• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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Equestrian Omni-hero - Blaze-saber

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Chapter 12: An Unexpected Reunion

A large carriage was seen moving through the streets as a bunch of police ponies were chasing it down. It seemed that this carriage was going to get away if it weren't for a bunch of diamonds growing out of the ground blocking the path ahead. They were forced to stop as a few stallions came out, along with a minotaur holding a few mares hostage. A stallion then started shooting at the police to keep them back as another one pulled out bags full of money.

It seemed like bad guys were going to get away before Diamondhead appeared behind one of them and sliced the weapon in half when the crook turned around. He then made a diamond pillar to keep the crook from escaping. But when the other stallions were about to attack, a couple of them were knocked away by a sudden blur and then flying over them is Ocellus in her Upgrade armor and blasted a few back. Another stallion tried to get away with the money before a familiar blur took the bags and he was suddenly near the police.

The minotaur tried to run away with the hostages, but Manny came in front of it as he cracked his knuckles. Another stallion took a mare hostage before all four of them: Diamondhead, Helen, Ocellus, and Manny, stood in front of them and gave him a look that said 'you have a choice: the easy way or the hard way.' Realizing he didn't stand a chance, he let out a loud gulp of fear as he let go of his hostage and surrendered. All of this was just footage being projected on multiple screens in the alien ship as the alien inside the containment unit watched it all.

"The Omnitrix being wasted on pointless heroics." The alien growled while sounding better than he did before. "And those creatures, young as they are, are formidable as the bearer of the Omnitrix."

“Shall I dispatch more drones to retrieve it?” The droin asked.

“No.” The alien said as the tube open up and the hatch opened, showing his shadow figure that is more bigger and buffier than his old body. “I will see to this task myself.” He said firmly. "I'm coming for you now."

At night in the Chariot, Helix woke up with a yell as he looked around. “Did you have another nightmare?" Flash asked when they saw him wake up.

"I-It was that alien from my vision when I merged with that crook griffin, only he looked bigger, uglier, and scarier." Helix explained while sounding concerned.

"Sure you weren't just looking in a mirror?” Smolder questioned while sounding very tired. “It's the middle of the night, and you woke us up from a nightmare."

"Yeah, but the alien told him to be afraid and he was going to conquer our world once he got the watch." Helen reminded her.

"I'm sure you're still a little shaken from that vision of yours." Twilight told Helix with a warm smile. “We can talk about it in the morning.”

“But it seemed so real. He looked right at me and said, ‘I’m coming for you now’.” Helix said to them, which made them really nervous.

“Um, Twilight, knowing how we’ve been through all summer, can we hit the road right now?” Fluttershy asked nervously.

“Yeah, I don’t wanna push our luck if what Helix said is true.” Spike said in agreement.

“But it’s only 3:00 in the morning.” Twilight reminded them.

"Are we even sure if this was a dream or just another vision?” Rainbow questioned before they heard a familiar ringing coming from one of the drawers. “Is that badge beeping?”

“Looks like Attea is trying to tell us something.” Flash said as he picked up the badge and pressed it. “Hello?”

You creatures gotta get going now!” Attea quickly said loudly, which made the others flinch back. "No time to explain, you guys need to meet us at Mount Alicomore now!"

"Whoa, chill will ya?" Manny spoke up. "What's got your wires crossed?"

I said there’s no time! JUST GO! NOW!” Attea yelled as the others looked in shock.

“Um, maybe we should go before she tries to roast us.” Sandbar suggested.

"How can we get roasted by her if she's not even here?" Gallus questioned with a brow.

"You should listen to her and make sure Helix doesn't go alien for a while until you get here." An unfamiliar male voice spoke through the badge before the call ended. Flash's eyes widened in shock when he heard the voice while the others looked confused.

"Uh, who was that?" Helix questioned as Flash was whispering something into Twilight's ear. She quickly looked at him with shock as he nodded his head in response.

“Well, it’s a great way to beat traffic.” Twilight said as she got to the front of the chariot. “Let’s go.” She said as the chariot took off.

On the road, Twilight drove the chariot through a cow field as fast as she could. “Do they really have to tell us to get there by nightfall?” Rarity asked in annoyance. “I barely had time to do my tail and mane.”

“Well, we do as they say, Rarity. If they’re that serious, we make sure we can’t keep them waiting.” Twilight said as Helix sighed.

“I’m so bored.” Helix said dully. “Hey, how about we play a game?”

“Like what?” Manny asked.

“How about, we play ‘I spy’?” Pinkie asked cheerfully. “It might be something to pass the time.”

Helix then smirked as he then had an idea as he gave a mischief smirk.

In space, the alien is back in his chair as he looks at the monitor as it beeps. “The Omnitrix has been activated. Pinpoint its location!" He ordered his drones before the Omnitrix symbol showed up on screen while it looked like it was on the move. "I have you now. And it will be rightfully mine."

In the Chariot, the others are looking out the window bored as Pinkie speaks. “I spy something… that eats grass.” Pinkie said cheerfully.

“Is it a cow again?” Helen asked with a bored tone.

“Wow! You are good!” Pinkie exclaimed before the cow she had chosen for her little guest was replaced by a statue. "Huh, where'd the cow go?"

"I guess I'll take my turn." Manny said with a doll look before he looked out the window. "I spy something…" he trailed off when he saw something out of the ordinary. "A giant block of ice that looks like us?"

“Yep, that’s one of my finest work.” A familiar voice said as they all turned and saw XLR8 holding some tools. “Got it from far north from the mountains to the Crystal Empire and chipped the block of ice down and made it.”

“Wow, that's impressive, Helix.” Helen said with a smile.

“And I must say, nice sculpture you did there.” Rarity said with a smile as they looked at the statue they passed. “Very detailed.

“Helix, I don’t think it’s the right time to go alien.” Flash said seriously, which got their attention.

“What? I was just trying to give us a bit of fun.” XLR8 said in defense.

“But the stallion told you not to go alien until we get to our destination." Twilight reminded him.

“What kind of attention could I attract here?” XLR8 asked as the Omnitrix timed out and he transformed back.

"Not sure, but we should be more careful." Twilight replied. "It sounded like Attea was scared of something when she called us."

Back on the ship, the signal the drones were tracking went off when the Omnitrix symbol disappeared on the monitor. "We've lost the Omnitrix signal, sir." One of the drones reported to the alien before he stood up.

