• Published 25th Jan 2022
  • 7,939 Views, 361 Comments

My Little Pony: No Way Home - Battwell

When Twilight Sparkle completed Star swirl’s spell, she unknowingly brought visitors to Equestria.

  • ...

Struggling To Have Everything You Want

The doors to the throne room opened up as the Mane 6, Celestia and Luna, and the Multiversal Trespassers entered the room. While a majority of the villains were pretty content with their situation, Ock on the other hand was not happy at all as his mechanical arms were wrapped around him, preventing him from escaping.

Otto takes a look around at the throne room as the other villains stare at the stain glass windows inside the room, seeming somewhat impressed. Otto, just scoffed as he turned to Twilight, "So this is your plan, Twilight? Hmm? No lab, no facilities, just performing miracles in a cliché throne room? Hmm? What, are you going to cook us some cures and some burritos with your "magic little horn"?"

"I could go for a burrito." Norman added much to Otto's annoyance.

Otto turned his head and glared at Osborn, "She's gonna kill us all."

Twilight rolled her eyes as she walked right past him, "Well, let’s hope not. You're up first, Doctor Octavius."

Otto's eyes widened as he gawked at the Alicorn, "What? Hey, I told you, I don't need fixing. Especially by a nervous freak using false ideals from a children's story book."

Twilight stands behind Otto as she lights up her horn. The rest of the Mane 6 walk up to her with encouraging smiles on their faces.

"Don't 'chu worry none, Otto. Twilight 'ere is smart. If anypony can fix ya! It's her." Applejack said to the scientist as the other mares nodded in agreement.

Otto gawked as realization dawns upon him, "She's gonna kill us all."

Suddenly, the doors shot open as they all turned around. They were greeted by the sight of Night Light, Spike, and Twilight Velvet. Twilight stopped the spell and rushed over to her family.

"Mom? Dad? Spike?! What are you guys doing here?"

The Sparkle family embraced one another in a bone crushing hug. The embrace ended as Velvet put a hoof on her daughter's shoulder.

"We came to check on you. I knew you would do the right thing, Twilight! Helping ponies, even when the odds are stacked against you, is who you are! I'm glad to see that Norman is getting the help he needs!"

Spike then hopped on Twilight's back, "We also came to help! Whatever you need, you can count on your Number One Assistant!"

Twilight gave a faint smile, unsure if this was the best idea. But she knew that her parents were stubborn and were not gonna leave. So she went along with it.

"Alright. You guys can help!"

As they all cheered, a Royal Guard approached Celestia and Luna with a look of sorrow on his face. He bowed to his princess as Celestia gave a smile, "Rise, my little pony."

He did as he was told and stood upright, only then did the sisters notice the look on his face.

"What is the matter?" Celestia asked.

"Princess, it is with great sadness that I inform you that Ponyville has been attacked with an estimated count of 25 fatalities," the princesses looked shocked as the guard continued, "the report states that a red creature came to Ponyville and started killing innocent ponies in the most brutal of ways. The carnage wasn't stopped until a black creature came to aid in stopping it. The last spotting of these creatures were near the Everfree Forest."

Venom was thrown through multiple trees until he came to a stop by skidding on the ground, creating a trench where he landed. He groaned as he got back up to his feet, turning his head as Carnage loomed over him, snarling as more tendrils protruded from his back.

"Eddie. I think we're screwed." Venom said to his host.

"Well.....better to go out fighting than to go out like a coward." Eddie replied.

Carnage licked his teeth as he loomed over his adversary.

"Finally. I've been waiting to drink your blood and spread your entrails throughout this entire forest! Venom kills the prey at a quick pace. While carnage, goes for as long as the predator wants it to!"

As Carnage bent down, ready to grab Venom by the throat and put an end to this. Carnage showed off his razor teeth as his maw widened. But suddenly, he was blasted into a tree, releasing Venom. As Carnage tried to get back up, a yellow aura surrounded him, causing him to roar out in pain.

Suddenly, the Symbiote retracted back into Cletus, unable to handle the sun yellow aura. As Cletus fell to one knee, the two sisters landed before him with looks of anger on their features. Luna then quickly casted a containment spell, locking Cassidy's hands in midnight blue shackles as well as his feet, the yellow aura not disappearing.

Cletus smirked and opened his mouth to speak, only to be silenced by Luna, "BE SILENT, CREATURE!!! THOU SHALL PAY FOR THE TRAVISTIES CAUSED THIS DAY!!!"

