• Published 6th Sep 2023
  • 1,968 Views, 114 Comments

Ranger in Equestria - Lady Umbra

​Tommy gets hit by one of Rita's spells, leaving the Rangers shocked and mourning his apparent loss. Meanwhile, Tommy wakes up in a strange land filled with talking dragons.

  • ...

Love and Duty

Months pass with Twilight recovering in the hospital, her friends visit her frequently, offering their support and encouragement as she struggles to regain her strength and magic.

With each passing day, Twilight's condition improved slightly, but her recovery was slow and painful. The doctors and nurses continued to monitor her progress, and Twilight's squad of friends never let more than a few days pass without visiting. They would sit by her bedside, chatting and sharing stories, trying to bring some semblance of normalcy back into her life.

Fluttershy never left Twilight's side, making sure to sweetly speak to the doctors and nurses in order to ensure Twilight's maximum comfort. Pinkie Pie, ever the jokester, would bake cupcakes and bring them to her bedside, trying to bring a few moments of happiness to her friend. Rarity would often dress up in her finest outfits to cheer Twilight up, saying that fashion could heal any ailment. Applejack would bring crisp apples and sweet cider, reminding Twilight of the farm. Rainbow Dash was almost always by Twilight's side, motivated by a desire to make sure her friend was going to be alright.

Tommy however, ever since being discharged from the hospital has yet to so much as visited his girlfriend. When Twilight asked what he was up to, her friends told her that the Ranger was taking jobs from all over town and was working himself to the bone.

Twilight couldn't shake the feeling of loneliness that lingered in her heart at Tommy's absence. Despite her friends' constant presence and unwavering support, a piece of her felt incomplete without him by her side.

Currently a nurse was wheeling Twilight to her room after another magic extraction session, the unicorn utterly exhausted as the nurse helped her into her bed.

“Please let us know if you need anything, Miss Sparkle” the nurse said leaving Twilight alone in her room.

As the nurse left the room, Twilight closed her eyes and let out a deep sigh. She could still feel the lingering effects of the magic extraction session, her energy drained and her body feeling weaker than ever. With a heavy heart, she thought about Tommy and his absence, wondering why he hadn't come to see her in so long. Doubt and worry crept into her mind, adding to the weight already burdening her spirit.

Just then, a soft knock on the door interrupted her thoughts. Twilight opened her eyes to see Rainbow Dash peeking inside, a concerned expression on her face. Without waiting for an invitation, Rainbow Dash flew into the room and perched herself on the edge of Twilight's bed.

"Hey, Twi. How are you feeling?" Rainbow Dash asked, reaching out a hand to gently touch Twilight's shoulder.

Twilight managed a weak smile, grateful for Rainbow Dash's presence. "I'm hanging in there. Just feeling a bit... tired," she admitted

“Well, that’s good. You had us worried for a while,” Dash said.

“Where’s Tommy?” Twilight wondered. “I haven’t seen him in a while.”

Rainbow Dash spoke softly, "Tommy has been... busy. He's been taking on all sorts of jobs around town, trying to make ends meet and save up for... something important."

“What could be more important than seeing me?” Twilight asked. “Rainbow Dash, if you’re really my friend, you wouldn’t keep things from me.”

Rainbow Dash hesitated, looking down at her hooves for a moment before meeting Twilight's gaze. "Twilight, Tommy... he's been working so hard to save up for your surprise. He wanted to get you something special, something to show you how much he cares about you. That's why he hasn't been able to visit much lately."

“But…he could at least drop by once in a while,” Twilight frowned.

Rainbow started to explain. "He's told me that watching you suffer during your treatments hurts him deeply. He wants to remember the happy times with you."

"Plus, there always seems to be a monster attack whenever he tries to visit," Rainbow sighed, revealing another reason for his absence.

“Monsters? Like what?” Twilight wondered.

"One was called Rockling; it could roll itself up into a massive boulder," Rainbow shared with her friend. "Then there was Mudmunch, a muddy creature that liked to gobble things up." The pegasus then turned to Twilight. "Honestly, they weren't very strong. At most, they were just annoying."

“Why are so many monsters attacking?” Twilight wondered, completely shocked at the amount of monsters that have been showing up. “It never was like this before.”

Rainbow Dash shifted uncomfortably on the edge of the bed, her wings rustling slightly. "We're not sure,”

Twilight sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. If there were this many monster attacks as she said, then she couldn’t really blame Tommy for not having enough time to come visit her. The priority was keeping everyone safe, and the absence of her coltfriend would have to be a tough price to pay.

Twilight nodded slowly, understanding the gravity of the situation. She realized that Tommy's absence wasn't due to neglect or lack of care, but rather his unwavering dedication to her well-being and the safety of their town. Despite her own struggles and yearning for his presence, she knew that his actions were motivated by love and a sense of duty.