"No matter." He told his drones as he walked up to the monitors before pulling up images of the different aliens, with the Omnitrix symbol on them, saving the day. "I've narrowed down its location and I know how to draw him out.” He then punched one of the monitors before looking at his drones. “But I require some backup to the deal with the Omnitrix bearer's comrades."

In a dark forest, Queen Chrysalis was standing in a circle of trees. The trees had slime around them, turning it into a nest comfortable enough for her to live in. "One day! One day you'll see! I will defeat Twilight Sparkle and her friends!" Chrysalis said as she cackled, "And they will pay for stealing my kingdom!" She was making this grand declaration to a log that currently had the image of an unreformed changeling carved into it.

She turned to another log and picked it up, using her magic to carve another changeling face into it. But before she could talk to it, a red beam engulfed her and she disappeared while the logs fell to the ground.

Deep in Tartarus, two of its most notorious prisoners, Cozy Glow and Lord Tirek, were still trapped. Inside the bigger cage, Tirek scratched another line into a tally chart, another of hundreds of days that he had been stuck in the accursed prison.

"Psst, Tirek!" Cozy said as Tirek then turned to the filly in the smaller cage.

"It is Lord Tirek," The centaur growled, annoyingly. "And what is it now?"

"I just wanna make sure you can see my best friends rock sculpture from over there!" Cozy Glow said as she smiled. She pointed to a spot between their cages, where a bunch of rocks were stacked together to show Tirek carrying Cozy on his shoulder.

The centaur stared at it, then at the tallies before letting out a groan of frustration since he knew that Cozy Glow was trying to manipulate him every single time over and over again. If he didn't get out of there soon, he would go even more insane.

As if he wished for a miracle, a red beam suddenly engulfed him and he disappeared. Cozy's eyes went wide, only for another red beam to shut down and take her as well, causing the statue to completely fall apart. Cerberus wouldn't notice for hours that its two most notorious prisoners were gone.

And then suddenly, the three of the villains appeared on a platform surrounded by a metallic area before Chrysalis turned to the two as she gasped in shock. “Lord Tirex?!”

“A changeling?” Tirex asked, raising a brow before turning to Cozy. “See? She gets it.” He told her. Cozy rolled her eyes, as Chrysalis marched up with the other two walking up as well.

"Chrysalis, queen of the changelings! Or at least I will be when I'm restored to my rightful place!" Chrysalis said, jumping towards them and landing on the ground they were on. She glows her horn while looking at them menacingly. "Why did you summon me? What do you want?!"

This made Cozy Glow yelp and jump behind Tirek. "Oh, golly! We didn't bring you! I thought you freed us from Tartarus!" Cozy Glow replied as she gave her the cutest look she could as Chrysalis flinched.

"Tartarus? Whoever pulled you from there must have been somepony very powerful indeed," Chrysalis said.

"Silence!" A thundering voice yelled, making the three flinch as they turned and saw the shadowy figure alien above them glaring down. “It is I who summoned you, you pathetic mortals.”

"W-What is that thing?" Cozy question fearfully as the shadowy figure alien walked up to them.

“I did some research on you and your planet, and see the goals you all made to try and rule over your world.” The alien said as he looked down at them. "If you want your freedom and your kingdom back, you will obey me and once I conquer your world, I promise you everything you desire."

“And what if we don’t want your help?” Chrysalis questioned before the alien clenched his fist and smashed a wall, which crumbled down with one punch as she and the other two villains flinched back. “That’s a solid reason.” She muttered.

"Good." The alien said before each of the monitors around them showed the ten different aliens saving the day. "Now, you all may be oblivious to this information but for the past few days, these creatures have been going around your land doing pointless heroics."

"Wait, aliens have already been on this planet before you?" Tirek questioned before Cozy noticed something about each alien.

"And what's with that hourglass symbol? Is it like a symbol for a hit squad or something?" She asked him.

“No. It is a device that causes the wearer to transform into those aliens.” The alien explained firmly as an image of the Omnitrix was shown to them. “I’ve tried to require it, but due to my absence in medical treatment, I was unsuccessful. And his comrades are more challenging. So, I require aid to help me succeed in retrieving it. If you succeed, I will help you rule your lands and beyond."

“Are you certain?” Tirek questioned.

“I am sure.” The alien said as the three villains looked at each other and nodded to him as the alien gave a sinister chuckle, seeing that he had them to his aid to retrieve the Omnitrix. A drone then carried a black cube with red circuitry over before handing it to him. "But before we do, there are certain precautions to be taken care of. The one who has my Omnitrix also has allies to aid him in his battles."

"Okay, but what does that have to do with that cube?" Cozy asked before the alien grabbed her as she yelped in fear. "Wh-What are you doing?!" The alien then pressed the cube against her that it broke before it turned into liquid and spread across her body. The alien dropped her as she was becoming some sort of dark blob with red circuitry all over her body before taking the form of a black and red Upgrade.

"I'm making sure that the odds are even when we face them." The alien said as Cozy Glow looked herself over. He then turned to Chrysalis and Tirek before walking up to them. "Now what to do for you."

Over the surface of the farmlands close to where the Chariot is passing by, the alien’s ship is above in the sky as some drones and a big wrecking ball came out from the ship below as they landed on the surface and rolled up to a town nearby.

In the Chariot, Helix and the others are relaxing before they see a town beside them with smoke bellowing. “What’s going on over there?!” Helix asked in worry.

“Looks like the city is under attack!” Manny theorizes.

“Maybe the local authorities have this covered?” Fluttershy suggested meekly.

In the city, creatures of different kinds are fleeing for their lives as the drones fire onto the city and the wrecking ball runs over some buildings, causing a massive explosion in the chaos.

Helix and the others saw the explosion as a grin appeared on his face. "Looks like it's hero time!" He declared before activating the Omnitrix.

"Wait Helix, I don't think that's such a good--" Twilight tried to tell him before he spoke again.

"Let's turn up the Heatblast on them!" He declared as he turned the hologram ring to program Heatblast. Once he pressed the two buttons and the core popped up, he slammed it down as he was engulfed in a green light and transformed into Heatblast. The Chariot stopped as he got out and used his fire ability to blast himself off to the town.

“We should go after him.” Ocellus said as she brought out her Upgrade Armor.

