• Published 6th Sep 2023
  • 2,016 Views, 114 Comments

Ranger in Equestria - Lady Umbra

​Tommy gets hit by one of Rita's spells, leaving the Rangers shocked and mourning his apparent loss. Meanwhile, Tommy wakes up in a strange land filled with talking dragons.

  • ...

Beware the Scorpion's Sting

Fresh off the rhythmic rumble of the train, Tommy, Twilight and Rainbow Dash stepped onto the platform at Rainbow Falls, where the air was filled with the scent of mist and wildflowers. They took a moment to marvel at the scenery—a living canvas of nature's splendor. Tommy shielded his eyes, looking upwards as the sunlight fractured through the waterfall's spray, shards of light playing kaleidoscopically through the droplets.

Twilight’s eyes gleamed with curiosity and wonder, taking in the bustling activity around the station. Vendors hawked their colorful wares, and travelers bustled by, each on their own adventure. Behind them, the train gave a final, forlorn whistle, as if to bid them farewell, before chugging away, leaving behind the echo of its journey.

Stepping off the wooden platform, their boots crunched on the gravel path that led away from the train station. "Well, we're finally here," Tommy said, the anticipation evident in his tone. Twilight nodded, her gaze fixed on the path that wound toward the legendary falls. The adventure that awaited them was as mysterious as the veiled depths of the waters below. Together, they started toward the heart of Rainbow Falls, ready to discover what secrets it held.

Rainbow Dash brandished a grin at the ranger, her hands akimbo in a confident pose. "Yup, I've got every nook and cranny of this place mapped out," she declared, her voice brimming with pride.

Recollections of her youth shimmered in her eyes as she continued, "My dad and I used to explore these parts endlessly when I was just a filly." Her enthusiasm hinted at the countless adventures she must have embarked upon in the very heart of Rainbow Falls—a place as storied in her memory as it was in the landscape before them.

Rainbow Dash's expression softened slightly. "I have to admit, I've never stumbled upon a mine here before."

Twilight Sparkle offered reassurance, retrieving a folded map from her pocket with a flourish. "Fear not, Rainbow, we're not without guidance. Princess Celestia provided us with this map."

Tommy, still captivated by the majestic vision of the cascading Rainbow Falls, voiced a note of skepticism. "I appreciate the map, but given its age, we might encounter some challenges in tracking down the mine."

Twilight examined the map with a contemplative gaze. "I've taken into account that some locations on this map may have changed or disappeared from Rainbow Falls, especially after Discord's global rampage," she acknowledged.

Rainbow Dash shrugged, hands casually thrown behind her head, "Yeah, Discord really caused chaos everywhere. What a jerk he was."

Tommy, puzzled by the name, turned to the pair. "Who's Discord?" he inquired, prompting a look of astonishment from Rainbow Dash.

"You've never heard of—" Rainbow began, but paused, a realization dawning on her. "Oh, that's right. You're not from around here."

As they navigated the bustling market stalls of Rainbow Falls, Twilight Sparkle shared insights about a notorious figure. "Discord, often referred to as the Lord of Chaos, possesses the frightening ability to manipulate reality, twisting it into a reflection of his own chaotic desires," she elaborated.

Rainbow Dash threw a sidelong glance at their human companion. "Beating him seemed like a feat beyond reach at one point. It was only through the power of the Elements of Harmony that we were able to petrify him," she recounted.

Tommy connected their experience with his own. "Seems like facing off against monsters isn't unique to my world," he commented, studying the ancient map with interest.

"With all due respect to your monsters," Rainbow Dash began, her voice tinged with playful bravado, "they certainly don't stack up to the otherworldly oddity of creatures like Camostrider or that Bone monster." She paused mid-thought, her curiosity piquing. "Hey, Tommy?"

Tommy pivoted to address her. "Yes?" he inquired.

Rainbow's tone took on a more serious note. "Is it true you once worked for the lady who created those creatures?" she inquired directly.

Twilight interjected sharply, a note of reprimand in her whisper, "Rainbow!"

