• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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Equestrian Omni-hero - Blaze-saber

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Chapter 5: Mad with Powers

The group had arrived in Manehattan as their Chariot was parked outside of a hotel while they stood in front of the front desk. "I told you that coming here would be the perfect spot to rest." Rarity mentioned with a flip of her mane. "The hotel has everything for us. An indoor swimming pool, a full day spa--"

"Calm down Rarity." Twilight interrupted. "We're only staying the night."

"But still, it is a very fancy hotel." Sandbar mentioned while Helix let out a broad yawn. But then something caught his eye in a different section of the lobby. He saw a banner of his favorite series with a security guard standing in front of the section.

"No way!" He cheered before he raced over there. "The new Celestial Knight video game is in there!" Before he could go any further, a hoof was put in front of him by the security guard.

"Pass?" The security guard asked before Helix checked his saddlebag.

"Uh, must have left it inside." He lied before he looked up at the guard. "I'm one of the game pros testing out the system."

"VIPs only kid." The security guard told him. Helix frowned before he walked back to the group.

"Helix, I know what you're thinking and don't." Flash told him. "You are not sneaking in that room to play that video game."

"I won't, I promise." Helix replied before they all went to the elevator. But he had a grin on his face as he looked down at the Omnitrix. Soon of a familiar green slime was seen moving on the floor. “But he will.” Goop said as he slithered towards the game system. “The ultimate sneak slide, with the alien with the most slime.” He said as he started up the game.

At the elevator, the group is about to enter but stops when they notice one pony is missing. “Where’s Helix?” Twilight questioned as they looked around for any signs of him.

"Yes! New high score!” Helix cheered as he was no longer Goop and was playing it for hours until the security pony grabbed his shoulder to get his attention.

“What do you got to say for yourself, kid?” The security stallion questioned firmly.

“Uh, game over?” Helix asked nervously.

Not long after, the security tossed the suit cased out with the others outside. “And never come back!” He yelled as he enter the hotel.

“I told you not to sneak in there,” Flash said to Helix with a disappointed look.

“Well, if you wanna get all technical about it.” Helix said with a look.

“I never even got a chance to take a shower in a real shower, for the first time all summer!” Rarity yelled. “Plus, they had a spa. A spa! Nice going Helix!” She scolded as Helix glared at her as he walked off.

Back at the Chariot, the others looked at Helix. “How am we supposed to trust you if you keep misusing the watch?” Twilight questioned.

“Exuse me! I used it a hundred times for good. Why can’t I use it just once for me?!” Helix questioned as he looked at the watch.

“It’s not how many times you use it, Helix. It’s how you use it.” Fluttershy said.

“It was no big deal, if they're going to get mad over me just playing a video game.” Helix said with an eye roll.

"To you, and that's all you care about." Flash said with a stern tone. "That's it, you're grounded. No more Celestial Knight stuff for three weeks. No comics. No trading cards. No--"

"Fair!" Helix interrupted with a mad look.

“Neither is getting booted from a four star hotel that we already paid for!” Rarity yelled.

“Fine, take it out of my allowance!” Helix retorted.

“You don’t get an allowance.” Spike said to him.

“Stay out of this!” Helix and Flash yelled, which made Spike flinched and shrink down.

“This is my vacation, too! You can’t always tell me what to do! You all aren’t my parents.” Helix sneered with narrowed eyes as the Mane Six and Flash flinched by that while the Young Six and Spike were shocked by it. "Not only that, but this vacation was also supposed to be you and me, Flash! But you've been spending all your time with Twilight instead of your own cousin! Plus, I've always been risking my flank to save others, I deserve to have a little fun once in a while!"

“But you ha… Uh, well, um…” Flash stuttered while trying to find the right words.

“Yeah, that’s what I thought.” Helix said bluntly. “You can’t even admit that you have been neglecting me this whole trip.” He said as he stood up and walked to the back of the chariot. “So why bother?!”

"I'm going back to the hotel to see if I can get the money back.” Flash said as he looked away from Helix.

"Don't hurry!" He shouted before he slammed the door behind him.

“He’ll be fine.” Gallus waved off as Flash looked down in a hurt expression as he walked off before they heard trashing noises.

“Not fair! Not fair! Totally not fair!” Helix yelled as the others cringed at him, throwing things.

"Well, at least he's not going alien while doing that." Ocellus mentioned with a small smile.

"I'm gonna talk to Flash." Twilight spoke up before she looked at Applejack. “Do you think you can ask your aunt and uncle if we can spend the night with them?"

“They always welcome my friends and family, Twilight. I’ll try and reach out to them. I’ll be back.” Applejack said as she walked out as Twilight followed.

Helix came out from the back of the chariot with an angry look before he walked to the door. “Where did you think you're going?” Fluttershy asked.

"What does it look like?" Helix asked rhetorically. “Out of here!"

"Maybe you kids should watch over him till he cools off." Rarity suggested to the Young Six.

“Uh, you do know we are lucky that he didn’t go alien after that fit, right?” Silverstream asked nervously.

