• Published 25th Oct 2023
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Kingdom Hearts: The World's Reluctant Heroes - Blackdrag-rose

Sombra, Fluttershy, and Radiant find themselves in a strange world and join Sora, Donald, and Goofy in their quest to find their missing friends, unaware of the true evil lurking in the darkness.

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Nobody: Oogie's New Plot

After everyone had a chance to speak with Santa Claus about their placements on his lists, while Sombra remained silent since hers was the strangest of them all, Jack asked about himself, since he hadn't asked the other times he had been to this Holiday World, but before he could get an answer they heard something loud in the nearby room.

"Jack, what sort of trouble did you bring with you this time?" Santa asked, though at the same time he got up and walked over to the door in question, while Jack rubbed the back of his head and said it was a long story, since Sora was interested in what that meant, but for the time being they followed after him.

The room he walked into was a large workshop floor of a factory, with three conveyor belts and all sorts of machinery that were used in the making of presents for Christmas, or at least that was what Sombra assumed based on the information they had been given so far. For a few moments it didn't seem like anything was happening, but that didn't last very long as Sombra glanced up the walkway that was next to them, leading up to the second floor or the attic area, if they thought of this like an actual house, where she spotted Maleficent talking to the three masked kids. Instead of allowing her to get away, and do whatever it was that she was up to, Sombra summoned her Keyblade as she leapt into the air, crossing the distance with ease as Maleficent realized what was going on and quickly swung her staff to block the incoming attack, causing the air around them to shudder for a moment. In the next instant the dark witch, as if sensing that this wasn't a battle she could win, especially after their last encounter, created a dark portal behind her and vanished without delay, while making sure it closed before Sombra could step through it and follow her.

In the next instance Lock, Shock, and Barrel smashed one of the windows and jumped out into Christmas Town, though as that happened Sombra had to wonder how they knew about both the Holiday Doors and the realms they were connected to, but knew they needed to be locked out of the doors before something terrible happened. Santa was of the opinion that the trio should be brought back to be given a lecture, since they were quite naughty, and when Jack approached him to ask about whatever it was he wanted to talk about the other Holiday Ruler just brushed him off as he tended to the rest of his workshop. Since Santa was busy the group focused on the outside of the workshop and found that there were footprints in the snow, leading back to the Holiday Doors, meaning their targets had retreated to Halloween Town, where they found that a group of Graveyards and Driller Moles were waiting to bring all of them down. Of course that was an utter failure for the Heartless, allowing Sombra to seize their hearts as they ascended the hill and passed through the Holiday Door, which was when they reverted into their Halloween forms and were attacked by some Wights, not that it mattered since the group just tore through them as more hearts joined Sombra's collection.

As they did that she felt Maleficent's energy once more and tracked it to the hill that they used to get to Oogie's manor the last time the group had been here, where Sombra found that Maleficent was standing near the masked children, and a very recently revived Oogie Boogie, who seemed to be sleeping right now.

"Really? You brought back the bag of bugs? Oh Maleficent..." Sombra commented, where she shook her head for a moment as the others realized that the tale had been right, the dark witch was alive, and were now seeing that she had revived one of the individuals they had bested in the past, a foolish endeavor in her mind, "it seems I must reevaluate your intelligence... this makes me question why you were the one to stand above the other villains. I am very disappointed in you."

"Is that so? Well, you'll find that your overconfidence will be your downfall." Maleficent remarked, causing her to extend her hand as she loosed a burst of dark flames, intending on blanketing the area to make sure they were unable to interfere with her plans, only to find that Sombra raised her own hand and released a burst of light energy that evaporated her attack like it was nothing, causing her to flinch for a moment, "What the... light magic? Since when could you use light magic?!"

"Does it matter? I've grown since the last time we fought, Maleficent, and this time I don't even need my full power to beat you... I doubt I even need fifty percent." Sombra said, something that caused the dark witch to wave her hand and summon a powerful Heartless to fight them, what appeared to be a metallic upper body of sorts with a cage for the masked children to hide in, like a prison brought to life, while also causing Oogie Boogie to disappear as Sombra attacked, forcing Maleficent to use her staff to block the attack again.

She focused on Maleficent, going on the offensive as she made sure the dark witch was unable to flee from the area, while at the same time Sora and the others focused on taking down the Prison Keeper, where they found that it actually forced one of the children into it's mouth and attacked them with unique powers. Lock, for example, granted the Heartless the power to shoot out large fireballs at them while it moved around the area, Shock caused it to spin around like a top that forced them to attack from afar, and Barrel allowed the Prison Keeper to use a biting attack that everyone avoided. Sombra found that it was a disappointing Heartless, it didn't seem to have any power of it's own and required the use of others to deal damage to it's enemies, which was why she focused on Maleficent and forced her backwards while her minion was torn down. As the Prison Keeper collapsed, and it's heart was freed, the dark witch growled before vanishing, where Sombra waved her hand as she seized the heart and captured it, causing her to glance around the area for a time as she tracked Maleficent's energy, to pinpoint where she was going.

