• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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Equestrian Omni-hero - Blaze-saber

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Chapter 16: Twilight 22 part 1

It seemed like a bright sunny day before a couple of familiar blurs were seen running through the forest at top speed. Helen and XLR8 were racing each other while Rainbow and Twilight were flying overhead and holding a couple of stopwatches. Both of them seemed to be neck and neck as they continued to run through the forest.

“Wow, Helen and Helix are really pushing through speed.” Twilight said in amazement. “They are almost evenly matched that I can barely keep up!” She exclaimed.

“Heh, they’re fast, but not as fast as me.” Rainbow said with a shrug. “But still, not bad for rookies.”

"Well, get ready to hit the stop on the stopwatch because they're about to cross the finish line." Twilight informed her as they could see a finish line tape Pinkie Pie had set up between two trees. As soon as they saw them both break the tape, Twilight, and Rainbow quickly stopped both their stopwatches and checked the time on both of them.

Helen and XLR8 rushed to them as the Omnitrix timed out as Helix transformed back. “So, what’s our record?!” Helix asked excitedly.

“Who’s the fastest one there is?!” Helen asked in the same tone while jumping up and down.

“Well, you two were both incredibly fast, but from our stopwatch and my calculations, I say you both were…” Twilight started while looking at her watch. "Helix, your time is 4.3 seconds."

"Awesome!" Helix shouted.

"But Helen's time is 3.2 seconds." Twilight quickly added.

"Sweet!" Helen cheered before looking over at Helix. “Guess we all know who’s the fastest one on the team.” She said with a smirk.

“Aw, man!” Helix groaned in disappointment. “I could’ve sworn XLR8 was the fastest.” He said.

"Guess it goes to show you that females can be better than males." Smolder bragged as they looked over and saw the others having a picnic while Manny was doing lifts with a large boulder and Attea working on her aim with some targets.

“Yo, just because Helen’s the fastest doesn’t mean that all guys are bad.” Manny said as he ate a sandwich.

“Yeah, even us guys can be surprising.” Gallus added in agreement.

"You know I heard the females of the Tetramand race are traditionally stronger than the males." Attea mentioned after taking out a few targets. "So yeah, a female can be better than male."

“Okay, you guys are really starting to bring us down.” Helix said with a brow as he and the others walked up to them.

“Sorry, son. But sometimes there are things where you can’t always win.” Dust said with giggles.

“Trust me, I’ve dealt with this from your mother and Attea for years.” Delta whispered to Helix before his wife hit him on the shoulder as gave a smirk. “See what I mean?”

“Ah, it feels good to finally rest up for once.” Fluttershy said with a relaxing smile.

“I’ll say.” Applejack said in agreement. “Fighting bad guys, an alien warlord from outer space, and Powers’ crime rampage and him mutating? I say we found a perfect time to relax.”

“We have been fighting more evil than before.” Ocellus said with a thoughtful look. “And for some reason, we’re always at the crossfire of one.”

“I think we’re just that good.” Helix said with a smile. “Besides, if you think about, it’s kinda fun.”

"Well, can you grab some items in the convenience store in town?" Dust asked her son. "I want to make a very special dish for our picnic today and I'm low on items."

"Sure thing." Helix replied before both Helen and Attea quickly stood by his side.

"I'll come with and help out!" They both shouted before they glared at each other while Helix had a confused look on his face.

"I think me and Flash will come too." Twilight spoke up before she leaned over to Flash. "Just so those two don't hurt him." She whispered as he nodded in agreement.

“True.” Both girls said as Flash chuckled.

“Okay, let’s head to the store. We’ll be back before supper.” Flash said as the five walked off while the others watched.

“You think Helen or Attea will ever convince their feelings for Helix?” Pinkie asked in wonder.

"If they do, my son is going to have to make a tough decision." Delta mentioned.

The group soon arrived in town as Twilight was looking at the list Dust gave her with a confused look. "You think spending so much time with aliens gave both Delta and Dust weird food cravings?" She asked Flash with concern.

“Actually, I can hardly know since they always have weird taste.” Flash said with a shrug. “When I was little and Helix was busy, they always made some weird food. And from what we’ve learned, they must’ve learned those from their Plumbers days. Don’t know where they required some, but whoever got these kinds of recipes might be an alien in disguise we know nothing about.”

"So, what's next?" Helen asked as they walked by a few stores.

"Uh, I think I should stand with the list and not tell what's on it." Twilight said with a smile before she pointed to one of the stores. "Let's go in here and see if we can find anything."

"Okay, let's go!" Helix exclaimed as he ran up to the store, but only smack face first into a wall when it suddenly vanished. “What the what?! You all saw that too right?!"

“Did that building just disappear?” Helix asked as Flash and Twilight touched the wall.

“How did that happened?” Flash questioned.

“Clearly this is no ordinary convenience store.” Attea said before the store appeared again, which caused Twilight and Flash to trip inside as the three entered it as well before it vanished again.

Inside the conicent store, the five were looking around as a rainbow swirl is on the door and windows as coming out from the cashier was two small beavers. “Eh, come on!" The brown beaver shouted. "How come this convenience store isn't so convenient with their customers?!

“Daggett, you said it. Let’s get out of here." The yellow beaver said as they walked up to the door, but as they opened it, a portal opened up and they were sucked inside with a yell, which shocked the group.

“What was that?!” Helix asked in shock.

“That was a crossdimensional sunburst aurora!” Attea said in shock.

"I have no idea, but that sort of looked more like a pinwheel aurora." Twilight mentioned before she looked around the store. "What kind of convenience store is this?"

“And more importantly, who were they?” Flash asked while gesturing to the door the beavers were dragged into. “I’ve never seen beavers who could talk before!”

