• Published 25th Jan 2022
  • 7,810 Views, 361 Comments

My Little Pony: No Way Home - Battwell

When Twilight Sparkle completed Star swirl’s spell, she unknowingly brought visitors to Equestria.

  • ...

With Great Power....

Twilight sat alone in her old tower in Canterlot, crying her heart out. How could this have happened? How could things have gone so wrong in a matter of moments? How could the Goblin do the things he did? How could he kill her mother.....and laugh about it.

Twilight then thought about him. The Green Goblin. The man who killed her mother. The man who laughed in her face as he killed her. Twilight then screamed in absolute rage as tears streamed down both of her cheeks. Her horn lit up as she grabbed hold of her massive book shelf with her magic and slammed it down on the ground, breaking it as the multiple books spread out from the crash.

Twilight then started firing magic blasts from her horn, destroying everything the blasts hit. Curtain drapes were ripped. Books were burnt. Scorch marks could be seen everywhere. As she cried, she stomped the ground with her hooves, she didn't stop until there was noticeable bruising on them.

She then collapsed to the floor in a sobbing mess, laying on her belly as her horn ceased glowing. She just couldn't understand it. How could there be beings out there who could do the things the Goblin did? How could they take an innocent life? How could they do it with a smile on their face?

It was then that she finally realized that the princesses were right. Not everypony could be redeemed. Sometimes, people don't change. Perhaps friendship isn't as magic as she once thought. She used to believe that everyone deserved a second chance. But not anymore. She now knows that some people don't deserve it. She now knows what true evil is.

She used to think that the likes of Discord, Chrysalis, and Sombra were evil. But Discord just wanted to mess around, he wanted to mess with ponies. He wasn't evil. Chrysalis wanted to feed her hive, she attacked because her subjects were dying. Although she did enjoy hurting innocent ponies. She was evil, but not pure evil. Sombra would be the closest to pure evil as he made the Crystal Ponies his slaves and smiled about it.

But none of them compared to the Goblin.

While the previous villains she faced did cause destruction, no one died. Goblin however relishes in the suffering of others. He kills and laughs about it. He enjoys what he does. He doesn't deserve friendship. He doesn't deserve forgiveness. Oh Faust, was she really thinking about this?

She's never had these thoughts before. But that's because she never truly hated her previous villains. Whereas with Green Goblin. She despises him. She loathes him. The world would be better without him! Sure she would lose everything, but so would he. The pros outweigh the cons. She gritted her teeth as she thought about him. That laughter. She started to see red. She wanted this. She wanted him gone! She wanted him.....


She frowned as she put her face into her hooves and cried. She missed her mother so much. A sudden noise caught her attention. She turned to see Celestia, Luna, Cadance, Shining Armor, Eddie Brock, Spike, and her friends all standing at the doorway. She sniffled as they all gathered around her. They embraced one another in a massive group hug, Twilight crying her heart out while Eddie just stood to the side.

The hug ended as Cadance motioned to the giant window in her study. She turned as her eyes opened wide. She saw Raimi-Verse and Webb-Verse Spider-Man swing in from outside and land on the window. Twilight turned to Celestia, who used her magic to open the window and let the two heroes in.

They jumped from the window and landed in the study, removing their masks to show Twilight their faces. Twilight took a step back, but Cadance gave her a smile, but Twilight didn't return one as she turned to Raimi-Verse Spider-Man.

"Sorry... about Velvet."

She looked confused but then realized who they were when she looked at their chests. They had spiders on them. This was the Spider-Men the villains were talking about.

Her attention was caught by Webb-Verse Peter as he spoke, "Yeah, sorry. I’ve got some understanding of what it--"

Twilight shook her head, "No, no, no... please don’t tell me that you know what I’m going through."

This surprised everypony present. They had never seen Twilight act like that before. Webb-Verse Peter sighed. He knows she doesn't mean to sound ungrateful. She's hurting. He knows that better than anyone.

"Okay." He says in sorrow.

Twilight then looked defeated, and broken. Evident as she talked, "She’s gone. And it’s all my fault. She died for nothing. So I’m gonna do what I should have done in the first place." She glances at the scroll tucked under Cadance's wing.

Raimi-Verse Peter took a small step forward, "Twilight--"

Twilight then stomped her hoof on the ground and flared her wings, "Please, don’t! You don’t belong here, either of you. So I’m sending you home. Those other guys are from your worlds, right?" Webb-Verse Peter nodded, "So you deal with it. And if they die, if you kill them... that’s on you. It’s not my problem. I don’t care anymore. I’m done." She turned to her friends and family, "Please don't try and talk me out of this. This is my fault. I never should have completed that spell. There's nothing you can say to fix this. Friendship won't solve this. It isn't enough.