“Agreed.” Helen said as she grabbed Manny. “We’ll back him up.” She said as the three took off after Heatblast.

In town, creatures are still fleeing for their lives before some fireballs hit a couple of drones as Heatblast appeared and took out a few before he landed on the streets. Soon Ocellus was seen flying overhead as she blasted a few more down just when Helen and Manny arrived on the scene. “Hey, why don’t you pick on some creatures with real powers?” Heatblast questioned before the four realized that they were surrounded by a bunch of drones.

“Yikes, there’s a lot more drones than last time.” Ocellus muttered in a bit of worry.

“Why do we get the feeling that these tin-heads were expecting us?” Manny asked while cracking his knuckles.

“I think they were, guys.” Helen said as the four then started attacking the drones as Helen used her superspeed to avoid the lasers and smashed them, Manny used his strength to smash every drone he saw while Heatblast and Ocellus fired shots at the drones as they avoided the laser shots before the drones were taken down.

“Well, even with numbers, these guys ain’t so tough.” Manny said with a smirk.

"Guys, I have a feeling this may have been a trap." Helen mentioned while she felt something was wrong.

"What makes you say that?" Ocellus asked before she was tackled by a black and red blur.

“Ocellus!” Heatblast called before an electro net caught him and he was stuck to a wall. The chains on the electro net shocked him before Manny and Helen were blasted by a few feedbacks by something or someone.

Then rolling in front of them was the wrecking ball, with three figures on its side as the ball opened up to reveal a hidden compartment, which opened up to reveal the squid alien, showing his true form as he has a mask covering his mouth, attached to the armor, and new shoulder and leg pads. He also had metallic gloves with small fingers as well as reddish brown cylinder-like objects piercing his arms, giving him much stronger and more muscular limbs. His tentacles were now much longer. He had six tentacles in front and two behind.

Both Manny and Helen got up and rubbed their heads before they saw the large alien creature standing in front of Heatblast. "Who the heck is that?" Manny questioned as Heatblast's eyes widened.

"I-It's you, the alien from vision!" He gasped.

“At last we finally meet. The being that has caused me so much trouble and has stolen my Omnitrix.” The alien said with a glare.

“Who are you?” Ocellus questioned fearfully.

“I am Vilgax, and I have come for the Omnitrix.” Vilgax answered.

"I'm guessing you ain't one of the good guys." Manny said as he cracked his knuckles before two armored figures landed in front of him and Helen. “And who are these clowns? You’re lackeys?”

"More like partners in crime." One of the figures said with a familiar voice that Ocellus recognized.

"C-Chrysalis?!" She exclaimed before a black and red Upgrade appeared in front of her.

"That was a surprise that she knows who you are.” The second armor spoke with a familiar voice that Ocellus quickly recognized.

“Wait, Cozy! Cozy Glow!?” Ocellus asked in shock.

“Ah, you remember me too.” Cozy said in a smug tone.

“Wait! Chrysalis, I heard she was lost in the Everfree Forest, and I thought Cozy Glow was locked away in Tartarus with Tirek!” Heatblast exclaimed in shock. “And how did you two score those armors?!”

"Oh, just a little deal we made with our new friend here." The third armored figure spoke with Tirek's voice. "I wasn't too sure about this alien tech before, but now I'm starting to get used to it."

"Okay, if they're here, then squid head here is not a friend of ours!" Heatblast mentioned before he concentrated and melted the net to break himself free. He then charged at Vilgax before delivering a flurry of blows to him. However, none of his hits seem to be affecting Vilgax as he didn't even budge an inch. Vilgax then grabbed hold of him before throwing him through a building.

"Heatblast!" Helen called out before she raced over to him but was blasted away by Chrysalis when she was halfway there.

“Ah-ah-ah. Let’s not interrupt their playtime.” Chrysalis said mockingly before punching Helen away and blasting her back as the speedster hit the wall. Manny came and was about to punch Chrysalis away before wrestling with Tirek as he was shocked to see him be able to hold his own against Manny.

“Now this, I’ve missed muscles.” Tirek said as he held Manny up and spun him around before tossing him away.

Cozy Glow and Ocellus are fighting in the sky as they start firing at each other. “Look who’s got the armor now, bug! Me!” Cozy yelled as she kept blasting Ocellusing.

“When are you ever gonna let this go, Cozy?! You nearly caused all of the magic in Equestria to vanish!” Ocellus called as she formed a shield and blocked the blasts.

"Oh yeah, can yours do this?!” Cozy then suddenly disappeared in a flash of red light before reappearing behind Ocellus. “Peek-a-boo.” She taunted before blasting a beam at Ocellus, which knocked her in the distance before she teleported away.

The four heroes crashed together in the streets as they got up and rubbed their heads. “Okay, they’re tougher than we thought." Helen groaned.

"It's mostly due to the armor they have!" Manny complained.

"And it's not fair that hers can teleport!" Ocellus added before Vilgax did a single leap a few feet in front of them while the rest just flew over and Cozy Glow teleported next to them.

“We gotta slow those three down!” Helen exclaimed.

“And how do we do that?!” Manny called.

"Like this!" Heatblast declared before he unleashed a big wave of flames on the ground and melted the asphalt. Vilgax and the others soon got stuck in the asphalt as they sank a little before they tripped and fell. "And that's how it's done."

Just then, the chariot drove up next to them as Vilgax nearly got free. “Not so tough when they can’t move.” Manny quipped before the chariot came up to them.

“Guys, get in!” Sandbar exclaimed.

“What are you talking about? We’re just about to kick alien butt.” Heatblast replied before the Omnitrix timed out and he transformed back into Helix. "On the other hoof." All four of them quickly jumped into the carriage before it drove off.

The three villains got free from their trap as they saw the chariot taking off. “They’re getting away!” Chrysalis exclaimed in rage.

“For you maybe, buggy.” Cozy replied before she tried teleporting but it failed. “Hey, what gives?!"

Inside the chariot, the group watched from the back window as they were getting farther away from the bad guys. "So that's Cozy Glow, Tirek, and Chrysalis helping that alien that Helix saw in a vision?!" Smolder questioned in shock.

"Yeah, and there are a lot uglier in person, especially this Cozy Glow gal." Helix joked with a smirk.

"Did you get him?!" The stallion who called last night spoke through the badge.

“Yeah, we got Helix and the others.” Flash answered firmly.