Then coming out from the back was an explosion, which caught their attention as they heard grunting sounds as they looked through the storage room. Not only that, but they also heard a couple of familiar voices coming from the storage room. As soon entered it and found both Flim and Flam with some sort of alien device before Flam hit the device with a wrench.

“Oh, Flim, can’t you get this thing working?!” Flam questioned.

“You don’t think I’m trying, Flam!” Flim yelled as he tossed the wrench on a machine. “I don’t know why we agreed to do this. We can’t even get this thing to work properly during business hours!”

“Fim and Flam!?” Twilight’s voice called as the Flam Brothers turned and saw Twilight, Flash, Helen, Attea, and Helix at the door.

"Oh hello there, didn't know we had customers already." Flim said as the two of them quickly stood in front of the device to try and hide it. "What can we do for you?"

"How about telling us what's going on.” Flash told the brothers with a brow. "Like is that an alien device behind you both?"

“What device?” Flam questioned as his brother facehooved himself.

“You know we can clearly see it, right?” Helen questioned as the brothers sighed in defeat.

“You two cons opened a store that moves from place to place?” Helix asked in surprise.

“Well, not exactly.” Flim said before gesturing to the room around them. “We have created a store that exists in every dimension at once!” He announced.

“Just as soon as we get this warp field genre-whats-it working that is.” Flam said while banging on the machine.

“So it’s a store that moves from place to place.” Helix said with a brow.

"Not exactly, it sounds like we're still in one place while we're moving between dimensions. We’re in a dimension-skipping connivent store!” Twilight theorized. “That is both genius yet very idiotic at the same time. What if this thing blows up and you both end up stranded in who knows where?!"

"Oh please, we have everything under control." Flim assured before sparks flew out of the machine while the whole place started rumbling.

"Under control, huh?" Flash questioned the brothers with a brow before the machine blew a fuse and the lights went out. Before it did however, the bodies of the ponies sort of glowed a little before it died down.

“Well, that’s it for the dimension jump.” Helen commented.

“Well, how about we go check and see which dimension we are stranded in, and hopefully, we have the only convenient stand here.” Flam suggested with a smile while the others looked at him and his brother dully.

“Next time, we’re buying fast food.” Attea muttered.

"Yeah, but does anyone else feel a bit different?” Helix questioned before Twilight used her magic and they all saw they were standing on their back hooves while their front ones had become arms and had hands at the end. Not only that but they were wearing clothing as well as Helix was wearing a green shirt with a black stripe down the middle and green pants as well. "What the?!"

“I don’t know?!” Flash exclaimed while looking at himself as he was wearing a black jacket, blue shirt with his Cutie Mark, and black pants. “Why are we like this?”

“And where did these clothes come from?!” Twilight asked while looking at her clothing that is similar to when she was in CHS. “These look like the clothing I wore when I went to CHS!”

"Well didn't see this coming." Flam mentioned while he and his brother were wearing white pants with blue and white striped shirts.

"Yes, but why aren't those two like us?" Flim questioned as he pointed towards Helen and Attea, who still look like normal ponies, because of their ID masks. “Shouldn’t they change like us?”

Helen and Attea looked at each other nervously as they gave sheepish chuckles. “Uh, I guess the only reason we didn’t change is because… we’re already different?” Helen suggested nervously.

"Look, let's just see where we ended up!" Twilight quickly interjected as she pushed the two brothers out of the storage room while gesturing to both Helen and Attea to adjust their masks.

Once they were outside, they looked around and saw that they were still at the same place they were before. “Well, looks like Equestria.” Flim said with a shrug.

“Uh, this may look like the same Equestria, except for one thing. Look at all the ponies.” Flash said while gesturing to the ponies around them as they too were wearing clothes and walking on two legs. "This is definitely an alternate universe."

"Which we don't belong in." Twilight spoke up with a firm tone. "We need to fix that device and get back home."

"And pass off the chance to check this place out?" Helix asked sarcastically. “No way, you got to admit this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity." Twilight was about to set an argument before they all heard an explosion coming from down the street. They then saw two figures flying in before landing in front of the convenience store and Helix immediately recognized the two figures. "Tetrax and Eighteight?!" He was right, except both of their armors were in a different shade of purple.

That’s when Helen and Attea peeked out through the door. “Wait, you mean those alien bounty hunters that you became friends with exists here as well?” Helen asked in surprise.

“Yeah, but, their colors are purple, and not to mention, they’re attacking the city!” Twilight exclaimed.

“But at least in this world, they teamed up like in ours.” Flash said in worry.

“Um, what are you ponies talking about?” Flim asked as he and his brother were confused.

"Well why are they here, I'm gonna find out." Helix said with confidence as he walked out of the store. Tetrax stood tall as his helmet retracted and showed off his diamond skin was also in a shade of purple.

"Twilight 22, come out and face us!" He called out, which really surprised and confused Twilight.

"We know you're around here, so come out!" Eighteight spoke next.

"Hey Tetrax and Eighteight, what gives?!" Helix exclaimed to get their attention as he stood in front of the two. "I thought we were cool before and now you decided to go on a rampage? And why are you after Twilight?"

"What the, who are you?" Tetrax questioned Helix with confusion.

"And how do you know our names?" Eighteight asked next before she noticed the Omnitrix on his wrist. "And is that--"

"Get out of here colt, this isn't playtime!" Twilight's voice called out, but sounded a bit different, a bit more commanding.

"Oh come, I can handle them." Helix mentioned before he was about to activate his Omnitrix. But then he was suddenly engulfed in a magical aura as he was lifted up and onto the roof. “Hey! What gives, Twilight?!” He called before he noticed something different about Twilight.

“Listen, while I appreciate you talking to the aliens, young colt, it’s way too dangerous!” Twilight said as Helix noticed that Twilight’s mane was all spiked and punk up while she was wearing different clothing like a purple leather jacket with a cutie mark on the back and black jeans. “So you alien off-worlders are done trashing the city!” She yelled while glaring down at Tetrax and Eighteight.