Cletus didn't seem threatened or scared. He just kept on smiling, irritating Luna. It was then that Celestia turned to Venom, who had just gotten off of the ground. The solar monarch approached the Symbiote with a kind smile.

"I know that you must be confused as to what is happening. But let me assure you that you will not be harmed. You courage has not gone unnoticed and you shall be rewarded for defending my little ponies. Come with us....and we shall get you home. Tell me. What is your name?"

Venom looked defensive but looked calm as he stood upright and smiled to Celestia. It was then that half of Venom's face lifted up, revealing Eddie Brock. Celestia looked shocked as Venom spoke.

"We. Are. Venom."

Back at the castle, Twilight and Rainbow Dash were looking over a projection spell that Twilight casted. The spell showing the results of Twilight's scanning of Otto's chip earlier.

Twilight turned to RD, "So the chip in the back of Doctor Octavius' neck was designed to protect his brain from the A.I., Artificial Intelligence," she said to the confused Rainbow Dash, who looked even more confused, " that's the system that’s controlling these tentacles. But if you look here..."

She pointed a hoof at the projection, showing an anomaly in the chip.

"The chip has been damaged see? It looks burnt. So rather than him being in control of the tentacles, the tentacles are now in control of him."

Rainbow folded her forelegs over her chest, "Which I guess explains why he is so miserable all the time."

Twilight nodded as she continued to observe the projection. Electro was staring at the stain glass windows in the room, looking on in fascination.

He smiled as Sandman walked over, "Look at this place. And all the possibilities..."

Sandman looked confused and looked at Max, "What? This castle?"

Electro turned to him with a sarcastic smile on his face, "Yeah, yeah, the castle. I love the whole stain glass thing going on. No. Nah, man. I’m talking about the world," he then stroked his beard and smiled, "I kind of like who I am here. And all that power in that storm back at that crystal place. Is only a small fraction of the power here. With power like that. I could be so much more." Electro then gave Marko a curious look, "So why’d you come along?" He asked Marko, who folded his arms.

"I have a daughter, and I want to see her. But she’s not gonna send anyone home until she’s finished her little science project over there." He said as he tilted his head in Twilight's direction.

Electro looked curious, "You trust her?"

"I don't trust anyone." He sighed as he unfolded his arms, "How'd you end up like that anyway?"

Electro sighed, "Oh, the place where I worked at, they were experimenting with electricity created by living organisms and then, uh... I fell into a vat of electric eels."

Marko's eyes widened, "You’re kidding. I fell into a super collider."

"Damn. Gotta be careful where you fall."

It was then that Fluttershy approached Marko, who looked down at her.

"Um....Mr. Marko? Um....about earlier....."

Marko gave Fluttershy a kind smile, "Don't worry about it. I know that you had nothing to do with that. Your friend rushed in and attacked me, not you."

Fluttershy then smiled in return.

Suddenly, the doors opened up as the royal sisters, a restrained Cletus Cassidy, and Eddie Brock entered the room. Much to the confusion of everyone present.

"So....your ultimate line of defense.....the very thing you guys rely on to defend you.....are called the "Elements of Harmony"?" Eddie asked the solar monarch.

Celestia nodded, "That's right. The Elements are our greatest defense against the forces of darkness that wish to rip harmony away from Equestria." She then pointed her hoof at the Mane 6, "The six Elements that make up the Elements of Harmony are Honesty," Applejack lifted her head up in recognition, "Kindness," Fluttershy gave a meek wave, "Generosity," Rarity smiled as she flicked her mane, "Laughter," Pinkie bounced up and down, "Loyalty," Rainbow flew up into the air and gave a cocky smirk, "and Magic." Twilight smiled as she flared her wings, "These six mares make up our greatest defense. The Elements of Harmony."

Celestia looked back down at Eddie, who looked completely baffled.

Venom then interrupted his thoughts, "Yeah, and you thought "Lethal Protector" was a shit name."

Eddie sighed, "That's because it is."

Twilight then stepped forward towards Celestia, "Princess? What's going on? Who are these people?"

Celestia gave a look of sorrow, "My faithful student. It is with a heavy heart that I must inform you that Ponyville was attacked." The Mane 6 gasped, shocked at this information. Celestia continued, "If it hadn't been for Mr. Brock here, a lot more ponies would have died."

Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash galloped forward towards the princess.

"Is mah' family alright?" Applejack asked.

"Sweetie Belle?" Rarity added.

"Scoots?" Rainbow also added.

Celestia gave them a kind smile, "They are all fine. Mr. Brock here made sure that they were okay."

They all turned to Eddie, who was busy....talking to himself?

Applejack then approached Eddie, who stopped his conversation.