Good. Because you do not want to pick a fight with Vilgax!"

"Uh, how did you know the alien was named Vilgax?” Helix asked the stallion through the badge but got no response.

"Okay seriously, who are you and why do you want to meet at a National Monument?!" Rainbow questioned the stallion through the badge firmly.

"Look, we'll answer any question you have once you get here and you're safe." A mare's voice spoke through the badge. But just then, an explosion shook the chariot as the group turned and saw some drones flying towards them.

“More robot goons closing in fast!” Silverstream exclaimed.

“Hold on everyone!” Twilight called as he steer the chariot and server around to avoid the laser shots as best he could, but they can’t lose them. “It’s no good! I can’t shake them!”

Well brace yourselves, because things are about to get a whole lot worse if you all don’t get to Mount Alicornmore!” Attea’s voice called as Twilight dodged another laser fire.

“Why?! What’s at Mount Alicormore?!” Gallus questioned.

“Fellas! This is not the time to explain, ya’ll!” Applejack yelled as Twilight dodged another laser fire.

“Looks like we’re gonna have to trust Attea and the mysterious stallion.” Twilight said as the Omnitrix beeped as it recharged.

“Well, I’m not going down without a fight.” Helix said determinedly as he switched the Omnitrix and transformed into Jetray. “Yes!” He called as he walked to the door.

“Helix, wait!” Helen called as Jetray flew out and dodged the drone’s lasers. He landed on one of them and then he shot lasers from his eyes, taking out one of the drones. It crashed from behind the chariot as it exploded and he used his tail to shoot a beam through the bottom of the second drone as he flew away before it exploded as he floated in the air.

“Fly like a pegasi wing, but sting like Jetray.” Jetray quipped before he was suddenly tackled by Vilgax as the alien villain dangled from the tail of Jetray as he flew into the air.

“Give me the Omnitrix now.” Vilgax demanded as Jetray then fire a laser blast at him, which made Vilgax fall to the ground but he recovered and jumped high as Jetray barely dodged him.

“Who is this guy?” Jetray questioned in disbelief.

Twilight was about to follow Helix, but Chrysalis then jumped in front of them as she glared at them with a smirk. “Sorry, but Vilgax doesn’t want interference.” She said as Twilight then turned the Chariot around before Cozy blocked another path.

“Can’t we play some more, like old times, ‘friends’?” Cozy asked with a sneered tone as Flash turned another direction, but then Tirek blocked their path again.

“Sorry, but I think you could help me regain some muscles to go with the suit.” Tirek snarked with a clenched of his fist.

"Heads up, Twi!" Rainbow called out before they saw some sort of drone that didn't look like any of the others play over to the Chariot at a very fast speed. Soon it attached itself to the bottom of it before tendrils shot out to the wheels and electricity flowed through it. The Chariot then started to move on its own as it just ran over Cozy and Tirek before it hit Chrysalis. "Now that's a nasty bug on the windshield."

"Twilight, darling, could you please slow it down?!” Rarity questioned as they all held on tight to something.

“I can’t! The chariot has a mind of its own! I can’t control it!” Twilight pointed out.

"Stop this crazy thing!" Chrysalis demanded before she was flown right off the Chariot when it made a turn and face-planted onto a wall. "I despise those ponies…"

"Twilight, Helix needs our help, stop!" Flash called out.

"I'm trying, but it's not responding!" Twilight replied as the chariot made its way out of the city with everyone on board.

Jetray flew to dodge each leap from Vilgax before shooting lasers at him to try and shake him off. "Dude, you don't know when to quit, do you?!" He questioned Vilgax after nearly dodging him when he tried to tackle him.

“I won’t quit until I have what rightfully belongs to me!” Vilgax yelled as he grabbed Jetray and they pummeled to the ground, which caused an explosion as he held Jetray by the waist just as Tirek, Cozy, and Chrysalis arrived. “I grow tired of this nonsense.” He said as Jetray tried to break free from Vilgax’s grip, but then Vilgax pressed the tip of his claw on the Omnitrix’s symbol, which turned Jetray back into Helix.

“What the, how’d you do that?!” Helix asked in shock.

"A youngling? The Omnitrix is in the possession of a mere equine youngling?!" Vilgax questioned with fury in his tone.

"Wow, I didn't see that coming." Chrysalis whispered to the others.

“Wait, Helix?!” Cozy asked in shock.

"Hey, how do you know me?!" Helix asked after hearing Cozy say his name.

"Who cares?!" Tirek spoke up as he walked towards him. "Let's just grab that watch and be done with all this!" The moment he tried to reach for the watch, an energy surge spiked as it looked to be building up for a powerful pulse.

"Security measures engaged!" The Omnitrix spoke before a big pulse sent them all flying back.

“What in Equestrian name was that?!” Chrysalis questioned.

“It appears the Omnitrix has already merged with his own DNA.” Vilgax theorizes as he picked up Helix by the tail when he tried to make a run for it.

“I, uh, don’t suppose that means you’re gonna let me go, does it?” Helix asked nervously.

“Hardly.” Vilgax answered before his giant pod rolled over to them. Once it opened, he tossed Helix inside before looking at the others. "Come, I have more than one way to remove the Omnitrix from him."

“After seeing that watch in action, I’m looking forward to seeing how to remove a powerful device like that.” Tirex said with a grin.

“I’m down.” Chrysalis said in agreement.

“I’m looking forward to seeing Helix hurt.” Cozy added as they entered the pod before it rolled off.

At Mount Alicornmore, which has four heads of the four Alicorn Princesses: Celestia, Luna, Twilight, and Cadance, the chariot drove fast as it went past the tour lines. “Uh, I don’t think tourists are allowed on this road.” Fluttershy said nervously.

"I know that, but I'm not steering it." Twilight pointed out before it suddenly came to a stop.

"Why chariot stop?" Yona asked before they felt like they were moving again, only they felt themselves going down instead of forward. They kept going down until they stopped at a platform. They soon exited the chariot and saw they were in a very high-tech base as they looked around in awe at the place.

“Uh, was this part of the tour?” Spike asked in confusion before they heard a familiar voice called out to them.

“Good, you’re all here. Now come along. We don’t have much time.” A familiar voice said before they saw an amphibian like alien wearing purple clothes. "Are you coming or what?"

“Wait, you're Attea?” Sandbar asked in confusion. “What are you and where are we exactly?”