"It's okay, Twilight," Tommy said, exhaling. He recounted a chapter of his past with a hint of melancholy. "I was under the command of Rita Repulsa, a malicious sorceress fixated on Earth's domination." His face grew somber. "Her penchant for manipulation was cruel, and she compelled me to act against my will."

Rainbow Dash reflected on his words. "That sounds tough."

"Indeed, but I was fortunate to have friends who liberated me from her grasp," Tommy replied, his expression warming slightly. He caught up with Twilight, who had quickened her step. "By the way, how far is the Mine?"

Twilight scrutinized the map intently before glancing up at their surroundings. "According to this," she paused, her eyes narrowing as she surveyed the area, "we should be precisely... here."

Her gaze oscillated between the parchment and the landscape before her, settling on the abrupt edge of a cliff marking the boundary of Rainbow Falls.

Rainbow Dash frowned, cross-referencing the map with the daunting chasm ahead. "It looks like Discord's mayhem destroyed the mine," she remarked, her tone laced with vexation.

As they contemplated their next move, the trio was unaware of prying eyes observing them from the shadows. In a fluid motion, a kunai blade attached to a chain skewered an apple, retracting back into the concealed alcove of the marketplace. Scorpion, a deadly figure lurking nearby, removed the fruit from his weapon and, with a lift of his mask, took a satisfying bite.

Eyeing the discarded apple core, he relayed his thoughts to Scorpina. "Our time here has been misspent," Scorpion said dismissively. "Without the mine in sight, our objective narrows to one critical mission: to eliminate Tommy Oliver."

Scorpina, with vested interest, questioned, "And what of the gem to repair my masters staff?"

A flicker of defiance flashed in Scorpion's eyes as he brandished his chained kunai. "My allegiance lies with Lord Drakkon alone," he stated firmly. "The whereabouts of the means to repair your master's staff hold no significance to me."

Scorpion and Scorpina navigated the bustling market with a stealth that belied their lethal intentions. Shadows draped around them like cloaks as they closed in on their unsuspecting targets. With the precision of a predator, Scorpion drew back his arm, the muscles tensing like coiled springs. Suddenly, with a burst of motion, he let fly his deadly chained kunai, aimed with deadly precision.

The chain sailed through the air, a metallic serpent homing in on its quarry. It wrapped around Tommy in an unyielding embrace, the links binding with a harsh clang. Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle watched in horror, their expressions a tableau of shock and disbelief.

The market's ambient noises were sliced by Scorpion's gravelly command, reverberating with predatory triumph: "Get over here!" In an instant, Tommy was yanked from their midst, helplessly ensnared in Scorpion's lethal gambit.

As Tommy came to rest at the feet of his captors, dust billowing around his fallen form, Scorpion greeted him with a mocking tilt of his head, a challenge hanging in the air between them. "Hello, White Ranger...Miss me?" the warrior taunted, a smirk playing across his face, welcoming Tommy to an unfamiliar fate.

Tommy's eyes widened in shock. "I have no idea who you are!"

"Tommy!" The voices of Rainbow and Twilight blended into a singular echo of alarm and determination.

Magic sparked from Twilight's horn, unleashing a powerful blast that sent Scorpion tumbling backwards, breaking his assault on Tommy. Meanwhile, Rainbow's speed was a blur as she darted toward Scorpina with a fierce resolve, delivering a swift kick that knocked the adversary away from their captured friend. Together, they swiftly freed Tommy from the ensnaring chains.

Twilight turned to Tommy, concern etched on her face. "Tommy, are you alright?" she asked, as Tommy sheathed his sword with a practiced ease.

"You two need to leave, now," Tommy insisted, his expression grave.

Rainbow squared her shoulders defiantly, her fists still raised. "They're nothing but monsters," she stated, her gaze fixed fiercely on the recovering assailants. "We've got this."

"You've never faced ones like these," Tommy shook his head, his gaze locking onto the more familiar of their foes. "Scorpina..."

Scorpina's smile was as menacing as it was smug. "Hello, Tommy," she cooed, her tone laced with mock affection. "You're always welcome to return as the esteemed champion of Mistress Rita."