"Well, Ah'd like to thank ya, Mistah Brock. Thank ya fer savin' our town." Applejack thanked the man.

Eddie was silent before replying, "Uh....you're welcome."

Rainbow then stepped forward, "Okay, it was pretty cool of you to do that. But I have a question. No, scratch that! I have two questions! One, how did you defend Ponyville? I mean, no offence or anything, but you don't look that tough to me."

Eddie frowned a little at that remark.

"I don't like this one. And I'm getting hungry."

Rainbow continued, "And two! Why were you talking to yourself?"

Everypony in the room, save for the princesses face hoofed at Rainbow's remarks.

Celestia was looking forward to this and turned to Eddie, "I think it's time for them to meet your friend."

Eddie nodded as suddenly, he was engulfed by a black Symbiote. Rainbow and the others looked backed up as all of their eyes shot open as Venom emerged. Once fully emerged, Venom stepped forward and leaned down towards Rainbow's face.

"What was that about not looking tough?" Venom asked as he licked his teeth.

Rainbow shook in fear before zooming away. Everypony was silent, except for Celestia and Luna, who were giggling in amusement. Twilight then gulped and stepped forward.

"Uh....who are you?"

Venom folded his arms, "We. Are. Venom."

Twilight then asked, "And...what exactly did you save our town from?"

Venom didn't say anything as he just pointed his thumb as Cletus, who gave Twilight a sinister smirk.

"I was in that little town when that piece of shit," the ponies cringed at the vulgar language but let Venom continue, "started slaughtering innocent ponies. 25 ponies were killed. And he laughed about it. We couldn't let him get away with that. We couldn't let those ponies be unavenged."

Twilight frowned as she approached Cletus, who just smiled at the Alicorn mare.

Cletus then broke the silence, "You're scared." That statement threw Twilight for a loop. It was unexpected, yet, not untrue. Cletus continued, "You put on a brave face. Act like your in control. Yet I see you for what you truly are. A scared little girl trying to play hero. Your fear....is delicious. And when I get outta here, I'm going to decorate these walls with your insides. But not until you I kill all your friends. Carnage and I are going to have a hell of a time."

Twilight frowned. She assumed that he was like Eddie Brock. He has a Symbiote of his own, apparently named Carnage. She was secretly terrified, but she wasn't going to give him the satisfaction. She remained composed.

"I can cure you. I can give you another chance! All you have to do is accept friendship into your heart!" Twilight said.

Cletus simply smiled, "You think I wanna be fixed? You think I regret what I did? Sweetheart. I'd do it again. But I'd make their deaths nice and slow. Their screams filling the air."

Twilight sighed as her ears drooped. Maybe the princesses were right. Maybe, not everypony was redeemable.

She then glared at Cletus, "I'm going to cure you. Not that you deserve it. Then, when I send you back, you won't hurt anypony ever again."

Cletus chuckled in her face, "With or without the monster. I'm still a killer. You'd do well to remember that."

Twilight then walked away as Venom retracted back into Eddie's skin. As things returned to the way they were before, Velvet walked to Norman and gave him a sympathetic smile.

"How are you holding up?" She asked.

Norman gave her a kind smile, "As well as I can be. The fact that you all manage to live day to day lives without technology is astounding to me." he then gazed at Twilight, who was back at working on Otto's chip, before looking to Velvet, "She's lucky to have you. To have you guide her on the right path. She got her morality from you."

Velvet smiled in response as turned to walk away, but not before saying, "Don't worry, Norman. We'll get you the help you need. Then we'll get you home."

She then walked away, not noticing Norman's posture change slightly as he gave a small but noticeably evil smile.

Everyone's attention was caught as Twilight cheered in victory.

"Yesyesyesyesyesyesyes!!!" She said as she galloped around in a circle.

Rarity walked over to her, "You seem happy, darling."

Twilight nodded enthusiastically, "I finished analyzing Dr. Octavius' chip! And I know the perfect spell to help him!"

She galloped over to Otto, who tried to get out of his restraints but sighed in defeat, "Oh, will these humiliations never cease?!"

When Twilight flapped her wings, she took to the air and hovered behind him, igniting her horn.

Otto did not seem happy at all as he struggled to get out of his own tentacles grip, "Keep your disgusting horn away from me!"

Norman stepped forward, "Hey, it’ll work. Have faith."

Otto scoffed, "Says the reckless fool who turned himself into a monster."

Twilight's horn lit up even more, "Please stop moving your head. Hold still."

"Don't you dare!"

Her horn got brighter as everyone in the room looked anxiously at what was transpiring.