"Well, what I am is an incursion." Attea answered before she pressed a button on her glove to make the drone that attached itself to the chariot come off and fly over to her. "And sorry for dragging you here, but they got really worried that Vilgax would capture you. Never thought I would see him here, or that he's still alive too."

“Wait, you know this Vilgax character?” Rarity asked in surprise.

“We had a history with him.” Attea mentioned in a serious tone. “Well, him and my father. Now come on, we don’t have much time. Space Dust and Ranger Delta are looking for the weapon in the weapons vault."

"So they are here!" Flash exclaimed before he followed Attea.

“Wait, Flash! Wait up!” Twilight called as she and the others followed after the two.

"Are we seriously following an alien frog girl to a weapons vault?” Manny questioned the others.

"Says the Tetramand who's been on this planet longer than me!" Attea called out. They soon entered a vault full of weapons as they saw two ponies gearing up and searching for the right weapons.

"Where is it?" The stallion questioned as he opened another drawer to look for something.

"I keep telling them that we need to label these things." The mare mentioned after opening another drawer and pulling out some sort of high-tech blaster. “Now this should do for them.” She said as she put on the goggles. "I think it may be over there."

“Space Dust, Ranger Delta, is it really you two?" Flash asked to get their attention.

"Hey Flash, no time for explanations.” Delta told him as he opened a drawer and smirked what's inside. "Found it!"

"You know them, Flash?" Helen asked in surprise.

“I do.” Flash said with wide eyes. “They’re… They’re my aunt and uncle, and Helix’s parents.” He said, which shocked the others.

"They…with the…and they're…" Rainbow stuttered as the couple was digging something out of the drawer.

"Now I have so many questions!!" Twilight shouted. "Like, what is this place?! What is all this?! And how do you know that alien who's after your son?!"

“Yeah, I thought you both were just plumbers." Flash mentioned.

"Well, it's a long story.” Dust said as she put something on her chest.

"So let's just say…" Delta spoke next as the two of them had high tech goggles that were connected to a large blaster which lit up. "We're not exactly your average plumbers." He said as the others looked at them with wide eyes.

“Helix has awesome parents.” Helen said in amazement.

“You said it.” Gallus muttered.

"Now, let's take our ride to Vilgax." Attea spoke up with a smirk.

On Vilgax’s ship, Vilgax is looking at the holographic monitor of Helix’s vitals with Helix tangled up in a circle cage with his hooves stuck in energy chains while the one hoof with the Omnitrix is covered up. “A youngling. I should have suspected as much.” Vilgax muttered before glaringly at Helix. “The Omnitrix being used as a play toy.”

"Hey, I'll have you know I saved a lot of creatures by going hero." Helix told him before looking at Cozy. "And seriously, how do you know me and who are you?"

“You seriously don’t remember, do you?” Cozy asked as her armor helmet retracted to reveal her true face. “Now do you remember me?”

“Wait, Cozy?!” Helix shouted before he gave a dull look. "No, still not ringing a bell. I only heard about you on the news and this is the first time we're meeting."

"Of course it is. Like you wouldn't know it?" Cozy said with an eye roll.

Vilgax then came up to them. “What you hold is a key to a power struggle so ancient, so vast, it is beyond your feeble comprehension." He told Helix before a holographic image of drones appeared in front of them. "These drones are byezoids with blank DNA, but once I link them to the Omnitrix they'll be more than enough for what I have planned. Picture an entire army each in command of an Omnitrix and all at my command. I will be invincible! I will rule the universe! And the only thing standing between me and my destiny is you.” He said as sharp blades appeared below Helix.

"Oh this is going to be too gruesome." Chrysalis spoke up with a grin before she covered her eyes. "I can't watch. Oh wait, yes I can!" She cheered.

“You’ve been in exile too long, have you, Chrysalis?” Tirek asked with a brow as Chrysalis growled at him.

On the surface, a hatch opened up as a very large high-tech tank that seemed to hover off the ground was lifted up before it moved forward. Inside is the group with Helix's parents at the wheel. "So…what exactly does this thing do?" Rainbow asked them as she pointed at the weapon.

“That weapon is keyed into Vilgax’s biosignature.” Delta explained. “Hopefully, it will take him down for good this time.”

“We thought he was gone when we blew him up along with his ship back on Attea's home planet years ago, but this time, we won’t make that mistake again.” Dust said with a determined expression.

"Okay, but how are we gonna find Helix?" Helen asked before Attea took the badge she gave them and pressed it before a holographic map was projected from it. It showed a red dot on it while showing a green one moving.

"This is a tracker that is honing in on the Omnitrix's signal." She told them. "We follow the signal, we find Helix and beat the snot out of Vilgax."

“Okay, you guys are really one step ahead.” Sandbar commented.

“Prepare for take off.” Vilgax ordered his drone while Helix struggled to break free. “Once we’re in orbit, I will finally have the pleasure of destroying this miserable planet once and for all.”

"Hey wait, you promised us the land once you get the watch!" Tirek reminded him. "You didn't say you would destroy it!"

"Plan's changed." Vilgax simply replied.

“You said if we help you get the watch, you would help us rule Equestria! Not destroy it!” Chrysalis yelled. “You tricked us!”

“I do what I must to get what I want.” Vilgax sneered as he held up a remote.

"But that's not--" Cozy was about to complain before Vilgax pressed the button on the remote and the three of them cried out in pain as they felt a surge of electricity coursing through their bodies as they fell to the floor.

“I knew that you three would go against me, so I took the liberty of making a failsafe on your armors.” Vilgax explained. “Now, while you three are taken care of, let’s continue with the procedure. Shall we?” He said to Helix, who looked at him fearfully.

The high-tech tank flew towards Vilgax’s ship as it was about to take off. “There’s spaceship!” Yona called.

“We have to get aboard.” Delta said seriously, which made the others nervous.

“Get aboard?” Pinkie asked in confusion. “How are we gonna do that?”

“Like this.” Dust said as she pressed a button, which caused the tank to bring out some rocks and go up at high speed as the ram opened up with an energy forming as the group all started screaming.

Back with Helix, Vilgax raised up an energy blader as he charged it up, making Helix even more nervous as he struggled to break free. But just as Vilgax was about to cut his hoof off containing the Omnitrix, the side wall crashed into the room and rammed Vilgax to it, causing him to drop his blade and the button as the electrical surge on Tirek, Cozy, and Chrysalis now stopped as the three villains sighed in relief before Vilgax stood up.