"Is…Is that me?" Twilight asked when she saw another version of herself.

"That must be this Twilight 22 they were calling out." Attea theorized before she had a confused look on her face. "But what's with the number?"

"I warned you before what would happen if you came back!" The other Twilight told the two aliens on the ground. "And now you both will face the consequences!" She pulled back on the sleeve of her left arm to reveal a watch that has a similar symbol on it, but it was like a wristwatch with two buttons on the side while the color was purple, which got Helix and his friends' attention when they saw it.

“Another Omnitrix!?” They exclaimed before he saw her activate her Omnitrix as a holographic projection of an alien appeared when the core popped up. She quickly slammed it down as she was engulfed in a purple light.

After the light vanished, Helix saw that Twilight 22 transformed into an alien as she now had mint green skin, with two tentacles on her head and one on her lower back. She has four long fingers, and ankles that bend inward. Her feet have three claw-like toes, two pointing forwards and one pointing backward while the Omnitrix symbol is on her chest.

“It’s time to give you a reminder of why I'm the sole protector of Equestria!” Twilight 22 yelled as she lifted her arms and her eyes glowed in a shade of purple. Just then, some of the chariots and objects around the streets started lifted up in the same aurora. “Last time, I took your hoverboard and armor cube. This time, I’ll…”

Tetrax then started firing shards at Twilight 22, who then flipped back and dodged the blast. Eighteight then flew up and started firing at her before she used the items she lifted up in the air to block the blast. Helix then saw something that really surprised him when she hit the Omnitrix symbol on her chest and transformed into a purple version of Goop with a more female figure. "What the…did you just alien jump?! How did you alien jump?!" He questioned in shock before Twilight 22 quickly wrapped around him and got him off of the building and placed him in front of the store.

“No time to chat, kid. I’ll give you my autograph later. Find your parents and get to safety.” Twilight 22 said as she then charged at Eighteight and Tetrax as they started fighting. Twilight 22 avoided the attacks while the ponies were running off while Helix stood next to the store with the others.

“Are you guys seeing this?! This Twilight has an Omnitrix and she can switch aliens even when already transformed!” Helix said in shock.

"I see it, but I'm having a hard time believing it.” Twilight said as she was completely shocked to see another version of her with an Omnitrix. They then saw the other Twilight flying up before she suddenly transformed into a female Fourarms and punched Eighteight down to the ground.

“And apparently, she’s good.” Flash commented as Twilight 22 than jumped over the building as Tetrax tried to follow, but then she transformed into XLR8 female version and tackled Tetrax off the building as he fell down next Eighteight before she transformed back into the alien she first transformed and placed the water tower on them as she transformed back to normal and stood tall.

"Really good." Helen added before a bunch of ponies gathered around and cheered for her. They then saw a bunch of tanks moving in before a bunch of soldiers that looked like Royal Guards coming out of said tanks. Flash then saw that one of them looked exactly like him as he approached Twilight 22.

"Your highness, apologies for being late." The other Flash said with a bow to Twilight 22.

"It's fine Corporal Sentry, everything has been dealt with." Twilight 22 told the other Flash. "I want these two alien invaders dug up and sent to Tartarus immediately."

“At once, your majesty.” Flash said with a salute as the others looked on in surprise.

“Okay, other world or not, Tetrax and Eighteight don’t deserve this.” Helix said with a firm look.

"Let me see if I talk to her, after all, no pony knows me better than me." Twilight spoke up before she pulled both Helen and Attea in close. "You both keep those ID masks on. I have a feeling they're not too kind to aliens around here." She whispered to them.

“Don’t worry. Though, we need to change the settings first. Because we already stand out to them as it is.” Attea said while gesturing to the ponies out in the crowd.

“Good call. Here.” Flash said as he then pressed the buttons on Helen and Attea’s ID masks, which made them into ponies similar to how the others are while their natural clothing appeared around them while they were wearing clothes as well..“There. Now you both will fit in nicely.”

“Okay, while you're all doing that, we’ll try and fix our machine.” Flim said to them. “Because this is not a world we would be staying in if there's an attack.”

“If you two even bother catching up with the times, you be surprised at how our home is somewhat similar.” Helix said as he and the others walked out of the store and walked up to where Twilight 22 is at.

“This is the fifth attack this week with two of the same aliens.” Twilight 22 said to the other Flash as Helix and his friends watched from behind the crowd. “If we don’t find out who their boss is soon, we will never stop this.”

"You'll stop them, you always do." The other Flash reminded her before the water tower suddenly burst and both Tetrax and Eighteight stood up. Helix's hero instincts kicked in as he activated his own Omnitrix and transformed into XLR8.

“I got em!” XLR8 called as he charged at them, but then Tetrax and Eighteight disappeared in a flash of light as he was surprised. “Dang.”

“Hold it right there, alien!" Twilight 22 called out as she looked like she was preparing to transform again. "Did the Electuari send you as well?"

"Wait, he's with us!" Twilight called out, which really shocked the crowd as Twilight 22 did a double take at her.

"Changelings?! I thought I told you to stay out of Equestria!" Twilight 22 shouted.

"No, I'm not a changeling, I'm you from another dimension." Twilight explained to her doppelganger, which peak Twilight 22's interest.

"Okay, say I did believe you, then was the name of the stuffed toy we had since we were a filly?" Twilight 22 questioned her doppelganger.

“Simple, it’s Smarty Pants." Twilight said with a smirk, which shocked Twilight 22.

“Who was our favorite foalsitter?!” Twilight 22 asked.

“Princess Cadance. The foalsitter in the history of foalsitters.” Twilight added.

“What’s our worst fear?” Twilight 22 asked again.

“It’s…” Twilight started before she turned to the others with a nervous look before she sighed. “It’s ladybugs.”