"I still have my Upgrade armor though." Ocellus recalled as she held up the cube. "But we should still talk to him instead."

“Yeah.” Sandbar said in agreement. “And Smolder, don’t try and insult him further.” He quickly said.

“Hey, since when do I do that?” Smolder questioned before the others raised a brow at her before she groaned. “Okay, fine. I won’t. Let’s go.” She said as she and the Young Six walked off after Helix.

“You think Helix would be okay?” Pinkie asked in concern. “He has been feeling rather down the sugar since this trip before he got the Omnitrix.”

“The squirt is just throwing a fit, Pinkie. He’ll walk it off.” Rainbow waved off.

“If he doens’t be such a ruffian.” Rarity said with a huff.

“I think it’s more than that girls.” Fluttershy said in thought. “I think he just feels neglected by Flash not spending time with him.”

"I kind of felt the same way about Sweetie Belle and my work.” Rarity mentioned as she realized this was kind of similar.

The Young Six followed Helix to a gaming arcade where they found many video games to play. Helix was at a baseball video game as he readied the controller bat, but when the pitcher threw the ball, game over appeared on the screen. "What?! I just started to play!" He complained before an employee walked by. “This game ate my tokens!"

“Read the sign, kid. It saids play at your own risk.” The employee said as he walked off.

“This place is a rip off, you know that?!” Helix retorted with a glare.

“You’re right. The games here stink.” An earth pony colt with a black coat and gray mane said behind Helix as he leaned on one of the games.

“Yeah, but not as bad as his breath.” Helix said while waving his hoof in front of his muzzle. “Major case of sewer muzzle.” He joked as the colt laughed.

“You’re funny.” The colt said before he placed his hoof on a game console. “Here, you owe me one.” He said as his hooves somehow gave an electric charge, which caused the tokens from the machine to fall off.

“Whoa! How did you do that?" Helix asked the colt. "You’re not even a unicorn.”

“Let's just say I got some skills, and so does my friends." The colt replied before a blur ran past the two and seemed to be playing every game in the arcade before stopping in front of them. She was wearing a hoodie but Helix recognized the legs and tail as they looked like XLR8's but slimmer, almost as if they were younger.

"Played all of the games and got all the tickets.” She spoke in a young female voice.

“Wow. She’s fast.” Helix said in amazement.

"That's Helen for ya." A boy's voice mentioned before Helix turned around to see another hooded figure only he looked taller than the other one and he could tell his face was red as Fourarms. "I see ya got us some extra tokens. The prize counter will be out of prizes once we're done. You going to help me with them, kid?" Helix smiled before they both lean down to pick up the tokens.

The Young Six came in from behind Helix after they saw that. “We can’t take those. They’re not ours.” Ocellus pointed out.

“Well, they are now after getting out of the machine,” Helix said as he helped the hooded boy with the tokens and grabbed some for himself. “Thanks, guys. I’m Helix Watch.” He greeted them.

“Powers.” The black mane colt greeted.

“Name’s Manny.” The hooded figure said.

“And you already know I’m Helen Wheels.” Helen said with a smile under her hood.

“So, you guys wanna play some laser tag?” Helix asked them, but then the three spotted some punk Griffins walking their way.

“Ah, nah man. We’re good. We gotta bail.” Manny said as the three then walked off.

“They’re total trouble,” Smolder said with her arms crossed.

“They seem okay to me.” Helix said as the three griffins pushed past them as the three were blocked.

“Long time no see.” The fourth griffin said to them. “Where you goin’, freaks? Home to recharge your batteries?” He questioned as they grabbed them. Helen tried to run away before a punk minotaur picked her up by the tail.

"You three need help?" Helix asked with a determined look before one of the griffins let out a scoff.

“They’re gonna need a lot more than you.” The griffin said before he pushed Helix away as he fell to the floor. “Now, beat it."

“They are not nice.” Silverstream noted as Helix stood up.

“Well, I’ve got some skills, too.” He said as he looked at the Omnitrix and rushed off.

“Wait! Helix! Don’t!” Sandbar called out as Helix hid behind a vending machine as he activated the Omnitrix and programmed XLR8. After the faceplate pushed back in the ring popped up, he slammed it down and was enveloped in a green light.

"So, how's your hangout?" Powers asked the griffins and the minotaur. "Still trash like we left it?"

"Yeah, and now you three are going to pay." The first griffin growled at them. "Even with those freaky powers of yours, none of you can take this on your own, freaks."

"But I can." They all turned to see XLR8 standing tall while Helen was shocked to see another one of her kind here.

“A relative of yours, speedy?” The Minotaur questioned as he lifted up Helen. XLR8 didn’t even hear that question as he superspeed to one of the griffins, catching him in a cyclone as he screamed before falling and XLR8 whacked him to a wall before running off.

“Where’d he go?” The other griffon asked before one by one, they were all knocked to the otherside of the room as the Minotuar who was still holding Helen was shocked to see them being piled up. He dropped Helen as he stepped back before XLR8 turned him around to face him before his visor went up.