Warning. Hull breach. Power sure.” The computer of the ship’s AI said as Dust, Attea, and Delta exited the tank with their weapons charged up and raised at Vilgax.

“Claws off our son, Vilgax!” Delta warned angrily.

“W-Wait, son?!” Helix asked in shock as Vilgax got up and looked at the three. "Mom?! Dad?!"

“Space Dust and Ranger Delta.” Vilgax said with a sneer before he was blasted by the three as he burst through the wall and dropped their weapons. They then noticed the three villains getting up before Delta tossed a cube at them which expanded until they were trapped inside it.

"H-Hey, what is this thing?!" Cozy questioned before Chrysalis zapped the cube with her magic, but it seemed to absorb it.

"You can blast that Cube all you want, it can absorb any kind of energy." Dust told them before she and Delta went over to Helix.

"Mom, dad, is it really you?" He asked them with disbelief.

"We know you have a lot of questions, and we'll answer them once you're safely out of here." Delta told him before they saw green electricity coming from the sealed Omnitrix container.

"Warning! Warning! Omnitrix overloaded, randomizer function engaged!" The Omnitrix said before Helix felt a surge of energy coursing through him as he suddenly transformed into XLR8.

"Whoa…wh--" He started to ask before he suddenly turned into Diamondhead. "What's going--" He asked before he transformed into Spidermonkey. "On with the watch?!"

“The power surge must have activated the randomizer function, you'll be turning into aliens non-stop!" Dust told him before he transformed into Fourarms. With his strength, he was able to bust out of their strings and break free.

"Incoming drones!" Attea called out as she took out a blaster and started blasting at the drones. Fourarms was about to punch a drone, but he then transformed into Goop and they flew right through him.

“Oh man!” Goop whined as the others came out of the chariot while he then transformed into Greymatter and entered a drone’s circuitry. “Just a little alien genius knows how and this fryer is fried." He then jumped off of that drone and onto another before he suddenly changed into another alien. A few drones took aim at the Young Six before one big drone that had been upgraded by Upgrade flew in front of them. "Why don't you try picking on somepony your own size?!" He called before he turned the drone into a saw as he destroyed them in one swoop as Delta stabbed a drone with his weapon before noticing Vilgax’s ship moving crazy after looking through the hole outside.

“I gotta get this ship under control!” Delta called as he rushed up to a control console.

"Wait, my dad can fly a spaceship?!" Upgrade questioned before he was tackled by a drone.

"You should've seen what we saw at the mountain, it was even more surprising!" Helen called out as Dust and Attea blasted a few drones.

As Delta started using the console, Vilgax appeared beside him, tossing him near the hole, and stepped on him with his foot as Delta tried to push him back. But he was pinned down as the rest of them saw he was in trouble. "Delta!" Dust called out as she tried to help him but was grabbed by the throat by Vilgax.

"Mom! Dad!" Upgrade called out as he struggled with the Drone.

"How are you still alive?!" Delta questioned Vilgax. "The weapon was keyed to your biosignature!"

“That weapon would’ve worked, but I’m much stronger than in our last encounter. And made some adjustments to my biosignature, as you can see.” Vilgax said while gesturing to his muscles.

“NO!” Upgrade yelled as he tossed away the drone and charged at Vilgax. "Leave my parents alone!" He yelled as tackled him and the two were thrown out of the ship.

“HELIX!” The others all yelled as Vilgax and Helix fought in the air before Upgrade let him go as Vilgax fell in the woods near Mount Alicornmore. Upgrade gilded towards Luna’s head, but then he transformed into Overflow, falling as he managed to grab onto Luna’s muzzle.

“Oh come on, sometimes I hate this watch!” Overflow muttered as he struggled to hang on.

Back in the ship, it started to fall from the sky as Delta tried to control it, but couldn’t. “I can’t control the ship! The consol isn’t responding!" He exclaimed.

"We have to get out of here!" Twilight called out before they all looked back at the tank. "I guess we have no choice but to take the rough ride out."

"Wait, you can't just leave us here!" Cozy called out from the cube.

"Are we really going to bring them with us?" Attea asked the others with a brow.

“They may be bad guys, but even they don’t deserve this.” Applejack said as Smolder groaned.

“Why can’t anything ever be easy?” Smolder complained.

Back at Mount Alicornmore, Overflow continued to climb Luna’s head before he made it to the top. “I think I lost Vilgax.” He said while taking a breath, but then a blur flew up high as Overflow turned and saw Vilgax as he landed in front of him. “I spoke too soon. Don't you ever take a break?”

"You are a slippery one, I'll give you that for a child." Vilgax growled as he was about to grab Overflow before he suddenly transformed into XLR8 and zipped past him.

"You're gonna have to be faster than that if you want to catch me!" He told him before he ran off.

“You can’t hide from me forever, child!” Vilgax called as he didn’t see XLR8 coming up from behind him at high speed.

“Who said I was planning that?!” XLR8 yelled as he smashed into Vilgax, which created a dust cloud. But once it cleared, Vilgax was still standing while XLR8 felt dizzy. “Okay, that's going to leave a big mark...” He moaned as he fell to his knees.

“And I’ll leave an even bigger one.” Vilgax said as the tubes on his arm extracted before his muscles grew before he slammed his fists down, creating a shockwave that destroyed Luna’s statue head while XLR8 dodged Vilgax’s strikes. “You can’t escape me!”

"No, but Princess Luna is going to be very furious with you!" XLR8 retorted as he zipped around Vilgax. He was about to strike him right on the head before Vilgax quickly grabbed his arm and beat him like a rag doll on the ground before tossing him right at a nearby boulder. XLR8 then transformed into Greymatter as he held his head. "This is seriously getting frustrating! This malfunction is making me unable to control my transformations! But maybe I can use this randomizer malfunction to my advantage!" He then charged at Vilgax with a determined look. "Get ready squid head because thanks to the randomizer, not even I know when my next transformation will be!" As he jumped into the air, he quickly transformed into Jetray. "Okay, I guess this'll do!" He called as he fired at Vilgax, who got zapped a couple of times as he used his arms to block it.