"Okay, so you are me." Twilight 22 said before pointing at XLR8. “Why are you defending this alien invader?"

"Maybe because you and him have something in common." Flash spoke up with surprise his doppelganger as he pointed towards the Omnitrix symbol on XLR8's chest.

“Yeah.” XLR8 said as the Omnitrix timed out and he showed it to Twilight 22. “I think you and I have the same watch design.” Helix said with a smirk.

“Wait, you’re that kid I saved earlier.” Twilight 22 said in shock.

"Hey wait, that's my cousin, Helix Watch." The other Flash spoke up in shock.

“Yeah, that’s what I’ve been telling you that I could handle myself.” Helix said with a smile.

Twilight 22 and the other Flash looked at Helix then at their doublegangers with Attea and Helen as they were completely stunt like the rest of the crowd. “Okay, am I missing something?” The other Flash asked.

"We'll explain everything…" Twilight assured before her stomach started growling. "Although, we might need a nice meal before we do. We kind of skipped lunch." Twilight 22 looked at them for a moment before she started walking away.

"Come along, I'll take you all to Canterlot and give you something to eat." She told them. "After that, I want to know everything."

"Same with you and your world." Attea mentioned as they followed Twilight 22.

In a warehouse, there’s a high-tech armored-up creature monitoring the computers while Tetrax and Eighteigh appear behind it and bow to it. “Electuari, there’s a second Omnitrix on a pony youngling.” Eighteight informed.

“Unexpected but unforeseeable. We will take care of them both.” Electuari said in a deep robotic voice. "For now, rest up." It then started typing something on the monitor before a shadowy image of a familiar dragon appeared on screen. "Is everything prepared?"

"I have everything set up, and you better keep your word.” The shadowy figure said with her or his voice disguised.

The group was soon in an Airship as they were flying high above Equestria and could see how it was different from their own Equestria. They saw tall buildings and a few technological advancements as well. "Wow, this Equestria is definitely more awesome than our own!" Helix exclaimed excitedly.

"Something tells me your Equestria isn't as advanced as mine." Twilight 22 mentioned with a brow.

“Well, we don’t have all these new advance tech or buildings.” Twilight said to her counterpart. “It must’ve taken some time to build these.”

“Oh, trust me. They have.” Twilight 22 said as they walked around.

“So, Twilight 22, huh?” Flash asked in wonder. “We heard that’s what everypony is calling you that.”

“Yeah. Eversense I got the watch slapped on, I’ve been protecting Equestria from any threats, on or off world.” Twilight 22 said as they are closing in on Equestria. “I’m Equestria’s Protector.

"I'm sort of like that and Princess of Friendship in my dimension.” Twilight explained.

“Yeah, not the same set up in our dimension.” Attea said in surprise.

"Well, I'm technically the ruler of my Equestria.” Twilight 22 told them. "I'll explain more once we get to my castle."

"Why, did Princess Celestia retire or something?" Helen questioned which only made Twilight 22 look away with a sad look. "What? Was it something I said?"

“No. No. It’s okay.” Twilight 22 said while recomposing herself. “It’s just… I haven’t heard Celestia in many moons.”

“Wait, there’s no Celestia here?” Twilight asked in surprise. “Haven’t you kept in touch with her?”

“If by keep in touch, you mean visiting her staute and memorial? Then yes.” Twilight 22 said, which shocked the group from that.

“C-Celestia is… gone?” Flash asked in shock.

“H-How did that happen?” Helix asked.

“I’m sorry, it's just hard for me to explain.” Twilight 22 replied. “But I guess you deserve to know what happened to my Celestia." The Airship soon landed at the Port of Canterlot as they made their way towards the castle. They soon walked down a hall where they saw stained glass windows depicting what happened in Equestria, only they were different from the ones in their Equestria. For starters, they saw one window that had Princess Celestia fighting what look to be a caribou stag before they noticed a large lightning bolt crashing down on her.

"Is…Is this depicting the day she died?" Twilight asked her doppelganger as Twilight 22 nodded in response.

"I was just a filly when the Caribou invaded." Twilight 22 began to explain. "After my entrance exam to her school, they just suddenly attacked and Celestia did all that she could to fend them off. Then their king got a very sly idea as he aimed his magical hammer at me and Celestia took the hit to save me. She didn't survive and my parents had to take me away from the chaos."

"We're so sorry you had to witness that." Flash said with sincerity before he noticed a few more windows that had the enemies of Equestria. "I'm guessing things only got worse from there?"

"The Caribou believed that the male were the superior race and forbade any female of any age to use any magic or to fly." Twilight 22 told them. "And then after that, a bunch of other villains started to invade Equestria before Nightmare Moon freed herself from her seal. My parents did all that they could to hide me away from all of it before they were betrayed and they had no choice but to teleport me away from Canterlot. I…I never saw them again…"

The five looked at Twilight 22 in sympathy when they heard her backstory. “We’re sorry. It must’ve been tough.” Flash said in sympathy.

“Trust me. It really was.” Twilight 22 said before she recomposed herself. “But, let’s just forget it. Let’s go and get you some food. Then explain to me about your world.”

“Sure. We are super hungry.” Helix said as his stomach growled as they continued on.

A bit later, they were all sitting in a huge dining room as Twilight looked around and saw that only the six of them were there. “Hey, we’re the only ones here?” She asked her counterpart.

“Of course. Why?” Twilight 22 asked in confusion.

“Well, we were wondering if you have any friends to eat beside you?” Flash wondered.

"No, but I do have some family and they should be coming by any second." She answered.

"I am curious as to how this universe version of Shining Armor and--" Twilight was going to say before Twilight 22 slammed her hands on the table.