“Nightmare Night, what a fright." He said with a smirk before the Minotaur screamed and ran away. The three of them looked at XLR8 as he waved to them before he rushed off.

"Wait!" Helen called out before she chased after him, but when she got outside, she couldn't find where he went.

Once Helix timed out, he was outside the Young Six. “Can’t believe Helix went alien.” Yona said to Helix.

“They helped me. So, I helped them.” Helix said with his back turned to them. “Didn't your teachers teach you to ever pay it forward?"

"Did you see what that guy did to those losers?” Powers asked Helix excitedly as him and Manny walked up to them.

“Yeah, dude’s name is XLR8.” Helix said with a small smile. “In fact, we’re pretty tight.”

“Sweet man.” Manny said just as Helen ran back to them with a sad look on her face.

"He's gone and I looked all over the city." She said with a sad tone.

“Ah, don’t worry, Helen. At least you know there’s another out there.” Manny assured her. “Who knows, maybe he might be around somewhere. He is as fast as you.”

“I guess you’re right.” Helen said with a down look.

“Wait, what do you mean by ‘another out there’?” Gallus questioned. “Aren’t you guys weirded out by the sudden speedster appearing in an arcade?”

“Let’s just say that we’ve seen weirder things.” Powers said to them. “And trust us, we’re used to it.”

“You too? Join the club.” Smolder muttered.

“Hey, want a tour of Manehattan?” Powers asked them.

“Helix, if you keep our teachers and your cousin waiting any longer, they’re going to pop another gasket.” Ocellus pointed out.

"We need to get back to them now." Silverstream added before Helix glared at them.

"Don't you mean 'you' need to go?" Helix glare at them. “Since the teachers loved you six, you should go while I explore. Besides, nopony asked you to follow me.” He leered.

The Young Six were shocked by his words as Smolder then turned away and walked. “You’re on your own.” She said while the others looked at her in surprise.

"Good, that's the way I want it!" Helix replied before following the three.

The rest of the Young Six watches in shock while feeling hurt. “I think Helix is still steamed.” Silverstream said.

“You think?” Gallus questioned with a brow.

On the streets of Manehatten, Helix was talking to his three new friends. “So, how did you three get your powers?” He asked them in wonder.

“We were born with them.” Helen answered. “We just sorta used them sometimes to get around. For me, you can tell it’s superspeed.”

"Well, I was born with not only super strength…" Manny started before he took off his hood to reveal his extra arms underneath his upper ones. "But also I have four arms."

"Cool." Helix complemented, knowing personally how it feels to have extra limbs and strength before he looked at Powers. "And what about you?"

"Me? I'm like an energy sponge.” Powers told him with a proud smile. “Motors, air conditioners, lights, batteries, whatever. I pretty much absorb anything that has energy. I soak it up and dish it out when I have to… or if I want to."

"Come on, we'll show you where we live." Helen told Helix as she took him by the hoof and guided him forward.

Back at the chariot, Flash, who came back from the hotel to get his money back, was sitting on the table with a sad look as he sighs, feeling sad for what Helix said to him while also seeing that it was somewhat true. “Why couldn’t we just have a fun time?” He muttered as Twilight and the girls watched from behind while giving a sad look.

“I don’t understand.” Twilight said with a confused look. “This trip was supposed to be fun, thrilling, a way to bring us closer. But for Helix, it seems to be the opposite.” She said.

“Twilight, have you even been paying attention to Helix’s expression before he found that watch on his hoof?” Rarity questioned with a brow.

“Um, I was too busy planning our trip and schedule to even notice how Helix is doing.” Twilight said with a sheepish look.

"He's had it pretty hard when his parents disappeared." Flash spoke up. "He didn't really get along with his other cousin and his grandfather watched over him. The only times he had so much fun, is when I'm around.”

“But wasn’t that what you’ve been doing all this time?” Rainbow questioned in confusion. “I mean, since this trip started, you were always around him.”

“I don’t think I’ve been paying attention to him,” Flash said as he sighed. “I guess I was too distracted lately. Especially with helping him with that watch, I guess I never really did gave him at least some fun.”

“He has been pulling his own weight when it comes to saving ponies." Fluttershy mentioned. "Like the time the Krakken attacked the docks and we all saved her eggs."

“Or that time when he faced a evil animal freak scientist, and when we pushed him away to even get a gold card to complete his collection.” Rainbow said with a cringed.

“And most recently from last chapter, he had to face at least three Bounty Hunters who were attacking him.” Pinkie added with a cheerful smile. “Which didn’t turn out well before the end.”

“Oh my. He has been through so much.” Rarity said in realization.

"I guess we have been putting too much pressure on him." Flash said with his ears dropped back. "He's only a colt…"

“With so many responsibitiles on his shoulder. I know how that feels.” Twilight said with her ears dropped as she walked up to Flash and put a wing over him. “I think we should go easy on, Helix. With what happened since the beginning of our trip, it seems fair we should least let him have some fun and to at least feel good about something.”