Jetray transformed into Fourarms and got behind Vilgax. “Fourarms! Each fist with your name on it!” He called as he used his two fists and knocked Vilgax back a distance, which he skied to a stop before Fourarms turned into Diamondhead and shot crystals, which Vilgax blocked.

“Your crystals mean nothing to me!” Vilgax called as he tried to hit Diamondhead, but he dodged his strikes and fired more crystals before transforming into Heatblast.

“It’s not about the crystals octo-face! It’s about the element of surprise!” Heatblast called as he shot a fire stream at Vilgax, which he blocked with his arms before he was sprayed by water when Overflow appeared before transforming into Goop. "You can't keep up with this!" He shouted as he sprayed Vilgax in the face with some slime before he transformed into Diamondhead again and started punching Vilgax before he realized it didn't do much damage and he only damaged his own fists. “Okay, should’ve seen that coming.” He said as he saw his hands cracked before he reformed them back together.

“It appears I’ve underestimated the power of the Omnitrix. Giving a meer child the power to challenge me, Vilgax the Concurer.” Vilgax said as he stood up and rubbed his shoulders. “I think I’ll take it.”

“Come and get it!” Diamondhead called as Vilgax quickly grabbed him and slammed him into the ground. He was about to punch him, but he quickly transformed into Goop which saved his life. "Yes! Sometimes I love those watch!” He then seeped into the cracks to get away from Vilgax and regroup. Vilgax looked around for him before he saw his ship coming down.

In Vilgax’s ship, the group entered the tank as it drove down the hallway once the ship landed on the ground. “Everyone hangs on to something. This is gonna be a little bumpy.” Attea advised as they all held onto something as the tank crashed through the ship and made it outside as they all screamed while Pinkie cheered.

On the side of the mountain, Goop came out of the cracks. “Don’t switch on me now, watch.” He said before he looked ahead and his eyes widened when he saw Vilgax’s ship on the ground. “Oh, no!” He called as he flew towards the crash-site.

Inside the tank, everyone let out a groan as they got up from the impact. "Is everyone okay?" Flash asked the others.

"Sure, as long as you define okay as in we're in excruciating pain!" Chrysalis hissed inside the cube as she was upside down. "Where'd you learn how to drive?!"

“Standard training. The fastest way to get out of danger if things get rough.” Delta said firmly before he realized something. “Son?!”

“Helix!?” The others cried out next as they looked back, not seeing Vilgax’s shadow in front of them as Spike turned around and his eyes widened.

“U-Uh… I think we have a bigger fish here.” Spike said fearfully as they turned and their eyes widened when they saw Vilgax.

With Goop, he was still searching for the others before he heard crashing sounds as he turned to a direction and saw the trashed tank in front of him as he searched the area. “Mom? Dad? Flash? Anypony?!” He called out in concern before he came up from behind the tank and his eyes widened. “No!”

He saw Vilgax and a few drones holding his parents and friends hostage as they were out cold while the three villains were out of the cube. "So nice of you to join us, your parents and I were just getting to know one another." Vilgax said as he held up both Delta and Dust in his claws.

Goop clenched his before he transformed into Spidermonkey and glared at Vilgax. "Let them go, or I'll--"

“Do nothing of the sort, unless you want to save them you will surrender.” Vilgax interrupted with a glare. Spidermonkey looked at him and knew he couldn't save all of them as he just kneeled down and let Vilgax approach him. He dropped both Dust and Delta before he tapped his claw onto the Omnitrix and forced him to time out back into Helix. "You truly are a noble hero." He said before he grabbed onto Helix by the hoof that held the Omnitrix as he walked up to his ship while the drones dropped the rest of them as they came too when the three villains followed Vilgax.

“Vilgax, no! Don’t go back in there!” Dust yelled pleading as Vilgax and the three villains entered the ship as it took off into the air.

“What does she mean by that?” Tirek asked the two armored villains nervously.

“Foolish Equine, why would I…” Vilgax started before an alarm went off and the room flashed red. “The autodestruct launch sequence has been initiated!” He yelled in shock.

“You mean this place is about to blow?!” Chrysalis exclaimed in shock as Vilgax quickly rushed to the console to try and cancel it, but the console short-circuited as he stepped back.

"Those two ponies have been a thorn in my side long enough!” He declared with anger before a blast knocked him into the wall and some Machinery fell on top of him. The other three villains saw Helix holding the blaster his parents used on Vilgax before with a smirk.

"Looks like it runs in the family!" Helix mentioned before he looked at the three villains. "Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way!"

“Or what?” Cozy questioned with a look. “Because there’s three of us and only one of you.” She pointed out.

“And I got ten of these guys.” Helix said as he raised the Omnitrix, but then he saw it was glowing yellow and the arrows on the faceplate were turning before turning green. The hologram ring then popped up on its own before showing a familiar image to him. "Make that eleven!" He pressed the two buttons to make the core pop up before slamming it down. A green light enveloped him as tentacles emerged from the watch and went up his hoof. His muscle spanded then grew as his eyes turned red and shot laser eyes before he gained armor in his suit before he stood up and a bright light flashed as he looked at himself. “Whoa! I’m a Vilgax?!” He called in shock.

“How did he get that?!” Tirek asked in shock. “Did Vilgax know about this form?!”

"Who cares?!" Chrysalis hissed. "Let's just take him down and the Omnitrix for ourselves!"

"You can try!" Helix replied as he stood ready to fight. Chrysalis was the first to charge at him as she used her magic to blast him, but he quickly ducked out of the way and his arms unraveled as they became multiple tentacles before they grabbed her. "Whoa, now this is awesome!"

“Let’s see how you like in strength!” Tirek called as he punched Helix multiple times, but after a few tries, he cringed and held his hands. “OW! I think I need more magic or you have tough muscle tone.” He said in pain before the tentacles grabbed him as well.

“Let’s see how you like this!” Cozy called as she fired a beam at Helix, but then he used his laser eyes on her as their beams interacted with each other, causing an explosion to go burst, which knocked Cozy back a bit before she hit the floor out cold while Helix just stood there unfazed.

“Okay, now I get why Vilgax was so powerful!” Helix exclaimed in excitement. “I think I'll call this guy Gax! Now this is one tough alien!”

"Commencing self-destruct launch." A robotic voice caught their attention.

"Oh yeah, we need to get out of here." Helix, now calling himself Gax, mentioned before he used his tentacles to grab all three of them. "You three are lucky I'm a nice guy." He said as he rushed out the ship as Vilgax watches.