Rainbow Dash could see the conflict in Twilight's eyes, the mix of emotions swirling within her as she processed everything she had just learned. She reached over and gently squeezed Twilight's hoof, offering her silent support. After a moment of quiet contemplation, Twilight turned to Rainbow Dash with a determined look in her eyes.

"I need to see him," Twilight said firmly, her voice filled with resolve.

“Woah, woah, hold your horseshoes, Twi,” Rainbow said. “You’re still recovering, and Tommy told us to ensure you make a full recovery.”

Twilight tried to force herself off the hospital bed, however the moment she stood upright a massive pain sprang through her head. Rainbow Dash quickly reached out to support Twilight, guiding her back to a lying position on the bed.

"Easy there, Twilight. You need to rest and recover," she urged gently, concern evident in her voice.

“But I wanna see my coltfriend, Rainbow!” Twilight protested.

“Look, if I go find him and get him to stop by right now, will that get you to stay put?” Rainbow said.

Twilight hesitated for a moment, torn between her desire to see Tommy and the need to prioritize her recovery. After a few seconds of internal struggle, she finally nodded reluctantly, realizing that pushing herself too soon could jeopardize her progress.

"Okay, Rainbow. Please, go find him and ask him to come see me," Twilight said, her voice tinged with both longing and resignation.

Rainbow Dash gave her a reassuring smile before zipping out of the room, leaving Twilight alone with her thoughts. As she lay there, staring at the ceiling, a mix of emotions swirled inside her. She felt a deep longing to see Tommy, to feel his presence by her side and reassure herself that he was safe. But she also understood the importance of patience and allowing herself the time to heal properly.

Tommy's body was drenched in sweat as he struggled to carry a large stick on his shoulders, with barrels full of apples hanging off either side. He made his way to the barn house and carefully set the barrels down.

"Thanks son," Granny Smith said, coming over to Tommy. "But ya don't have to work yerself so hard like this."

“Wish I could agree with you, ma’am, but what I have planned requires me putting in the maximum effort,” Tommy said.

“Ah see,” Granny Smith said. “And you’re sure this is what ya want?”

“Without a doubt in my mind” Tommy said flashing the old mare a smile.

Granny Smith studied Tommy for a moment, a knowing look in her eyes as she patted his shoulder. "Well then, I won't keep ya from it. Just remember to take care of yourself along the way," she advised before shuffling off to tend to some other chores around the farm.


From the sky, Tommy saw the familiar rainbow-haired mare fly down towards him. Tommy smiled as she landed before the young ranger. When Rainbow got a look at Tommy, she found herself staring at the young man and his newly physical appearance. Rainbow had known that Tommy was quite muscular but Tommy had now gained even more muscle mass than before. His arms were twice as large, his chest was pronounced, his abs were rigid and firm, and his legs looked like he could squat for weeks on end. A blush slowly formed on the mares cheeks that soon turned quite red the more she gawked at Tommy’s frame.

“Dash? You okay?” Tommy said to the dazed mare.

Rainbow Dash shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts and regain her composure. "Uh, yeah, I'm fine," she stammered, feeling a heat rise to her cheeks. "I just... wasn't expecting... uh, you ho…GOOD! you look good Tommy."

"Thanks, Rainbow," Tommy chuckled at her response, unaware of the effect his changed physique had on the pegasus. "What brings you here?"

Rainbow Dash quickly shifted her focus to the reason for her visit as she cleared her throat. "Twilight... she wants to see you."

A mix of emotions flickered across Tommy's face at the mention of Twilight. Concern, guilt, and longing all danced in his eyes before he finally settled on a determined look. "Is she okay? How is she feeling?"

“She’s recovering well but she misses you,” Rainbow explained, noticing the genuine worry in Tommy's expression.

Without another word, Tommy nodded resolutely, a determined glint in his eyes. "I'll go see her right away. Thank you for letting me know, Rainbow."

“Um..Tommy” Rainbow said stopping the Ranger. “Your Shirt?”

Tommy followed Rainbow's gaze down to his chest and realized he had forgotten to put his shirt on after finishing his chores. He let out an embarrassed chuckle before quickly grabbing his shirt from the nearby fence post and pulling it over his now well-defined muscles. Rainbow Dash couldn't help but blush at the sight, her heart fluttering at the unexpected display of strength from her friend.

‘Oh ponyfeathers…’ Rainbow thought as her wings twitched. ‘Gotta take care of this…’ Without another word, Rainbow flew off to the sky as high as she could to be by herself.