“Yeah. I guess. He hardly got notice by the public for his hero deeds even though he’s suppose to be kept secret and safe, but in reality, he hardly even get appreciated.” Flash said sadly. “We need to make it up to him.”

“If he comes back that is.” Applejack said with a brow. “He did took off in a huff.”

“I’m sure he’ll be back.” Spike waved off. “The students are with him.” He said before the Young Six came in, but they saw no Helix.

“Where’s Helix?” Flash questioned them as they flinched.

“Uh, yeah. About that…” Sandbar started.

Meanwhile, Helix followed the three into an abandoned Subway tunnel until they came across some sort of makeshift home filled with a few TVs, a video game console, and a poster of two anthro ponies wearing armor with swords in their hands.

“This is where you guys live?” Helix asked in surprise.

“Yeah, by ourselves.” Helen said.

“What about your families?” Helix asked in wonder.

“They’re long gone.” Powers waved off. “Apparently, they weren’t thrilled about having a freak for a son.” But it just means we don’t answer to no one.” Powers said with a smile.

"I don't exactly remember my parents." Manny said it was a shrug as he sat down on an old couch.

"I had a brother, but he left two years ago to look for our parents.” Helen mentioned before she looked down with a sad look. "But, I haven't seen him since."

“I know how you feel.” Helix said, knowing that feeling. “So why were those gangs after you guys?”

“We kinda trashed their hangout by the 39 street bridge by accident.” Helen said sheepishly. “Anyway, what about you, Helix?”

“Yeah. Sounds like your teachers pretty steamed at you, man.” Manny added in wonder.

“Like usual as well as my cousin.” Helix said with a glare. “And all I did was sneak in and played the new Celestial Knight video game that was only meant to be played by VIPs.”

"The new one that won’t come out until Heartswarming Eve?” Powers asked with a surprised tone.

"Yeah, that's the one." Helix replied.

"Dude, not cool that they hogged the coolest game of all time.” Manny spoke up.

“I know, right!” Helix said before he gave a sad look. “I’ve been on the road for a while and to be honest, I hardly got anything cool lately.”

“Wow, that’s sad, Helix.” Helen said in sympathy.

“Yeah. And I wanted to spend time with my cousin, but he barely even payed any attention since his marefriend and her friends and students join the trip.” Helix said while looking away in sadness. “Things just don’t seem to come my way.”

The three looked at each other before Powers got an idea as he smiled. “If it make you feel any better, we know something that will cheer you up.” He said to Helix.

Later that night, the four of them went to the docks as they made their way to a warehouse. "I just got a tip that a new shipment just came in." Powers whispered to them before he went up and put his hoof against the door. He then used his power to absorb power from the lock. “Manny, help me get the door.” He said.

“Sure thing.” Manny said as he cracked his knuckles and punched the door down as they entered, not noticing a silent alarm was beeping as Powers turned the light on.

“Whoa!” Helix said in awed as Helen searched through the warehouse at high speed before finding the Celestial Knight games.

"Found them!" She called out before pulling one of them out of the crate.

"Check it out, Hartswarming just came early dude.” Powers told Helix as Helen tossed him the game.

"Alright!" He exclaimed excitedly before smoke bombs were thrown through the glass windows.

“Rats, it’s the fuss!” Manny exclaimed as they coughed from the smoke.

“What do we do?” Helix asked them.

“Get out of here!” Powers exclaimed as they search for an exit.

“Helen, can’t you get us out of here?!” Manny asked.

"Not all of you!" She replied before Powers spotted an electrical plug and went over to it. Helen and Helix found another way out before a couple of S.W.A.T. ponies bust open the door as Powers absorb some energy.

“Freeze punks!” The swat pony called as Powers went to the forklift and used his powers.

“Time to rev things up.”" Power quipped as he sped up the vehicle and ram the swat pony as he crashed into some boxes.

"Come on!" Manny called out as the three ran out of the building, but a few police chariots surrounded both ends as they raced back inside the bulding and hid behind some crates. “Great, no way out.”

“And I can’t leave you guys behind.” Helen added.

“Any ideas?” Powers asked.

“Only one.” Helix said while looking at his watch. “But can you guys keep a secret?”

“Sure.” Powers said.

“Dude, have you seen us? We keep secrets,” Manny pointed out. “We have your back so far!" Helix then activated the watch and cycled through the different forms until he grinned at the one he wanted.

"What are you doing with your watch?" Helen questioned before they saw a ring popped up when the faceplate moved back and he slammed it down. He then transformed right in front of them into Jetray.

“Whoa, dude.” Manny said in shock.

“You are…” Helen trailed off.

“A giant manta ray." Powers finished

“I know.” Jetray said before turning to Helen. “Helen, you take Manny and super speed out of here. I’ll take Powers and fly out of here.” Jetray then grabbed Powers with his feet and flew past the SWAT team. Helen then took this opportunity to grab Manny and run out of there while the pegasi SWAT team chased after Jetray.