Tommy responded, his stance unwavering, his voice laced with the weight of a darker past. "Once was more than enough, Scorpina," he declared, his resolve crystal clear.

Amid the chaos of the market, an intense confrontation was about to unfold. As Rainbow and Twilight finished unbinding Tommy, a palpable tension gripped the air. The people in the market began to scatter, sensing the brewing storm of a skirmish.

With Rainbow's declaration still hanging between them, Tommy's focus was fixed on Scorpina, who had regained her composure and now advanced with a predatory grace. Her greeting, both familiar and laced with taunts, failed to unnerve Tommy, who stood firm, his past with Mistress Rita's dark influence a chapter long closed.

The silence that followed Tommy's refusal was the calm before the storm. In the next moment, a flurry of movements erupted. Scorpion, with a seething glare, charged forward, ready to reclaim his prey. Simultaneously, Scorpina, armed with her own lethal intention, moved with lethal precision towards Tommy.

Tommy, standing ready with his sword grasped tightly, met Scorpina's advance head-on, their weapons clashing with a resounding clang. Rainbow Dash, relying on her agility and strength, engaged Scorpion, using her speed to create a blur of strikes designed to overwhelm and disorient.

Twilight, her horn aglow with the power of her magic, provided support where needed—launching protective barriers around civilians and her friends, and firing beams of force to control the spacing of the battle. She was the linchpin that balanced the engagement, making sure that none would suffer from the crossfire of this sudden melee.

The sounds of metal, magic, and martial prowess mixed with the din of the market, as the small group of friends stood united against the pair of invaders, determined to protect each other and the innocents around them.

Tommy and his companions continued to face their assailants. Scorpion, with quick and precise movements, managed to ensnare Rainbow Dash in an unyielding bind of chains, immobilizing her and dimming her contributions to the fray. With Rainbow momentarily out of the equation, Scorpion diverted his attention, joining forces with Scorpina against Tommy, who was already caught in a fierce struggle with his past adversary.

Their blades clashed in a concert of metal, edge against edge, as Scorpina met Tommy's every move. Amidst the relentless exchange, she found a moment to jeer at him, her laughter cutting almost as sharp as her blade. "Not so tough without the powers Mistress Rita gifted you, are you?" she baited, confident in her perceived advantage.

Tommy's response came between breaths, his voice carrying over the clash of their weapons, "My powers never determined my strength!" Undeterred by her words, he parried and struck with a determination rooted not in the magic he once wielded, but in the resolve that was wholly his own.

Yet, despite Tommy's skill and tenacity, the addition of Scorpion to the fray tilted the scales. They began to push Tommy back, their combined might proving to be a formidable force. The Ranger, even cut off from his old powers, fought valiantly, but as Scorpion and Scorpina worked in vicious tandem, it became clear they were starting to overpower him.

Locked in combat, Tommy moved with the grace and precision of a dancer, his blade a seamless extension of his will. Each strike he delivered was met with equal force by Scorpina, her weapon a glinting arc of malice that hungered for victory. Their swords sang a harsh melody of steel, twining and parting as though they were dueling partners in a deadly ballet.

As Tommy deftly parried a vicious blow from Scorpina, Scorpion pounced, chains whirling like serpents poised to strike. They descended upon Tommy with a metallic hiss, but he failed anticipated their trajectory, cuts began to cover his body. Yet for every move Tommy made, Scorpina countered with an almost supernatural alacrity, exploiting even the smallest openings with ruthless efficiency.

The market had become a coliseum of chaos. Stalls lay abandoned, their wares scattered or trampled underfoot as the fight's shockwaves rippled outwards. Spectators, having taken cover at a safe distance, watched with bated breath as Tommy held his ground, a solitary warrior pitted against an unrelenting tide.

Scorpina's strikes were relentless, each one delivered with a smirk that seemed to say she already knew the outcome. But Tommy’s eyes burned with an indomitable spirit; he knew the heart of a ranger never admits defeat. He ducked under a particularly savage swing from Scorpina, and for a moment, their eyes locked in hatred for one another.