"I am not enough." She then turned to the web heads, her friends and family left in shock at Twilight's decision. She would usually be the one with the plan. The one to fix everything. But not this time. She had lost faith. She was broken. She sighed and gave an apologetic glance to the Spider-Men, "I’m so sorry that I dragged you into this. I'm sorry that I had caused this mess. But you have to go home now. Good luck."

She turned to Cadance and walked to her, but the Princess of Love took a step back. Twilight looked at her. Applejack then placed a hoof on her friend's shoulder.

"Hear 'em out, Sugarcube."

Rainbow then hovered towards Twilight, "Yeah. Listen to 'em, Twi."

Twilight sighed, but a voice caught her attention, "My uncle Ben was killed." Twilight's eyes widened as she turned around slowly, facing the Spider-Men as Raimi-Verse Peter continued, "It was my fault."

Webb-Verse Peter then had tears bridging his eyes, "I lost.... I lost Gwen. My, um... she was my "Special Somepony" as I believe it is said here." He turned to Rarity, who smiled and nodded. He turned back to Twilight and continued, "I couldn’t save her. I’m never gonna be able to forgive myself for that. But I carried on, tried to, um... try to keep going, try to keep being the uh... that “Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man,” ‘cause I knew that’s what she would have wanted. But at some point, I just-- I stopped pulling my punches. I got rageful. I got bitter. I just don’t want you to end up like... like me."

Twilight felt tears returning to her eyes. He really did know what it was like to lose somepony you care about. She felt regretful for how she had treated them earlier.

Raimi-Verse Spider-Man then stepped forward, "The night Ben died, I hunted down the man who I thought did it. I wanted him dead. I got what I wanted. It didn’t make it better. It took me a long time to learn to get through that darkness."

Twilight choked a sob as she said something that completely shocked the ponies. They had never thought that these words would ever be uttered by her.

"I want to kill him. I want to tear him apart."

Rarity then stepped towards her friend, "Darling...you can't possibly mean--"

"I want him to suffer. For everything that he has done." While everypony else stared in shock, Applejack could only relate to what her friend was feeling. She wanted to kill the ones responsible for her parent's deaths. She wanted them dead so badly. But she knew that it wouldn't be what they wanted for their daughter. She was going to help Twilight overcome that darkness.

Twilight then continued, "I can still hear her voice in my head. Even after she was hurt, she said to me that she was proud of me. That we did the right thing. She told me that, “With great power--”

"--”Comes great responsibility.” Raimi-Verse Peter finished.

Twilight looked at him in bewilderment, "Wait, what? How do you know that?"

Webb-Verse Peter smiled, "Uncle Ben said it."

"The day he died." Raimi-Verse Peter finished solemnly.

They all looked at each other. Twilight finally realized that these Spider-Men and her, were bound together by these words. A new friendship forged between worlds. Celestia gave an unnoticed smile. They got through to her.

Raimi-Verse Peter said, "Maybe she didn’t die for nothing, Twilight."

They smiled at her, and she smiled back. Pinkie then took a step forward, "So.... What do we do now?"

Webb-Verse Peter smirked, "Got a lab?"

They all gathered in the science lab inside Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. Twilight then approached a work bench with the two Spider-Men behind her and placed each individual scroll on the bench. She spread them out to tell the difference between the spells.

"Okay, let's get started. I can finish the spells to cure Dillion and Marko. But I can't come up with a spell to help Connors and...." She hesitates to say his name as she sighs and continues, "The spell I had prepared for...him....didn't work when..... Anyways, so there lies the problem."

Webb-Verse Peter then looks around to see some chemicals around. Maybe, just maybe...

He turned to his new friends, "Oh, I got Connors. I’ve already cured him once, so no big deal. I can use some of the chemicals in this science lab to make something up."

Twilight nods, "Okay, great." She turns to her friends, "Girls. Help out however you can, okay?"

Rainbow smirked, "You know we will, Twi."

Fluttershy smiled, "We have your back."

As Webb-Verse Peter went off to create a cure for Connors, Raimi-Verse Peter looked down in thought, "I think I can make an anti-serum for Dr. Osborn. Been thinking about it a long time."

He turns to see Twilight looking conflicted, "We gotta cure all of ‘em, right?"

Twilight sighed and nodded reluctantly, "Right."

Raimi-Verse Peter gave her a small smile and placed a hand on her shoulder, "That’s what we do." Raimi-Verse Peter then walked away to work on the cure for Norman Osborn. Twilight sighed as her friends approached her.

"Ya alright, Sugarcube?" Applejack asked in concern.

Twilight sighed, "I don't know. I'm just....trying to focus on getting this done." She looked to her friends with sadness in her eyes, "Girls. I....I just wanna say that--"

Pinkie then tackled the Alicorn in a bone crushing hug, "You don't need to say anything. We get it. And we undertand that you're going through what could be the worst thing in your life."

"Yeah, Twi. But don't worry. You can always talk to us about it. We'd never leave you hanging." Rainbow reassured her friend.