Meanwhile, Tommy hurried towards the hospital and was greeted by the happy smiles and friendly waves of the townsfolk. Some were especially happy to see Tommy since he both saved the town and was helping everyone with anything they needed help with.

“Hi Tommy!”

“Nice day, Tommy?”

“You look well, Tommy!”

“Thank you so much, Tommy!”

Tommy greeted everyone he passed with a warm smile and a nod, grateful for the support and kindness of the townsfolk. As he entered the hospital, he felt a mix of nerves and anticipation swirling in his chest. The prospect of seeing Twilight again after so long filled him with both joy and trepidation.

Walking down the familiar corridors, Tommy finally reached Twilight's room. He hesitated for a moment before gently pushing the door open. Inside, Twilight was lying on the bed, her lavender eyes widening in surprise as she saw him enter.

"Tommy!" she exclaimed, a mix of emotions flashing across her face - relief, happiness, and lingering worry.

"Twilight," Tommy replied softly, his voice filled with tenderness as he approached her bedside. He reached out to take her hand in his, relieved to feel her warmth beneath his touch.

Twilight clasped her hand with his as they both stared into each other’s eyes.

“I’m so glad you-mmm!” Tommy was interrupted when Twilight pulled him into a hug and pressed her lips against his. It threw him off guard but he didn’t push away as he relaxed and returned the kiss.

Their kiss deepened, a mix of emotions swirling between them - relief, longing, and a deep connection that transcended words. Time seemed to stand still as they held each other close, the world fading away around them as they lost themselves in the moment. After what felt like an eternity, they slowly pulled away, their foreheads resting against each other as they caught their breath.

"I missed you so much," Twilight whispered, her voice filled with emotion.

"I missed you too, Twilight," Tommy replied, his eyes searching hers with a tenderness that spoke volumes.

They stayed like that for a while, basking in each other's presence and the comfort of being together once more. Finally, Twilight broke the silence with a soft smile.

"I'm sorry I pushed myself too hard," she said, her gaze filled with regret.

Tommy shook his head gently. "Don't apologize, Twilight. I understand why you wanted to see me. Just promise me you'll take care of yourself from now on”

“And what about you?” Twilight said as she cupped his cheek. “That fight with Scorpion was so very intense. And you were wounded too.”

Taking her hand in his, Tommy brought it to his lips for a gentle kiss. "Don't worry about me, Twilight. I've healed up nicely. Right now, your recovery is all that matters."

"But I can't help but worry," Twilight replied with concern evident in her voice.

"I love you for that," Tommy said with a smile directed at the mare. "But you have to remember, this is just another day in the life for me."

“Then can you promise me something?” Twilight asked.

“Anything,” Tommy said.

“Please promise me you won’t risk your life again,” Twilight said. “I still remember when you were brought in for your injuries after your first encounter with Scorpion. It…scared me to death seeing you like that…”

Tommy's expression softened at Twilight's words, his eyes reflecting a mix of understanding and deep affection. He gently took both of her hands in his, his grip firm yet reassuring.

"I promise, Twilight. I won't take unnecessary risks anymore," he vowed solemnly. "I know how much it hurts you to see me hurt, and I can't bear to put you through that again."

Twilight's eyes shimmered with unshed tears as she leaned into Tommy's touch, her heart overflowing with love for this brave and selfless ranger who stood before her. She knew that Tommy's promise was sincere, just like the love that bound them together through hardships and joys alike.

"Thank you, Tommy," she whispered, her voice barely above a breath. "I don't know what I would do without you."

Tommy brushed a gentle kiss against Twilight's forehead before meeting her gaze with unwavering devotion. "You'll never have to find out, Twilight.”

The two shared another tender kiss, and Twilight ended up leaning back so he was on top of her. Twilight then made a bold move and poked her tongue out to touch Tommy’s lips as if asking for permission to enter his mouth.

Twilight's unexpected move made Tommy's heart race with a mixture of surprise and desire. He playfully responded with a chuckle, parting his lips to allow her tongue to enter his mouth. As their kiss intensified, they both lost themselves in the deepening intimacy and connection between them.

However, their moment was interrupted by a loud crash and a roar outside. The ranger groaned as Tommy and Twilight pulled away from each other.

"It never fails," Tommy grumbled. “Rita and her monsters have The worst timing”

“Continue this later?” Twilight giggled and pecked his lips.

With a quick, determined nod, Tommy stood up from the bed and glanced back at Twilight with a reassuring look. "Definitely later," he promised. "Stay safe here; I'll be back as soon as I can."

Author's Note:

As promised I have blown away the dust off this fic and brought it back to life with a fresh dose of romance. But our heroes can never catch a break, it seems. Rest assured, dear readers, there are more twists and turns yet to come.