• Published 25th Oct 2023
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Kingdom Hearts: The World's Reluctant Heroes - Blackdrag-rose

Sombra, Fluttershy, and Radiant find themselves in a strange world and join Sora, Donald, and Goofy in their quest to find their missing friends, unaware of the true evil lurking in the darkness.

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Chain/Days: Roxas' Awakening

Seras found that the couple of weeks that passed since Xion got her High Ranks, and a few more Vampires joined Noir, were more of the same, as in she, Xion, and Roxas would be sent out on missions to clear out a large number of Heartless so all of the captive hearts could be delivered to their Kingdom Hearts. Of course making sure all three of them were separated was a good thing in the Organization's eyes since that meant two of them could provide hearts, since one would be stopped by Sombra and her dark power, even if they didn't know the ins and outs of what was going on. Sombra was fine with this arrangement, since it allowed them to keep an eye on Xemnas' Kingdom Hearts while she continued to do her part to slow the Organization down, leading to some of the members being frustrated, especially when they couldn't catch her. She also knew that everyone seemed to be waiting for Sombra to make the next move, or were waiting until she was found before making the next move themselves, since the Nobodies knew that she was a danger to their plans.

Of course that didn't stop the other members of the Organization from heading out with the trio from time to time, either to help them on their missions or to watch over them in case things got hairy, though Seras honestly didn't need the aid since her skills had only improved since joining their ranks. Xion, on the other hand, had actually become friends with Demyx, as the pair seemed to enjoy pulling harmless pranks on the others, those that they would get away with targeting, though out of the remaining members the only ones that were annoyed by this were Saix and Xigbar. Neither dared to do anything to the pair, mostly since Xion had proved to be a valuable asset to the Organization, so they tolerated their 'childish' pranks and went about their days as if nothing had happened. Xemnas, as far as Seras could tell, either didn't care about what the pair was doing or seemed fine with letting them go about their lives, though she definitely noticed a slight change in how he looked at them, like they meant more to him than any of them realized.

Seras also discovered that having more than one Vampire came in handy, since that meant that they could search more of the worlds, take note of more things, and deliver that information to Sombra without arousing suspicion, especially since all of them acted like they were serving the Organization to the best of their ability.

She also knew that Roxas seemed to be having trouble manifesting his true Keyblade, because both she and Xion had their own and that meant their friend would likely develop his own in due time, but that didn't stop them from trying to help him out in that regard. The only reason they assumed he'd have one was due to the fact that Xion had the Kingdom Key for some time and it changed for her, which told Seras that Sora was the only one allowed to carry that particular Keyblade, and that Roxas would likely find a way to awaken his own unique blade. Saix also sent Roxas out on increasingly difficult missions to test him, only for them to find that the boy seemed quite capable of tracking down the Heartless and taking them out, even if he had to fight multiple boss level creatures, such as the Armor or even the Stealth Sneaks. That proved to Seras that her friend's skills were definitely improving, his attacks were sharper than before and his speed was picking up, though so far it seemed like his magic was still lacking, or it did when compared to Xion, who seemed to be a magical prodigy.

That, of course, didn't stop Saix from eventually assigning them to a mission that seemed far worse than the others he had given them, especially since this time around he was having all three wielders in the Organization for a special mission that made everyone, including the members without Keyblades, to raise their eyebrows.

"Let me get this straight: you want to send these guys up against a force of a thousand Heartless?!" Demyx asked, because he was dumbfounded by the sheer number of creatures that had gathered on one of the plains of Olympus, as there was more than just the coliseum on that world, and the fact Saix was planning on sending all three of their wielders at them at the same time, "That's... insane! Where did they even come from? There weren't that many when I did my scouting mission a few days ago."

"As much as it annoys me, I must agree with Demyx. This is an usual event... what could have driven so many Heartless to gather on such a world?" Xigbar inquired, because he really hated to agree with Demyx, the laziest member of the group, and while part of him did suspect that the figure fudged the numbers on his reports, as the sitar player hated writing them, he also knew there was no way he would lie about such a force of Heartless.

"It would seem that Hades' hatred for Hercules is drawing in more and more Heartless... either to send them to fight him in the arena, or to overrun the rest of the world." Xemnas said, as he knew that only a select few of Maleficent's forces had survived contact with Sombra, Hades being one of them due to the fact that he fought them in an arena and was a god, at least on the world he lived on, so it was hard to take him down, plus Hades knew when to get out and that had saved him before Maleficent's foe came after him, "Either way we must take advantage of this opportunity and cull the Heartless that have been drawn to Olympus. With their number all three of our wielders must take part in this battle, to ensure that we obtain all of the hearts for our Kingdom Hearts."

"You do realize that this many hearts will, in fact, draw Sombra to the battle as well... right?" Xigbar asked, because while he agreed with their boss, that this was a good thing for the Organization, there was the risk that Sombra could feel the force of Heartless and might be on her way to their location, to reap the rewards for their hard work.

"Honestly, it's a risk we need to take... she can't take all of them, right?" Demyx inquired, surprising the pair since usually he didn't care to get involved like this, while at the same time causing Seras to raise an eyebrow as she listened to them talk, where their companion collected his sitar and glanced at his superiors, "And if we're there, on the sidelines, we might either keep her occupied or even scare her off."