The masked children, seeing Maleficent flee, rushed off the moment the Prison Keeper was gone, though it didn't take her long to figure out where in the Holiday Worlds all of their enemies had ended up, causing Sombra to glance at the others for a few seconds, who were waiting for her to speak.

"Christmas Town, that's where they went." Sombra stated, where the rest of the group nodded their heads without delay, to which they departed from the hill and headed back to the Holiday Doors, as it was time to bring an end to whatever plan the dark witch or Oogie Boogie might have made before the latter fell asleep after being revived.

As they retraced their steps back to the Holiday Doors Sombra found that this time there were no new Heartless for them to face, rather what they discovered was that there footprints in the ground that matched Sally, Santa Claus, and even Oogie Boogie, meaning the bag of bugs was regaining more of his mobility. With that in mind they passed through the door that would bring them to Christmas Town, allowing them to shift back into their Christmas forms as they headed down the snow covered hill once more, setting their sights on Santa's workshop once more. Of course there were more Heartless in this Holiday World, confirming that Maleficent wanted to slow them down as much as she could, though that hardly mattered as the group tore through them and Sombra collected their hearts as they moved through the town. With their abilities it was easy for them to reach the door of Santa's workshop and enter it, where it took them no time at all to see that Ooogie, with Maleficent's help, had seized control of the entire inner workings of the structure, complete with his gambling dice.

Such a thing caused Sombra to sigh as they entered the inner portion of the building, because this was stupid and the plan that the dark witch had come up with was just plain ridiculous, using the inner workings of the factory to kill them, to which she just warped Oogie Boogie down to where they were standing and took a step back.

"Go on, beat him up." Sombra said, as she wasn't even interested in fighting the half-baked villain, because it seemed like Maleficent's spell had only partly worked and brought back only half of Oogie's brain, or whatever it was that fueled his very odd body, plus there was the fact that she wasn't needed at all, not with Maleficent having fled to another world by this point in time.

As Sora and the others dealt with Oogie Boogie, who revealed that his plan was to eradicate Christmas Town as he returned to the console he could stand on to control everything, even though they broke it with a few well placed attacks and simply repeated the motions a few times, Sombra noticed something weird. That weirdness was what appeared to be the seventh and last fragment of Vanitas' light side, though this one seemed to be merriment, like he had seen the wonder of Christmas once and it grew inside him, to the point that Xehanort had to tear that portion out of him. As she took hold of the final piece of Vanitas' light side, however, a memory rushed to life before her eyes, a complete Vanitas, in the sense that his newly born heart found a way to harbor light and darkness, looking forward to the holidays, like a kid in a candy shop or something, and to spending time with someone close to him. It wasn't that she thought that he was complete, she could feel the light and the darkness inside his heart, even in a memory, to the point where Sombra was sure that the Unversed were banished from existence, something that wasn't in Xehanort's plans no doubt.

Sombra staggered for a moment as she felt it, as this fragment held the memory of when Vanitas was sundered, his fragile heart that had gained it's own light being forcefully sundered, seven pieces escaping into the vast World with one holding the memory of Xehanort's betrayal, leaving behind a dark being that became the Vanitas that Aqua's group knew. That caused a genuine anger to burn in her body as she realized what it meant, as Xehanort had forced the being he tore from Ventus to walk the path of evil and any attempt on Vanitas' part to see or embrace the Light was met with pain and agony, to the point that his scars forced him to remain in the Darkness. There was a chance that Ventus' other half could have walked beside him, Terra, and Aqua, or walked a neutral path while exploring the World, and yet Sombra found that Vanitas had been unfairly robbed of the chance to be his own person, to decide both his destiny and his path in life. The sundering also had the side effect of bringing back the Unversed, which Xehanort used to trouble the worlds to draw Terra and the others out into his various traps, meaning no evil was too small for him and that he would go to serious extremes to complete his dark goal of claiming the power of Kingdom Hearts, the true version of it anyway.

As the group bested Oogie Boogie, destroying him once more, Sora was able to figure out how to unlock the next portion of the path they needed to follow, though as they departed Sombra continued to think about her plans as she looked forward to destroying more of Xehanort's plans, and seeing who else she might be able to save from his madness in the future.

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