"We're with you until the end, darling." Rarity added.

Fluttershy nodded, "Always."

Applejack then placed a hoof on Twilight's shoulder, "Ah know what it's like to lose your parents. If ya ever need to talk. Ah'm here."

Twilight felt her eyes stinging with tears as she embraced her friends in a group hug. She knew they had her back. She knew that they would always be there for her. She really couldn't ask for better friends. Cadance smiled at the sight and turned to Shining, who looked down in sadness.

She sighed, "Shiny--"

"I should've been there."


"If I had been there, maybe I could have saved her. Maybe I could've done something. Maybe--"

Shining was cut off as Cadance placed a hoof over his mouth. She gave him a stern look, "Don't you dare put Velvet's death on yourself. Twilight asked us to watch the spell to send them all home. If we had been there, we might've died too. Velvet wouldn't want that. Don't put it on you. It doesn't suit you."

Shining and Cadance then embraced one another, not giving any sign of letting go anytime soon. Webb-Verse Peter watched the display as he worked on the cure for Connors, sadness evident in his eyes. Raimi-Verse saw this as he worked on Osborn's cure.

"You have someone?" He asked.

Webb-Verse Peter shook his head as he regained focus, "No. I got no time for uh, Peter Parker stuff, you know? Do you?"

Raimi-Verse Peter shrugged, "Uh, that’s a little complicated."

Webb-Verse Peter nodded in understanding, "No, I understand. I guess it’s just not in the cards for guys like us."

"Well, I wouldn’t give up. It took a while, but... we made it work."

Webb-Verse Peter looked happy for him, "Yeah?"

Raimi-Verse Peter nodded, "Yeah."

As the two Spider-Men went back to work, Celestia approached Eddie Brock, who was staring outside the window.

"You okay?" She asked.

Eddie shrugged, "I guess. Just wanna get this over with so I can go back home."

"What about Venom?"

"He just wants to kill Cletus."

Celestia's eyes widened, "Well, we're going to try and avoid that."

Eddie chuckled, "Good luck with that."

Celestia then sighed, "So, do you have a way to cure Cletus?"

"Fire and sound."


Eddie turned to Celestia, "Symbiotes are sensitive to fire and sound. Give em enough of it, and they'll separate from their host."

Celestia then smiled, "I might be able to help with that."

As Celestia and Eddie continued talking, Spike walked to Raimi-Verse Peter as he mixed some chemicals to create the anti-serum.

"So, do you have a best friend too?" Spike asked.

Raimi-Verse Peter then sighed in sadness, "I did."

Spike looked confused, "You did?"

Tears welled up in Raimi-Verse Peter's eyes, "He died in my arms, after he tried to kill me." He wiped his eyes, "He died saving me. It was heartbreaking."

Spike then had a contemplating look on his face. Would that happen between him and Twilight? He had a lot to think about. Twilight placed the final scroll on the workbench and exhaled, "Alright. The spells are ready!"

The Spider-Men and the others all approached her.

Webb-Verse Peter held up a metal canister in his hand, "Yeah. Me too. Okay, so now all we gotta do is lure these guys some place, right? Try to cure them while they try to kill us, and then send them home."

"Using a magic scroll." Raimi-Verse Peter added.

Twilight smiled and nodded, "That's the plan."

As Webb-Verse Peter loaded up his web cartridges, Raimi-Verse Peter looked confused, "What's that for?"

Webb-Verse Peter turned to his counterpart, "Hmm? Uh, it’s my web fluid, it’s for my web shooters. Why?"

Raimi-Verse Peter then shoots webbing from his wrist, hitting a nearby beaker. Everyone present looked shocked.

"Wowie!" Pinkie exclaimed.

Rainbow looked star struck, "T...That came out of you!"

"Yeah," he then turned to Webb-Verse Peter, "You can't do that, huh?"

His counterpart shook his head as he leaned in close to Raimi-Verse Peter's wrists, "How on earth does that even...?"

Twilight shook her head, "As much as I want to explore how that even works, we're getting sidetracked here. We need to lure them out into an open area."

Luna then stepped forward, "What about Manehatten?"

Celestia then nodded in agreement, "That could work. We could evacuate the area of civilians so nopony gets hurt."

Twilight nodded, "That could work. We draw them there with the scroll. It’s the one thing they all want."

"And end this once and for all." Rainbow added.

Celestia turned to Eddie, "You coming?"

Eddie smirked as he was engulfed by Venom. Once the transformation was complete, Venom licked his teeth, "Let's kick some ass."

Raimi-Verse Peter shook his head, this Venom was way bigger than the one he fought. He then corrected the Symbiote, "Cure. Cure some ass."

Venom shrugged, "Whatever."

Twilight then looked around to each of her friends, old and new. She had a determined look on her face as she spread her wings.

"Alright. Let's finish this."