Otto gritted his teeth, "I swear, when I get out of this, we’re gonna rip you a new--"

Twilight then shot a small beam from her horn into Otto's neck chip. Once it impacted, Otto slumped over. Everyone's eyes widened as they waited anxiously.

Twilight's eyes widened in fear, "Dr. Octavius?"

No response.

"Sir? Are you--"

Otto then shot up as he gasped, startling Twilight. He took a few deep breaths as realization hit him like an armored truck.

"It's so quiet. Those voices... inside my head... I'd almost forgotten."

Norman took a cautious step forward, "Otto?"

Otto, for the first time, actually smiled. A genuine smile, "Yes, Norman..."

His tentacles unwrap him as he takes in a deep breath.

"It's me."

Sandman looked on in amazement, "Would you look at that."

Electro however, looked somewhat disappointed. This means that this was really going to happen. He was going to lose his powers. Twilight flies around Otto and lands in front of him, giving him a kind and warm smile.

Otto gave a smile back to the Alicorn, "I'm grateful, my dear. Truly."

Twilight smiled, "You're welcome." She then turned to Osborn and smiled, "You're up next, Mr. Osborn!"

Otto looked determined, "How can I help?"

Not that Twilight, or anyone else for that matter, noticed the glare in Norman's eyes.

Something wasn't right.

It's been 20 minutes since Otto Octavius was cured. Eddie Brock was just keeping to himself, standing in the corner, thinking.

That is until a certain Symbiote broke that train of thought, "Eddie. Something feels off."

Eddie didn't respond, but he felt it too. Something wasn't right. He just couldn't figure out what.

As Twilight worked on her spell to cure Osborn, Otto approached him with a smile on his face.

"How does it feel, Norman? You’re about to become whole again. No more darker half. Just you."

Norman then responds in a somewhat deep voice, "Just me."

He turns around and smiles at Otto, who grins back. As he walks away, no one noticed the Lizard, who was sitting in a shadowed corner, grin evilly.

"And so it begins."

It was at that moment, that Applejack got a feeling. A strange feeling in her gut. Something wasn't right. Someone in this room was lying. She turned to Twilight, who looked concerned, "Applejack?"

"Twi, something ain't right. Somepony isn't tellin' tha truth."

As Applejack looked around at each of the villains, the feeling in her stomach got worse. She turned, assuming it was Cletus, but the feeling wasn't as severe. It was then that Norman turned and walked towards Velvet. Applejack turned to the man, feeling physically ill when looking at him.

She glared as she gave Twilight a look. Twilight looked at Norman. She pondered what was going on. There had to be a logical explanation. She sighed as she lit up her horn and encased Norman Osborn in her magical aura, holding him in place.

She turned him around, now noticing the look on his face.

Whoever it was, wasn't Norman Osborn.

"That’s some neat trick. That ability of yours." He said as he looked at Applejack.

Otto stepped forward in concern, "Norman?"

He smiled sinisterly, "Norman’s on sabbatical, honey."

Electro looked confused, "The hell?"

Realization dawned on Twilight as her eyes widened, "The Goblin." She muttered.

Everyone looked either confused or concerned as Goblin began to speak, "“No more darker half?” Did you really think that I’d let that happen? That I’d let you take away my power just because you’re blind to what true power can bring you."

Twilight shook her head, "You don't know me."

Goblin raised an eyebrow, "Don't I?" He then turned to Velvet and Night Light. Specifically focusing on Night Light, "I saw how she trapped you. Fighting her holy moral mission." He then turned his head, staring at each of the villains, "We don’t need you to save us... We don’t need to be “fixed!”"

Sandman looked like he was taking this in, but he also looked conflicted. He just wanted to go home. Electro on the other hand, looked like he was agreeing with Goblin.

"These are not curses."

Electro's hands started to slightly crackle.

He turned to Twilight, "They're gifts."

Otto shook his head, "Norman, no."

Goblin snapped his head towards Octavius, "Quiet, lapdog."

Twilight tried to regain control of the situation, "Mr. Osborn. This isn't you. You don't know what you're saying."

Goblin smirked, "I’ve watched you from deep behind Norman’s cowardly eyes. Struggling to have everything you want. While the world tries to make you choose. Gods don’t have to choose."

Electro's eyes began to light up as he was really buying what Goblin was saying.

Goblin smiled a sinister smile, "We take."

It was then that Twilight's eyes widened in absolute terror as she turned to her family.

"Spike, Mom, Dad...."

Electricity began surrounding Electro now as Goblin continued to smile at Twilight.