“Oh, yeah!” Powers cheered as he placed his hooves on the water. “And ponies called us freaks. How’d you do that?”

“Tell you later.” Jetray said as the Pegasi chased after them as Jetray flew around the statue of pony before vanishing.

“Where’d they go?” One of them asked as Jetray hid on the lower part of the statue.

“I’m running out of time. I’ll lose them in the city.” Jetray said as he flew off as the Pegasi saw them as he flew deeper into the city before lowering himself, going through obsitcals as he kept being chase by Pegasi while flying over the Chariot.

“Any sign of him?” Flash asked the others in worry.

“Not yet. He could be anywhere.” Twilight said.

“You think we would see someone who can go alien close by.” Rainbow muttered.

Jetray and Powers kept flying as they hit the screen as he tried to outfly the Pegasi. “I can’t shake’em!” He cried before seeing the traffic of chariots. “I’ve got an idea.” He said as he flew down and quickly hid in a tunnel.

“Get them on te otherside.” The pegasi ordered as they flew to the otherside of the tunnel, but saw no sign of them. “Where’d that thing go?” He questioned as coming out from in a lone chariot was Helix, who timed out, and Powers as they saw that they ecaped the Pegasi.

“Yeah!” Powers cheered.

They soon ran down an alley before catching their brand just as Helen and Manny found them. “So glad you guys made it out okay.” Helen said with relief before she looked at Helix. “Now about that thing you just did."

"Does it have something to do with your watch or something?" Manny asked as he pointed towards the Omnitrix. "Does it let you change into that manta ray thing whenever you want?"

"Not just Jetray." Helix told him before gesturing to the Omnitrix. “It sends out a special energy so I can turn into ten different aliens."

"Ten, so that speed guy in the arcade with you?!" Powers asked in shock.

"And you said aliens, you think that's when I am? You know, considering you changed into what I look like." Helen added.

“Well, yeah.” Helix nodded.

“Dude, you rock!” Manny exclaimed while patting Helix’s back. “But, how is it that you can transform back?"

"It wasn't by choice.” Helix told him. "It's sort of got a mind of its own and it times out. Now I have to wait for it to recharge and be in the green again before I can transform again." Powers looked at the watch with interest before he looked back at Helix.

"Give it to me, maybe I can make it work." He told him.

"I can't, it's stuck on my hoof and won't come off." Helix explained. “Believe me, I’ve tried to take it off.”

“Still, your powers are pretty cool.” Helen said with a small smile. “You know, I never had anyone play tag with me because of my speed. Maybe we should play sometimes?” She suggested.

“Maybe.” Helix said with a small smile.

"I got an idea that's even better, we should be a team." Powers suggested. "I mean think about it, with all of our powers combined we get to do whatever we want whenever we want, totally cash in.”

“Mmm, well, we are trying to survive.” Manny said in thought. “So, I guess we should give it a shot.”

“Well, maybe.” Helen said uncertainly.

“What do you say, Helix? Friends?” Powers asked as he offered his hoof.

Helix looked at Powers’ hoof for a moment before he smiled and accepted it. “Friends.” He said as the two shook hooves.

At the Chariot, the others are searching through the streets for any signs of Helix. “Okay, we know Helix was upset but we didn’t know he was that angry.” Silverstream said in surprise.

"And you said he went with a young Fourarms named Manny, a female XLR8 named Helen Wheels, and a colt called Powers?" Twilight asked strictly.

“Well, that’s what their name was when we saw them.” Gallus said with a shrug.

“To be honest, we were surprise that creatures like Helix’s aliens are here in Equestria.” Sandbar said in surprise.

"I bet they're a bunch of no good darn crooks and roped Helix into somethin' bad!" Applejack theorized.

“We shouldn’t judge them by their looks, Applejack.” Fluttershy said to her.

“Well, Helen and Manny seemed okay to us.” Ocellus said to them. “Though with Powers, he seems a bit off.”

“Well, we just have to keep looking.” Flash declared with a seirous look. “No one poison my cousin’s mind!” He called.

Meanwhile, the four of them went into a subway stop until Powers pointed to the tracks. “Check it out." He told them before he looked at one of the lights. "Give me a boost, Manny, I need to recharge.”

“Sure thing man.” Manny said as he lifted Powers up, who then absorb some powers from the lights as he came down and used his powers to turn a railing on the tracks.

“What are we doing, Powers?” Helen asked.

“A money train loaded with cash comes down this track.” Powers started with a smirk. “So when it crashes into the oncoming passenger train, boom! Instant jackpot! You, Helix, turned into tha XLR8 guy to help Helen carry us and we’re out of here.”

“But hundrends of innocent creatures will be killed!” Helix pointed out.

“Hey, ‘no pain, no gain’.” Powers shrugged.

“Powers, this is not what we agree on!” Helen called.

“Yeah, man! We can’t do this!” Manny added.

“Sure we can. I just switched the tracks.” Powers said.

“We mean, we’re not gonna let you do this.” Helix said seriously.