"Do me a favor and never mention him around me.” She told them with sort of an angry tone. They were going to ask why before the doors to the dining room opened up to reveal this universe version of Applejack, Apple Bloom, Big Mac, Granny Smith, and surprisingly both Bright Mac and Buttercup.

"Howdy, sis!" Applejack called out before she noticed there were two Twilights in the room. "Huh, they weren't kidding when they said there'd be two of you here."

“Applejack, Apple Bloom, Big Mac, and Granny Smith?!” Twilight asked in shock before turning to Bright Mac and Buttercup before her eyes widened. “Wait, I know you two from the photos. You’re Bright Mac and Buttercup! The three Apple Siblings parents!”

“Say wha?” Flash asked in shock. “Aren’t they supposed to be…”

"Supposed to be what?" Twilight 22 asked with a brow. "I take it they're not around in your universe."

"Well, Applejack, her siblings and grandmother are, but not their parents." Twilight mentioned as she rubbed the back of her neck.

"Why what happened to them?" Apple Bloom asked before she looked at Helix and his Omnitrix. "And how did he get a Celestial Watch of Hope?"

"Is that what you call the Omnitrix in this universe?" Helix asked them.

"Well, we suppose you should know how we adopted Twilight into our family." Bright Mac spoke up. "You see, when Applejack was just a little filly, she was upset about all that was happening in Equestria and ran away. We managed to track her down and she was stuck on a rickety bridge that was about to fall. We managed to get her off before me and my wife got stuck on it and we thought we were going to meet our end before Twilight saved us using every strength she had to levitate us to safety."

"After that and she sort of lost consciousness, we took her in and she told us what happened to her folks." Buttercup added. "So we took her in and made her part of the family while also hiding her away from anyone who would try to hurt her."

"Okay, but how did you get an Omnitrix?" Helix questions Twilight 22.

"Celestial Watch of Hope." She corrected before she looked at her watch. "As for how I got it, both me and Applejack were taking a walk in the forest as we are both upset about how Equestria ended up as it is. That's when we saw some sort of shooting star entering the atmosphere and I sort of wished for hope."

"That's when the oddest thing happened, the star just sort of made some sort of turn and headed right for us." Applejack added. "We both managed to run out of the way and saw it wasn't a star at all, but some sort of pod before Twilight fell into the crater and it opened up."

"That's when we saw the Watch of Hope and it chose me when it just jumped onto my wrist." Twilight 22 continued. "Only it looked different than it does now."

"How different?" Flash asked before Twilight 22 used her magic to show a projection of her Omnitrix, only looking a bit different. It looked like a large wristwatch with a wide band, primarily black and gray in color. It had a dark gray faceplate in the middle, like a watch dial, that had a purple hourglass shape on it. The faceplate was part of a cylindrical tower, and the hourglass would invert into a diamond and show the aliens' silhouettes. The band had an activation button on the side facing the user if on their left hand. The ring of the faceplate had four symmetrical lights that would glow with the hourglass symbol. Finally, the band had two rings of white tubing that would glow purple.

“Whoa. That is different.” Helen commented.

"Huh, and let me guess, you tried to get it off but ended up turning into a literal walking torch?" Helix asked her. "Because that's sort of how it went for me, and I accidentally started a forest fire."

"Well not me." Twilight 22 replied with a smile. "I didn't start any fire but I did use my abilities to fight back against some punks who were trying to get extra cash from our farm. After that, we sort of left Ponyville and started a rebellion against evil and to save Equestria. And the reason why they call me Twilight 22 is because I was able to turn into 22 aliens."

“22!?” Helix asked in shock. “I only started out with 10 aliens. Now I got 12, but you got ten more than me?!” He asked in shock.

“Eh, you’ll get there one day. I mean, it used to be 22 aliens, but now I can turn into more than 75.” Twilight 22 assured. “So, I take it I can teach you how to control your watch so you'll be able, as you said, alien jump. As for our resistance, it took us many moons before I was able to turn into one alien that stopped all the evil with just a blink of an eye."

"We can tell y'all that that full body star gal she turned into was very surprising. Granny Smith spoke up. "One moment the no good fellas that ruled over Equestria were there one moment, and then they were gone the next. Well all except for Princess Luna who got free from that whole Nightmare Moon fiasco."

"So, Luna is still around?" Flash asked.

"Yeah, but she stepped down as princess and let me rule over Equestria because she felt guilty about what happened.” Twilight 22 mentioned. "She's probably by the statue of Celestia at this moment."

"Okay, but what about Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Rarity?" Twilight questioned her doppelganger.

“Who?” Twilight 22 asked, which made the five surprises.

“Uh, Pinkie Pie, the Party Pony? Rainbow Dash the fastest pony in Equestria? Fluttershy the caretaker? Rarity the design? Ring a bell?” Helix questioned with a brow. “And bearers of the Element of Harmony like you and Applejack?”

“Never heard of them.” Twilight 22 said as she started eating her plate, while the others were shocked by this.

“Wait, in this world? I’m not friends with them?” Twilight asked in shock. “And I didn’t read about the Elements of Harmony?”

"What are they, some sort of powerful stones?" Applejack questioned before the food arrived, as well as this universe version of Flash Sentry.

"I see your lover has arrived." Buttercup said with a smile as both Twilight 22 and this universe Flash blushed when she said love her.

"Mom, he's only a soldier working for me." Twilight 22 told her. "There's nothing between us."

"Right, uh, nothing between us…" This Universe Flash said as he looked down.

The others were surprised by this as they turned to each other before they decided to stay quiet and enjoy their meal, going to ask Twilight 22 more questions later. “So, you think you can teach me more secrets of the watch?” Helix asked slowly.

“Sure thing. Right after lunch.” Twilight 22 nodded as they all enjoyed lunch while the five were feeling off about this world.

In the convient store, the Flim and Flam are still trying to fix the machine that send them and the others there as they stopped. “That might do it. Stand back, brother.” Flim said as he pressed a button, which caused the machine to turn on but it stopped.