“NOOO!!” Vilgax steamed as Gax and the three villains jumped off the ship as he fell and landed on the ground, which created a crater once landing on impact before Vilgax’s ship exploded.

The Mane and Young Six, Helix's parents, Flash, Attea, Helen, and Manny saw the ship explode and the figure crash landing before they went over and saw the smoke clear to see Helix standing on what's left of the ground when he landed. Next to him was an unconscious Tirek, Cozy Glow, and Chrysalis on the ground before he turned to look at them with a smirk. "Gotta say, he really knows how to make an exit." Attea mentioned with an impressed tone before Helen quickly raced over and gave Helix a hug.

"So glad you're okay!" She cheered before she realized what she was doing as they both turned away with a blush. “Uh… good job…” She said.

“Uh, thanks.” Helix said slowly with a light blush before Helen punched him on the shoulder. “Ow!”

“Don’t scare us like that again!” Helen scolded.

"Ah, young love." Dust said with a smile.

“Like you when you were worried for me?” Delta asked with a teasing smirk before Dust elbowed him with chuckles.

Helix then turned to his parents with a bow. “Mom, Dad, I think we're overdue for a conversation.” He told them.

"Yeah, we figured as much." Delta mentioned. “I think we should start out on how we know Vilgax in the first place."

"But first, we are going to deal with these three." Twilight spoke up as she gestured to the three villains who were regaining consciousness. “I believe it’s time to put you two back into your cells. And you'll have a new cellmate.” She told them.

"Yeah right!" Cozy shouted before they tried to make a run for it, but was caught in an energy cube when Manny quickly threw one.

"Heroes one, bad guys zero." He quipped as he crossed his upper arms.

“Rats.” Tirex muttered.

“I hate heroes.” Chrysalis muttered in annoyance as they all laughed.

"But seriously, how do you know me at all Cozy and why do you hate me?" Helix quickly asked as she crossed her legs.

“Like I’ll ever tell.” Cozy said with her hooves crossed. “But if you must know, I’ve been getting word outside of Tartarus of certain aliens, and during my time at Twilight’s school, I dug up her secret diary to know her secret, which got some details on a royal guard and--"

"Okay!" Twilight quickly spoke up with a massive blush. "Let's just get back to the chariot and we'll talk about this on the road!" She then looked at Cozy Glow with a death stare telling her to keep quiet.

"Uh yeah, about that Chariot of yours, it must be bursting into flames by now because of my drone that brought you to the base." Attea mentioned with a sheepish smile. “I guess that's what you get when you try to a high-tech alien drone on very primitive transportation."

“All of my makeup and dresses were in there!” Rarity exclaimed dramatically as she was running at high speed to the chariot.

“Maybe next time, Attea, used a teleporter, will ya?” Dust asked with a slight chuckle as the others groaned.

"Got ya." Attea responded as they followed Rarity while the villains remain in the cube before Spike turned to them.

“And just so you know, the royal guards are on their way to send you back into your cells. Later!” Spike quickly said before rushing off to catch up with the others.

"You think they put the blame on us for what happened to the big statue of Luna's head?” Cozy asked the others before a loud stomp was heard behind them. All three of them turned to see a furious Luna standing there. "Oh boy…"

"I suggest that you three never sleep." Luna growled at them. “Because your dreams will be nightmares for a long time.” She added as the three villains flinched in fear.

“Okay, who wants extra caffeine so we don’t sleep?” Tirek asked.

“I do!” Cozy and Chrysalis quickly said with their hooves raised in fear.

Once they arrived at the base, Helix was amazed at the place while Twilight had her jaw dropped to the floor as the chariot she created was nothing but a bonfire. The others managed to get what's left of their stuff from it before it could all burn down. “Well, at least we have some of our stuff that survived the fire.” Pinkie said optimistically.

“Yeah, but the chariot is torched then a campfire in july.” Applejack stated with a look.

"Now how are we going to travel?" Silverstream questioned Dust walked up to them.

"Well, since Attea's training is not yet completed, why not let us join you on your trip for the rest of the summer?” She asked before pulling out some sort of key. "And I believe this will be a good replacement." She pressed the button on the key before they heard something moving as they turned to see a large vehicle on at least ten wheels drive over to them.

“Wow!” Ocellus exclaimed in awed.

“Awesome!” Rainbow cheered in excitement. “What do you call this thing?!”

"It's a mobile base.” Delta answered as he used some sort of device to hover a few crates over with him. "It was used on very special missions back in the day. I don't see why not we can't use it to travel and camp out."

"Just wait till you guys see the inside." Attea told them, before they all did a double take as she looked more like a unicorn filly all of the sudden. ”And before you ask why I look like this now, it's an alien tech called an ID mask that can make me look like any creature from across the galaxy." She told them before she reached up and pulled the mask off her face as she returned to normal. "See?"

"Awesome!" Helix exclaimed before they all walked inside the vehicle and were amazed that it was even bigger on the inside than it was on the out. It had some sort of console with a few doors on the side and even a walk in kitchen. "Even more awesome!"

"How is this even possible?!" Twilight asked with interest and amazement. "Not even magic can do something like this!"

“Oh, it’s called evolution technology.” Dust said with a smile. “This tech is beyond even Equestria’s time. Hundreds, maybe even thousands of years. Mostly because aliens were the ones who discovered it first.”

"But won't a lot of creatures think we're aliens by looking at this thing?" Smolder questioned before Delta pressed a button on the console. They then saw the entire thing glow before he pulled up a hologram image of the outside as it now looked like their chariot before it was burned down. "Huh, that works."

“Okay, I think you three have so much explaining to do about all of this!” Flash exclaimed in awe.

“Oh, we will.” Delta said with a smile before turning to Helix. “And I believe you have questions of your own, son?" He asked.

“More than you think." Helix replied as Dust pulled him in for a hug.

"Okay, we'll tell you everything that has happened and why we had to disappear from your life." She said with a sincere tone as everyone felt like it was going to be an even more interesting summer than it was before.

Author's Note:

Did you all know that in the original Ben 10 series, Ben was going to get the Vilgax's DNA but the writers decided to go with a different approach and when the power surge happened, Ben lost that DNA.

Now, I want to replace Canonbolt with a different alien and I want to know which alien should Helix get next. Please put your answer in the comments below.

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