• Published 25th Oct 2023
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Kingdom Hearts: The World's Reluctant Heroes - Blackdrag-rose

Sombra, Fluttershy, and Radiant find themselves in a strange world and join Sora, Donald, and Goofy in their quest to find their missing friends, unaware of the true evil lurking in the darkness.

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Chain/Days: Getting to Work

Sombra found that Riku, Aqua, and Mickey were happy with a good night's sleep in a safe location, which was good to see, especially since she knew that one of them desperately needed such a thing since she had spent quite a lot time in the realm they had found her in. When morning arrived she prepared breakfast and informed them of her plans, because they had to be careful least Xemnas figure out that his enemies had escaped from the Darkworld and had new allies to use against him, but, at the same time, she wanted them to prepare for the future. Out of all of them Aqua was the only master, meaning it was possible that they might be able to learn something by training with her, while at the same time Riku needed to learn how to control the Darkness that was inside him, as it had been awakened by the one who possessed him. The best way to do that, without revealing their hand to Xemnas or the rest of Organization XIII, was to use the Darkside Key to return to the Darkworld and train there, where their foe would be unable to truly sense what might be happening, giving them time to prepare for the future.

The only downside to that was the fact that Aqua didn't have her Keyblade anymore, in fact she had lost her own and then misplaced the one she had been using as a replacement, as she told them that she had been on the beach of the islands that Sora and Riku had called home, but for some reason only the weapon came back to the Realm of Light.

"If that's the case we can use the Darkside Key to head to the Destiny Islands for a moment to get the other blade, before it is found by someone else." Sombra remarked, but even with a Keyblade in hand she knew that this left one missing and felt that Aqua would be more comfortable with her actual weapon, so they would have to figure out how to find the other one and return it to her.

"Don't worry, I should be able to summon Stormfall now that I'm back in the Realm of Light." Aqua replied, though she did agree with the idea of going back to the Destiny Island so she could pick up the replacement Keyblade she had been using, the Master's Defender that happened to be her own master's Keyblade, before Xehanort struck him down after tricking one of her friends into fighting their master so he could be weakened for the final blow.

Sombra nodded as she returned to the cockpit of the ship and made sure it was well protected, so when the others were ready to go Mickey used the power of the Darkside Key to open the way into the Darkworld, allowing them to step into the world for a moment before he had Aqua help him focus for a moment. Following that they opened another portal right in front of them and Sombra found that it brought them to the island that she and Sora's group had seen right before they clashed with Seeker Ansem, a name that came from the fact that Mickey informed her that the real Ansem the Wise didn't look anything like the one who possessed Riku. Aqua glanced around for a few moments and smiled as she found what she was looking for, a Keyblade that was resting in the sand where Riku recalled Sora laying down a few times whenever he happened to be slacking off, one that had a square shaped grip, a blocky guard, and a cylindrical blade that had teeth in the shape of an E. Sombra discovered that this was what Aqua was looking for, the replacement for her own Keyblade, though with it in hand the wielder dismissed the blade before focusing on her connection to her actual weapon, since she was sure that she could call it to her side now.

Sure enough Aqua held her hand out as a thin and a navy blue Keyblade, the tip of which was silver with two odd diamond shapes near the guard, appeared in her hand as a smile graced her face as well, allowing them to see that the weapon had rectangular shaped teeth with four blunt spikes and three silver pieces on the inside that were bent at right angles, while the guard itself was circular in nature.

"Okay... I'm ready." Aqua said, because with both Keyblades in her possession, not to mention the armor she used to wear before giving it up to get Terra out of the Realm of Darkness, she was ready to help the others prepare for the future, or at least as best as she could since they had no idea when the way to Castle Oblivion would open for them.

Sombra nodded as Mickey returned them to the Darkworld, allowing her to stand off on the side as she kept an eye on the rest of the realm, since there was something dark and primordial out there, while Aqua faced both Riku and Mickey with her original Keyblade. One thing she noted immediately was that Aqua might have some mental damage from her time in this realm, it was hard to tell because she was presenting herself as a wall that had no holes for her enemies to use, but at the same time she knew it was best to talk about such things, just in case. Such a thing caused Sombra to consider talking to the recovered wielder and see if there was anything that needed to be done to make sure she wasn't suffering from her time in this realm, something they would have to deal with in the future, especially since they had no idea how long they would be on standby. She trusted Seras enough to know that Fluttershy's Nobody had been telling the truth, there was a door somewhere in this realm, but since it seemed to be sealed right now they had to wait for the way to open, whenever that might happen, so her focus was on training, and as long as she fired off spells into the vastness of this world Xemnas would be in the dark about what was actually going on.