Scorpion attacked anew, his chains a blur as they sought to ensnare Tommy. One loop caught Tommy's forearm, the cold bite of the links a stark contrast to the sweat of exertion that coated his skin. But the moment’s vulnerability was short-lived; Tommy twisted his arm, leveraging the chain to draw Scorpion off balance and into Scorpina's path, forcing the two villains to momentarily check their assault to avoid collision.

The respite was fleeting. Like wolves circling a stag, Scorpina and Scorpion regrouped, their movements synchronizing into a relentless assault. The battle's tempo escalated as Tommy was pressed hard, the synergy of his adversaries' combined force becoming a storm of steel and shadows that threatened to overwhelm.

Yet Tommy stood firm, his determination unyielding. Each block and counter strike spoke of his unspoken vow to defend his friends and safeguard the innocents. Every muscle coiled and tensed, releasing in bursts of effort that kept the dark tide at bay. Underneath the market's fragmented canopy, a lone ranger faced down the embodiment of his past and adversaries who would revel in his fall — but fall he did not.

In the heat of the melee, the dynamics momentarily shifted when Scorpina abruptly retreated, her weapon raised high. A vivid blue aura emanated from it, signaling an imminent and ominous attack. Sensing the immediate threat, Tommy lunged forward in an attempt to disrupt her concentration and prevent the release of whatever devastating power she was conjuring.

But Scorpion, ever the watchful predator, seized the opportunity to ensnare Tommy in his tactical web. The chains, cool and unyielding, whipped forward and wound tightly around Tommy's wrists. A sharp tug from Scorpion upended Tommy's forward momentum, yanking him off balance and rendering him vulnerable.

In that critical moment of vulnerability, Scorpina unleashed her prepared strike, hurtling her boomerang sword through the air with lethal intention. The weapon cut through the space between them like a comet trailing blue light, striking Tommy square in the chest. A thunderous shockwave erupted upon impact, a visible burst of energy that sent Tommy hurtling backward.

The force propelled Tommy's body through the air, and he careened towards the cliff's edge. Dust and debris clouded the air, obscuring the outcome momentarily and leaving uncertainty to hang as heavily as the dust particles themselves. The balance of the fight had taken a sudden and dangerous turn.

"Tommy!" Twilight shouted as she rushed to Tommy's side

As Twilight reached Tommy's side, a surge of concern and determination welled within her. She refused to let her friend face this peril alone. With a decisive flick of her horn, Twilight channeled her magical prowess, conjuring a protective barrier that enveloped both her and Tommy. It shimmered with an ethereal glow, a fortress of arcane energy shielding them from the onslaught.

Scorpina's grin grew wider, unyielding in her confidence as she observed the magical barrier. She raised her weapon, readying to unleash a destructive force akin to that which had already wounded Tommy.

"You won't be able to keep that barrier up forever" Her mocking words danced upon her lips as she taunted Twilight's efforts, confident that the barrier's resilience would wane over time.

But Twilight held her ground, her eyes shining with a mixture of determination and unwavering belief. She knew that their safety depended on the strength of her magic and her unwavering resolve. The barrier hummed with energy, pulsating with each heartbeat of Twilight's determination.

Without hesitation, Scorpina hurled her sword towards the barrier. The weapon collided with the magical shield, a violent impact that reverberated through the air. A shockwave rippled across the surface of the barrier, causing it to tremble under the strain, but Twilight's magic held firm.

Twilight gritted her teeth, her focus unwavering despite the strain. She dug deeper into her well of power, reinforcing the barrier's resilience with a surge of raw magical energy. The shield, though tested, remained intact, deflecting Scorpina's assault with unwavering determination.

The clash between Scorpina's explosive power and Twilight's unwavering magic created a display of energy that crackled with intensity. Twilight knew that she couldn't maintain the barrier indefinitely, but she remained resolute in protecting her friend, buying them precious moments to regroup and seek a way to turn the tides of the battle.

As the shockwave subsided, Twilight met Scorpina's gaze with unwavering determination. "We won't give up," she declared, her voice echoing with defiance and resolve.