It was an unusual idea, even for someone like Demyx, but Xemnas had to admit that it might work, because if everyone went with the wielders, and fought on the sidelines to direct their enemies towards a central point, they could ensure that Seras and her companions could take out the horde of Heartless, maybe without Sombra getting involved. With that fact in mind the Organization moved out, utilizing their Dark Corridors to get to the world in question, where Seras, Roxas, and Xion found that their friends hadn't been kidding, there was an army of Heartless marching towards a city. There were all sorts of enemies in the force, ranging from Shadows and Soldiers to Large Bodies and Defenders, from the various types of Nocturnes to Wyverns, to the Pot and Barrel Spiders to what appeared to be a couple of Pot Scorpions, and from Wight Knights and Gargoyles to the strange Angel Stars. In addition to that Roxas found that there were three Behemoths, seven Darksides, and a four armed silver Heartless that wielded curved swords, plus three different Armor enemies as well, all of which showing them just how massive the horde was.

Roxas had to admit that when he heard about the force of Heartless he had assumed it would be a much smaller mix of enemies, more like what he and the others had fought so far, not a sea of creatures that were a mixed bunch, and it was easy for him to see that everyone else was surprised by the assortment as well.

"Okay, that's... a lot of Heartless. Really makes me wish that our weapons could actually free their hearts... or that we had more than three wielders." Axel remarked, where he had to wonder what it would would like to actually wield the very weapon that his friends wielded, against the enemies they had to fight, though as he thought about that he held his hands out and summoned his chakrams, followed by most of the others doing the same thing with their weapons.

"Don't worry, I've got this." Demyx stated, something that caused most of the others to open their mouths in protest, as they knew he was mostly worthless, though that was when he started to play on his sitar and they discovered the truth of his new skills, each of them experienced an increase to their speed and power, "I'll keep the concert going, you guys focus on the Heartless!"

Seras nodded as she, Roxas, and Xion descended into the plains that the Heartless were moving through, each calling out their Keyblades as they separated from each other and slammed into their chosen foes, her going high as she slashed into the side of a Wyvern before driving it down into the face of one of the Darksides. While she did that Xion rushed around a number of the Heartless that were on the ground, calling the water from the nearby river to her side as she froze the legs of her targets, allowing her to jump on top of them and slash her way through them, hearts erupting and flowing into the air. As that happened Axel and the other members of the Organization fought whatever Heartless came their way, doing their best to knock them back into the main battle or weaken them so Roxas, or one of the other wielders, could take care of them before they were able to recover. In addition to that Roxas focused on taking out whatever enemies were close to him, because while he didn't have the skills that either of his friends had, or the magic in some cases, his determination to do well and be a valuable member of the team meant that he refused to back down.

Of course this wasn't as easy as any of the other battles they had been in, as there were far too many Heartless for just three of them to take down, since the rest of the Organization could only turn them back into where he, Seras, and Xion were fighting, and from the looks of it this was going to be a long drawn out battle.

As the fight progressed Roxas paused as he noticed that one of the Darksides was pointing at the sky, where they found that a cluster of meteors surged through the air and slammed into the ground, though instead of blowing everything up he discovered that they seemed to be shadows, keeping something safe. That something, as it turned out, seemed to be a couple of silver cloaked figures, wearing coats that were exactly like what the Organization was wearing, rushed out of the areas they landed in and slashed at the Heartless that happened to be around them. One of them seemed to fight with a crystalline bow, loosing arrows that struck down a number of Heartless, before he realized that it was actually a Keyblade that had two different forms, an interesting fact that explained how the figure could bring down their foes with arrows, a fact that likely surprised the others. Another one seemed to use powerful magic to eliminate whatever Heartless were in the area around them, where Roxas was sure that both it and the first one were girls, since they reminded him of Xion for some reason, though while the second didn't seem to have a Keyblade that didn't stop her from freeing hearts, meaning she was likely faster than he could track.

That was when he noticed two more figures that seemed far more familiar than the previous two, the first one was a girl as well, though she literally zapped around the part of the plain that she was in as lightning flashed from her and struck the Heartless that were around her. In addition to that she also carried a Keyblade, one that looked like it could be split into two halves since the head blade seemed to face both directions, though Roxas was unable to determine anything else about the weapon as the warrior tore through the Heartless and freed more hearts. The other one seemed to be male, as it was taller than the other three, though he, too, carried a Keyblade that looked like a rose or flower of some kind and his power seemed to involve using vines, like those from a flower, to stun his enemies and take them out. Roxas was sure that he recognized their fighting styles, somewhat, though as he thought about that a fifth figure appeared deeper in the large horde of Heartless and suddenly, without warning, the freed hearts were no longer in the air, all taken in an instant.

In that moment he realized who he was staring at, Sombra had shown up, just like the others said she would, and in that very instant Roxas felt angry, at having lost so many hearts, for losing what was needed to help his friends, before he felt a power awaken within him, out of the necessity to help his friends. Sombra, on the other hand, smiled as a light aura took form around Roxas' body, as she could sense a second heart awaken inside him, which reminded her of Sora, who had at least two hearts inside him during their first adventure and this meant there had been another. In that moment Roxas seemed to dismiss the Kingdom Key before holding both of his hands out, where Sombra watched as a white Keyblade with a star shaped blade formed in his left hand, while a black Keyblade with a chain of sorts in the center of the length of the weapon. Somehow, against all odds, he had gained the power to wield two Keyblades, though she was okay with this as Roxas rushed at some of the Heartless, leaving a trail of light energy that erupted from the ground and struck down the enemies that were left in his wake.

Sombra teleported herself over to the nearby hill and watched as Roxas tore through the Heartless, freeing more hearts in the process while unleashing more of his inner power, meaning he had fully awakened at long last, just as Seras and Xion had before him, something that caused her to smile as she realized it was time to retrieve another member of their team from his long slumber and looked forward to what the future held for them.

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