Such a thing caused her to grin as she imagined the look of shock that would appear on the leader of the Organization's face when he realized that his plans were being torn apart and, more importantly, that it was too late for him to stop her, causing Sombra to look forward to what the future held in store for her and her allies.

Seras smiled as she worked in the castle's kitchen, because before she, Roxas, and Xion were sent on their first missions, all under different supervisors no doubt since they had a lot of ground to cover, she wanted to make sure they had a fairly decent meal before they headed out. Of course when she started she instantly regretted not having Sombra here to show her all of the finer points that Fluttershy had seen before they were separated from each other, but she had found that one of her new allies actually made food and occasionally passed them around to the others. Zexion, the sixth member of the Organization, had some skill in cooking that he said was greater than what the rest of their members had, because the others preferred to make frozen meals whenever they wanted something large to eat, while snacking every now and then when either out in the field or relaxing in the castle. Part of her actually wondered how the Organization would handle the sheer flavor that was in Sombra's cooking, would they fall to the dishes she could make in a short span of time, but since her friend was seen as an enemy she decided to shelve the idea for the time being.

Eventually she and Zexion finished their preparations, having prepared plates of eggs, bacon, pancakes, toast, waffles, bagels, hash browns, and pretty much everything else they could think of, so when Xemnas and the others arrived in the dining area they were surprised by the amount of food, but took their seats accordingly.

"You didn't tell us you could cook. This is definitely better than the frozen stuff we usually make." Larxene said, though while some of them were hesitant to even acknowledge that Zexion could cook, due to the fact that he seemed to push his stuff on everyone whenever he had the chance to do so, she had to admit that Seras had some skill.

"Honestly, I didn't know... could have been worse, really." Seras replied, because she recalled that Fluttershy had a friend whose younger sister was a walking disaster when it came to cooking anything, as in everything and anything that could be burned ended up ruined or burned beyond measure, in fact it was a surprise that the house shop in question hadn't been burned down yet, "I just wanted to do something for everyone before we head out to do our missions... if you want something spectacular and out of this world, well, try Sombra's cooking. It's to die for."

Xemnas kept a straight face while the others talked, as it was clear that they enjoyed the meal and he felt that speaking on their missions could be done later, once everyone was ready to get going, though as he considered that he spotted a bag near one of the doors and found that it had a number of food containers near it.

"The extra containers... they are for Sora and his companions, aren't they?" Xemnas inquired, while at the same time he took a sip of the tea that was in front of him before sampling some of the food, even though he found that the rest of the Organization, save for Xion since she was totally new to this, seemed to enjoy the little break.

"Yes. All I know is that he's important to our plans and that we can't have him, or his friends, starve... so I figured that I'd stop by their location when I'm done with my mission and give them something." Seras answered, which was information she had gleamed from Larxene and Marluxia, who maintained the air of innocence and made it hard for the higher ups to know who spilled the beans to her before she was supposed to know.

Xemnas thought about it for a few more moments and nodded his head, as he agreed with the idea and made no move to tell her to stop her plans to feed Sora's group, in fact he saw no need to since he knew some of the Dusks loved to go out and restock the supplies that the Organization used. He suspected that this might be the start of something big, that some of the others might have Seras and Zexion do some cooking for them so they didn't have to rely on frozen items when one or more of them wanted something to eat, but he made no move to counter their plans. The more they acted like a group, united and focused on a single goal, the better things would be so they could construct Kingdom Hearts, maybe faster than planned since Sombra was now trapped in the Darkworld with no way out, so that meant no hearts would be stalled in their flight to their final destination. He had good feelings about what the future held for them, especially if Xion figured out how to summon her Keyblade, and was willing to overlook certain things if it meant making their end goal a reality, to which he focused on his chosen items while the others enjoyed themselves.

When the meal was done, and the Dusks even came out to collect the plates and do the dishes for them, Xemnes headed out to take his usual post in front of Kingdom Hearts, while at the same time Saix handed out missions, pairing Xion with Vexen, Roxas with Axel, and Seras with Larxene, leaving the others to be sent out to scout out other worlds.