Scorpina's laughter echoed menacingly as she observed the steadfast defiance of her opponents. She brandished her weapon with renewed fervor, her eyes alight with a triumphant gleam. "You're just as tenacious as the Rangers," she mocked, her voice laden with a mixture of respect and derision.

With precision, she launched her blade once more at the weakened magical barrier. The shockwave that followed the weapon's trajectory resonated, a harmonic precursor to destruction. The impact sent fissures spidering across the luminous shield, hinting at the imminent collapse.

Scorpion, not one to be overshadowed, advanced with his own display of might — his hands alit with the roiling flames of hellfire. He directed the infernal cascade at the barrier, the relentless blaze gnawing at its integrity, feeding the growing web of cracks.

Scorpion's voice was a sinister growl, offering a twisted form of mercy to Twilight. "Leave the Ranger to us, Pony," he said, his words carrying a chilling promise. "Our mission is to eliminate Oliver. If you surrender, no harm will fall to you. But if you continue to get in my way, I will kill you as well."

The ultimatum hung in the air, heavy with the weight of impending doom. They were at a crossroads of fate, where even the slightest tilt could precipitate a cascade of irreversible consequences. The choice was stark—the decision now rested on Twilight's shoulders, whether to stand and fight or yield and spare herself at the cost of her friend's peril.

Determination flared within Twilight as she steadfastly refused to abandon her friend, her moral code unwavering even in the face of dire threats. Her zealous commitment to Tommy translated into a surge of magical energy; the barrier began to mend, bolstered by the strength of her resolve. As her powers swelled, Twilight crossed into an emotional depth she had never before encountered, one that shook the very foundation of her characteristic composure.

In a moment of rare and raw defiance, Twilight's frustration erupted into a shout that cut through the chaos. "Screw You, you Bastard!" Twilight's shout was a defiant rallying cry, a stark contrast to her usual calm demeanor.

Scorpion, unyielding and impassive, simply intensified his assault, the hellfire in his hands roaring with a newfound fury. The flames redoubled their voracity, searing the barrier with a relentless onslaught that hastened its disintegration, churning away at its structure more rapidly than Twilight could mend it.

"You should have taken the offer, Pony" Scorpina taunted coldly as she once again sent her sword arcing toward the barrier, her confidence unshaken in the face of Twilight's efforts.

The ensuing shockwave shook the barrier mercilessly, cracks splintering out and threatening its collapse. Unseen by their assailants, the ground beneath Twilight and Tommy's feet was betraying its own stability, a silent harbinger of potential catastrophe.

"I'd never sacrifice my friends to save myself!" Twilight declared through clenched teeth, channeling her essence into sustaining the beleaguered shield. Her magic flowed like a river, determined and relentless.

Faced with Twilight's unwavering spirit, Scorpina launched another attack. "Then you share his fate," she proclaimed as her blade once again sliced through the air towards the barrier, her intent lethal.

The formidable shockwave released by Scorpina's assault ultimately proved too much for Twilight's magical defenses, her barrier shattering into fragments of dissipating energy. Scorpion, with calculated coldness, halted the relentless stream of hellfire, stepping forward with the unmistakable gait of a victor. His weapon, a feared kunai spear, clattered to the ground, signaling an end to the onslaught.

"Stand aside, Pony"

In the aftermath, Twilight's gaze fell, a portrait of weariness and apparent defeat. It was then, with a glimmer of resolve flickering in her eyes, that she noticed the precarious state of the ground beneath them. Her horn pulsed with a resurgence of magic, poised with renewed purpose as her hooves pressed against the ground, ready to unleash her not-yet-spent power.

"Stand aside? Never... not while my friend's life hangs in the balance," Twilight declared, strength flowing into her voice as her hands radiated with an otherworldly shine. "You will not touch him!"

With a final, desperate act of magic, Twilight channeled her energies into the earth beneath her. The resultant explosion sent Scorpion and Scorpina recoiling backward, as the terrain itself rebelled, shuddering and breaking apart.

"Twilight! Tommy!" The urgency in Rainbow's voice was palpable, her own struggle against her restraints intensifying with her concern.

