swift and rapid movements. What sets Camostrider apart is its distinct raptor tail, adding an extra element of agility and balance to its overall design. Equipped with four arms, each adorned with three clawed fingers, and sphere-like wheels on its feet, Camostrider exuded an aura of calculated prowess.

With a low, hissing voice, Camostrider greeted them, acknowledging Drakkon's authority. "Greetings, your mightiness. I am Camostrider, the master of stealth and recon."

"Remain hidden," ​Lord Drakkon ordered the monster. "Observe everything you can about these ​Ponies— their strengths, weaknesses, anything of importance."

Halting the monster just before it could step through the portal, Drakkon added, "And find out anything you can about the crystal they're talking about."

Allowing the monster to proceed through the portal, Lord Drakkon then sensed a surge of energy emanating from the power coin in his hand.

"Has the coin found its bearer?" Lord Drakkon questioned, lifting the coin. "One whose heart is tainted by darkness?"

Etched onto the surface of the power coin was the image of a bird.

"It has been years since the Phoenixzord last chose its master," Drakkon stated, strolling towards the balcony of Rita's Moon Palace.

Deep in thought, Drakkon let out a contemplative hum as he narrowed his eyes. "Canterlot High? How intriguing..."

Author's Note:

I didn't anticipate this chapter to be as short as it turned out to be. After our donut break, I dedicated my writing efforts to developing the Rita and Drakkon storyline. However, upon completion, I suddenly realized that I had unintentionally written the ending and left myself with no room for further development.

The total word count stands at 2500+, falling short of my minimum goal of 3K. I apologize for this oversight.

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