“What’s the machine reading?” Flam asked his brother.

“22.” Flim answered with a brow as he looked at the results. “22’nd dimension. 22 on the machine. Store 22. Twilight 22? Somethings going on here.” He said while scratching his head. “It’s like it’s connected to this dimension somehow.”

“Well, I guess we’re stuck here for a while.” Flam said with a shrug. “Might as well get used to it and maybe Princess Twilight and her friends might help when they get back.”

“Well, what are we supposed to do in the meantime?” Flim asked before they heard as the store’s door open as they looked out the door and saw a mare looking around. “A first costume? Sweet!” He cheered.

“Well, at least we’ll be running a business.” Flam said with the same expression. “Let’s make the most of it!”

“Yes, we shall!” Flim said as the two then started grabbing their uniforms.

A little bit later at the Canterlot Palace’s garden, Helix and his friends are outside with Twilight 22. “Okay, as you know, I can manage to change into aliens at will without transforming back, right?” She started.

“Yeah! You changed into aliens faster than XLR8 could run!” Helix exclaimed. “How did you alien jump? I never got to do that!”

“Well, at first, I couldn’t. But overtime of learning the controls of the Celestial Watch of Hope, I manage to find a combination of switching aliens at will. It’s called the Master Control.” Twilight 22 explained. “With it, I can transform into aliens at anytime, and I don’t have to time out while staying alien longer than I want to.”

“Sweet, think you can give me that!?” Helix asked excitedly. “It would make my hero job more easy!”

Twilight 22 gave a sheepish look. “Um. Sorry, it was a long time ago since I last unlocked the master control that I forgot the combination.” She said, which made Helix groaned in disappointment.

"Okay, but what did you call that lizard alien woman, Telezard or Mindshock?" Helix asked her.

“Wait, you give your alien forms hero names?" Twilight 22 questioned with a brow. "You know they're not pets but basically mirror versions of you."

"Oh come on, naming the aliens is basically part of the fun.” Helix replied with a grin before he noticed this Universe version of Luna sitting on a bench in front of a statue of Princess Celestia. He noticed how gloomy she looked and just stared at the statue. "Whoa, Princess Luna looks so sad here."

"You would too if you lost the only family you had." Helen whispered to him.

“She’s been like this when she first found out her sister sacrifice herself to save Equestria.” Twilight 22 said in sympathy. “I tried my best to cheer her up, but she was alone for 1000 years that she feels out of place. And without her sister, she feels incomplete.”

"Man, must be pretty rough." Attea muttered before a royal guard ran up to Twilight 22.

"Your highness, we caught reports of dragons heading towards Ponyville!” The royal guard informed her. "It looks like they're going to burn everything down with the numbers they have."

"Unbelievable, I stopped their dragon lord and yet they still persevere." Twilight 22 complained before she activated her Omnitrix.

“Wait? Dragons flying towards Ponyville?” Twilight asked her counterpart. “Aren’t they supposed to be…” She was cut off when Twilight 22 transformed into a female version of Jetray as she took off into the sky. “Friends?”

“Okay, this Twilight seems to be rushing into fights.” Attea commented before turning to Helix. “Remind you of anyone?”

“Yeah. But maybe she could use some help.” Helix suggested before he activated his Omnitrix and turned into Jetray himself. “We better go and see what’s up with the dragons. They might be here for a reason.” He soon took off into the air and followed Twilight 22 as Twilight used her magic to teleport herself and the others to Ponyville.

In Ponyville, everypony is running for their lives as the dragons flew over them while some landed on the ground as the hooded shadowy dragon landed in the middle of town as he looked around.

“Ah! The dragons are here!” An Earth Pony stallion yelled. “Run for your lives!” He called as the ponies screamed some more.

“Ugh, we just landed here and they’re already panicking.” One of the dragons complained.

"Remember why we're here!" Another Dragon shouted in a familiar armor to all the others. "We wait until Twilight 22 comes, so no--" she was interrupted by a purple laser as Twilight 22 flew in and quickly switched to a large bunny with a female figure and purple fur when she landed on the ground.

"I warned you dragons before to never set one foot in Equestria!" She shouted as the armored dragon she hit stood back up. “And now you'll face the consequences!"

“Listen. If you could just stop and just…” The armored dragon try to say, but then Twilight transformed into an arctic lizard with cold breath.

“I won’t say it the second time!” Twilight warned as ice breath came out of her mouth.

“So be it.” The armor dragon said with a serious tone. “Dragons, teach her a lesson!” He called as the dragons took the chance and breathed fire at her. However she was shielded by a purple Shield of her doppelganger when she appeared behind Twilight 22 before Jetray flew down and shot lasers from his eyes to take a few dragons down.

"Heh, not so tough!" He bragged before a couple of dragons tackled him from above and pinned him to the ground. Twilight and Flash saw some ponies in danger and went to go help give them to safety before Twilight saw a familiar rainbow mane Pegasus cowering in a corner.

"Rainbow?" She asked which startled this universe version of Rainbow Dash.

"P-Princess Twilight?" Rainbow asked and confusion before looking at Twilight 22 and back at Twilight. "H-How are there two of you?"

"Long story, but right now I need you to fly up and see if you can--"

"Oh no, I don't fly!" Rainbow interrupted and shocked Twilight. "Not anymore!"

“What?!” Flash yelled in disbelief. “But you’re the fastest pony in Equestria! And you’re whole passion is to fly!” He pointed out.

“Not anymore, since there have been more attacks lately, Princess Twilight needed enough space if she needed to fight evil and for ponies to be safe!” Rainbow called in slight fear. “Besides, I ain’t fighting something I can’t fight! Especially what happened to that pegasi that tried to fight back against the invaders!”