“We shook. We’re a team.” Powers said to them.

“Sorry, Powers, but this is going way too far.” Helen retorted.

"Yeah, if we're supposed to be a team, we should all agree on something and we don't agree on this." Manny told him as he was about to reach for the track switch. Powers however pushed him back with no problem as electricity flowed through his hooves.

"You forget which one of us took us all in when no one wants us?!" Powers explained before Helix stood in front of both Manny and Helen.

"Back off, just because you have these powers doesn't mean you get to use them however you want just to hurt others!" He shouted at Powers.

"You don't get to tell me how to use my powers, watch colt!" Powers growled.

“You care for no pony but yourself." Helix muttered.

“You talking about me?!” Powers questioned.

“No! I’m talking about me!” Helix exclaimed as he moved towards Powers, but the earth pony grabbed him and tossed him next to Helen and Manny as he charged up his powers.

“Oh-ho-ho, you do not wanna make me mad.” Powers said in amusement.

“Me neight.” Helix said as he saw the Omnitrix is recharged. “We're switching the track back!” He said as he activated the watch and programmed Fourarms. “Time to go Fourarms.” He said as he slammed his watch down in a flash of light as the three watched as Powers glared while Manny and Helen watched in awe as Helix transformed into Heatblast. “Ugh. Dumb watch.” He muttered.

“Not who you were going for, man?” Manny asked.

"Like I said before, it's got a mind of its own." Heatblast repeated before he aimed his hand right at Powers. "But it doesn't matter, now switch the tracks back!"

"Or what, you're going to burn my dinner to ashes?" Powers joked with a brow.

"I suggest you listen to him." Helen told him with a determined tone as she and Manny stood by Heatblast. "You're the one who's outnumbered."

“And believe us, you’re at a disadvantage,” Manny said as he cracked his knuckles.

Powers then ran towards the junction box as he used his powers on it, casuing all the lights and maps to break and go out as the three saw that Powers was gone. “Where’d he go?” Heatblast questioned.

Then Powers came out from behind as he then jumped onto Heatblast, who he tried to shake off. “Powers, get off! You’re gonna burn yourself!” Manny called.

“Not if I do this!” Powers called as he used his powers on Heatblast as he can feel energy coursing through him, which made him scream and was flung back.

“Powers!” Helen cried out as the three looked in concern before they were blasted back by a fireball.

"What…?" Heatblast questioned before the all were shocked to see what Powers had become. His back hose had changed to look like Heatblast's feat while half of his top hoof was his arm. Half of his body was covered in molten rock while his head resembled closely to Heatblast

“Sic. I absorb energy, remember?” Powers questioned with a smirk. "That includes energy from other creatures."

“Powers, you don’t have to do this.” Heatblast said as they stood up as they tried to attack, but Powers blasted them down using his own fireballs as each of them grunted from the hit.

“It’s time I got what’s coming to me. Nopony’s calling me a freak anymore.” Powers declared as the money train and passenger train were heading their way as Powers smirked. “Pay day.” He said as Helen, Manny, and Heatblast looked in horror.

Heatbleast thought quickly as he turned to Helen and Many. “Helen, Many, on me!” He called as the two nodded before Heatbleast shot a fire beam at the switch, putting the tracks back into their position as the trains turned to another direction. Heatbleast then created a fire wall around high and the two aliens as they vanished. Powers tried to chase after the money train but turned to see that his three enemies were gone.

"Forget the money, time to get some personal revenge!" Powers growled as he clenched his fist.

Meanwhile, Heatblast, Helen, and Manny used the fire tornado to hop on the money train as they held on tight. Both Heatblast and Helen lost their grip as they were about to slide down the train before Manny quickly grabbed them and he winced from the pain of Heatblast's heat.

“You can handle the heat, Manny?” Heatblast asked.

“Trust me, I could!” Manny called. “Thick skin!”

On the Chariot, the others are listening to the radio. “And expect delays on the uptown subway lines near 51 street. There have been reports of fires breaking out all over the tunnels.” The radio said as the others went eye wide at the info.

"Twilight!" The others called out realizing who it was was creating that fire.

“I know!” Twilight said as she turned the chariot around.

Back with Heatblast’s group, the Omnitrix then started beeping, much to Heatbleast’s displeasure. “Oh man. I hate that sound!” He called before he transformed back before Many quickly grabbed him and used his third arm to grab the hole. "I really hate when that happens!"

“Hang on, guys!” Manny called before the Chariot going at high speed is heading towards them.

"Who's that?!” Helen questioned when they saw the chariot.

“That’s my friends!” Helix exclaimed in joy as Flash got out.

“Helix! Hop on!” Flash called before he saw a sign heading towards them. “Hurry! There’s not much time left!”

“What do you…” Manny tried ot say but was cut off as he and his two friends looked and saw the sign heading towards them.

“Oh, that’s gonna hurt, alot.” Helen muttered as Manny managed to stand up while holding Helix and Helen.