"Ugh, the zombie Nobody gets Twilight Town and we get Deep Jungle... I hate the Heartless that are there." Larxene said, as that was one way to ruin her mood, because she had scouted out the world in question and found all sorts of monkey Heartless that were rather annoying to deal with, to which she sighed for a moment as she turned towards Seras, who made sure to wrap up her bag before storing it away, "Well, shall we get this show on the road?"

"Yeah, might as well." Seras replied, where she made sure her coat was in order as she and Larxene quickly bid farewell to Marluxia before heading out, as in Larxene held her hand out towards the air in front of her as she formed a dark portal so they could travel to their destination, a Dark Corridor she reminded herself.

A few moments later they stepped out into an area that Seras recognized, the jungle clearing that Fluttershy tamed Sabor in, meaning they were close to where Tarzan and Jane were, though for the time being it seemed like everything was still, meaning she and her friend would have precious moments before they were attacked.

"So today's mission it to take out the local Heartless, and our readings show fifteen in the nearby area." Larxene stated, as she held a piece of paper in her right hand that had the information in question, though she knew that once Seras was done with her mission training Saix would no doubt send her out on her own, meaning they had to enjoy the time they had together before it was stolen from them, before she switched the paper for her throwing knives, "Shall we track them down and deal with them?"

Seras nodded and called her Keyblade out as she headed away from the camp that was behind them, where she found that her thoughts were right, there were a couple of Powerwilds in the area Clayton had fought Fluttershy and the others in, causing her to rush at them while Larxene provided support. Such a thing told her that the Organization knew that the weapons they possessed were unable to free the hearts of the Heartless, hence why they gathered intel on where the best groups of targets were in case they managed to gain a wielder in their ranks, and now that three were with them it meant it was time to use that information to their advantage. With that in mind Larxene focused on stunning or weakening their targets, which was easy to do since her element was lightning and she was able to throw her knives to hit the monkeys, all so Seras could swoop in and strike them with her Keyblade, taking them out before they could escape. Such a thing meant their hearts were freed from the Heartless and she was able to look at a few of them for a few seconds, which Larxene did to verify that things were working as intended before heading deeper into the forest to track down the rest of the targets they were here for.

Seras, on the other hand, noticed the dark tendrils that wrapped around the hearts before they disappeared, where she had to assume that Sombra was in this realm somewhere, having expanded her power in some manner, which only made her wonder if she could target three areas at once, before following Larxene into the jungle.

Together the two of them focused on tracking down the remaining Heartless that were around this portion of the jungle, where she found that some of them were handing out in the area that they found Clayton's Nobody in, she now realized exactly what had happened when they visited this world the first time. If that was the case it stood to reason that Sombra taking the lizard's heart meant that the hunter had been unable to either be reborn or move on to the next world, but she honestly didn't care about Clayton, where she focused on the task at hand as she knocked a monkey off of Larxene's back before taking it out. They found that their enemies were just the blue monkeys this time around, instead of the couple of other colors that Fluttershy and her friends had fought in the past, but this was for the best in her mind, because if her friend disliked these ones she was really going to dislike all of the other types that were out there. Fortunately they didn't have to worry about the other types since they found the fifteen targeted Heartless and discovered that there were no more in the nearby area, causing the pair to huff for a moment before they relaxed, as this was a good first mission that would please Xemnas.

With that in mind Seras opened a Dark Corridor and used it to reach the path that Sora and the others were walking down at the moment, to which she noticed that the four individuals were searching for food right now, to which she summoned the bag she had prepared, set it down, and then positioned herself and Larxene behind a tree to watch as Radiant found it and the food that was inside it.

"Good, they'll be well fed for some time." Larxene remarked, which was good for them, because it meant that Xemnas and his allies wouldn't be annoyed with them, though such a thing caused her to think of something for a moment as she opened another Dark Corridor, to a whole new area, "Hey, Axel usually stops by Twilight Town when he's done with his missions, getting some sort of ice cream to help him unwind before returning to the castle. What do you say we get some for us and Marluxia?"

"Sounds good. We could use a little break before informing Saix of our success." Seras replied, though she had a smile on her face, because while some Nobodies loved to fake emotions it sure felt like she, Larxene, and Marluxia shared a bond that was stronger than just being allies and was eager to nurture that bond.

Larxene chuckled a little as they used the portal to reach Twilight Town, as things felt better with the new recruits in their Organization, and Seras felt the same way, it was nice to be close to certain individuals, something that caused her to wonder what the future held for her, her allies, and the Organization.

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