This surprised them even more and more since they knew their Rainbow Dash never backed down from a fight before or never stopped flying in her life. “S-So, you’re just gonna sit here like a coward?” Helen asked in shock.

“Better to be alive as a coward than being in that death brawl.” Rainbow said as she hid away.

"But you…Look out!" Twilight called out when she quickly grabbed Rainbow with her magic and pulled her out of the way when Twilight 22 came crashing down. "Where's Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie?" Twilight got her answer for one of them when she heard Fluttershy let out a battle cry and saw her wearing royal guard armor as she was taking on some dragons.

“Wait, is that Fluttershy?” Attea asked in shock.

“And she’s, a royal guard?” Twilight asked in shock. “I never imagined Fluttershy to be a royal guard! She’s just so…”

“Shy?” Helen offered.

“Yeah!” Twilight nodded.

"S-She been like that ever since we were little." Rainbow told them with a smile before they saw Rarity carrying a few foals to safety.

“Hurry, darlings! This way!” Rarity called as she led the foals to safety while entering into a shelter and didn't mind her hooves getting all dirty.

“Rarity?” Flash asked in surprise. “Huh, never thought she would be in action in this world since she prefers to stay clean.”

“S-She’s one of the bravest ponies to get others to safety, no matter the risk.” Rainbow added.

“Okay, if Fluttershy and Rarity are like that, I’m afraid of what Pinkie Pie is in this world.” Helen said in wonder.

“If there’s one pony who will always be cheerful, it’s Pinkie.” Twilight said, having seen a world where Pinkie Pie is the same as her counterpart.

"You mean the greatest rock wrecker expert in Equestria?” Rainbow asked as a giant boulder was tossed over them as it hit a dragon on the head, causing it to grow dizzy before falling to the ground out cold. “That must be her now.”

"Okay, this is getting ridiculous!" Jetray exclaimed as he tried to get the two dragons off of him. "Hey ,Twilight!"

"Yes?!" Both Twilight's replied.

"The 22 one! I could really use that tip on alien jumping right about now!" Jetray cried out as he dodged some fireblasts.

“I told you I forgotten the combination to give you the Master Control!” Twilight 22 yelled before she gave a thoughtful look. “But I know an alternative, just turn the dial of your watch on your chest and slam it down!”

“But won’t that transform me back to normal?!” Jetray called as the dragons were getting closer to him.

“Just do it!” Twilight 22 yelled as Jetray groaned as he then turned his Omnitrix symbol on his chest, which acted like how his watch operates as he was surprised when he saw an alien on his icon before he slammed it down, engulfing himself in a green flash.

Once the flash died out, Jetray was now transformed into Heatblast, which shocked him. “Heatblast?! I went from Jetray to Heatblast?!” Heatblast asked in amazement. “Sweet!” He called as he then turned to the two dragons chasing him. “Let’s see if you two like the taste of your own medicine!” He yelled as he then shot a fire beam at the two and knocked them back and knocked off their helmets as well. Heatblast toward the two before he gasped when he recognized the two dragons. "Spike? Smolder?!"

The two dragons looked up and glared at him. “So, you know our names, so what?!” Smolder yelled with a look. "At least we're going to take back what your princess stole from us!"

"Say what?" Heatblast asked in confusion before he saw Twilight 22 as a different alien, one that is black with a purple stripe down its body and tendrils with plugs at the end of them. The end of her fingers also had plugs while having just one eye.

“You two are in for a shock treatment.” Twilight 22 said as she then went up to a nearby lampost and plugged her ears in as she absorb some electricity and then she shot it out through her finger tips, which hit Spike and Smolder as they yelled in pain as she kept pouring on the pressure.

Heatblast saw this as his eyes widen before he grabbed Twilight 22’s arms. “Twilight, stop!” He yelled as he moved her arms away to redirect the lightning, which caused her to get her ears unplugged and Spike and Smolder to breath in relief as the pain stop.

“What are you doing?!” Twilight 22 questioned in rage.

“What am I doing?! What are you doing?!” Heatbleast questioned. “You’re attacking two of your dragon friends!”

“Friends?! These dragons aren’t friends!” Twilight 22 yelled firmly.

"Why would ponies and dragons be friends, especially what she did to my father!" The cloaked Dragon shouted before she removed her hood to reveal herself to be Ember.

"Ember?!" Twilight exclaimed in shock. "What did this universe version of me do to you?"

“What else?! You kicked us out of our homes and forced us to stay away from Equestrian borders after she severely injured my father and stole the dragon lord Bloodstone scepter!" Ember shouted with rage as the others looked at Twilight 22 in shock. "And I'm here to get it back, along with our home!"

"I only did that because you dragons were doing just as much damage to our home Equestria!" Twilight 22 argued. "Now I'm giving you one last chance to leave now or else!"

"Actually, you're the one who needs to surrender since our diversion worked like a charm." Ember told her with a smirk. "You see, while we were keeping you busy and away from Canterlot, some of the Dragons went to get back the Bloodstone scepter.”

Twilight 22 eyes widen in realization. “You freaks drove me away here, as a distraction to get your scepter!” She exclaimed.

“Why would you even kept there scepter?!” Flash questioned Twilight 22. “It was their traditional method to crown the new Dragon Lord!”

"I did it to protect Equestria!” She replied before she saw a couple of dragons with the Bloodstone scepter coming their way. She wasn't going to let them have it again as she charged forward and used electricity to boost her up and knocked the scepter out of their grasp. She quickly grabbed it before landing on the ground as she was certainly surrounded by multiple dragons.

"Give it back, or else!" Ember demanded. "Not even your faster to change forms when all of us breathe fire on you!"

“Maybe not one, but let's see who flinches first." Twilight 22 growled as each dragon looked prepared to unleash a stream of flames right at her. Just before anything could happen, a pink Shield bubble suddenly appeared around Twilight 22 as both her and Twilight recognized The Shield spell. They all looked and saw this universe version of Shining Armor, only he had a beard on his face while he looked concerned and his clothes looked a little raggy.