“Jump!” Manny called as he jump onto the Chariot pefectly before the sign hit them as Twilight drove the Chariot off.

A little bit later, Twiligh parked the Chariot, Helix had just explained what happened while looking down from the others. “We swear that once we found out that Powers was going to hurt others just to get money, we were completely against it." Helen finished explaining.

“Trust us, before, we were only trying to survive out in the streets.” Manny said with his arms crossed. “If we had known about him hurting others, we would’ve been against it and tried to stop him.”

“If there’s one thing we learned, it’s all about trust.” Fluttershy assured them. “We’re glad that you were against Powers’ plan.”

“Then trust us that Powers’ probably misuing Heatblast’s power right now.” Helix said in concern.

“He’s right. There’s no telling what he could do now with that kind of power.” Flash said in agreement.

“But where do we find him? He could be anywhere.” Rainbow pointed out.

"Actually, we think we know exactly where he's heading." Helen mentioned with a worried tone.

Underneath the 49th Street bridge, bursts of flames erupted as the gang underneath backed away in fear of Powers. "Come on man, we can talk this out!" The griffin leader said in fear.

Powers just glare at them. “I dn’t think so.” He said as he ready his fire arm.

At the Chariot, it was stuck since there was traffic blocking their path. “Oh come on!" Twilight complained.

"Going Jetray!" Helix declared as he activated the omnitrix. "See you at the 49th Street Bridge!" He then slammed down the watch as he was enveloped in a green light, but when it died down he was Spidermonkey. "Oh man. This one has four arms, but not the ones I wanted before." He complained.

"Let's go!" Helen called out before she raced out of the chariot. Spidermonkey then got on top of it before he shot a web to a nearby building and swung away. Ocellus came out wearing the Upgrade armor and flew after them while Manny super jumped out.

“Helix sure make new friends these days.” Pinkie said in surprise.

“He sure knows how to find them.” Spike commented.

At the bridge, Powers set the hangout to bits while trapping the gang under a big pipe. “Ha! So much for your gang.” He said before he started reverting back to normal, much to his shock. “Huh? What’s going on?”

“Your power’s gone.” Spidermonkey said as he, Helen, Manny, and Ocellus came up behind him.

“Looks like you guys are about to give me some more.” Powers stated.

“Not a chance, pal.” Manny said with his arms crossed.

“Neither of you have choices.” Powers said as he brought out some electricity. “I still got enough juice to fry these guys.” He said with a smirk. But before he could, Manny and Spidermonkey grabbed him, which caused him to shoot the ceiling. But he smirked as that is what he wanted when he then used his powers on both of them, causing him to absorb some energy as he crackles and grew hugged before punching them away as his skin turned red like Fourarms, his left side of his face has two eyes while his right eye is like Spidermonkey before an extra arm grew and punched the two away. A tail that looks like Spidermonkey's then formed behind him as he grabbed Helen by shooting a web at her and pulling her towards him.

She then felt her skin tingle when he started absorbing her power and his bottom Hooves started to look like dinosaur feet with wheels on the bottom. “Guys!” Ocellus yelled as she looked at Prowers, who was cracking his knuckles.

"This is gonna be really fun!" He declared before he threw her and Spidermonkey quickly caught her.

"Tell us about it!" Spidermonkey said as he charged in and grabbed Powers in a armlocked.

“I’m taking all of your powers.” Prowers said before tossing Spidemonkey away.

“You can try!” Helen called as she superspeed around Kevin, punching him on each side, but then Powers acted faster as he got behind Helen and grabbed her tail and spun her around before throwing her at a building.

"Helen!" Manny called out before he growled at Powers and charged at him. He then got Manny into a wrestling fight before Powers managed to grab him by the shirt and tossed him away before Ocellus started firing her cannons at Powers, trying to push him back as he fought the pressure.

The rest of the group soon arrived as they got out of the Chariot and went down under the bridge to help the gang get out of the rubble. “Moving day, get out.” Applejack said firmly as the four heroes were struggling against Powers.

"He's too strong!" Helen called out as she rubbed her head.

"Maybe, but he's not smart." Spidermonkey mentioned before he whispered something in Helen's ear. She had a surprise look on her face before she looked at him and nodded. A visor then covered her eyes before she took off before Manny was slammed into a building.

"That's just like her, running away like the chicken she is!" Powers taunted before Spidermonkey and Ocellus hit him from behind.

"Who said she's running away?" Spidermonkey asked with a smirk. "I just gave her a few tips on speed. I told her to hug the ground when running to gain more, and get a further distance for a much harder impact!" A sonic boom was then heard before they saw Helen charging in at full speed right at Powers.”

“Wait, what?” Powers questioned before a soundwave coming as he turn and saw Helen rushing up to him.

“Peak-a-boo!” Helen called as she went so fast she was hardly a blur.

“Aw crud.” Powers said before he was hit by Helen, which send him flying into the bridge as he crashed through the legs and the rumble falls on him.

Helen stood up while wobbling. “Oh. I’m gonna feel that one tomorrow.” She moaned as she fell to her knees.