Scorpion, ever the relentless hunter, launched his kunai spear towards the beleaguered human. However, fate intervened as the cliff, destabilized by Twilight's magic, crumbled away, causing both Twilight and Tommy to be swallowed by the abyss below. Scorpion's frustrations manifested in a guttural snarl as he retracted his chain, his weapon returning without its intended quarry.

His eyes narrowed as he surveyed the depths below. "We must verify their deaths," Scorpion insisted, his voice a low, simmering command.

Scorpina, ever the skeptic, questioned the necessity. "Do you truly believe they could still be alive from such a drop?"

"Their demise must be confirmed beyond any doubt," Scorpion replied, conviction burning in his eyes. Enveloped in a swirl of flames, he disappeared, his teleportation as swift as it was fiery.

Meanwhile, Scorpina opted for a more methodical descent. She leapt from the precipice, agile and precise, each calculated jump from ridge to ridge a testament to her combat prowess as she sought to confirm the outcome of their tumultuous confrontation.

Meanwhile Rainbow was left still bound in her chains constricting her movement. She rolled on the ground, a blend of frustration and urgency etched onto her features, as she sought assistance in a land where potential helpers had long since fled.

"Is there anypony out there who can help?" Rainbow's voice carried across the deserted battlefield, a shout tinged with both hope and desperation as she struggled against her metallic confines.

As they plunged into the yawning chasm, Twilight's fading strength mustered a last spark of magic, drawing Tommy protectively into her embrace. She wrapped them in a cocoon of arcane energy, a hastily erected barrier to shield them from the impending impact. Her magic, already taxed from the confrontation, faltered upon collision—the protective sphere shattered as it met the earth, absorbing much of the impact but not without cost.

The ground's unforgiving embrace wreaked havoc, and amidst the debris, Twilight cried out, the sharp, stabbing pain revealing the grim reality of a fractured limb. Her scream echoed, a harrowing sound cut short by her frantic realization of the peril they still faced.

Scanning her surroundings with urgency, Twilight's gaze fixed upon a serendipitous haven—a mound of rubble concealing an entrance to a hidden recess, a sanctuary barely large enough for the pair. With resolve hardened against the agony, she dragged herself and Tommy towards the gap, her teeth gritted against the pain.

Once inside their rocky refuge, Twilight, through sheer will, moved a sizeable stone to obscure the entrance, shrouding them in shadow and secrecy, a momentary reprieve in the aftermath of their fall.

Hardly had a breath's time passed when ​Twilight's ears picked up the intrusion of voices from outside their concealed refuge.

"Could this be their landing spot?" inquired a feminine voice, its recognizable sharpness immediately identified by Twilight as ​Scorpina's.

"Indeed, this is the place," replied a voice, deep and gruff, snaking its way through the air with a menacing surety. Twilight's heart skipped as she narrowly suppressed a gasp; there was no mistaking ​Scorpion's distinct tone.

"But they're nowhere to be seen. How can that be?" Scorpina's voice carried a note of frustration as she sought answers.

Scorpion replied with unwavering certainty, "They've not made it far, that much is certain." His words were a call to action. "Begin the search, and spare no effort. They must be here somewhere."

In the fraught silence that followed, Twilight attempted a precarious shift, an effort to alleviate the mounting agony in her fractured limb. The intensity of the pain overwhelmed her, and despite her valiant efforts, she succumbed to the weight of her own body, collapsing to the cold ground. Consciousness waned, but before the shadows claimed her, her hand found the reassuring grip of her human companion's hand.

"Tommy..." she uttered, the name a whisper on her lips as darkness enveloped her senses.

Author's Note:

Tommy and Twilight have indeed landed in a rather precarious situation. With Tommy incapacitated and Twilight nursing an injury, her formidable magic and the support from her companions will be crucial for their escape. The question lingers: will they manage to extricate themselves fully intact from this harrowing ordeal?

Now only a few of you have managed to discover 1 of the 2 Easter Egg's I left in the Previous Chapter. Tick Tock my Lovelies, you must find it before the end of this little arc.

Your support is greatly appreciated - please leave a comment and show your appreciation by leaving a comment. With your help, Me and Valiant Charge hope to secure the number one featured spot."