"Shining?" Twilight asked in surprise.

"Armor." Twilight 22 growled at him. "What is the meaning of this?! Is this another backstabbing?!"

"No, Twilight I'm trying to protect you." Shining responded. "J-Just give them what they want and they'll leave us alone."

“You think I do that!? If I do, all of Equestria will fall!” Twilight 22 yelled in rage.

“Twily, please.” Shining pleaded.

“Don’t call me that! You know I hate that!” Twilight 22 yelled as she then transformed into a female version of Diamondhead and started firing shards at him, which Shining quickly blocked with his shield.

“Twily, please! Listen to reason! What you’re doing is wrong!” Shining called before Twilight 22 slammed her hands down as crystal shards popped from the ground, which sends Shining flying.

Heatblast, Helen, Attea, Flash, and Twilight watched in shock. “Twilight, is your counterpart fighting your older brother?” Heatblast asked nervously.

lute shock."I don't know why…" Twilight said with confusion before Heatblast hit the Omnitrix on his chest and switched to Gax. He then used his tentacles to grab the Bloodstone scepter from Twilight 22.

“Helix?! What are you doing?!” Twilight 22 questioned as he walked up to Ember.

"Here, you can have this back as long as you promise to never harm any Pony here in Equestria." He told her as she looked at him with a brow.

“You really mean it?" Ember questioned with a brow.

“Yeah. Because no one should have their tradition and sacred treasure taken from them.” Gax said with a smile as Ember slowly took her scepter back and looked at it longingly before turning to Gax.

“Uh, thanks, man.” Ember said slowly. “You’re better than that princess over there.” She said while gesturing to Twilight 22, who growled as Ember then turned to the other dragons. “Dragons! Retreat! We got what we came for! Go!” She called out as she took to the air while Smolder, Spike, and the other dragons followed as they took off into the horizon.

As soon as the dragons were gone, Shining dropped the shield around Twilight 22 before she glared at him. She then switched to another alien as she now looks like a white tiger with three fingers and sharp claws on the back of her hands with the Omnitrix symbol on her stomach. "Let me tell you something Shining Armor, the one who sold out our parents and got them killed, I told you before that if I ever see you again, I'm gonna--" she shouted with rage as she approached him but was blocked by both Twilight and Gax. "Move out of the way!"

“No way, Twilight! Cool your jets! The dragons have left, the fight is down, but now you’re trying to attack your own brother?!” Gax questioned with a look. “What is wrong with you?! Shining’s your family! And Spike was practically your dragon the day you hatched him in that entrance exam to Celestia’s school!”

“Really?! Let me tell you something, Helix Watch, cousin of Flash Sentry from an alternate universe! Shinings’ not my brother! And I don’t have a dragon by the name Spike!” Twilight 22 yelled while pointing at Gax.

"But in my universe, I hatched Spike from an egg during my entrance exam to Celestia's School." Twilight told her doppelganger. "And since then, I treated him like a brother and like my own son. You can't tell me you lost Spike when it happened. The day you lost Celestia.” That only made Twilight 22 growled as Twilight stood her ground before Gax timed out and transformed back into Helix. "Now you back off right now." Twilight 22 glared at them before she saw this universe version of Cadance, holding her baby girl Flurry Heart as she looked at Twilight 22 with pleading eyes.

She then transformed back as she glared at Helix. "You need to get your priorities straight, kid, or those you care about will end up being gone before you know it because of your compassion." She told him before walking away.

The others watched her go with glares as Helen spoke up. “This world is not my favorite anymore.”

“You said it, sister.” Attea said in agreement.

“This Twilight is so stern and serious.” Flash muttered in disbelief. “It’s like, who you were supposed to be if you haven’t met Celestia.” Twilight then turned to the alternate version of her brother as she walked up to him with a curious look.

"Shining, I think you have some explaining to do." She told him with a sincere look.

In an unknown location, Ember entered a laboratory where the Electuari stood in front of multiple monitors. "I see you managed to recover your scepter." The Electuari mentioned without even looking at her. "Yet there is something that is bothering you."

“It’s this other Omnitrix user, Electuari. His name is Helix Watch.” Ember said in thought. “I mean, he was fighting us alongside Princess Twilight, but for some reason, he’s not like her. He showed compassion, honor, and reasonable.” She said while looking at the Bloodstone scepter. “He was willing to give us a chance once we had the scepter and stopped Twilight from trying to destroy us. It’s like he’s… he’s the opposite of Twilight. Like a true honorable protector and hero than she’s doing.”

Electuari stood quiet for a moment, surprised by the sudden information about Helix and his methods as he spoke. “This… could work in our favor. Go get some rest. You’ve earned it after a long day.” He said as Ember smiled as the Electurai stood there while looking at the monitor as he brought up footage of Helix Watch and his friends during Ember’s attack as he looked at him and his Omnitrix. “You could finally help make things right again. Mmm…” He hummed, having a feeling that there was more to Helix than he knew about as he kept looking at him and his Omnitrix as well as his friends, having a feeling that they might be the key to all this.

Author's Note:

Twilight 22 aliens are along with Helix's 12 aliens: Buck Wild, Arctiguana, Feedback, Fast Track, Stareye, Rath, Mindshock, Echo Echo, Clockwork, https://www.deviantart.com/artman196/art/CAMALEA-843851931.

You can find Buck Wild here: https://5yl.fandom.com/wiki/Ben%27s_Arsenal

And this is Mindshock:

As for Stareye, it's my alien OC that is a snake like alien with its body made of energy and could shoot lasers from its eye that is in the shape of a star.

As for her Omnitrix, it is the Ben 10 Alien Force Omnitrix but a bit more of Twilight's color:

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