“But good shot, Helen.” Ocellus said as they all glared up at Powers as the Omnitrix timed out and Helix turned back just as Powers got out of the rumble.

“Come on, I give, I give, I’m sorry! Please, just lighten up.” Powers pleaded as they all went up to him.

“We just did.” Manny said with his arms crossed.

“And I think I took nine million steps today.” Helen said as she took a breather. “Phew.”

“I guess I went too wild with power.” Powers said with a guilty look. “I don’t have anyone else like you guys to help me.”

"Look, we can still be a team." Helix told him with a sincere tone. "We'll still work together, only will be using our powers for good instead of just for ourselves. You can hang out with all of us."

"But what's in it for me?" Powers asked.

"For starters, creatures will like you better." Helix answered as he held out a hoof to Powers. "What do you say?"

"I say…" Powers started before he quickly grabbed Helix and started pulling on the Omnitrix as the others gasp in shock. "You are so dumb!"

"Helix!” Flash called as he was about to help his cousin, but Powers knocked him away with his tail.

“Did your mommy drop you on your head when you were a foal? Now give me that watch!” Powers demanded as he kept pulling on the Omnitrix.

“You’re the one who’s dumb, I told you I can’t!” Helix called out before the Omnitrix suddenly flashed green way sooner.

"Security measures engaged." A robotic female voice spoke from the Omnitrix before a giant energy feedback appeared as a bright flash exploded, knocking the two back. Helix was caught by Flash while Powers hit the other end of the bridge as they all ran out before it collapsed.

Once the dust cleared, they saw Powers completely unharmed, and returned to normal as he looked down at his hoof. “NO!” He yelled as he ran out of sight as the others watched.

"What was that?" Helen asked with wonder.

“I have no idea. That was new.” Helix said as he looked at the Omnitrix.

“It said 'security measures engaged.' Maybe it was a failsafe if someone tried to take it?” Twilight guessed with a thoughtful look.

"How about we turn in for the night?" Applejack quickly suggested. "My aunt and uncle are letting us stay over the night."

“Good. Because it’s long night to Yona.” Yona said as she yawned.

"You both can come long, if you like." Twilight offered both Helen and Manny with a smile.

"I guess considering our friendship with Powers is over now." Manny mentioned. “But won't they freak out over this?" He asked while gesturing to himself and Helen.

"Don't worry, I have got an easy fix for that." Twilight assured them.

“Really? Like what?” Helen asked hopefully.

“Just a little transformative spell.” Twilight said as she blasted her magic at the two, causing them to change their appearances as Earth Ponies. Manny is now a a brown fur with black mane and tail with only four hooves while Helen’s is now a tinted fur with blue mane and tail. “Now, you can now blend in with others without freaking them out with your looks.”

"Wow, this is amazing!" Helen said excitedly while she looked herself over.

“Now this is more my look.” Manny said with a smile. “Thank you, Princess.” He said.

“What are friends for?” Twilight asked as they all hopped on the Charlot. "Now those illusion spells make you look like normal ponies, but you two are still you. Now come on, we have a trip to get back to tomorrow."

"Wait, you mean you're really going to let us tag along?" Helen asked in surprise.

“Why of course. You are Helix’s friends, aren’t you?” Twilight asked with a smirk as Manny and Helen smiled as they rushed up to them as the Chariot took off.

At Applejack’s aunt’s place, the others are relaxing in their respective spots while Helix sat far from them while in thought, not wanting to be around them after what happened today as he sat there in silence. "I'm sorry, for everything…" Helix broke the silence.

“We know, Helix.” Fluttershy said to him.

“Ah, don’t blame him.” Manny said to him. “It’s our fault he got into this mess in the first place. But franctly, it was all Powers' fault.”

“Yeah. To be honest, we were just trying to survive.” Helen said. “If we had know that would happen, we would’ve left him a long time ago.”

“We know. You three didn’t mean to.” Flash said to them. "Actually, it's all my fault. You're my cousin and I should have spent more time with you. And you're just a colt, you don't deserve so much pressure we've been putting on you."

“We all are to blame.” Rarity added.

“We’re so sorry, Helix.” Pinkie apologized.

“We’ve been so caught up with our own thing and training you to use your watch, we didn’t considered on how you were feeling.” Twilight said with a guilt look.

“Though, what you did was totally uncool.” Rainbow said before Applejack bucked her to the side as she groaned. “I mean, we should’ve let you have fun on our trip.”

“And we should’ve been better friends and have fun with you.” Sandbar added as the Young Six looked in guilt.

“Yeah, well, I still feel bad for what happened.” Helix said with a sad look. “I think it’s gonna be a while for me to even feel alright again.” He said as they all gave solemn looks at Helix, seeing how broken he is after what he experienced.

At the subway hideout, Powers was alone as he looked at his hoof. “Oh, if they thought I was a freak before… just wait.” He said as he lit up his hoof on fire with a sinister smile as he gave a macanical laughter cracle around the tunnel.

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